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Showing most liked content on 06/23/2017 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Currently, there's no release day on neither. The first module, Town Square, was set to release early 2017, and it's still not out yet. People have begun to speculate if it's all a scam or if the game will ever come out.
  2. 2 points
    The town square module won't have that. If you are referring to the actual game, there is so much of the community that doesn't want it to be just killing, we want to start businesses, do stuff legitimately. If it does get that bad there are always private servers.
  3. 2 points
    Yep, FAQ here :
  4. 2 points
    Welcome Spirokbr! i'm Glad to see that you pledged, i hope we meet at the game and feel free to search on our forums and check our two FAQs :-) Bem-Vindo espero te ver caro amigo :-) sou de Porto Alegre e voce? >:)
  5. 2 points
    I will answer what i know : No real cars, they will be similar but not the same, no real brands, i think you cannot have a customization bussiness, and yes is a game mechanic, i just posted a video with a concept how will customization "kinda" works. Any more questions dont be afraid to ask and also, if you didnt read yet check out our 2 FAQs, they will be handy :-) -Lexan
  6. 2 points
    Wow, what a month. It's been busy here at Asylum as usual, so let's get down to the interesting stuff! As expected, our current focus is on the Town Square so that we can get it out to you as soon as possible. We're finalising the interior of the library and art gallery (shared within one building) and adding polish to the environment. Once the clothing store interior is complete following that, the Town Square environment is ready to go. We'll continuously be adding more art after release though; specifically for house furnishings, decorations and clothing. In addition to the environment art, Miroslav (character artist) has been creating all sorts of hair assets which allow us to show hair appropriately when wearing a hat or helmet. This is a big task for him as it means making variations to match the hat options for each length of hair, but in the end it'll ensure your hair always looks as you'd expect when wearing headgear. Hair under a hat; work in progress Right next to the clothing shop you'll find a bicycle store where you can get a sneak preview of some of the bikes you'll be able to ride around in the full Identity release. We showed you a bicycle work in progress last blog post and now you can see the finished result of that below. This image will give you a rough idea of the detail level you'll see in Identity's vehicles. Ridable bicycle With more final systems coming online for the Town Square release, we now have functioning phones. Each player will start with a cellphone, although you'll be able to upgrade it with three mobile OS options available. The phone OS' each have a unique and interesting style. Characters also have a designated phone number assigned when they're created; you'll be able to get a custom number for a fee. These phones work just as you'd expect. You're able to dial up another player and speak with voice remotely. Businesses can even get a business line which, when called, will contact a member of that corporation who's online. Shot from an internal system test: advertising While the art of the billboard above isn't final, it gives you a very good idea of what you can expect in Identity for advertising. That's right, you can really publish messages around the world through billboards and other means. Corporations and those running for government office can purchase billboard space to help get their message out. You'll select a graphical template from a large list of options and then attach a brief message or other customization to make it your own. These billboards can also be moderated by the server operators. There are other similar advertising systems, too. For example digital road signs can be made to show custom messages by the current government. We can't wait to show you more of Identity, and we'll soon have that opportunity with the release of an overhauled website. Those current pledge packages are about to go away forever, and some of the rewards won't be available for purchase again after the new website changes. Also, follow us on our Twitch channel if you'd like to stop in and ask questions of the developers. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday you'll find a few developers playing a random game from 4pm EST to 5pm EST. Ask any questions and they'll be happy to answer on stream. Catch some of Identity's developers hard at work and see how they make the magic happen: we'll be providing development streaming dates and times on Twitter, soon! -- John VanderZwet
  7. 2 points
    The only thing anyone ever gives for an answer is, "delay" "cant rush" " things take time" i dont think we ever will know whats causing them to be so many months behind, but just hope they finish soon before people lose interest. i honestly wish they communicated a lot more to the community about these things and progress and such.
  8. 2 points
    After a car crash, we will see people masturbating waiting for emergency XDDD
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    999 posts/replies 1 more and he has 1000! I'm new here but thanks for being an awesome moderator!!! Congratulations for being so close to hitting 1000 posts, it really shows how much effort you put into this community.
