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Showing most liked content on 07/03/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Yes, to all of the above!
  2. 3 points
    But seriously, you gotta try the... NEW MEGA DICK SOAP!!! 19.99!!! TWELVE STROKES AND IT'L BE TWICE THE LENGTH! I agree though.. These ads are brutal. They should implement some type of code or registration from now on that you need to make a forum account. Like a CD key or something that comes with every copy of Identity sold. Make em pay for it.
  3. 3 points
    I remember someone saying that they were talking to Motown (or someone else) about setting up something. The main reason why spam doesn't get removed is that it is the middle of the night for the mods. They are sleeping when all of the spam appears.
  4. 3 points
    The Mods are normaly pretty fast in clearing the forum from spam, but they cant be online 24/7 . I already made an Thread a time ago where i mentioned a few ways to make it harder for the spambots but i dont think that the right person read it. Only thing we can do is report all spam we see like @Genesai already said.
  5. 2 points
    Hello @Venger10, as some people already said: We do our very best to delete these spam posts as fast as possible. Most of the Bots start posting at times, when most from our moderators are sleeping (Mostly at night in Central European Summer Time) Also most moderators are having a job in real life. Depending in which timezone you are living you are seeing such spam posts a bit longer the the others (Because of the time difference) To help us get rid of it, please report such spam posts. We will delete them as soon as possible Greetings -Radack
  6. 2 points
    Time for some European mods in addition then. I'm not volunteering though. Haha.
  7. 2 points
    I thought they made clear there would be a clear line between law enforcement and regular civilians. No undercover cops, no corrupt cops, etc. Someone care to correct me if I'm wrong on that?
  8. 1 point
    Please welcome the volunteer forum moderators that will be assisting Identity's Community staff in its day to day operations! This team has been specially selected from the Identity forums for their reputation for remaining unbiased during forum discussions, and for their interests in making a difference within the Identity community. However, some of these individuals may be recognized as volunteer Administrators from Asylum Entertainment's "Asylum Altis Life," a modification for ArmA 3, and are trusted to continue the renowned work that they have become known for. Each member of Identity's volunteer forum staff has their own unique personality and moderation style. We hope that you will get your first taste of who these individuals are from this introduction topic. Thank you for being a part of the Identity community!
  9. 1 point
    What kind of character do you plan to make? what style of clothes!~ Post pics of what stuff you'd like for your character to wear and look like to help the devs with ideas on what make!~ Id really like to create someone like minzy from 2ne1 Id like to be able to make an asian that looks cute, and has a kick as funky style to her
  10. 1 point
    It would be cool to be a News Reporter would there be any way to do that? I mean come on I personally would love to be able to walk on the streets looking for a story. And If there is a way to do it the name of my news station would be GSI News.
  11. 1 point
    Hey who would like to start a Religious Cult? We can live in the woods and sacrifice the unclean to our creator.
  12. 1 point
    its kinda a good video that grabs unreal engine and might give an idea how the game would look and the cars and charterers u get the idea , but it looks good right
  13. 1 point
    Thank you! I tried, but couldn't find anything up to date.
  14. 1 point
    use the Searchbar
  15. 1 point
    They're at around 95% done with the Town Square module. They're currently finishing up the Art Gallery and polishing things up.
  16. 1 point
    I've been playing RP games for awhile and this game looks like it'll be exactly the type of RP game I'd make if I was a developer. There are so many things missing from most others because they're essentially mods and not games meant to be RP'd in. Like San Andreas, for instance. LSRP is great (the admins are garbage though) but it's missing lots of things that would make a great RP game. You can only do so much. I hope this game lives up to the hype.
  17. 1 point
    I would love to help the team out, but i dont think i will be ever accepted ^^
  18. 1 point
    These are the two with more information on the topic of news and broadcasting in game Hope it gives you the information you are looking for =)
  19. 1 point
    Yeah, Identity is supposed to be totally player run... except for boring jobs that no one wants to do.
  20. 1 point
    Hey there, Like @Ragnar said, the best thing you can do is report the spam, but at the same time remember that we are volunteers and we do need sleep and when we sleep is when the spam seems to happen mainly. The best way to help get rid of spam is reporting them as then we get a notification and we can easily delete the post.
