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Showing most liked content on 06/11/2018 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Decorative Bowl (Chalice-like) by Antoine: Other Decorative Bowls by Antoine: Evidence Box by Antoine:
  2. 2 points
    6 tasks left, I bet 2-4 will be finished next week, then the other tasks will be finished after next week maybe mid, then we will have to wait a week for steam access
  3. 2 points
    hi, so i was just thinking actually was washing a car while thinking about this what about if there was car washes like gta 5 that are by gas stations etc and manual car washing so after time the car will get dirty but very slowly like real life and if you go on mud of course it will be very muddy and will need a clean people could have jobs cleaning cars hope you like the idea sorry if this was already asked
  4. 2 points
    I think people are forgetting to take some major factors into account...This is their first game...Yes they've made some mistakes, as WE ALL DO. I really can't believe ppl are this critical, especially since Identity plans to be on a scale that's never been attempted before. Imagine, if you will, you start doing a project that you've been dreaming of, you set a deadline for yourself because things are moving along nicely and you would like to keep the people supporting in the loop. Then something unexpected happens and your deadline is missed...Now, you're upset yourself, disappointed that something out of your control happened, that couldn't be foreseen necessarily. But some people start giving you crap...You're already beating yourself up, like they could be any harder than we usually are on ourselves. Why is it that it actually takes Rockstar YEARS to make a game that's only life as a criminal, no one complaining to them... I don't understand how ppl can honestly sit here and criticize a team for trying to make one of the most ambitious games to date, as their very first game! Rockstar has taken 7 or so years to make RDR2, and that's just life in the old west as a outlaw(criminal) cowboy. But somehow some of us expect a less seasoned team, with much less resources and man power to finish a game that's many times the size of games that have taken Rockstar ACTUAL YEARS to make them...RDR2 is gonna be out in the fall, and we've only just started getting videos on it! It might not even be for PC as they never released the first one on PC. But let it take 2 years to make a module of one of the most complicated games I've ever heard of...one that can truly distinguish PC gaming from other platforms...and people are complaining it's take YEARS! lol it's been 2...I honestly see this game going into development hell, simply because so many people have no understanding of what goes into making a game like Identity. I don't get why people call this the "mater race" people don't want to pay for subscription services, so cheater's run rampant, but release a stupid skin for your avatar or weapons, and people will shell out hundreds, and more, for that. I paid so much money for this rig, and yet most of the games I have are all the ones played on consoles anyway, there aren't very many games out there that utilize the potential that comes with all the money we spend on these way over priced components...I don't think people would pay Lamborghini money for their car if it was slightly better than a Honda. Why does my $650 gpu barely outplay, and certainly not by itself, a $500 console? Why do we pay so much for these components and they aren't even optimized...? How is it that a $500 system can play games in 4k with so much less than what a PC needs to run 4k? I don't feel like no "mater race" I feel like I joined the "sucker race". You wanna play games at a slightly better than a $500 console, then spend 2 grand on a PC...When we actually get developer's to try and utilize all that potential PC has to offer a game like Identity, it's actually held back by the very people who supposedly want to see it come to life...I spent $15-30 bucks where is my genre defining game!?!? It's taking too long it's been YEARS! lol Welcome to the "master Race" Seems more like all those that call it the "master race" just do so to try and convince themselves they aren't idiots for spending that kinda of money to game on a PC. This is just my perspective from gaming on PC for barely more than a year so far...90% of my games on PC I've already played on console. Simulators, old ass type games I played on 2d consoles, and a plethora of games, that I can't believe are actually games, that are played in 2018 on the "master race" platform, seem to be what set pc gaming apart from console...Atleast until games like Identity can start to take hold and gain some traction and support from their "master race". lmao "mater race" don't make me laugh. I feel like an idiot spending what I spent on this rig and have been plagued by so many more problems than I EVER had to deal with in 30+ years of console gaming... Ok, let the hate begin...
