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I have created a roleplaying community, The Wallace Family. It is a mafia roleplaying community with ranks and rules etc. which is completely opt in opt out. If anyone would be interested in joining let me know, the earlier you join the sooner you can be promoted. It is a Discord community.
[PL] Identity Game Polska - Polska społeczność Discord
machlak posted a topic in Private Server Discussion
Witamy Serdecznie! Jesteśmy Polską społecznością o nazwie "IDENTITY GAME POLSKA", bazującą na komunikatorze DISCORD i poświęconą grze "IDENTITY". Znajdziesz u nas wszystko co jest ci potrzebne jako nowemu czy zaawansowanemu graczowi "IDENTITY". Newsy, poradniki, pomoc czy znalezienie osób do wspólnej gry, to jest to, czego możesz oczekiwać od naszej społeczności! Jesteśmy do twojej dyspozycji! Powodzenia i do zobaczenia w grze! "OD FANÓW DLA FANÓW IDENTITY" DISCORD: https://discord.gg/5UEQqFd FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/IdentityGamePolska GRUPA STEAM: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/IdentityGamePolska -
I would appreciate if you fill the following survey! It will be about your interests and wants in a private community on Identity! If you have any further questions or concerns, or even feel I am missing something, please contact myself via private message! Note: You must have a google account to submit on this google form! https://goo.gl/forms/pQKkI4jDdy8W2tMj2
So, as I wander through the forum, I keep getting better and better vibes about this community, that's when I got curious about what you guys think. I'm not usually one to post new content on forums, but since we are all here, basically doing the same (aka. looking forward to the release)... Lets have fun! What are some of the best/worst communities out there? I'll start (for obvious reasons): Worst for me - League of Legends - From the toxic players to the not-so-helpful critics, it's just sad and I end up just muting everyone. Best for me - EVE Online - Since my first few minutes in-game, everyone was truly helpful and really polite. Thanks for listening! Bye bye
Hello best Community of the World Everytime when i hear about things working actually then i hear frustated voice that say: "they are kidding us" and "the team is not working properly" In other Forums they say "Identity is scam". Guys? really? do you follow the path of the developing to talk like that about the project? do you think you can do it better? I think you should remember that this is the first project of Asylum Entertainment! I think you should remember that this is not a 1000-Man team, that this game develops as if it would be the fifth part of the game! You should be grateful that the team is putting so much love into this project and developing it - every day and every night! So my Message to the Team: Thank you for all the strength and love you have invested in the project and will continue to invest! You are doing a good Job! The community stands behind you and supports you in every situation! Thank you! Please note: If I have made mistakes while writing I am sorry but I am from Germany and English I have learned only in school best regards John Allington
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As the title suggests. I know this is quite a huge request and it isn't necessarily realistic, but I still wanted to share my idea. Why not outsource 3D content creation to the community? Identity will most probably be a huge success, which I have no doubt about. It might redefine MMO gaming in a way I have always dreamed of. But take a look at the incredible, nearly immeasurable amounts of 3D content you as the developers will have to create. Especially things like cars and customizable parts clothing items all kinds of tools/items and even furniture will require insane amounts of work in addition to the gameworld itself. I don't want to compare GTA in any gameplay-related way, but in terms of the stuff I mentioned, especially the variety of GTA Online serves as a great example for these categories, only in Id everything will be usable and cooler, of course. My suggestion continues as follows: 1. Open content creation and -submission to the community. 2. Establish a jury among your people who will judge all submitted content by criteria like low-poly enough? still quality models? fits the general game art style? still needed? cars: enough customizable parts, enough detail, yet not too much? car licensing? (whole new topic that I don't know about yet) 3. Integrate content that matches your criteria into new game updates, somehow credit the authors. 4. If some really great 3D designers appear to get their models approved frequently by your jury and players use their stuff often in-game, maybe pay them some money or in-game currency (?) (RL-money only as soon as you're making profit with the game, of course) 5. Shorten your development times greatly by repeating 1-4. EDIT: 4.1 Open calls for bids for items you specifically need Greetings, a fan
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PT/BR Olá amigos ! o jogo identity já chamou a atenção de vários youtubers brasileiros, estamos verdadeiramente ansiosos pelo seu lançamento e por suas atualizações aqui no fórum como no discord oficial, porém ainda não temos uma comunidade brasileira especializada e dedicada para divulgar em português as novidades que este grandioso jogo mostra. estou disposto a ajudar a comunidade brasileira mais preciso do apoio da equipe. Google Translate: EN/US Hello friends ! the game identity has already caught the attention of several Brazilian youtubers, we are really looking forward to its launch and its updates here in the forum as in the official discord, but we do not yet have a Brazilian community specialized and dedicated to divulge in Portuguese the news that this great game show. I am willing to help the Brazilian community more accurately support the team.
