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Showing most liked content on 09/02/2018 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Nowadays, we have almost everything, at the push of a button. You want food? Click here.You wan't a car? Click here. With all this instant gratification readily available, it eliminates the need to develop patience. Of course, this is consequence for it. You have a whole lot of people who can't wait for anything because they're use to having everything now and if they don't have it now, they throw a temper tantrum. Just my take on the issue. I'll finish drinking my coffee now.
  2. 2 points
    A lot of people crabbing about "Lost hope in the games development." "is it even real?", "is it a scam?" "We've been waiting years!" Etc. I'm sure there are older folks here crabbing as well, but IMO, a lot of the crabbing comes from a youthful perspective that we demand everything now because we're entitled to everything life has to offer, as fast as possible. I've invested into many kick starters and early access projects. Very few were flops, (ahem DayZ), but the ones that take the time, tend to be the shiners at the finish line. Besides, my old a** could fall asleep for a nap and wake up next year, soooo yeah.
  3. 2 points
    It's everyone that's under 18 that are the worst. They have no patience and want everything right now. Fed up of reading it every day/week.
  4. 2 points
    A bit ago the same question was asked so, I used the search function and found Paratus gave an answer. Edit: Here's the link in case someone comes and says "source?"
  5. 2 points
    Yes it's the incessant whining that really is quite telling about the posters of these threads. Yet they continue to post over and over the same content with a slightly different variation. Calling it "valid questions" and "constructive criticism". The thing is, moderators, admins and developers are mostly smart enough to not put things out there, that result in a Gotcha moment! "but you said this" and "you promised that". None really ever stop to think that by telling too much, other competitors can sometimes gain an advantage. There are a couple key games that debuted and or expanded very recently, while they may not compete directly with the niche of identity, some do have very large player bases and if it were me, i would want to see how they play out before I launched. Sometimes timing is everything. There are a lot of things that go into this that nobody thinks about and even more that we don't know about, for good reason.
  6. 2 points
    That is exactly my point of view. I'm really pleased that the Devs don't take those whining posts seriously and rush out whatever version of the game they have in hands just to satisfy a few spoiled child. Hell, we should be all discussing some actual useful stuff here, like features you like or not, suggestions, game play style and such, to help shape the game, which is the REAL reason we should all be here by the way, but no every week is the same useless crap about the release date, tracker not updating, i'm waiting for 3 months and yadayadayada... If you guys haven't understood yet let me clarify it for you: IT WON'T SPEED UP THE RELEASE! Criticism is ALWAYS a good thing, it point out stuff to be fixed, I know that. There is A TON of stuff to be fixed. Personally, I think one of the main issues is how the information is organized and delivered to the community. Bits of info everywhere, we have discord, social media, devblogs, twitch videos, emails out of nowhere... it's a mess, it directly harms the devs credibility. Especially when you promise a monthly devbolg and skip a date or two. BUT I DON'T CRY ABOUT IT EVERY WEEK! I've said it once, I've said it twice now, and well, if they don't take me seriously, I WON'T LOSE MY SLEEP ABOUT IT! And I will never try to brake the community in two by making a big deal out of it. Fuck it, it's not my game, it's not my job, it won't be me that will go broke if the game fails. But hey, who the f am I.. trying to convince you guys to have patience, when your parents clearly failed...
  7. 2 points
    Personally I think that all must understand that Asylum team is really small and their project really ambitious, so it'll be normal if they took a long time ! It isn't the first game which took many years to be released !!! People who are not able to understand that are free to skip their way when they see the game... (Please be quite tolerant with my english, because I'm french and very bad in it...)
  8. 2 points
    I have no issue with waiting. The issue I have is the interaction with the community. Ironically, they are developing a game all about interactions, yet they can't imagine the proper way to go about it. People keep making the excuse that development is not easy even though it's not the issue. I didn't pledge for a finished game. I pledged to be part of a community of people with a front row seat to the development. The last podcast was when? I watch the stream whenever I can (the one today was actually interesting). I know this game will happen and the devs are trying, I just want them to be more consistent with posts. I also want the community to stop white knighting the devs. THE SQUEAKY WHEEL GETS THE GREASE
  9. 2 points
    Those who have spent a lot of money here, and those who have been waiting for years have a right to ask questions about updates / more information. You shouldn't expect them to shut up and wait when they have invested something (potentially substantial) into identity.
