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Showing most liked content on 08/19/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    First things first, I've never developed a game before nor am I evenly remotely qualified to but even I can see some big flaws in the development progress and team for Identity and instead of just complaining about it (Which at this stage I could probably do all day) I have some suggestions for them. 1. Just release the module in it's current state, as long as it's playable no one is expecting a masterpiece for a pre-alpha build I understand you want to make it perfect so everyone get's hyped about how perfect it is and therefore donate more money but your constant delays are causing all your current fans to turn on you. I know based of everything that's happened so far I can't possibly recommend this game to any of my friends due to the fact we're virtually kept in the dark of progress. 2. Take a holiday. Literally shut the entire office down for at least a week and head off some where to stop thinking about all the complaints and instead focus on what you decided to create this game in the first place and how you envisioned it. When you come back have a meeting about you can most effectively reach your vision. To me (As previously stated, not a developer) that means you need to focus on the coding of the game and less on all the assets. Don't get me wrong the game looks great, way way better than what I was expecting, but what's the point if you don't have any gameplay. 3. Bring all your social media back to the forms. A lot of us have jobs/study/whatever and don't have time to look everywhere for bits of information. The forums in it's current state is so toxic but if you create a new section literally called Information where you briefly summarise what's been happening I guarantee you everyone will be happier because the way it is at the moment noone knows what's going on. There's no need for having Twitter/Discord/Facebook/Whatever else you have exclusive posts if people want to follow you on those platforms provide them links to the update on your forums. 4. Reevaluate your priorities. Currently people who have already pledged are mad, and they're your literal source of income. The community should be your number one priority, even more so than the actual development of the game. A happier community will lead to a larger community, a larger community will lead to more funding to the game and more funding will mean more room for developers and bam, by focusing on the community you've also improved development. 5. Acknowledge your mistakes, but more importantly actually learn from them. I understand that a game of this size is no easy task otherwise I'd have been down before but whenever someone makes a complaint on this forum they get attacked for doing so and then almost completely ignored, 99% of people here and complaining because they want this game and they're getting frustrated because they're not being herd and left in the dark. Respond to them if even with a generic message "We understand you're upset and we can definitely do better we plan on doing this so "complaint" isn't a issue anymore." or "We're currently working that issue by doing this" These are my opinions on the current biggest flaws on the development progress of the game if you don't agree with my feel free to say so below I'd love to hear your opinions on what you think they could do better or how I'm wrong. More importantly I'd love the developers to comment on this post maybe some of this has been already incorporated and I didn't know or they plan on following some of this advice.
  2. 2 points
    We are defending the devs because your points don't make any sense: These tasks "being left for 2 months" had nothing to do with the person who was in charge of updating the tracker... if the tasks aren't done they cant be checked as complete on the tracker. A task can take a while to be tested and to be cleared from bugs. "Developing games takes a long time" is a perfectly reasonable response... you have to take in account that this is being produced by a small development team. GTA may be a bigger game than this but still, the team behind it was way bigger and more experienced than asylum and they took 5 years to make GTA 5, right now we are at year 3 of Identity development... a game isn't just developed in weeks of time. First of all, these are the modelers, and if you havent payed any attention, they cant really do anything else for the first module. So what if they stream, they are working on optional things like lamps... The new website was planned a long time ago, and its usually the web developers that work on the website, not the programmers. 1 million dollars is nothing, welcome to game development, its not cheap... these "microtransactions" are here temporarily and are only available for those who want to pledge, once the game comes out they disappear... Fella, again, developing a game isn't cheap. And btw this 1 million in funding isn't just for the first module, you think they are going to spend all their funding's on one module in the hope they will receive more money? hell no... and even then this 1 million is nothing in game development. I would suggest next time you complain about game development you actually inform you on the subject before saying "1 million is more than enough to develop a game" because just reading through your post I can tell you don't know anything about game development...
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
    A new family heirarchy made by one of our members, Vittorio Graziano.