  11. 1 point
    Why is this game so delayed! I mean come on the web was plastered with ''early 2017'' now mid 2017 and not even module 1....
  12. 1 point
    (Deleted bc i wrote this when i was really angry and probably should have)
  13. 1 point
    Hi everyone, I discovered identity through a Brazilian channel on youtube and I really enjoyed the game since I first saw it. I am thinking of buying the $ 30.00 package but I want to know if it is reliable to buy it since it has no launch forecast. Could someone get me that little doubt?? Thank you if anyone can respond. I do not know english very well, sorry.
  14. 1 point
    Dude this is getting annoying. I'm not on the Dev's Side or the Impatient Community's. However, yes, it is taking a LONG time to develop this game. For one, let me point out some things for each side. BE PATIENT: - The game is literally the closest thing we will ever see to a real-life RPG simulator. Of course it's going to take a long time to create such a large game. - I'm not familiar with how many developers they have, but I'm sure they don't have many. What do you expect off of a small team of developers? - If you are skeptical of the game's release, go ahead and refund your pledge. - We're most likely less than a month away from the first module. It's summer so it's not like you have to go to school, just wait. - If you are so impatient to just see how the game's doing, check the Twitch streams. Another thing you can do is check the dev blogs, or subscribe to the emails, etc. WE'RE IMPATIENT: - Of course, we're impatient. They said the first module would be released in EARLY 2017, now it is a little above MID 2017. We have a right to get upset for that. - They aren't really talking to the community when it comes to the forums, which is the one place that most of the community is. Of course, they are on Discord and stuff, but they need to talk to their fans more to keep the faith in the game, because some fans are starting to get a little bit flustered. - Since it's already halfway through 2017, is the release going to be pushed back too? Only 6-9 months left until the full release of the game on Steam, and if the first module isn't even out until July, the 7th month, then what is it going to look like for the rest of the modules? I'm guessing there is going to be at least 1 month break between modules, so if there are I THINK 4 modules, then around 8 months, barely. If they can stay consistent, they will be able to release the game in about a little more than half a year from now.
  15. 1 point
    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=if+its+4+est+what+time+is+it+in+rio There you go.
  16. 1 point
    Rio seems to be an hour ahead of est. So the stream would be from 5pm to 6pm
  17. 1 point
    I do apologize for my input on the matter. I will refrain from further discussion of religion outside of Identity.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Please real the rules HERE " Please don’t (...) 11. Discuss Politics/Religion. These subjects are sensitive and may offend others. (...) " Talk religion or else for the game only
  20. 1 point
    They will have a couple, more than 2 because cocaine, meth and weed is confirmed.
  21. 1 point
    next time you should use the Search bar, there are hundrets of these Threads
  22. 1 point
    we are an organized Italian mafia family, you could MSG me if ur interested.
  23. 1 point
    Idk if you can but i'd love to do this.
  24. 1 point
    Welcome to the Identity community fam, hope you pledge! I pledged $30 just earlier so hopefully the game is good
  25. 1 point
    Congratulations Harry!! i hope you are doing fine! and i would like to use the same kind words that @MntnChicken used if he doesnt mind, you deserve it.
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Devs said that's KINDA how it will look the car customization enjoy :-) This was shown on stream, if you guys wanna get new infos keep on track https://www.twitch.tv/identityrpg Tue-Thurs
  28. 1 point
    i wont be hopeful on that Whopper, but who knows? And by the way, i forgot to mention that devs streams Regularly From Tue-Thurs at 4-5 pm est if i recall correctly, answering all questions and doubts :-)
  29. 1 point
    commiting sudoku is a joke of that word lol
  30. 1 point
    Welcome Whopper! Glad your here I wish your arms a well recovery! I'm pretty curious how you broke both of them, but I will not press if you do not wish to talk about that. Also good luck with the forum mod desire. Surely we shall meet in the Town Square! I look forward to it
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    I'm from the future - that's why
  33. 1 point
    Not overly next gen... maybe when it was being developed 2 years ago but many companies have games lined up already in development that will be surpassing what has been promised by this game
  34. 1 point
    Seems that I live in a free country and can complain how ever much I please, sorry but I really could care less what you say haha
  35. 1 point
    This is becoming very absurd.... this game has been in development for over 2 years, It's taken them this long to put together a single module and even that they have pushed back the release of multiple times, This team needs to work on their abilities and actually release a product instead of wasting away everyones money and saying they are making progress lol It's a single module that should've been done long long ago, just sad honestly. Getting to the point that I may just end up getting a refund while I can before this turns into all the other games that get backed then the devs take the money and run.