  10. 2 points
    Totally agree Town Sqaure is the foundation of the game. Dont want them releasing it with bugs in the housing system.
  11. 1 point
    I think its approaching truth time Asylum, April 20th 2018 - No release but only a 'Quite Minor' and 'short lived' delay. - Fair enough, more bugs can be found when fixing/diagnosing initial bugs etc. But with the amount of fixes that was needed before TS module was released, there is no way this could have ever been viewed as a 'short lived' process... A flipping tracker was made to keep track of the list! Not to mention breaking this to the eagerly awaiting community just 4 days shy of the release. You must have know over a month before that this was not going to make that deadline. June 6th 2018 - No release, but we are 'approaching release of the town square' - Most people have realised the initial bugs diagnosed on April 20th were bigger than the devs initially thought, but hey! It's almost here! Thats great! July 10th 2018 - No release, but gameplay is 'nearing release'! - Really? Havn't we heard that one before? August 30th 2018 - No release, but 'We're moving forward quite quickly right now'. - Of course... The main point I am coming to here is that we have been bullshitted for long enough. It's time to shit or get off the pot. Asylum, please be realistic with your community, everyone is completely fed up of hearing 'its almost here!' to the point that these words are entirely meaningless! Every time that phrase or similar is dropped, it is becoming less and less believable. If its going to take another 3 months, just tell us! Be honest! It won't be as bad as you think! If you are confident it is nearing release... think of your date, add 2 weeks to it, 3 to be safer, then announce it! If it arrives early, great!
  12. 1 point
    I'm done with this superiority complex that some of you have. Being patient is one thing, but you cannot just abuse the patience of your customers. We have been patient, but you can only be patient for so long before you are just a push over. Most people understood the first delay. A lot of people understood the second delay. Some people understood the third. Every time you fail to deliver on a promise, you lose peoples respect and you lose peoples patience. If the developers stuck to their word, we wouldn't have all these people complaining. We have waited. We have been patient, and the developers took advantage of our patience and now what we have are people who can put two and two together and see something fishy is going on. I can give you a list of dodgy things that seem to be happening here, but you will continue giving excuses on behalf of the developers and you will continue blaming my criticisms on me being a 'kid' when you have no idea how old I am. You ever hear the saying 'Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me'? People (for the most part) are not complaining about the wait, if we were waiting three years for something worthwhile then there wouldn't be an issue. We have been waiting for three years for a tiny portion of a very large game. You can pretend you know more than everyone else or you have this next level of patience, the truth is you are being a push over. You are the immature one here, not the people complaining. You can disagree with the impatience, but any person with any level of competence should at least understand why people are getting annoyed. The developers for this game have continued to give out false promises/blatant lies, they have been caught plagiarising, they banned a member of the forums who shared their concerns, they have a community manager who (with all due respect) only actually replies to the threads requesting a refund, and they heavily moderate threads which call them out on all of this shit. Have we ever even had an apology for any of it? Have they ever compensated us for any of it? Maybe a 'Sorry we have to delay again, here is a short video showcasing what we have so far so hopefully you aren't too disappointed'? Or is that too much to ask? What have we actually received for the three year wait? Two game play videos and a couple of glorified teaser trailers? I have presented you with a real case here. Do yourself a favour and get off your high horse and actually address this with a response that doesn't spurt the same phrases that all of the cultists on the forums use. Don't come off with shit excuses like 'Game development takes time', or 'You just need more patience'. Give me a real response. Address my points. I am going to do my due diligence. I am going to message plenty of professionals to provide statements which back up the fact that the work these developers are doing is sub-par at best. I know Asylum work hard. But unfortunately they aren't listening. They only actually reply to the threads which call them out, which means that people feel the need to call them out if they want a response. Admit for once that none of this is as a result of a bad community, but horrible community management.
  13. 1 point
    If so, consider buying some high priced stuff from the store to support the game!
  14. 1 point
    "The original plan was to keep the packages found on the old website as they were for exactly one week after the new shop went live. We intended to take them down after seven days, leaving only the individual items remaining. However, since PayPal is currently the only payment option we offer, we will be extending the duration for how long these packages will remain available. It would be unfair to those who are ready to make a purchase but don’t have access to a PayPal account, so you can expect to see the packages stay up for a little while longer. Once we secure more payment options, we’ll be sure to let users know how long they have to purchase one of the older packages."