  5. 2 points
    Town square module is not out yet. Track it’s progress here: http://www.identityrpg.com/info/modules/townsquare/#tracker
  6. 2 points
    A visual feast! As we approach the release of the Town Square, it's time to start showing off! Identity's gameplay is unique; there's no game in the world which accomplishes what we've set out to create and as a result, this will be one of the most immersive gaming experiences available. In some senses, graphics weigh heavily on environmental immersion and we've really started to show Identity's beauty in this last week. Last week, we did a short live stream on Twitch to show off the Town Square in motion. If you weren't there for the stream, check out the details below. Ash Hill Cinema ticket booth In addition to Identity's artistic beauty, we also want to show you what the base gameplay will be like in the Town Square. We do plan on doing another stream shortly where we'll move on into the interiors and interact with some of the features you'll find when you log into the Town Square. We'll have to mute the karaoke and streaming radio elements for Twitch and YouTube, though. I really do wish we had more time in our last stream but we were an hour late getting the stream started and what was meant to be a 10 minute display ended up being half an hour long. Half of that time was spent in character creation, so if that's of any interest to you be sure to check out the stream. I'll leave the video below. Ash Hill's Town Square in early morning Ash Hill's Town Square at night With our next gameplay stream, I'd really like to show off the Town Square at night. Check out the screenshot above to see why I feel that night in Identity has an incredible atmosphere. Night will be useful in Identity too; for example, some animals will be more active when the sun goes down. Just imagine running from (or with) the cops in the dark of night! A beautiful and well-designed environment makes great gameplay even better. Ash Hill's fruit and vegetable market As you can tell by now, I went a bit overboard taking screenshots of the Town Square environment. I'm so proud with what our art team has accomplished, so you're getting a handfull with this developer blog! The market seen here is in the Town Square, although it won't be the only food market in Ash Hill. Markets play a fairly important role, and not only for your own access to food. Gathering and growing food will be a safe and reliable way to make some money in Identity. It doesn't require any sort of investment, so it's one of your options for making a living the moment you step foot in the world. It will get much easier with a vehicle, though. RIDE bicycle shop The screenshot above is from the interior of the bicycle store you'll find in the Town Square. You won't be able to buy them right away, but once we start implementing our final vehicles we'll likely unlock the bikes in the Town Square, too. Bicycles will be an important tool in Identity. If you can't afford a vehicle (they're not cheap) then they're your best option for getting around town without dishing out cash for a cab. Ash Hill Tattoo interior My final screenshot today was the interior of the tattoo shop you'll find in the center of Ash Hill, and thus the Town Square. Hidden in the back of the parking lot behind the DMV, this parlor will be opening shortly after the Town Square release. Tattoos in Identity are either paid for or earned; some tattoos are only unlocked with achivements, most of which being for less than legal actions. Tattoos aren't available during character creation and must be gotten through a shop such as this. Town Square gameplay live stream YouTube Town Square preview stream If you missed our live stream of Town Square gameplay last week, click on that big image above to check it out now. If your email client is afraid and you don't see the images, you can always click here. I spent the first while creating a character and then took a quick look around the exterior of the Town Square environment. I can't wait to show more! The tasks at hand Our new task tracker has been one of the most well received additions we've ever released, and it's very easy to see why. As the Asylum developers continue to knock out tasks daily, we're getting very, very close to allowing you all into the Town Square. As of my writing this, only 3 primary tasks remain and are already in progress. The tracker is showing only Town Square tasks, although many of those in our team (who don't have anything left for the Town Square release) are already hard at work producing SWAT module content. It won't be long before you start seeing a lot of our SWAT efforts appearing, and I'm extremely excited to give you more information on how it'll play. Keep your eyes on the tracker, as it will continue (even after Town Square release) to be the best indicator of when you can get your taste. A quick thank you to our supporters We've been working hard to create the game that can, quite seriously, affect the entire MMORPG industry. Nothing like Identity has been done before, mostly because a game of this scale is a risky project for any established studio. It is because of you receiving this update, our pledgers and supporters, that our dreams and ambitions are becoming a reality. The ultimate RPG is on the horizon, and I'm so very grateful to the wonderful community around me. Again, I just want to say thank you as I sincerely appreciate your support. You're helping to create a game which thousands, who don't even know we're here yet, will come to enjoy. You're here on the ground floor. The Twitch Clips If you've been following Identity's development closely, you probably already know that developers stream their work live on the Identity Twitch channel every Tuesday and Thursday. We also use that time to answer almost every question that gets asked about Identity's development and gameplay. Now that we've been doing this a while, we've answered a lot of questions. Our awesome community manager, BeachBall, has taken the time to compile a massive list of questions linked to clips where they're answered by a developer. Get comfy and head over to the Twitch Clips Directory forum thread. If you haven't found this already, be prepared to spend a good bit of time listening to all sorts of awesome information. This is the best place to get to know the fine details Identity! -- John VanderZwet
  7. 1 point
    Ohe god no! Imagine the squeakers in there cop cars screaming the newest curse word they learned at school that day.
  8. 1 point
    The trouble is not matter how the devs go about informing us, it just never goes right. The tracker is good because you do see things are getting done ( although they can still add more if they wanted) but it doesnt give anyone a time scale or it was like before where they gave us a date and kept getting it wrong. I am at a point where Im just not bothered when it comes because it keeps changing. Im not fed up waiting, just fed up with it changing so I just go play other stuff and come back here every now and again, and you never know, one day it might be ready lol
  9. 1 point
    A false conundrum is created when you try and claim communism to be democratic. There is no democracy in this, rather an elite political class made up of top party members that claims to represent the people. The USSR for instance never was democratic, they couldn't care less about the people so long as they are coned into doing the bidding of the centralized government. Dollar voting is the only way to have democracy within an economic system, not a bunch of big wigs that claim to serve the interest of the people.