  36. 1 point
    Honestly this game has been pushed back so much over the last year or so, my guess is it will end up being like every other game that gets hyped then the devs let everyone down then leave the project.... Just so everyone know I played on the Asylum server on Arma and they were talking about how they were working on this almost 2 years ago. Still nothing... They then said the first module would be released a long ass time ago, still nothing... This is either the worst luck any dev team can have or they are just pissing away our money and giving us little to nothing in exchange FFs just block off the library and release the fucking game already, getting to the point where this is become absolute bullshit
  37. 1 point
    From the sound of this, I think I may be purchasing Arma III Thanks for sharing this amazing experience with us, was a blast to read through it!
  38. 1 point
    1 month is way too long a wait for something that should have been released since late 2016, I didnt pay the $30 to sit here and watch them constantly say that they are just tying ends up and it will be released a week later, then a week later, then a month later, then almost a whole year
  39. 1 point
    I agree with Dadofmad, why not just release it now, block it off or leave it the way it is until they finish and update. A lot of people who be satisfied with that rather than wait longer.
  40. 1 point
    He is talking about the module, if they are only finishing polishing interiors and stuff they should at least give us a good release date for when this module comes out.
  41. 1 point
    Answer in this dev blog.. :
  42. 1 point
    like a friend told me, its taking them this long to release a town and get it to work, this game wont be out until like 2020
  43. 1 point
    The members, and money raised are not automatically re written
  44. 1 point
    Not to burst your concept of "freedom" but Roleplaying Sex with minors isn't in my wheelhouse. This entire concept would break the immersion in the RP, want Sex in a game where you can be a criminal too, go play Bonetown.
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    Hello citizens! It's been too long since our last developer blog entry, so I wanted to take the time today to update all of our backers on Identity's current state of development, as well as give a little more insight into the process behind the scenes. During the first year and a bit of development, most of the time was spent developing key backend systems. Networking modifications, weapon physics, character customization, voice communication and so on. That's all behind us now, and I'm happy to say it's gone as well as we could have hoped. Now and for the past couple of months we've moved on to gameplay development, making those backend features do the fun stuff. This Month in Development In this last month our lead character artist, Miroslav, has finished up everything we need for your characters going into the Town Square release. We're always going to be adding more character customizations over time, but to start you'll have the choice between 4 male and 5 female race options. After selecting your base race you can customize further with skin tones, blemishes, scars, eye color, hair styles, hair colors and tweaks to facial features. Identity is expanding on the usual character customization, though, as some of the options available can only be gotten through achievements. Prison tattoos are an example; if you see someone with such a tattoo you know they've done something to earn it. A lot of work this month has also gone into the player housing systems. In following our previous messages, our home customization system has been in place for some months although we've been expanding the floorplans in preperation for the Town Square module release. Sean, or Motown as you may know him, has prepared the various apartments you will have in the Town Square. If you have made a smaller pledge to Identity and do not have an apartment yet, we're going to be giving you access to a temporary (small) home in the Town Square so that you can play with the cusomization features. If you've pledged for a package containing an apartment, Town Square will show what you'll have in the full Identity game upon release. Just this morning our lead programmer, Henrik (AKA Mathalion), finished up the karaoke systems. It's a minor feature for Identity as a whole, but it's going to be loads of fun in the Town Square module! Just off the lobby of the hotel is a slick little bar, complete with a karaoke stage. You'll be able to queue up your favorite songs on the karaoke machine and see the lyrics on one of the monitors around the stage. The microphone on the stage really works, too, amplifying your voice out of the speakers so that your singing can be heard by everyone there! Most of us are terrible singers, so karaoke is going to have a lot of hilarious moments. If you're just there to watch, the restaurant by the stage is fully functional, too! It's Been Too Long I'll just come right out and say it: we at Asylum