  15. 1 point
    Totally agree but fuck me this is taking the piss. I will win the lotto before this comes out
  16. 1 point
    Kickstarter. I believe there were pledges as small as $1. It didn’t give you anything. But it was a pledge to the game nonetheless. And I believe citizens are just the number of accounts made. Not people with the actual citizen package and up.
  17. 1 point
    Is there an in-game stock market? I think that would be cool
  18. 1 point
    Judging from all these posts none of y'all know what patience is. Day after day of constant whinging posts, yeah we get it you all think the game is a scam because you can't play it right here and now. I swear kids and young people can't go a week without having everything when they want it and this is coming from someone in their early 20's!! I've said it before and I'll say it again, mods need to keep closing these posts because they're pointless and don't bring anything to the table other than people crying about the same things that have been answered and explained 100 times.
  19. 1 point
    Why not just make a thread that's flat out called "Reasons for the delay" and state everything in simple form, black and white, no sugar coating it. Even a jot list. It might stop some of these threads from being created, and if they are someone can link them to that thread.
  20. 1 point
    Why are these medium tasks are not shown on the tracker?If it's only a couple then altleast we can see these in progress so we can all stop wondering when they will be finished.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    It's already happened. A game called something along the line of 24/7 (can't remember the exact name) looks brilliant. Exact same concept, a bit more cartoony looking but from what I can see they are further along development than asylum and this other company has only been going for 3 months. Seems a bit too good to be true, so taken with a pinch of salt but they have picked up on asylums weakness and use it in their promo videos
  23. 1 point
    Car insurance is a thing. If you get a flat tire you can fix that with a spare. If you damage your car badly, for example, the engine becomes damaged you will need to be towed to a mechanic shop.
  24. 1 point
    So, ts will be out in 2 weeks give or take? Im guessing it takes to get it on steam aswell, or so ive heard. Good work.
  25. 1 point
    Well were you wrong, this game is currently behind all of these companions. It lacks so much content, and it currently doesn't even have Anti-cheat... What multiplayer game get released without some sort of anti cheat?
  26. 1 point
    I think the team is doing a great job. just wish people would have some patience.
  27. 1 point
    They won't stop, there will always be someone who's not satisfied and will not hesitate to show it, whether it's on the forum or on the Discord. I will not blame anyone for being upset about a single module that haven't released after over three years of development. I do encourage to ask questions, to get informed. It's okay to also give opinions, based on facts. But some people do get angry or overly dramatic, and will make pessimist remarks. I just find those useless as they bring nothing good to the development.
  28. 1 point
    I think it's warranted to an extent. It's okay to criticise, it's the way these people present their arguments that bugs me. Explain the problem, explain what's wrong and explain why you are annoyed. Maybe even include a potential resolve in there as well if you have one. There are many concerns I share with these complainers, I just don't consider myself on 'their side' because instead of discussing concern, people are venting anger. I don't actually think you need to share your concerns respectfully, you can be annoyed and make it clear, but when you are just complaining about having to wait then yes it can get annoying. My issue isn't the wait, it's the process and why it is taking so long. If I was waiting and thought I was getting something worth the wait then it's okay, its what we are getting over such a long time period that annoys me. Once again though, it's how you present your concerns. I think there have been plenty of red flags here to have genuine complaints about, but just venting anger is not okay. I do think there are two ends to this spectrum. There are people who are just diehard fanboys and absolutely refuse to allow any negative comment or implication whatsoever about the devs. You aren't helping anyone by sucking up and refusing to criticise, you are actually making matters worse by making the developers think everything is okay. Everything is not okay, and instead of one side complaining about the same thing over and over when there's no way to solve the issue, and the other side policing what people say about the developers, we should all work together to explain in a productive way why we are annoyed and what could help ease up the frustration that a lot of the fans share.
  29. 1 point
    buggs are expected just like tarkov but there is agame to debug in the first place
  30. 1 point
    Atleast theres some hope here. The past weeks here were annoying af with all these whining impatient kids and repetitive threads.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    This is John's former house, where he lived when he first registered the company, before moving to Kanata with his wife to build the company here where we are located now. This was before our Kickstarter campaign. During that period, John, and I (the only 2 on the project at the time) were both working together remotely. He from his house; me from Detroit, Michigan. This is nolonger our registered corporate address. I wouldn't have had my work permit approved if it had been, considering Canada's immigration services require that foreign workers have an office location to work from.
