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Found 26 results

  1. First-Class Coaches

    First-Class Coaches The objective of this company is to take players around the map to different cities and around each and every city. Or to take players to destinations where they can relax and hangout. This will benefit players that maybe don't have a vehicle and want to get to somewhere that is not possible to reach on foot. The busses will mainly run from city to city but they can also be hired out for different and special occasions e.e. Partying, Tours around the map, nights out and many more. Each coach will hopefully take up to 50 passengers. Why choose us? You should choose us because we are a very reliable company that can get you from A to B trouble free and in comfort and in style with a wide range variety of luxury and modern coaches. As we take you past some of the most exquisite scenery to your destination all you have to do is take in the beautiful scenery or even take a nap which you will have no trouble in doing as we try and make every journey smooth and peaceful. If you know that you will be hiring a bus in the game for your business and would like to choose this company please let me know on the post or DM me. Thank you. Our coaches: As we all know sitting at a desk can be very boring therefore when the phone is not ringing or no customers are in the reception area the receptionists are allowed to shop online if they desire or read the newspaper which I will buy a few copies for my staff to read or they can do something else that is appropriate on the computer.And the rest of the staff are allowed to read the newspaper or go on their phones during their break also a coffee machine will be placed in the staff break room. Disclaimer: This is what i would like in the game and therefore will not reflect on the finished product as it may not be included in the game. Thank you. If your company would like to be advertised on the side of one of our buses(if it is possible in game) please contact @iSpeedy10x on this forum or DM on the identity website. Thank you. Below are all the jobs within the company: CEO - @iSpeedy10x 1st Manager - @David-Brass Garage Operator/Head of Maintenance - @JamesPvP Receptionist - 0/2 Mechanic - 0/4 Drivers - 2/4 Below is the application form if you wish to work for First-Class Coaches. The positions will most likely have more available slots in the future; This is just temporary. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I will update it every couple of weeks. Disclaimer: The company may not be set up completely when the full game comes out so you may have to wait to be put to work. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  2. Redwood Holdings: Identity Business Server: Redwood Holdings Website:
  3. Supreme Identity now hiring!

    Hello. My name is Jack Clasen, and as you may know, I am the CEO of a street-wear clothing line called Supreme Identity, which was founded 2017 Website: HIRING NOW! We are now hiring qualified Marketing and Human resource specialists CORPORATE - Marketing -Human Resources Qualifications: Must be 15+ year old Must have working microphone Must attend monthly meetings Must have some understanding of job Must be active How to apply:
  4. Press release: We've had a tumultuous week here at Supreme Identity. Our old CEO known as "Supremeleader" on the forums, has stepped down from his position as CEO. This transfer of power is merely a bump in the road. We here at Supreme Identity, under new ownership, will be creating and sharing new content monthly, and giving back to the Identity community. Supreme Identity is here to stay, we are one of oldest corporations, and we plan continuing that legacy New leadership: Our new CEO is Jack Clasen (JackC on the forums). Jack has been with us for half a year, and was the COO under the previous CEO. We have been undergoing a company restructuring, which has worked flawlessly thus far. Clothing concepts: Our first monthly concept is here! This is just a sneak peak of all the crazy concepts we have cooked up here at Supreme Identity. Hello. My name is Jack Clasen, and as you may know, I am the CEO of a street-wear clothing line called Supreme™, which is a chain that originates in NYC back in April 1994. Website: HIRING NOW! We are now hiring qualified Marketing and Human resource specialists CORPORATE - Marketing -Human Resources Qualifications: Must be 15+ year old Must have working microphone Must attend monthly meetings Must have some understanding of job Must be active How to apply:
  5. *Everything is subject to change *This is new, everything is a concept Welcome to IFM ( Identity Furniture Manufacturers ), at IFM we manufacture top of the range furniture to suit your living needs. We specialize in manufacturing all types of furniture from the mat on your floor to the keyhole on your door. At IFM we do our best to ensure that our customers are fully looked after and are able to purchase the furniture they desire. We give our customers a free 12 month, money back guarantee of any puchase they make above $65. Our main goal is to offer a wide variety of furniture to attract the most amount of customers that we possibly can and give opposing corporations a difficult chance of offering you more. Our Products We will be manufacturing many types of furniture, including but not limited to, beds, carpets, desks, tables, chairs and sofas. Our furniture will have unique designs from the rest of the market and each item will be available in different colors and patterns. Corporation Structure ( And Open Positions ) ( More Positions To Be Added ) C.E.O - 6Shay | Head Of Manufacturing - OPEN Head Of Marketing - OPEN Head Of Security - OPEN | | | Manufacturer (0/3) - OPEN Marketer - OPEN Security Guard (0/2) -OPEN
  6. Hi, I have a suggestion for a potential business in Identity. Assuming that car customization would be implemented in the game, rather than allowing players to perform these actions themselves, there should be businesses that specialize in car customization. Even if customization is performed by players on their own vehicles, it would cost money to do them, so it would make sense if the money went to a business. Also, on the Identity website it already states that car building and tunning would be a feature and this could also be performed by the same business and although the players could make some changes to their own cars, the business should have access to more parts or features to change on cars. I truly believe there would be demand for this so it would make a lot of sense. This is just a simple idea and suggestion and somebody may have already made a thread about this but if any of you have any ideas just add up to this, tried to make it as simple as I can. Thanks
  7. Security Corp