  21. 1 point
    The most tedious and boring jobs will be done by NPCs. Stuff you wouldn't want to be doing for hours in a row and for days on end. So like @Radack said, certain stores will be run by NPCs, but I can imagine insurance companies and banks and such will be NPC ran too. The extent to which NPCs will be used cannot be determined by us right now, we can only make educated guesses with the limited info we have gotten so far.
  22. 1 point
    The Mods are deleting every spam account as good as they can but those people are making new accounts to spam.. Only thing we can do is report the spam post and ignore them, eventually they will stop sooner or later.
  23. 1 point
    Please do. All you can do for now is report them. I have no idea how slow/fast the mods are here, but I'll find out today.
  24. 1 point
    I just stalk this post and then make a random response with an image from google.
  25. 1 point
    @LuckyDuck Thank you for the information, it really helped
  26. 1 point
    Yes, like it is said above. On official servers you will not have to start from the ground up again. You will respawn at your last bind location e.g. your house/ apartment and you will just carry on like nothing happened.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Hey, Graffiti will only be allowed in certain areas and so tagging houses is a no go unfortunately at this point. Hope this helps. Kind regards, LuckyDuck.
  29. 1 point
    Wow, what a month. It's been busy here at Asylum as usual, so let's get down to the interesting stuff! As expected, our current focus is on the Town Square so that we can get it out to you as soon as possible. We're finalising the interior of the library and art gallery (shared within one building) and adding polish to the environment. Once the clothing store interior is complete following that, the Town Square environment is ready to go. We'll continuously be adding more art after release though; specifically for house furnishings, decorations and clothing. In addition to the environment art, Miroslav (character artist) has been creating all sorts of hair assets which allow us to show hair appropriately when wearing a hat or helmet. This is a big task for him as it means making variations to match the hat options for each length of hair, but in the end it'll ensure your hair always looks as you'd expect when wearing headgear. Hair under a hat; work in progress Right next to the clothing shop you'll find a bicycle store where you can get a sneak preview of some of the bikes you'll be able to ride around in the full Identity release. We showed you a bicycle work in progress last blog post and now you can see the finished result of that below. This image will give you a rough idea of the detail level you'll see in Identity's vehicles. Ridable bicycle With more final systems coming online for the Town Square release, we now have functioning phones. Each player will start with a cellphone, although you'll be able to upgrade it with three mobile OS options available. The phone OS' each have a unique and interesting style. Characters also have a designated phone number assigned when they're created; you'll be able to get a custom number for a fee. These phones work just as you'd expect. You're able to dial up another player and speak with voice remotely. Businesses can even get a business line which, when called, will contact a member of that corporation who's online. Shot from an internal system test: advertising While the art of the billboard above isn't final, it gives you a very good idea of what you can expect in Identity for advertising. That's right, you can really publish messages around the world through billboards and other means. Corporations and those running for government office can purchase billboard space to help get their message out. You'll select a graphical template from a large list of options and then attach a brief message or other customization to make it your own. These billboards can also be moderated by the server operators. There are other similar advertising systems, too. For example digital road signs can be made to show custom messages by the current government. We can't wait to show you more of Identity, and we'll soon have that opportunity with the release of an overhauled website. Those current pledge packages are about to go away forever, and some of the rewards won't be available for purchase again after the new website changes. Also, follow us on our Twitch channel if you'd like to stop in and ask questions of the developers. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday you'll find a few developers playing a random game from 4pm EST to 5pm EST. Ask any questions and they'll be happy to answer on stream. Catch some of Identity's developers hard at work and see how they make the magic happen: we'll be providing development streaming dates and times on Twitter, soon! -- John VanderZwet
  30. 1 point
    The devs want detective roles to be fun and i'm pretty sure there won't be long investigations and I think that you will be able to like find evidence of a murder per say, put it in some machine or whatever then poof you have your suspect you arrest them the end. BTW i'm just going off of what i'm seeing other people write and on twitter and stuff so don't trust my words 100%
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    Ok was möchtest du den Fragen? (Sorry Admins I know it's a English Forum...) -Noe Rock
  33. 1 point
    I'm sorry but I don't really understand what you're trying to say. Maybe you want to check your Message with Grammarly or somthing like that. -Noe Rock
  34. 1 point
    Currently there is no set release date for this. You can get more information here: -Noe Rock
  35. 1 point
    No, Q1 or early Q2 this year
  36. 1 point
    Toronto, Canada, winter of 1989: It was the middle of winter and the city was in the middle of a mob war. The local cosa nostra faction was full of in fighting as well as in a conflict with the Manzatti clan; a rival faction from the Calabria region of Italy. The cosa nostra had mainly Sicilian influence, but also had Italians from other regions of the south like Neapolitan's and Barese gangsters. The local cosa nostra family was run by Virgilio Corresante, a wise and old school Sicilian. The Italian mafia had a complete stranglehold of the Toronto underworld, all other gangs paid up to them. Frank Luprano was a young gangster on the up and coming, what he did in the winter of 1989 would change the Toronto underworld forever. (To be continued.)
