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Found 92 results

  1. Hitman

    Hey guys how is everyone?. Don't you guys think it would be sweat that you could become a killer for heir/Hitman and that there could be a secret website where you can find Hitman's and heir them to kill a certain person and the Hitman would get paid large amount of money(because he killed a person and the cops will chase after him or etc). It would be great that you don't get banned for killing some 1 or 2 times. So are guys gonna try to become the best Hitman? ( I am ) Comment below and tell what you guys think.
  2. I don't know where else to post this, and I couldn't find an answer anywhere. How much will an apartment be? I want to get the 60$ pledge just for the car, yet It does not include an apartment. also, only 1,000 dollars. I need a car for my crew, and I am not apart of an MC. (my other character is and will have an apartment but I want separate apartments because they will not have any affiliation with each other) I need this characters (luca) apartment to hold pistols, weed and for their to hold some of my friends. So the cheapest house, maybe, 600 bucks? 500? including garage of course
  3. Salary, income, work, job

    Hey again guys! I was wondering how the money and employment works in this game, from what I understand you can work within diffirent areas. But how does it work? Do you actually work? Can someone spread some light to me on this subject! And what type of salaries are we talking, low vs high income /month. This is a topic I would love to know more about! Have a great monday! Whiskey
  4. Marketing

    every body is talking about producing and shipping wlll who is gona take it from the first place ,,so i think a salesman would do the job over the radio making commercials or knocking on doors making meetings ETC...
  5. Auctioneer

    Would be cool to be an auctioneer where you bid on cars or home stuff against other people. You could go up in ranks and bid on real estate and sell if for even more money ! Would be soooo cool.
  6. What kind of in-game purchases are there going to be? I really hate in-game purchases, it can ruin RP and the economy. I can see using real cash for uploading content or for a monthly subscription, but that's about it. Here's an example, What's the point of becoming a millionaire if someone can buy in-game currency? Or why hold a fashion show if the best looking outfits are paid with real cash? Second-Life is a great example of a game destroyed by users making a profit.
  7. Fiscal Policy

    I've searched trough forum but did not find my answer for my following question. Will there be limited amount of cash that circles around in economy or it's unlimited? I mean, if every penny is counted then citizens would "care" about tax changes or other laws that regulate flow of money. Citizens would think twice, before investing in business. Importance of accounting will increase. Inflation would affect fiscal decisions that citizens make. Stock market creates hierarchy of businesses. I doubt that a hobo will collect every coin from server and leave for good. Every citizen will buy goods, which makes money circle around in economy.
  8. The Triads

    This is going to be a Triad based crime group. In this group the world is going to have the biggest nuisance they have ever seen. Only a small portion of this group is based on doing mindless crimes as this family will be striving towards making money. Your new brothers and sister will be initiated by blood and you will treat them with respect and you will help our community grow so we can obtain more money and power!
  9. Money

    Can I buy game money with real money? like Gta 5?
  10. Dollabank Job Listing

    Accountant: Keeping track of all of our clients accounts is no easy task. Although we are a small LLC we expect to have several sources of open debit or credit. As an accountant, it is your job to make sure that all this money and dept is kept track of. Without you, our business would surely fail. This position is all about trust. You will start with a few small accounts and work your way up to more and larger accounts. As an accountant you will make a set salary paid out daily based on the amount and size of accounts you manage. Salesman: Salesmen are the face of the company. As a salesperson it is your job to strike deals with the citizens of Identity. You will then write down and transfer the details of the contract made with clients and give this information to the accountants to keep track of. A great deal of charisma is required to fulfill this position. You are what the world sees first of our company. As a salesmen you will make a commission based off of the size and the amount of accounts you open. An option is available to take a salary with a smaller commission, but this is optional. Debt Collector/Repo: We run a peaceful business here at Dollabank. Here our employees abide by the law and handle currency. Violence is not in our nature. Here at Dollabank our way of violently collecting a loan is simply to deny you credit. However we realize that once people have money they seldom want to give it up. Especially if they just bought a new car or house. However, people also forget, that the money used to buy that house or car, wasn't theirs. If someone uses money that isn't theirs to buy a new house or a car, that house or car isn't theirs. If you work in repo it is your job to make sure that everyone really owns what they claim to and if they don't, fix it. Please PM uncannierlink with your application if you wish to work for Dollabank.
  11. or make money, do you mean in game? Or money you can use in real life?
  12. DollaBank