  10. 1 point
    Hi, fell asleep last night it was like 5 am. "You and I were initially discussing "Socialism" as an ideology. What causes one to presume that capitalism benefits humanity, as a system, more than Socialism or Communism?" Well I would go into massive detail on how Communism has had no good effect on the world. It has only brought death, greed and corruption to the eastern european people. I seriously cannot go any further. I had a conversation with my friend's grandmother, they are 100% polish. Communism has changed her life and when she thinks about these millennials craving for a communist turnover, she trembles. I have just about given up politics. I unfollowed every political page on instagram, I don't watch the news, I don't care for political youtube channels. This whole world we live in is a hologram, as humans we inhabit this spacesuit we have to keep clean. I am more worried about myself and the well being of those sitting next to me, how their day is going and how I can help their problems. Anthony Bourdain's death really put me down and from their on I just left trying to "find" myself in politics.
  11. 1 point
    Private servers will be for the full game only.
  12. 1 point
    Hi all! My name is actually Alex, but I opted for this username as it is much cooler! I'm from England. So I found out about Identity from YouTuber TheDynasty. I was a regular player of PERP and DarkRP on GMOD until it all got a bit stale, so to see Identity be so diverse in its features is wonderful to see. After watching the recent stream, j got my hands on the Founders passport. I haven't been this excited for a game since Battlefield 1. What will I do in game? I'm not too sure. I'm quite creative so perhaps I'll join a furniture company or make my own. I'm a casual gamer in the sense that I like to take this they come. Looking forward to the release of the Town Square!
  13. 1 point
    I'm supporting England Ye booi. And you already nicked all the player names i was gonna say
  14. 1 point
    Fallout 76, Starfield, and TES VI? ... Bethesda stole the crown yesterday I'd say.
  15. 1 point
    $15 can get you access to the game, once the full version is out. But if you pledge $30, you get access to all the modules And the beta.
  16. 1 point
    ahh, yeah I agree, Fallout 76 definitely hyped me up pretty good. Also excited for Dying Light 2 - I'm a sucker for choice-driven games, so I'm siked they're building off of the first game p well. stoked to see some gameplay for The Last of Us 2 hopefully
  17. 1 point
    Yup. We are very close to the release of TS. Purely my guess is within the next few weeks we could have it.
  18. 1 point
    If your pledge doesn't include an apartment (like the Founder package) you'll get the "Studio Apartment" for testing purposes. That's just for the modules / beta, so you're able to try out the customization features, but you won't have it when the full game is out. If your pledge includes an apartment, you'll have it even when the full game is out. Cheers, Cayn
  19. 1 point
    Instead of making predictions just let the devs do their work, the game will release when it does.
  20. 1 point
    Hopefully we can get TS by the end of this month
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    1. No vehicles until Module 3 2. You will be able to use the apartment with that package. 3. Police won't be really coming until the Beta and full release which are after the modules. 4. The second module is the s.w.a.t. module and is where it will be competitive play between cops and criminals (Team game-mode sort of scenarios)
  23. 1 point
    I am a Horror Movie aficionado! All genres of horror I love and my wardrobe consists 80% of horror related shirts. XDDD I think MEATS is my fav food group, but I also love CHEESE! And I just picked Other for the final question, because I don't have a fav.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Announcement I will no longer be updating this post because of full-time work. I simply don't have enough time to do it every morning. I know i said i would be updating this post daily but i just cant anymore. Thank you to everyone who has been positive in the comments, I'll see you in town square
  26. 1 point
    No, progress most definitely won't save because well you will have to re-create your character for beta and also the devs don't want anyone to miss all the character customisation on release. You won't be able to make money in the first module as it's a social module.