    After taking a gander at the game I saw the corporations stuff. And I thought that if its modeled after real things, then perhaps a Security corporation would be interesting? After all, police cant be everywhere, and some things may need a bit of a special touch, some Private Investigators, Bodyguards and the like would be needed. Who else would be available to provide the needed safety for the other rich corporation owners, or politician. It wouldn't be able to fit entirely into the legal side, but perhaps a hybrid of legal and something else?
  8. Fashion Industry and Production

    I'm thinking of creating a street-wear brand in Identity, but am clueless on how clothing can be produced and to what extent? How can you produce custom made clothing? How does the production system work? (Do i just apply textures to models?) Will it be a similar concept to paintings except applied to shirts? I'm curious and can't seem to find any answers on the webs, so if someone could answer these, that would be terrific.
  9. Business

    Can i create a corporation of computers? Like Apple, Nokia, Samsung and many others, or in other areas like bank, tourism, Airlines?
  10. Old Glory Shoes

    Old Glory Shoes™ At Old Glory Shoes™ we make the finest and most authentic shoes in Identity Career Choices designer: 4 slots customer relations supervisor: 1 slot retail associate: 5 slots advertising department: 5 slots quality inspector: 1 slot Contact me if you are interested!
  11. Good day Sir/Madam(s), My name Is Zachery Pike, and I am currently in search for a business partner. My vision for Pike Consolidated is a Corporation that has it's finger in every pie. I want a branch in commodity trading, a branch in real estate, a branch in retail, etc. To accomplish that dream, I need the help of a skilled and resourceful Project manager. I need you to assist me in the organization and development of our own infrastructure, as well as the infrastructure of our clients. If you are interested in the position, please take a look at the following requirements. If you pass, you qualify for interview. - RP Business experience - Discord or Team-viewer/Microphone - Basic understanding of business theory and financial theory - Drive to succeed and over-succeed If you are interested in helping me realize this vision, please contact me privately via PM. I look forward to meeting you, and may our futures prosper together.
  12. Pike Consolidated™

    Pike Consolidated™ _______________________________ Who are we? Business is complicated. You start out with a vision, then acquire investors to generate Capital. With that, you then hire employees, create a social network with other professionals, and attempt to get your name out there. You're this far along, and so far you haven't been able to do anything with your business. In fact, you're struggling just to solidify your business infrastructure. "Surely There's a better way" I hear you say to yourself. And, of course, you are correct. Pike Consolidated™ is the solution. Passionate leaders, a quality network of industry professionals, and an infrastructure already in place. With Pike Consolidated, all you need to do is apply for one of the specific industry business' listed below, and the rest will be taken care of by PC™ _______________________________ Business Operation Once you sign up with PC™, we will assign you your general business model, as well as assist you in attracting employees using in-house and outsourced advertisers. You will receive business management training as needed, and will have access to the council of our professional business infrastructure architects. In return for these services, you will share your profits with us. Since we take care of all your overhead costs and initial investments, the profit you make is yours to keep, but you will be required to give 10% of your gross profit to PC™, though this rate may be negotiated based on your specialty and productivity. Remember, your success is our success, and we want you to have enough profit left over to maintain happy employees and grow your business. _______________________________ Available Industries Retail Real Estate Commodity Trading and transportation Law Food Service Automobile Service (More to come) _______________________________
  13. Pro Wrestling Promotion