PT/BR: Olá amigos ! meu nome é Luiz, e gostaria de dizer que a comunidade Brasileira ama o trabalho que a Asylum está fazendo com Identity, estamos esperando ansiosos o lançamento desde revolucionário jogo. Particularmente sou um aventureiro do gênero roleplay, apaixonado por jogos do gênero, pois somos livres para escolher qual sera o próximo grande passo, e eu vejo em identity esta possibilidade, meu objetivo agora é deixar a marca de nexus neste fabuloso mundo. Obrigado a todos! Google Translate: EN/US Hello friends ! my name is Luiz, and I would like to say that the Brazilian community loves the work that Asylum is doing with Identity, we are looking forward to the launch since the revolutionary game. Particularly I am an adventurer of the genre roleplay, passionate about games of the genre, because we are free to choose what will be the next big step, and I see in identity this possibility, my goal now is to leave the mark of nexus in this fabulous world. Thank you all!
Hello everyone. Yesterday I posted my first post back on the forums. Now I am going to be active on the forums but I am here today to tell you all that I am still proud of this community. Wether we are arguing or begging for answers we are banded together. That is what will hopefully make this game succeed. Now IF anyone has any questions they would like me to bring up pls DM me or just comment on this post. I hope you all have a great day and I will be checking the forums all day!
https://www.syndicategaming.org/ What is Syndicate Gaming? Syndicate Gaming is a PC gaming community. We are a community of players from all around the world and that also play a variety of video games. In the future, we plan on obtaining an IdentityRPG Private Server for those that enjoy roleplay. Introduction Hello all, I am Ricky, one of the Directors for Syndicate Gaming. I decided to start up this gaming community as a place for like-minded people, those that enjoy video games, to have a place to game together, socialize, and make friends. With a founding date of July 2018, this community has a lot of opportunities in store. Plans for Syndicate Gaming While we are in wait for the release of IdentityRPG to beta status or full game status the goal is to make Syndicate Gaming into a multi-game gaming community. Eventually, we will add in IdentityRPG to one of the main supported games once it makes the appropriate status. So while we wait for that to happen, we would like to make Syndicate Gaming into a community. Plans are for this to be a place to send out an invite to other members to join in on a gaming session. Some of the games to be played include League of Legends, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, Fortnite, and more. Pretty much whatever games people are interested in are the ones we would like to support. When not gaming, we would like to make the forums and discord a place to socialize and do community events. An example of some events I would like to see is making a monthly Karaoke Night or something. Plans for Identity RPG There are plans to add in many staff positions especially for when IdentityRPG becomes a full game. Many of these positions still need to be filled prior to Identity's full release and people will have the oppurtunity to work towards being selected for one of these posistions. The staff roles that are going to be available are as follows: Staff Roles Community Director Public Relations Sub-Director (Liason between staff and members) Support Staff Judiciary Sub-Director (Manages Department of Justice) Criminal Affairs Sub-Director (Gang System Management) Administration Director Admin Sub-Director Admins Development Director (If private server modding becomes available) Development Sub-Director (If private server modding becomes available) Developers (If private server modding becomes available) Law Enforcement Director Law Enforcement Sub-Director Fire/EMS Director Fire/EMS Sub-Director These staff roles will allow full coverage of various areas within the game of IdentityRPG. Directors will serve on a Board of Directors to vote on certain community matters, although will prefer most matters to be a community-wide vote. If it's deemed that more areas needed to be covered then additional roles will be created. Job Opportunities Various jobs will be created. Government job positions like Law Enforcement, Medic, Firefighter, Dispatch will be overseen by the Law Enforcement and Fire/EMS Directors. The directors are mainly in place to investigate corruption claims and remove a department head if their department is not meeting statewide expectations. Players that are able to reach the head position of their respective department will be in charge of creating department structures and policies. Governor position will be available for civilians to run for in-game. The Governor will have certain allowed powers and details of those powers to come as more information is released about Identity. Civilian Jobs which will mostly consist of Player-Owned Businesses that will be managed through in-game systems and the Chamber of Commerce. If you are interested in a Career as a State Judge or District Attorney then you can apply to be apart of the Department of Justice which will be run by the Judiciary Sub-Director. Players will be able to become Lawyers to represent clients and create their own law firms but must become state-certified (BAR exam) through the DOJ. Players that wish to create and manage a gang must go through an application process with the Criminal Affairs Sub-Director. This is to make sure that gang leaders adhere to the guidelines and rules that are associated with a gang in relation to server rules.