  37. 1 point
    Good idea! We'll keep an eye on this thread to try to get an idea of what you guys are looking for. It's important to us that our players be able to fully express their personalities through character customization. Please try to keep ideas grounded in reality though! A lot of our design decisions are based on whether we feel a certain style will break immersion for others.
  38. 1 point
    Paramedic/firefighter of course. Hoping to save as many lives as I can.
  39. 1 point
    I'm probably going to be a paramedic and save lives.
  40. 1 point
    Howdy! My name is Josh, but when it comes to gaming, I am more famously known as Killswitch. I have been playing video games ever since I was a young. I originated from console gaming, went to PC, back to console, then back to the PC master race after college. I dabble in all sorts of games but find the MMORPGs, MOBAs, and FPS games to be the most entertaining. I am from North Dakota and attended North Dakota State University where I got my Bachelors of Science. I am currently a Chemist in the area of Water Treatment, however I am going to go back to college to pursue a degree in Computer Science in the fall. I, like many others here, have met most of these young chaps through Asylum's Altis Life Server where I am an Administrator as well. Other additional hobbies would be sports, hunting, fishing, music, movies, and of course hanging out with friends. If you have any questions or need help, don't hesitate to message me.
  41. 1 point
    Greetings All! I will preface this by saying that my username is pronounced "Goo-Gee." I have heard a lot of different variations of it and I hope this will prevent any confusion! My actual name is Evan and I am a sophomore studying to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. I am originally from Florida, the warm and sunny state where all you bizarre news stories originate. I came to know all of these amazing people through being an administrator on Asylum's Arma Life server since April 2014. My interests are mainly in the relationship between technology and law, which I hope to pursue after I finish my undergraduate education. I also am working to become fluent in Spanish, which I hope will be complete after I complete my abroad studies in Barcelona. In addition to gaming, I also enjoy watching and playing soccer, rowing, programming (Web Development, Java, C, Python), videography, and much more! Feel free to message with help regarding Identity or the Gaming-Aslyum ARMA Life servers.
  42. 1 point
    Hey everyone, I'm Brendan, I'm currently a senior in high school taking a programming class and 3D modeling course with high hopes to go into the gaming industry in the future. I've been gaming ever since I was about 5 or 6. I've always loved video games and the world that it put you in. By the age of 13 I bought my first PC and gamed on it for about 2 years, After working part-time I save up money and built my new Gaming PC which is what I use now. After switching to PC I will never go back to consoles! Once I built that computer I installed all my software for 3D modeling and have been creating different projects to store in a portfolios for future job applications, by late 2016 I hope to apply for an internship at Gearbox Software (Creators of Borderlands) to improve my knowledge of the gaming industry. Thanks for checking out my introduction and I hope to see you guys around!
  43. 1 point
    Nice to meet you all. I'm Matt, also known as Dysto, I guess that's my sort of online alias. I'm a Second Year University Student in the UK who loves to get involved in online communities especially when it allows me to work around a great group of people and a great product. I started out running my own forums several years ago along with a friend, I then moved into the journalistic space acting as a freelance writer for a period of time. More recently I help test two GRID games at Codemasters being credited for my role in the community there, before stumbling onto Identity. If you have any questions or queries feel free to come and discuss it with me. You can also catch me at @Dysto on Twitter. I'll see you guys around, lets make Identity the next big thing.