  33. 1 point
    Yeah... that is probably his house... a small company wouldn't always have a proper office. If i were you I would take that link down to be honest... I was expecting from your description that it was literally just uninhabited fields...
  34. 1 point
    Don't try to rob my bank, im here to protect and serve !
  35. 1 point
    Don't be mean to him he is learning i had a rough time learning english because of people like you, why not fix the mistakes instead of mocking him.
  36. 0 points
    The past months here at the studio have been hectic, but our labors are paying off. It is with regret that I must make the decision to push back the public release of the Town Square module from April 23; however, the delay will be quite minor. Because this is now the second delay to an official firm release date, and because we expect this delay to be short-lived, we are as of this announcement releasing the Asylum Task Tracker. The new task tracker, visible on the Town Square section of the official website (here's a link for you), offers the Identity community and fans absolute transparency in our development progress. You can now see the tasks we have to complete before we're ready for the module to be publicly available. It will be updated each and every day. The list is not long, and displays all tasks since the tracker was created only a day ago. When all of the tasks are completed, of which none are major, Town Square will be released on Steam and available for play. Furthermore, the new Identity website is on schedule for a release just next week! The new website will come with all sorts of cool new features and we'll be building on it constantly as we move forward, too. With the release of the new website, I'm also going to begin regular Identity Insider releases. These Insider publications will add a ton of very detailed information on key systems within Identity. Delays are unfortunately a reality of all game development, whether a game is being produced by a large studio with hundreds of developers or a small team, such as ours, with only dozens. We faced unforeseeable technical issues recently; however, all of the issues we had have been fully resolved and, as you can see with the new tracker, release is extremely close. As soon as we get some final bits of art in place, we're going to compile a Town Square trailer video and begin showing off the game and environments on our development streams. So to sum it all up, keep an eye on the new tracker (see that link above) and follow our progress. The tracker will be updated once per day as it has to be done manually. Once we get our production software updated so that it can be automated, it'll be a live display. I also want to say that you to our loyal community and fan-base. Delays are never a fun thing to experience with any game, so everyone here in the studio is working overtime like crazy to get you into our world. You'll be in the Town Square very soon and this is going to make the game a much better experience. I'm really excited for our first module release as it's shaping up to be a really fun and beautiful experience. In fact, the Town Square is much more than I even though it would have been early on; I'm extremely happy with what we've put together. I hope you enjoy the peak behind the scenes with the new task tracker and we'll be seeing you in the square soon!
  37. 0 points
    You put this under "Town Square" "general discussion"
  38. 0 points
    There won't be any vehicles at all during Town Square, at all. Not until module 3, which won't even be in 2019 at this rate. Also, bodyguard won't be a supported job or career. So you'll have to RP all of it. This also means you will have to trust your boss that he will actually pay you, as there won't be an automated system for non-supported jobs/careers. There's also no skill-tree (or similar things) for these kind of jobs.
  39. 0 points
    Ramping up It's been busy as usual here at the Asylum office! For the past few weeks, we've had our testers running through all of the systems in the Town Square and a whole lot of progress has been made toward release. They've done an awesome job in finding the remaining bugs, and our team's been doing an equally awesome job in squashing them. As you likely noticed when following the Dev Tracker on our website, we're down to the testing stages on one remaining task. We've been working on this one for a while as there were a couple significant bugs encountered. These bugs were deep in the engine and were show-stoppers. Fortunately, we've recently defeated them and put them behind us. We're now knocking out the remaining minor issues being found by our testers and things are looking great. With the new website online (more on this below) we're soon going to be handing out Steam keys for those with access to the Town Square. This doesn't mean you can play just yet, but we're getting close enough that we're going to be bringing you on board in preperation. If you're wondering how it's going to work, it's really pretty simple. Once we launch this feature shortly, you're going to be able to log into your game account on our website. You'll then see the option to link your existing Steam account. Once you've linked your account, you'll be given a key which, when entered into the Steam client, will add Identity's Town Square to your game library. You won't need to log in to play, as we know who you are based on your Steam account. I'd recommend following us on social media (Twitter and Facebook especially) to watch for this coming announcement. Gangs and Warfare We're changing the Identity Insider format! Instead of larger insiders once in a long while, we're going to be sending out more frequent