So... We're about two months behind the "definite" release date of Town Square now. I'm not one to complain at this stuff as I understand game development can take longer than expected when you really want to perfect something. However, the Town Square is essentially a beta module, so really it doesn't need to be perfect before it can be released, that said I'm really looking forward to actually getting in to see what the game looks and feels like, and how the interactions work. My biggest worry with Asylum right now, is not their failure to meet their own deadlines, but it's the complete lack of official communication. I've posted numerous times now that Asylum need to be more engaging with their community; there's nothing being released on their own official website about... well, anything. - The last announcement was April 20th. - The last dev-blog was a month ago. - The last stream was 3 days ago (quite recent, but before that, it was a month... and there's only 5 videos total on their YouTube channel). - The twitch account doesn't seem to have any real content aside from watching someone design a singular object with someone talking over it... and while it's cool to see some things being made by professionals, I really don't get why objects like this are still being made when the module is two months behind its definite release date... surely a deck-chair or lamp or whatever can wait. That's purely aesthetic extras which shouldn't be holding up development at all. - The last I heard was the TS module will be released when the new website goes live at the end of April / start of May, but still no website or any further update on that front. So what gives? Why is there an absolute void between Asylum and their own community? Either I'm missing critical information channels here that are filling these voids, or there's a massive void where there should be a huge flow of information two months past their own deadline. It really shouldn't be too difficult with a Community Manager to simply put out a quick update article every week detailing what's happening, why there are delays, what the team is working on, where the game's direction is heading etc... you know, simply engage with your community. I used to have a huge presence in Halo 3's Forge on a community site called Forge Hub, and we released several article pieces weekly... it isn't that difficult, and the staff members back then did it all for free. One article every three months is NOT keeping a community informed, and currently a lot of this community aren't just community members, they've paid in advance for this game and need to be treated like customers... and you shouldn't be misinforming and keeping your customers in the dark. EDIT: This isn't a topic to discuss the deadline, or why development is slow... it is to discuss the lack of communication, and why the communications put out there are all scattered across several different media outlets, as opposed to being uniform and on their own website.
Survey: What do you think about the development of the model in the last period?
yakir77 posted a topic in The Town Square
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WAX Our vision here at WAX is to be the number one cannabis company in our world. From product and process innovation to market execution and transportation, we are driven by a passion for leadership therefore we will assure local dispensaries and or private clients to have absolute *A* quality medicine and Exclusive access to our Prodigious cannabis innovators, a true commitment to drive the industry forward here at WAX, and above all else, providing medical and recreational cannabis consumers the best possible experience. WAX is committed to being a responsible member of our community and industry wherever we operate. We pride ourselves on investing in and being the leader in creating solutions to cannabis-related issues. Now that we’re on the verge of global legal access to regulated, recreational , medicinal cannabis, we’re stepping up to do our part to ensure education and responsible use are at the forefront of the cannabis conversation. WAX will be the first to introduce the now standard concept of Compassionate Pricing, To the world of Identity, In Order To make medical cannabis affordable for patients and recreational users... From our cutting edge research at WAX, To our major exports of dried cannabis, we are proud of our accomplishments. Here’s to Future Growth. Staff PRESIDENT Bill is the President of WAX. Bill has been a key driver of the WAX Vision, ensuring that patients and healthcare practitioners choose WAX as their trusted source of cannabis for medical purposes. This includes overseeing medical and patient outreach strategy, driving operations and advancing corporate market strategy in order to grow and progress the company and industry as a whole assuring all receive equal factoring information and service. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER CFO is responsible for the accounting operations, financial systems, and the financial planning capabilities at WAX. VICE PRESIDENT, GOVERNMENT RELATIONS The GRVP is responsible for the process of trying to influence the government to make changes to the law to suit the needs of our cannabis patients and or future recreational users assuring at all time we as a company / industry stays within IDENTITY guidelines Laws And Regulations Maintaining any necessary Licensing and or Tax PARCEL enacting the ability to Manufacture / Distribute Cannabis In Its Many Ways Shapes And Forms. WAX is hiring persons to represent the company in public policy as it continues to increase its government relations within IDENTITY VICE PRESIDENT MEDICAL MVP is our link to the senior government official designated to head of medical services, The post is held by a physician who serves to advise and lead our team of medical experts at WAX on matters of public health importance and any and all adjustments to public health regulations allowing us to manufacture and distribute our cannabis infused products. SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT AND STRATEGIC EXPANSION SVP is our executive responsible for assisting the PRESIDENT with developing, communicating, executing, and sustaining corporate strategic initiatives, continuing our growth and impact within IDENTITY. CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER CMO Is responsible for marketing activities for WAX. The CMO leads brand management, marketing communications (including advertising, promotions and public relations), market research, sales management, product development, distribution channel management, pricing, and customer service. PRODUCTS Dried Flower No matter what the brand or variety, our Company prides itself on growing only the highest quality cannabis that meets and exceeds the requirements of the most stringent regulatory environments in the world, We vigorously follow industry best practices for cultivation, harvest, cure, trim and packaging, using only the highest quality nutrients and state of the art growing techniques in our production processes. Oils + Concentrates Using high-quality inputs, we produce cannabis extracts using state-of-the art supercritical fluid CO2 extraction technology our innovators have introduced to us back in 2013. This process extracts the major cannabinoids (THC and CBD), as well as the minor cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids that contribute to the overall medicinal value of medical cannabis, resulting in a highly concentrated resin which can then be dissolved in a food oil carrier to comply with government regulations In some Areas and to make it easier to administer orally. We produce cannabis oil products with different ratios of THC and CBD in order to meet the unique medical needs of our customers residential or commercial. Edibles {Coming Soon After A Medical VP For More Details} Seeds {Coming Soon After GRVP Hired … Seeds will only be sold for licensed home growers} Investors: {Coming Soon} Transportation / Delivery System:{ComingSoon} Application For Hire: {Coming Soon Need more info If Im Allowed To Start This Business And What are My Requirements} Our WorkPlace Vision The Cooperate Office The Manufacturing Facility “This here is just the beginning layout of our company many things are subject to change in the near future as more intel gets to me about IDENTITY and what will or wont be done company logistics analytics personnel and service are subject to change more details and information will be presented here”
Why are people being so mean to supporters of this game. It is our decision on how we feel about the game. I see all of these randoms commenting on other peoples posts says they are idiots for supporting the game. We can not listen to this my friends. We must all stand together as a community. We gotta fight for this game guys we have to keep supporting it. What do y'all think?
Do you guys think people should be allowed to break into your homes and steal your stuff? Tell us why!!