    Hey! Need some money? Well you've come to the right place. Dollabank is a small company that wishes to contribute to the growth of economy by administering loans as well as giving interest payments to those who open accounts with us. If you need capital to start that business you've always wanted to run or you wish to make a long term, FDIC insured(pending) investment we provide plans and services for all of these and more! Here at Dollabank we know the value of money. We know the freedom it allows people to have and we know how important it is for consumers to have money. Money is so important, without it the world would stop turning! Don't you hate it when you ask someone for money and they say no? Well at Dollabank this almost never happens! (unless you have a bad credit history). We value our industrious clients who contribute to the local economy by starting new businesses and creating competition, making everything better for the consumer. Also, We're Hiring! See our post in the Job Bank for More Details.
  13. Criminal Chop Shops

    CHOP SHOPS Just a suggestion, but they should be added. In case anyone needs some knowledge of what this is: What Are Chop Shops? Chop shops are illegal garages that buy stolen cars, disassemble them, and sell their individual parts for profit. To avoid being caught, criminals disassemble a car within hours of stealing it. That way, the owner and the police will never be able to find it. Since they are running an illegal business, the people operating chop shops try to be as inconspicuous as possible. They are hidden away in residential garages and small commercial spaces that do not draw attention. Chop shops rarely work independently; they are usually part of large criminal organizations. Just a suggestion...
  14. Dollabank Official Accounts

    Official Accounts Available At Dollabank Credit Accounts - These accounts where the client is the borrower and Dollabank is the lender House Mortgage - Low interest rate Car Loan - Medium Interest rate. Auto insurance is required if you wish to apply this loan. Small Bussiness Loan - High interest rate. Debit Accounts -These are accounts where the client is the lender and Dollabank is the borrower Savings Account -High minimum account balance -High interest rate -Frequent Withdraw Fees Checking Account -No Minimum Account Balance -Low Interest Rate -No Frequent Withdraw Fees Certificate Of Deposit Account -Highest interest rate -Very large early withdraw fee -Very Large minimum deposit
  15. I Would love to see real badass billionaires have there own companies and really rich like wolf of wallstreet. also they have connections to the goverment
  16. Buying Different Phones

    I would really love to know if it would be possible to buy things like mobile phones etc. If it is possible, I think we would all like to know what type of phones you can get, how many different phones you can get, if you can use apps on it as well. One thing that also popped into mind, was the idea of players having the ability to make apps (although that is very complex, I am talking about simple things. The way you could do this is by giving players some of the dev tools you guys used while making apps for the phones, but of course much more simple and not as complex). You could give players the ability to text and phone each other, with credit that they have on their phone. When they run out of credit, they have to go to a store and purchase more credit, which once again, could help with business for people. Another great thing would be to make the phone a thing you have to have in your inventory, so that it could be used in other things like for instance; you get robbed, someone mugs you and takes your phone. Or say, you are hurt or killed, and it is the job of the police to read contact history on your mobile to find out if you have been forced into committing suicide, or if you have been murdered etc. Kind Regards - Toma
  17. Pay days

    How will people who are doctors, police officers, etc be paid. The government can only collect so much taxes but that wont be enough for paying all the government jobs without putting the taxes very high. Also if you are a doctor who pays your salary? To sum up what I'm trying to say is who is going to pay the salary's of jobs(beside private own company's)?