    Anyone else a fan of wrestling and would hope that we could be professional wrestlers or run a pro wrestling company like wwe? I guess the closest thing to pro wrestling would be boxing or mma fighter/promoter. But if we could do professional wrestling, that would be amazing
  14. New gang: Evo Corp

    Hey I am Austin, founder of a new gang called Evo Corp. Suits, Yachts, Illegal things, and other items I am not at liberty to say is what I will be dealing with. To be part of my newly found corporation gang send me a private message. Accepting: roleplayers, non-roleplayers, ex convicts, everyone. Those with good leadership skills will be LEADERS in my organized crime section. Those who can design will be enrolled in marketing and selling for our legal and not so legal goods. Smart people will be leaders of our operations. For more details on how to join please PM me at anytime and I will try to get back with you. Not everyone can build a gang, but you can always be in a tightly knit organized group such as this one. Join me to become one of the biggest syndicates of Identity!
  15. Global Trust Inc.

    Global Trust Incorporated Global Trust is a multi-industry corporation focused on the manufacturing and finance sectors. The corporation will begin its focus on a supply and demand basis, balancing out the need for certain items and attempting to produce all merchandise from scratch. We're looking to maximize profit for our shareholders and ensure our employees have a stable career path to take off on. (More information to be included)
  16. Global Trust Incorporated Global Trust Inc. is a multi-industry corporation focused on manufacturing and finance. GT specializes in balancing the supply and demand market, and taking advantage of extremely efficient manufacturing techniques to maximize the profit margins. The goal is to begin in manufacturing as soon as possible, and then use the capital to tap into the finance sector as well. Why Global Trust? Many of you may be wondering what Global Trust has to offer, or whether or not you're capable of joining the team. Well, I assure you that we have a position for everyone. Global Trust provided its employees with an extensive list of benefits and bonuses to ensure a positive workplace. What makes Global Trust excel over the other corporations? Global Trust Inc. offers its employees the safest and most stable career path in the community, while allowing plenty of room for growth. We still believe in the concept that if you work hard, it will pay off and you will eventually make it to the top, or in Global Trust's case, the Board of Executives. Employment Application Please answer these questions honestly, thoroughly, and to the best of your ability (and in character). All applications will be considered and voted on by the Board of Executives. Please note that Global Trust Incorporated is an equal opportunity business. We are currently in demand for these positions: Lawyers, general employees (workers), transportation specialists --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Name: Last Name: Date of Birth (MM-DD-YYYY): Gender (M/F): What do you believe you are most qualified to do here at Global Trust (Position)? What do you believe you have to offer that would be beneficial to the team? Why are you interested in employment at Global Trust? Do you understand that you may be required to take part in an interview to receive a position? Do you understand that violating your contract of employment or the company's policies may result in your removal? Lastly, if you agree to pledge your loyalty to the corporation and its entities, please sign your name here: ___________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you -Jeff Skinner, residing CEO
  17. Hello, I have a very quick question: Will one be able to start a media/newspaper corporation? That is all, thank you in advance Kalate
  18. Mercury Hauling LLC.