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NADOJ | Identity Community | Looking For Members | Public/Whitelisted
Squishy posted a topic in Private Server Discussion
Hia Guys, I Am Squishy, The Head Administrator Over At NADOJ. We Started as A Small FiveM Community, (A GTA5 Multiplayer Mod) And Grew To Over 400 Members in 4 Months. But FiveM Has Its Problems And They Were Big Enough That We Lost The Majority Of Our Members Due To Its Constant Crashes And Glitches. We Are Now Moving To Identity In Its Release Will Be Obtaining Use Of A server And We At NADOJ Would Like TO Invite You To Join Us. We Have Friendly Staff, Great Citizens, And A Slew Of People In Between. We Hope To See You There With Us! Sincerely, Squishy H.A. Our Discord -
Herzlich Willkommen bei IdentityRPG Life IdentityRPG Life ist eine deutsche Multigaming Community, die nun das Hauptaugenmerk auf das kommende Roleplaygame "Identity" gelegt hat. Die Projektleitung von IdentityRPG Life besteht aus sehr erfahrenen Rollenspielern, die seit Arma Zeiten mehrere tausende Stunden an Roleplay sammeln konnten. Willst auch Du dazu beitragen, eine tolle Community aufzubauen, deine Erfahrungen auch in höheren Positionen einsetzen und aktiv zum Erfolg beitragen, dann wäre ein Blick in unser Forum ein erster guter Schritt. Unsere Community soll für Identity eine weitere Anlaufstelle für die deutsche Community darstellen, weshalb wir auch gerne in diesem Forum etwas Werbung machen möchten. Täglich bemühen wir uns darum, weitere Informationen in's Deutsche zu übersetzen, Anleitungen zu erstellen und diskutieren gemeinsam mit der Community über Identity und andere Spiele. Sobald es wirklich richtig losgeht, möchten wir einen der ersten deutschen Identity-Server auf einem leistungsstarken Root-Server bereitstellen. Als wir uns vor vielen, vielen Monaten (gar schon Jahre) Identity zum ersten Mal angeschaut haben, waren wir direkt begeistert. Diese Möglichkeiten, dieses Potential! Es war grossartig. Wie bereits erwähnt, haben wir Erfahrungen mit Arma, GTA MP u.ä. und freuen uns immer mehr darauf, wenn Identity endlich veröffentlicht wird. Wir als Projektleitung streben nach Qualität und möchten euch nur das Beste bieten, weshalb wir sämtliche Server selber hosten (RP-Server, TS-Server, ...). Die aktuelle Polizeileitung von IdentityRPG-Life hat diese Erfahrungen ebenfalls vorweisen können, weshalb wir uns für die beiden Herrschaften entschieden haben. Dennoch gibt es noch den ein oder anderen Posten als Ausbildungsleiter oder Ausbilder des TSPDs. Es erwarten euch also spannende Diensteinsätze als Officer in der Town Square. Wer hier also mitwirken möchte, darf sich gerne melden, es sind noch weitere Stellen offen. Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach engagierte und erfahrene Spieler. Ebenfalls suchen wir in den Bereichen Support / Guides / Wiki / etc. weitere, engagierte Leute für unsere Community. Du bist in der Roleplay-Szene noch relativ neu und hast keine Ahnung davon? Das ist überhaupt kein Problem! Durch unser gut durchdachtes Regelwerk hast Du jeder Zeit die Möglichkeit, nachzulesen, was erlaubt ist und was eben nicht. Ebenfalls kannst Du dich an einen erfahrenen Spieler aus unserer Community wenden, der dir auch sehr gerne weiterhelfen wird. Inwieweit es die Möglichkeit geben wird, dass man als TSFD (Fire Department / Mediziner) arbeiten kann, wissen wir zu diesem Zeitpunkt leider noch nicht, deshalb wird es für diese Art von Fraktionen erstmal keinen eigenen Bereich im Forum oder einen Briefkasten (Bewerbungen) geben. Wichtige Links: www.identityrpg-life.de TeamSpeak: IdentityRPGLife Twitter: https://twitter.com/Identity_RPG Über einen Besuch und eventuelle Registrierung würde wir uns sehr freuen! Die Projektleitung Cyb3r & Ilu If the usage of the picture is not allowed, please let us know. We just wanted to express that we fully support the game Identity at any time. We can't wait for the release yet.
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Hello Everyone! The Idea of Identity Unity is to make a community where people can collaborate events, ideas, and other things. A place where we can do things together and have a bustling community of players. I'm hoping that with your help we can make this community great. if you have any ideas, please feel free to post about it in the events forum on our Enjin website ( https://identityunity.enjin.com/forum ). Events can be things like a checkers tournament (Identity should have checkers), a Karaoke night, a gaming night, and other things we can come up with. This forum is mainly about identity, but you can also collaborate with other people on here to play other games. We will be doing events before and especially after Identity's Town Square Release. I hope that with your help we can grow into a good and active community! Please consider joining! I am a bit new to running a community, but i'm sure as things go on that things will go well. We do plan on going on the same server when Town Square releases, so we can plan for that. Website https://identityunity.enjin.com/forum Discord https://discord.gg/TVYD4ag
I would like to thank @Paratus for his hard work to get the game to our hands as quick as possible! I would also like to thank @LuckyDuck for all the support provided to the community and professionalism shown. Everyone else in the development and moderation team has done a great job, I felt these two should be thanked individually.