  5. 1 point
    Alright, i'll start by saying this. Money isn't my issue. I spent 30 dollars on this game, and it only comes to mind once every couple of weeks. Im not motivated by desire, or a refund, or even anger. So devs/moderators, take this into consideration. All of it. The Dev Tracker is honestly ridiculous and you guys know it is. Whoever you had in charge of updating it wasn't doing that, and it sat on 1-2 things left for upwards of 2 months. That is... words cant describe what that is. The game itself has been in development for YEARS, which is something you have all heard before, and your generic "Developin gayms taeks a lot of tyme" isn't even reputable anymore. It's been too long, and you guys are VERY OBVIOUSLY focusing your efforts on things that are so stupid, SUCH AS: Streaming the development. Streaming takes A LOT of effort, and communication with fans in the chat, and so far your streams have been an accurate depiction on the work ethic. "Hey guys, welcome to this stream where we take about 2 of our (previously stated) 20 developers, and take about 4 to 5 hours making a fucking lampshade! Join us again next year when we start work on the table legs!" Its absurd, streaming it is stupid and time consuming. A whole new fucking website design? Seriously? We're all SCREAMING for an update on progress and the best you can do is make the fucking website look pretty? What was even the purpose in that, just stop fiddling your dick and FINISH THE MODULE. Fucking. Micro-transactions. This is the main reason im making this post. You have over 1 million USD just from backers. Thats the average middle class mans LIFETIME EARNINGS. Yet, you spend more time making pointless things like fucking more apartments? Only this time it costs 100. Fucking. Dollars. I snooped in the store some more, and saw that you're LITERALLY SELLING THE CONCEPT OF A CUSTOM LICENSE PLATE FOR 15 FUCKING DOLLARS. Thats fucking ABSURD. Considering so far we get updates tri-monthly that contain messages like "We still workin on it" and "Hold yer horses, its only been 3 years" you would think they could give us something other than another way to waste our money on hope. Which, ties into my final point. See, i've realized a steady pattern with this development team, and I have a theory. You see, Asylum was a very small team, with a genuine hope to recreate that ARMA RP that we all know and love, but they needed funding. They started simple, you know, advertising an amazing game with a trailer and saying "Please, all we need is funding and we can make this happen" and they said it with TRUTH. Then, the wave. People donating willy nilly, praising this god tier game trailer, expecting an orgasm worthy experience. They have amassed a grand total 1,296,948 United States Dollars. Now I dont know how much it costs to pay for resources like textures, licenses, and a monthly subscription of whatever software they use to develop the game, BUT, I can tell you that there is NO reason it should cost 1.296 million dollars to make ONE MODULE that by the way, has no currency system, is completely experimental, and has a grand total of TWO CARS. TWO. I cant even imagine what the physics system is like. So anyway, Asylum were SHOCKED at this, and noticed that, they were making fucking bank on this. The hype train, the Pledges, the donations, hell, the twitch revenue (cant confirm, just a thought) and them being a very small, inexperienced development team, took the EA route real fucking fast. Overhyping games, putting out JUST enough information to keep the fans from rioting, and collecting those sweet sweet pre-order deals, then the second the game drops, there are paywalls EVERYWHERE. The player had no idea, and now they wasted hundreds on a game that they can barely play. Asylum, you've practically fucked your entire future as a company, and destroyed every last bit of fanbase you had. You needed to release more updates, you needed to put more effort into the game, you needed to stop being fucking greedy, and either release the game, or refund the backers. Judging by the micro transactions, this game is going to be HELL. And I will be refunding as soon as possible.
  6. 1 point
    Everyone please. I get angry too but we cannot let that get in the way of this game. I say we give the Devs more time. I know how hard it is to make a game. SO all we have to do is give time. Also like I said yesterday GTA V took 5 years to create. FIVE YEARS. You guys need to understand that this game is offering a lot more than GTA and the fact they are actually getting us something to play is great. You guys need to understand that staying loyal to the cause will help the Devs. We must show that we still support the game. I would like to hear what you guys have to say please reply and I will be checking the forum hourly!
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    1. The very first part is the worst idea and is what the big game companies set as the standard for games. Second not pre-alpha but alpha build. No one has stated that it will be perfect on the release of the module, however the biggest feature is the feature they are working on and is a must for them to complete before they release the module. There are no more constant delays, there were only 2 delays and so how is it constantly getting delayed? If there was a date then it could be delayed but there is a task tracker instead and so no delay is possible. 2. 3D artist are not Coders/ programmers. Why should the 3D artists sit idle while we all wait for the programmers to complete the task. Them doing nothing is th worst idea ever IMO because if they create more assets while we wait, in the long run there will be less assets needed to make for the game. Yes, but that means a slower development speed and slower means that the community will still get mad. People find reasons to just complain really which is sad. They have said in the past about there mistakes. Also, they do get a response but because there is a reasonable answer in the response, they decide to complain more anyways. I will pass this post onwards
  9. 1 point
    2015 - 2018 = what 4 years? Strange because 15 + 3 = 18. Look, you need to read your post before posting it, because well you either are bad at maths or miss typing. It will be 4 years at the end of January 2019. Actually they are putting all the effort in but the task is being worked on and they are making progress but they have came across multiple bugs which had to be fixed before they could continue the task. They are also entitled to a day off, Saturday and Sunday are not a working day for them. They do overtime also but there is only so much a programmer can do in a day. We may not see the tracker visually changed but that doesn't mean the devs are idle.