    Mercury Hauling is a recently formed Hauling company with the sole purpose of spreading commerce and assisting in helping the community. We want to help everyone's lives get easier by moving goods from place to place whenever needed and wherever. We work for anybody who will pay, and will move anything asked of us provided the pay is sufficient, and all prices are negotiable. If the client feels better we will allow them to provide their own guards. I will also say this again, we will move anything, anywhere. The client can also request for the shipment to remain anonymous. Positions needed: Drivers with good knowledge of roads and firearm training. Guards with knowledge of firearms and protection services. Requirements: If the client asks for anonymous movement our workers will under no circumstances reveal what is contained in the trucks. Willing to protect the deliveries from unwanted attention. Honest with me at all times, and never betray the business. If you want to work message me and we can discuss what job you would like to do.
  19. Workers union empire

    First of all, love every idea this game has and can not wait! Now down to business. Too many times these economies are driven off course by the volatility of citizens turning to crime for a quick buck. Honest jobs should outweigh the pros and cons of crime and crime fighting. Sure there will always be a place to have some fun every once in a while with this free land that is promised, but the world should be driven by the free market economy, supply and demand, and there should be a substantial reward for those who are the fuel behind this engine. And these gains should be shown in our wallets and bank accounts. What I am proposing is simple: -A union where we invest for the small man, using simple math to compound interests for their return investment -A union where we take this capital and invest their money into building a large corporation for added revenue -A union that offers security from a gang banger who hijacks a shipment or a corrupt cop stealing your hard earned cash. A system that can cover losses through purchasable insurance. Maybe adjustable insurance plans depending on the size of the union. -A union that offers loans to grow the small man's business based on personal relationships, and not just some flat rate vs collateral match we see in banks And finally -A union that represents our role playing needs, and shows our political and economical leverage on this great world of identity as the working class Together, we can be more powerful than any gang or law enforcement agency in the game, legally. Then we can buy all of our favorite toys, run the government how we need to, and buy the security we need for a happy lifestyle and a fruitful independent empire. This will take many great people and many great ideas to get running, but we seem to have time to waste... So if you have any ideas please feel free to throw them out there! Peace
  20. Workers union empire

    First of all, love every idea this game has and can not wait! Now down to business. Too many times these economies are driven off course by the volatility of citizens turning to crime for a quick buck. Honest jobs should outweigh the pros and cons of crime and crime fighting. Sure there will always be a place to have some fun every once in a while with this free land that is promised, but the world should be driven by the free market economy, supply and demand, and there should be a substantial reward for those who are the fuel behind this engine. And these gains should be shown in our wallets and bank accounts. What I am proposing is simple: -A union where we invest for the small man, using simple math to compound interests for their return investment -A union where we take this capital and invest their money into building a large corporation for added revenue -A union that offers security from a gang banger who hijacks a shipment or a corrupt cop stealing your hard earned cash. A system that can cover losses through purchasable insurance. Maybe adjustable insurance plans depending on the size of the union. -A union that offers loans to grow the small man's business based on personal relationships, and not just some flat rate vs collateral match we see in banks And finally -A union that represents our role playing needs, and shows our political and economical leverage on this great world of identity as the working class Together, we can be more powerful than any gang or law enforcement agency in the game, legally. Then we can buy all of our favorite toys, run the government how we need to, and buy the security we need for a happy lifestyle and a fruitful independent empire. This will take many great people and many great ideas to get running, but we seem to have time to waste... So if you have any ideas please feel free to throw them out there! Peace
  21. ~~~~~~~~~~=Mafia Hierarchy // Ranks=~~~~~~~~~~ Associate Associates are not actual members of the Zinx Mafia but rather anyone who teams up with them on a criminal enterprise of some kind, these "Associates" can vary to cops who've gone crooked, to higher officials (mayor, etc) giving us the get out of jail free card. It can also be free access to "early shipments" to rivals or others. Soldiers Soldiers are the lowest-ranking in the Zinx Mafia hierarchy, they are the grunt of the criminal enterprise/hierarchy. Capo AKA Caporegimes The Capo or Caporegime, is the Captain or Lieutenant of the division within the Zinx Mafia. He/She/They leads a crew of soldiers and reports directly to a boss or underboss, who hands down instructions. Consigliere The Consigliere or otherwise Chief Advisor is NOT officially part of the hierarchy of the Zinx Mafia, but he plays one of the most important roles in the crime family. He is a close trusted friend and confidant of the family boss. Underboss The underboss, is second-in-command in the hierarchy of the Mafia crime family. His level of authority varies from the family to family, but he is ready to stand in for the boss at any given moment when ordered by the Boss/Don. Boss The Boss, or Don, makes all the important decisions, much like a CEO of a company would. Although each mob boss may run his outfit in a different way, every Boss or Don, have one thing in common; they are greatly respected & wildly feared by subordinates. ~~~~~~~~~~=Mafia Hierarchy // Ranks=~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~=Contact Form=~~~~~~~~~~ Template to join as a soldier Are you a pledger (Proof): What experience do you have with guns in games(E.G ARMA): What makes you a good Mafioso: Will you follow the base rules(more will be added): Why join Zinx Mafia: Are you ready to become apart of the family: ~~~~~~~~~~=END OF CONTACT FORM=~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~=Contact Form=~~~~~~~~~~ Template to register as a "Associate" What could you supply the Zinx Mafia with: Why should we have you as an "Associate": What make your crew/family/corporation different from others: What is your crew/family/corporation name & your ranking in it: Do you have what it takes to become an "Associate": ~~~~~~~~~~=END OF CONTACT FORM=~~~~~~~~~~ Contact Boss//Don with form
  22. Apply today if you want to join our ever-growing team of law professionals and bring justice to our clients! We are currently hiring for all positions, which include: Senior Partner Senior partners are battle-hardened lawyers that know all of the ins and outs of the law process. While this position has the highest pay, it also has the highest commitment and responsibility. Responsibilities include leading teams of partners, serving on the board of executives to decide the direction of the company, and in some cases working directly with our most important clients. Partner Partners are certified attorneys-at-law that have studied the law enough to pass the bar exam, an entry level exam for all law professionals. Moderate pay and commitment. Responsibilities include working alone or with teams of other partners on client cases. Associate Associates are not yet attorneys, studying under the watchful eye and helpful insight of the partners and senior partners of the law firm to pass the bar exam. Minimum pay and commitment. Responsibilities include clerical tasks and client initial interaction and interviewing. Fill out the application below and send to Mike8789! Age (InRealLife): Character Name: Character Background: Why you want to join Clout: Rank preference (Associate, Partner, Senior Partner): *Keep in mind that the character name and background sections may be changed before the release of the final game.
  23. Atlas Corporation