  27. 1 point
    Identity Forum Guidelines Last Edit: July 9th, 2018 Participation in the Official Identity forums constitutes agreement to the following guidelines, which apply to posts, profile information, avatars, signatures, private messaging, and any other content on this site and participation in general. The live nature of discussions in this community makes it difficult for staff to catch every violation of these rules. If you believe that someone has violated our User Guidelines, please send a private message to a member of our volunteer moderation team or staff with a link to the content and a brief description of what you believe is wrong. Please do not respond to a violation personally, as you may aggravate the situation and possibly violate our guidelines yourself. Any content that violates our User Guidelines will be removed. Interpretation of our guidelines is at the discretion of the staff. Please do 1. Report violations of the forum rules. Moderators will quickly review reports and make decisions based on the information you provide. 2. Respect others. Showing respect will encourage others to participate in discussion. 3. Like posts, that you feel contribute useful information to a discussion. 4. Read the rules, so that you do not accidentally receive an infraction or ban. 5. Be constructive. Help others by answering questions, and offer feedback to their ideas. 6. Read before posting. Fully Comprehend the topic of discussion and determine what has already been discussed. 7. Use proper grammar and spelling. Read your post before submitting. Spelling mistakes may attract attention away from the discussion. 8. Search for content related to your questions. There’s a good chance that there may already be an answer to what you are looking for! Please don’t 1. Troll. Trolling does not contribute to meaningful discussion. 2. Spam. Spamming clutters the forum and makes it difficult to find original content. 3. Flame, or attack others. Insults do not contribute to discussion, and will be removed. 4. Repost Deleted Content. Content that was deleted was removed for a reason, even if the reason is unclear. 5. Demonstrate or perpetuate toxic behavior. A user is considered toxic if they repeatedly make defamatory, threatening, insulting, or otherwise hateful remarks toward other users or staff. Please keep language civil when expressing your opinions. 6. Advertise websites or services unrelated to Identity. We do not sell advertising space on the Identity forums. 7. Cross Post. Cross-posting makes it difficult for users using the search function to find relevant information, and may be considered spam. 8. Ask for Likes. Likes are given to those for contributing useful information in a discussion. 9. Abuse reports. Reporting content with blank or inaccurate report descriptions will hinder a moderator's capacity to help. Please report content that is in violation of the rules, and not simply because you personally dislike another user. 10. Engage rule violators. You may accidentally violate these rules yourself by responding to others that you feel aren’t following these guidelines. 11. Make low-effort posts. Contribute useful information to the discussion, and avoid going off-topic. 12. Discuss Politics/Religion. These subjects are sensitive and may offend others. (There is a small place for fantasy politics within Identity's ecosystem. The Governor position will be able to tweak small settings within the game world, and must compete against others for power. The political systems within Identity are simplified and do not accurately reflect the processes involved with political discourse in the real world. Players may implicitly take inspiration from existing candidates or parties, but must not show any connections to real world politics through the use of logos/symbols, names (of existing leaders, existing parties, or of those within recent history), or slogans. By affiliating your party with a real world political faction, you are bringing such politics into discussion and grabbing the attention of those who recognize it. Real world politics typically invoke a strong emotional response in some viewers and can lead to vehement conflicts extremely quickly.) 13. Create multiple accounts. Only one account per person is authorized, so forum users can be easily identified. Avoiding a ban may result in further permanent action. 14. Operate a shared account. Sharing an account with another user will make conversation difficult should any of the account operators share a difference in opinion. Conflicting statements will impede our ability to help assist any single user on a shared account. Due to this, we request that each account is operated by a single, separate user. 15. Create forum posts that mention specific users in the title. Creating a new topic with the title specifically mentioning another user isn’t conducive to group discussion, especially if the targeted user isn’t comfortable responding in an open format. (For example, don’t make posts like “@usernamehere, why is x and not y?”) If you’re asking a question directly to another user, please do so using the inbox function on the forums. 16. Post Personal Information, or post links containing personal information. Sharing information about others can be harmful to their real-life. 17. Use forum features in unintended ways. Asking for likes, or making a game that incorporates the like/follow buttons artificially inflates user forum stats, making it difficult for other users to determine which content or user is contributing popular content to the site. 18. Discuss Moderator or Administrator actions Publicly. There are often reasons why a decision is made by a moderator or administrator that may be unclear to outside-parties, and off-topic discussion about an admin or moderator decision may be disruptive to a conversation. We politely ask that you trust and respect decisions made by staff. If you have an issue with a specific staff member, please report the matter to a Community Manager. 19. Impersonate Asylum Entertainment Staff or Moderators. When users seek assistance from moderators or Asylum staff, they shouldn't need to worry about encountering the possibility of dealing with an impostor. Always heed the official titles for staff roles on both the forums and discord to help avoid confusion. 20. Intentionally Spread False Information. Spreading rumors you know are falsified and portraying them as fact will only complicate Identity's development and serves to derail the actual constructive criticism offered by other users. Even accidentally giving out false information can be dangerous, so please ask a staff member or reference official statements (Dev Blogs for example). 21. Post or link to illegal, dangerous, offensive or NSFW content. Do not engage in activities that include (but are not limited to) the sharing of sexually explicit content, piracy, malicious code execution (viruses, malware, spyware etc.), gore. Please keep posts pertaining to the M-rated content in Identity reasonable. 22. Create or operate an account with the intention of solely boosting or supporting another user's reputation, poll votes, or opinions. We ask that all users contribute to the forums in ways that don't simply perpetuate someone else's particular viewpoint or account statistics. ***Moderators and staff have the final say on all matters. If you would like to report moderator abuse, contact a Community Manager directly. 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