updates. We're talking a few each month! These Insider updates will paint a detailed picture of Identity's full gameplay experiences. To kick this off, we posted the following update on our new website just yesterday: Identity Drug Cartel Concepts (click image for more) You've made stacks of cash pushing drugs and the odd robbery, but when push comes to shove, you'll find strength in numbers. A gang is a group of ruffians with the goal of obtaining power and infamy through the domination of those around them. Gangs are often at war with one another as they compete for limited resources, whether it's turf, drugs or blood. There's no shortage of criminal activity in the world outside of gangs, but true power belongs to the syndicates and cartels with the strength and fortitude to rule over their rivals. Comradery Identity is all about working together with your friends, and gangs are the social structure geared towards crime. You can belong to only one gang at any time, so choose where your loyalty lies. Your gang has a full rank structure and the leaders can control access levels for each member based on that rank. As your gang grows, it can also unlock additional perks for all members. The gang leadership can designate any home owned in the world as the HQ, giving access to all members of the gang. Hang out with your gangmates and stockpile weapons, drugs and anything else you can get your hands on. Your HQ, like your personal homes, can also be used for respawning on death. This makes it an important rally point when *#!% hits the fan! Cartels Cartels are conflict areas which are controlled by one gang at any time, providing the owners with control over trade and traffiking of their related substance throughout all the land. To the victor goes the spoils. The cartel zone is a functional HQ for the current owners. Turf Identity Turf Neighborhood Concept Take control of city neighborhoods with gang turf zones. While cartels control substances across the world of Identity, the gangs who dominate a neighborhood have direct influence over criminal organizations in that area, such as drug dealers. Lookouts in the area will spot rival gangs in the streets of your turf and text message members of your gang in the area. Controlling gangs get access to a safe house in the area, tightening their hold. Warfare Dominate gangs who cross your path and prove your strength. Declare war on your rivals and hunt them down. Gang members who are at war are completely vulnerable to one another through the stress system, and so you need to be on the lookout at all times. Prey on your enemies until they submit to your demands. When declaring war on another gang, the other gang must accept the spoils set by the agressor. The spoils can include cash, turf, real-estate and more. When one side has had enough and ends the war, they forfeit those spoils to the stronger gang. In Identity, most items people carry can be taken if they're killed. What's theirs, is yours. War is hell. New website is finally here! The Identity website has had an overhaul to prepare for the Town Square release and Steam integrations. The new website brings all kinds of cool new features, mostly for the game account systems and the Identity shop! We're also going to be filling up the About page with all sorts of new information from the Insider releases. Now that the website has a true and proper shop, you can now get your hands on cool new items without having to buy entire packages. The shop now has all kinds of exclusive items, including apartment pets! You'll be able to get your hands on friendly critters for your home in-game as well, although those featured on the shop are only available there. Some of these items are only available for a limited time. Some of the new items include: Custom T-Shirt Graphic - Upload an image which can be placed on T-Shirts you create in-game! Each image can be used on 10 shirts. Vanity License Plate - Show your style with a custom license plate, visible on your in-game vehicle. Vanity Phone Number - Want a number that's easy to remember? Get a vanity phone number for yourself or your business. More Apartment Floorplans - Floor plans which haven't been available since Kickstarter, including the enormous Penthouse. Huge Clothing Packages - Clothing packages including clothes with dozens of original brands. Pets! Cats, dogs and more - Pets currently available include sphynx and tabby cats as well as pugs, maltese and the shiba inu (doge?). Another important note: when the new payment options (aside from PayPal) go live, we'll shortly after be removing all of the old packages. We will at this time never again be selling cash, so there's not much time remaining to get starter cash before Identity goes live. This is not something we plan to sell again in the future, but all who have it in their account will be able to claim that cash once on each server. Visit the New Identity Site Now! The Twitch Clips If you've been following Identity's development closely, you probably already know that developers stream their work live on the Identity Twitch channel every Tuesday and Thursday. We also use that time to answer almost every question that gets asked about Identity's development and gameplay. Now that we've been doing this a while, we've answered a lot of questions. Our awesome community manager, BeachBall, has taken the time to compile a massive list of questions linked to clips where they're answered by a developer. Get comfy and head over to the Twitch Clips Directory forum thread. If you haven't found this already, be prepared to spend a good bit of time listening to all sorts of awesome information. This is the best place to get to know the fine details Identity! -- John VanderZwet