    Atlas Corporation Founded in 1988 by Antonio Falcone, Atlas have one, single purpose: Help others. We are here to help other businesses prosper and make money, we help people feel safe at night, and we help make the world a better place. We do NOT stand idle beside while injustice is going on, we FIGHT it. Our goal is to bring businesses together, for veterans to help newcomers, while the newcomers bring new ideas. Atlas is not only corporation, but a social hub, an idea. With all businesses gathered in one place we can change what we want. As the largest corporation in Identity we have the power to make a difference, but stand powerless without the help from the people. So my question to You is: Will you stand on the side, or will you fight? Atlas areas of expertise Members For a small fee can any business can become an Atlas member. Atlas members get the business best protection, recruitment, accounting and advertisement free of charge. We also provide You with legal help in the unwanted situation. For an extra fee we also provide insurance as well as loans from Atlas Savings Bank, controlled and operated by Duantless Holdings, a dedicated member. We have well-trained, top of the line, men and women ready to help you. Sleep at night, knowing you and your lifes work are in safe hands. Contracts While our main focus are to improve and help our members, we can also be contracted both from businesses, private persons as well as the government. What we offer: Security: We can protect you/your business, as well as work with SWAT forces to take drug safehouses. Recruitment: Our talented recruiters can help your business get employees in a no-time. Advertisment: Your business will prosper in no-time. Investiagtions: As PIs or detectives, our intelligence agency will find anything you want. Atlas Security Atlas Security, or A-sec for short, is Atlas Corporations largest branch. These brave men and women are ready to protect you and your business at all cost. Branches in Atlas Security: Security: Security guards, they are well trained, and armed with non-lethal weapons and pistols. Atlas Tactical Task Force: Wearing SWAT like gear, and armed with heavy weapons these will be used in dangerous and high-threat situations. Using their skills and gear they are one of the most dangerous armed forces in Identity, stay out of their way. (Logo not yet finished) Atlas Intelligence Agency: Headed by an experienced director, these men will know about attacks and robberys before they happen. They can also track dangerous criminals. Atlas Commercial Branch Atlas commercial branch consist of accountants, recruiters, expert in PR and advertisments and other people here to help You. While not armed and geared up in expensive military class equipment, these men and women can help you just as much, and sometimes even more. Words from the Chairman I took over this great company from my father, and nothing makes me happier then to see it help other grow. When I heard about Roseport I understood that Atlas needs to be there, to make the businesses here prosper, and grow. To help the community, and to really make a difference. We can´t do this alone, and though Atlas have many employees it´s never enough. If you want a good paying job with lots of benefits while helping others, you should consider looking at our Job Listings page (link in comments) and sign up to Atlas now. If you´re a business owner, message your closest Atlas official to learn more about being an Atlas member. Thank you for your time, looking forward to see more of You. -Vincent Falcone CEO, Atlas Corporation
  24. Aegis Security Consulting Jobs