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Hello, From Forever Sky [ Temp Name ] The Gaming community is a a large one, and has many great community. But it has a a lot of bad ones that make it hard to compete for a player base. This community is looking for new people to help build and develop basically everything. The end goal is to run a Strict RP [ Possibly white listed community ] for identity that people can do just about thing they so desire. If you wish to join or see requirements to join contact Brian Lithlock though the discord. - Minimum Age Requirement : 15 Discord Info : https://discord.gg/b2AveBm
Full time Community Manager?
Bandarra posted a question in Tourism <span style='font-size:0.7em'>(Q&A)</span>
Hello Guys, I've searched around in the forum but the last info i find regarding a community manager was that they were looking to hire a full time community manager, is there any new info? I know that most of you that have been around the forum for a long time are giving advises and very useful info, however, as a person that wants to see this game raise, i think that the lack of contact with the community is making this game go down, now a days when you search for Identity RPG on google the most you find is like "Is this a scam?", "should i buy it?", "never realeased", etc.. this is causing a lot of people to re-consider and not support it at all. In my opinion, a full time community manager with direct contact with the developers/designers, etc... will be extremely useful to improve the progress of the development. I feel sad when i go to twitter and i see the last message from 2 months ago or when i go to the FAQ in the website and i see "Realease date: early 2017", hope i'm not the only one feeling like this... PS: please excuse my English, is not my main language. -
Please visit our website here for the latest updates! We have moved all of our information over to our website for a more efficient and user-friendly interface. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Party, please inform us below. Policies and Laws are subject to change at any given time.
This game looks amazing, phenomenal. The closest to a 'real life simulation' as it gets! Everything is done by the players for other players or themselves. However... I just see one problem. Servers could get abundant and thus player count on servers could fall short. If there are maybe 10 in a server can the game still survive and be 100% playable? I don't like to think of this happening, but what if servers fall as short at just a handful of players. What will happen since there would be no law, no police. Nobody to sell stuff on the market, nobody to deliver items or interact with on the web. How will this all be managed to remain playable without keeping the servers full?
Me and a few friends have created a discord a long time ago, where we used to talk and play together. Nowadays, we still do that... but we're open to the public! If u need a place to meet new people and play with them, that is the perfect place: https://discord.gg/DQk3P6h Feel free to join and invite your friends too! Everyone is welcome here!
NATIONAL IDENTITY FRONT (NIF) There is nothing more important than the political independence for a civilized group of people. As the people, we must embrace and share a communal identity with our nation to ensure that the political measures taken are for the furthering of full sovereignty, self-governance, and for the interest of the people. Through contextualizing history, we can understand that groups of people work best together when they share a common goal and idea. This is the ultimate goal of the National Identity Front. For those who are unaware, allow me to explain the meaning of Nationalism. Nationalism is the patriotic principle which sticks people together of different ethnic, tribal, linguistic, religious and cultural groupings into a single defined population, linked to a specific geographic territory. Our proposed system works through near-total democracy, with the voices of the people being heard over the non-elected bureaucrats who run our land. However, in order to reach such a democracy which is fair and equal for all, we must enforce an ethnostate to first achieve the aforementioned common goal, idea, and national identity. We are all for political discourse, and in fact, we promote it. We believe that no matter how much you may disagree with any form of speech, that if you are truly the "correct" one, then you should be able to out-argue them in an intellectual discussion. With the National Identity Front, our member base generally leans to fiscal conservatism, minimalism in government, market freedom, and, for the most part, social conservatism. However, our biggest focus is bringing the voice back to the people who built the lands in which we stand. It is the people's choice in which direction we take our land, with obviously the help of advice of council. How the Party is structured: President - Supreme Leader Vice Presidents - Djdobish, OnePumpWonder (There will be 2 of these) General Secretaries - iAreJayar (There will be 3 of these) Council Member - TBD (There will be 8 of these) NIF Members - Anyone who wants to help out and support the movement. We are looking for people who are like-minded, and want to help promote this party. If you want to join our party, PM me! Visit our website here: http://nationalidentityfront.co.nf This is a movement, and we need YOUR help to make IdentityRPG a truly great experience. UPDATE: The NIF President, Supreme Leader, is running for office. Show your support!
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