  44. 1 point
    Hi there. My name is Anders, Im 25 and from Norway. I go under the name Budbringer as its my gaming name. I have been an admin on the Asylum Altis Life since June 2014. I graduated from school this christmas so right now I have tons of free time as I'm applying for jobs and have no school, so you wiill see me a lot. Lets make identity great together Budbringer
  45. 1 point
    Well, Hello everyone! My name is Justin, but people call me Snatch. I am one of the more recent additions to the administration staff on Asylum's Gaming-Asylum life server community. However, I have been a long standing member for over a year and a half as well as a Lieutenant of the Asylum Police Department for a year now. I'm resident in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. I am also a married college graduate. In my professional career, I am a Network Engineer and Administrator for a well established & publicly traded Fortune 500 corporation. I have been in the industry for over 15 years and earned numerous professional certifications from Cisco and also accredited from the NSA in network security. Together we can all create the chapter of gaming. I am so excited to be a part of this great adventure that is Identity!
  46. 1 point
    Hello there, So, about me, I am Admin Revenge X from Asylum and I've been doing my volunteering work there for quite a while. I live in a little small island called Puerto Rico and I speak both languages of Spanish and English fluently, so for you Latin people out there with any questions you know who to look for :). I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember and very competitive. Also I've been working on the APD on the Asylum community for a long time, reached the rank of Lieutenant and so far its been my hobby so if there is going to be cops beware! I am coming to get you!. I always been a people person type of guy and love to help out as much as I can so if you ever see me around don't be scared to say hi. Anyways I hope to see you all soon so we can start our adventures together and make this game a blast. ~Revenge X~
  47. 1 point
    Hello everyone! I am Olio! I was previously the Community Manager for Asylum's Entertainment's "Altis Life" mission file on Arma 3, and ever since the day I stepped foot onto Altis Life, I have been hooked with what Paratus and Motown have created as well as the great community that surrounds the Altis Life format. I am an active PC gamer across many genres. I was extremely excited to hear about Identity being started and I am extremely excited for its release and being a part of the ever growing community of Asylum Entertainment. As a leader in the customer service industry, I thoroughly enjoy working with people, creating resolutions for issues and striving to create win/win situations for everyone. If you ever need any help feel free to contact me here on the forums or Identities Official Discord and I will get back to you as soon as possible. See you in Identity!
  48. 1 point
    Hello citizens! I'm Motown, and I'm Identity's Community Manager, the person in charge of delivering all of your important ideas and messages to Identity's development team! What's special about my role here is that I'm not just your eyes and ears, I'm also one-half of the founding team for Identity! John Vanderzwet and I set out together to make Identity a reality, and have been involved in every aspect of Identity's development since the very start. That means, through me (and our volunteer moderator staff), you have direct access to the very top of our family tree, and we can influence the design and development of Identity together! You won't get that sort of treatment from many industry CM's! So, If you have ideas that you feel will expand and define Identity for years to come, let me know, and I will make sure it hits the right ears. What a relief it has been to know that so many people have been waiting for a game like Identity for so long. I couldn't be happier to have the opportunity to be the liaison that will connect you with the world of Identity and the wonderful people who make it what it is! We strongly feel that we have a winning formula, and the deepest conviction that we may revolutionize the MMORPG genre with your support! We're going to do a lot of great things together, so it's only fair that you know a little bit about me first! My name is Sean, I'm 27 years old. My best friend is my boss and co-worker, John Vanderzet. I grew up all over the United States where I've developed the hyperactive, happy, and unbiased personality you will come to know me for! I call Ontario, Canada my temporary home while I work on Identity as your Community Manager, interim Art Director and 3D prop artist. I went to college for Video Game Design & Production, but my true passion is interacting with people! I've been a forum moderator for many large and well-known online gaming communities, including a default subreddit of 8 million subscribers on Reddit.com, a volunteer guide of the Followers of Asura in "Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures", an event organizer in "Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa" (Big RG fan btw!), the only English forum moderator of a German FPS called "Parabellum" (Google Translate ftw!), and forum moderator for "Planetside 1", "GamersFirst", "Mortal Online", and a few others I can't even remember, for varying lengths of time! Yep, I get around! But now it's time I get to know a little bit about you too. Create a new topic in this forum, and introduce yourself! We want to know exactly what personalities come out of the the deep, dark, depths of the internet to share our passion for Identity! But be nice!