    About Us Aegis Security Consulting, a global leader in the security industry, has provided safety and stability to an otherwise unsafe and crime-ridden world for the past 30 years. With dozens of employees globally, we possess the experience and knowledge to offer a broad range of services across various official servers in Identity. Formal Invitation Greetings citizen, I would like to invite you to Aegis Security Consulting. We here at ASC believe in a strong focus on security and safety for the citizens of Identity. Many of our members have extensive experience not only in combat situations but also via role-playing games, in which they will be applying this shared knowledge to Identity. We are actively recruiting both casual and hardcore gamers alike to enjoy the benefits of our resources, training and the camaraderie of working with people you can not only trust but also have fun with. Our current aim is the expansion of our three main regiments within the current Aegis security detail which are the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. Whether your goal is to be combat operative, guard and provide security, or transport clients and goods - we will provide you with the training and infrastructure necessary for you to reach your full potential. Upon completing basic operator training - any employee can join any squad and begin completing contracts and earning their pay. Our members always have the freedom to participate in all aspects of the Identity World and even have the ability to act in both operator and administrative positions at Aegis. When you are ready, we hope that you consider Aegis Security Consulting. Sincerely, Sebastian Valentine Chain of Command Current Job Postings Director: CLOSED Administration: OPEN Operations: OPEN Learn more by visiting our website below! [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] Apply On Our Website [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]
  25. Our Mission We strive to be the pinnacle of the security industry through elite training of disciplined forces focused on communication and teamwork. “People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” ― George Orwell About Us Aegis Security Consulting, a global leader in the security industry, has provided safety and stability to an otherwise unsafe and crime-ridden world for the past 30 years. With dozens of employees globally, we possess the experience and knowledge to offer a broad range of services across various official servers in Identity. Our integrated guarding solutions allow you to combine our service offerings to customize your security program resulting in cost efficiencies, provision of all services by one company, and increased security flexibility. We provide tailored solutions based on customer-specific needs utilizing our elite trained professionals that provide any of the following services to your utmost request. View Our Services Here Chain of Command Career Opportunities We here at ASC are always looking for skillful and ambitious citizens that enjoy helping others, and earning wealth in return. Candidates are also trained to be healthy, strong (both physically and mentally), and capable of pursuing anything they desire. When applying, please remember you are joining a company dedicated to improving your future, and others as a result. Administrative positions are open for recruitment, marketing, intelligence, public relations, human resources, accounting, and operations. It is common for applicants to apply and work for ASC in both an administrative and operative role. Operators are given [E-1] Private (PV1) classification and must complete basic training to be assigned [E-2] Private (PV2) classification. With this new training, operators are able to join squads and begin accepting contracts for payment. Based on an operator's rating, they may attend Officer Training School gaining leadership opportunities and higher pay. With exceptional operators, these individuals may be selected for the Aegis Special Operations Regiment (ASOR) a high-readiness special operations unit with undisclosed roles. Apply On Our Website Partner With Us Partnerships allow Aegis and your company to meet your business goals and grow larger than ever before. To get to know each other please visit us on Discord. You can also apply for partnership on our website. Join Us On Discord COPYRIGHT © 2015-2017 Sebastian Valentine All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by an means, mechanical, electronic, photo-copying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information, address The Aegis Corporation, 200 West Street, Roseport, ID 10017 Published by The Aegis Corporation Roseport Manufactured in Identity