Entertainment have really had poor PR these last months, and you guys deserve better. You deserve much more frequent updates, and we're committing to give you that moving forward. We're a relatively small development team today. Currently a core staff of 5 incredibly talented full-time developers, I'm amazed every day with what this team can accomplish. Outside of our core we have a handful of part-time workers, mostly artists, who are also very skilled. Because we're a small team, many of us have to wear several hats. For example, Sean is our community manager but also a 3D artist. I myself am the project manager, a programmer and interface developer. This leads to few resources to dedicate towards PR as there's so much work to be done on the game itself. This is something we knew though, and we're going to set some time aside regularly to keep you in the loop. The Town Square module is coming soon. We're in the final months of 2016 now, and you'll finally be inside the first piece of the Identity world in the first quarter of 2017. It's a little later than we originally hoped since we're dedicated to making sure everything is smooth and stable from the first moments. Identity is an enormous undertaking, but the most difficult bits are behind us and we're drawing near! What to Expect The first stage of game development is always very boring to talk about, and also doesn't give us much to show you. Creating those backend systems that drive the game behind the scenes is one of the most important phases, but it's not very glamorous. It's for this reason that most games aren't announced until they're a couple years into development. Now that we're past that point, we're going to be able to start showing you real Identity gameplay. The first gameplay video you'll see is going to be in November and will show you just how detailed and in-depth Identity is becomming! You'll see a walkthrough of our housing system, showing just how far it can be customized and some of the cool fun features you'll find in there. Following that video we'll give you a glimpse of the Town Square features, leading up to its release. It's been a ton of work and a long time coming, but we're moving forward at a great pace and everything is about to get very exciting over here.
  47. 1 point
    I think I'd giggle too much if my character jumped under the sheets and the bed started trembling and almost jumping up and down while my character's and her partner's limbs are randomly coming out from under the sheets, hearts raining down on the pillows constantly... I don't really see the need to implement the "blurred out" sex scenes, they'd have to pretty long to roleplay through them or you'd have to constantly repeat them to keep the scene you're voicing going... If they added 3D sex animations the game would quickly turn into a porn-game. And I wouldn't have a life there since I have a feminine voice. I'm all +1 for cuddling in bed animations and generally kissing animations, it should be fairly easy to roleplay sexy scenes when your character are cuddling in bed in their underwear but it'd still look PG. Just not sound PG. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  48. 1 point
    We've had a lot of questions about sex in Identity, and we don't really have many reservations against it, other than the possibility that Identity could be banned from sites like Twitch, Youtube, and potentially from Steam. Sex in Identity could add an intimate element to the game, but it just isn't worth the risk of losing exposure over this single feature.
  49. 1 point
    Name: "Aldo Leo." Age: "26" Race: "Italian..Strictly Italian." From: "Naples, Italy" Appearance: "5'11, clean shaving, guinea..." Attire: "I prefer to wear Italian tailored suit's.." Job: "Do ya really want me to say it?....Fine..I'm one of those guys you would see in Good Fellas, or The Godfather.....A Wiseguy, A Mobster, Mafioso, whatever you would like to call it." Detail of house: "Ya want my ATM PIN code too?...Forgeta Bout It." Detail of Vehicle: "Preferably a Muscle car, or a Cadilac...Either one will work." Personality: "I ain't gonna lie, I'm brutally honest and a huge asshole....But I'm willing to give someone respect if they deserve it...." Background: Aldo is a classical tough guy who grew up in Naples Italy, his father, uncles, brothers, were all connected with the Genovese Crime Family. Aldo began his life of crime at the earliest age of 19, after graduating from his private school, he quickly got to work with his family, running chop shops and illegal card games for his older brother Marco, and his father Daniel Leo. After the passing of Vincent'The Chin' Giagante, Aldo's father: Daniel, was promoted to boss and now held control of the family. Upon having his new promotion, Daniel sent Aldo over to the island of Identity, to see what his son could do on his own. Aldo was given permission to join other crime families, and in which began his test. Aldo is currently eager to back to business and start up something in Identity, not wanting to disappoint his father.
  50. 1 point