  10. 1 point
    Your find out when it's released in 9065
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Alright. We paid for it, and we've been CONSTANTLY lied to. The developers don't even provide an apology for making everyone wait so long, they actually respond to genuine questions and complaints with smart ass jokes. It isn't reputable because we've seen the fucking trailers, and the other trailers, and the OTHER trailers, clearly the game is finished or at least PLAYABLE, they're only holding it for more money, and until we have another explanation as to WHY it isn't released, we literally can't come to any other assumption. I'd also like to point out that you're bringing in an ENTIRELY different topic and bringing a genuine complaint to a ridiculous level to ridicule me, which I don't appreciate. Its extremely immature. At what point did I even state that the 3D artists had ANYTHING to do with coding? You pulled that out of your ass. My complaint, the focus was- actually let me make it easier for you to understand. WHY DOES IT TAKE 4 HOURS TO MAKE A LAMPSHADE. WHY DO THE DEVELOPERS GIVE THEMSELVES MORE DISTRACTIONS BY STREAMING THE ENTIRE PROCESS. Your entire reply was just dodging legitimate questions and bringing up random things to make me seem like a fucking lunatic.
  13. 1 point
    No, because for starters, they can't make the date more than 2 years as a expected release date on kickstarter. It only allows 2 years and so it was not there fault on that. Also Kickstarter states that projects may take longer than the expected time, which in most cases always happen. They? as in the moderators? Hairy is a Moderator not a dev and he mentioned it could be but it was delayed and so The full Beta won't be this year. We have 3 modules to get through first. Whats the point you are making? Them doing lots of models don't slow down programming and so it's a good thing they continue doing more models because then they won't need to later on.
  14. 1 point
    If you are going to refund, well... JUST FUCKING DO IT. We do not care, just ask for it before it's too late. I really don't understand this urge most people have to let everyone knows they are pissed at something... This REALLY sound needy, to say the least. Now, on topic: Why? Why isn't reputable anymore? Cause you decided? So if you are fed up about, let's say, the shape of the Earth you go: "The globe isn't reputable anymore, the Earth is flat now"? Now, I really understand that ignorance most of the times bring peace of mind, but not always, like in this case. I mean, I don't even know where to start... It does not take a genius to know that an artist, who do lampshade and table legs DOES NOT MESS WITH CODING. Artist do the objects in game, developers and coders make the rest. Is that clear enough or you need a drawing? Seriously, you should have stopped your sentence before "BUT" And then there is this... I mean, why I am even wasting my time here?
  15. 1 point
    No matter how you slice it, a competent development team would have more to show in 3 years time OR have an explanation as to why they do not. This is pretty irrefutable in the real world of game development. So I can understand the frustration of those who have poured money and faith into this game for so very little transparency in return. This is especially true if they are using Unreal engine or any pre-made engine for the backbone of the project. I'm not saying a game isn't being made, but comparing it to an actual competent team developing AAA games is beyond asinine. There's such a thing as a middle ground where people can be in the reality of what's happening. You have people with their head in the clouds going full support, pessimists screaming "scam", but there is that middle ground where we can both see a product is being made, but it's definitely not up to scratch for something with this amount of funding behind it and 3+ years in.
  16. 1 point
    Probable not until the game's full release which could be around early 2018. could be 2018 for full release... we dont even have a module in 2018 yet. they years behind schedule
  17. 1 point
    Wouldnt this also be considered false information than? if they say 2016 but dont mean it.... also they have mentioned before they wanted full beta release in 2018. well shit we 4 months away from 2019 so they better hurry lol i like to back my statements with facts so here ya go, you can read what HairyGrenade says
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    i don't think someone is literally dying for it to be released
  20. 1 point
    Overalls by Umut: "Gators" by Umut: Proposed Design (Concept Art) for Town Square's Bank (Interior) by Pavlenko: Proposed Design (Concept Art) for Town Square's Coffee Shop (Interior) by Pavlenko:
  21. 1 point
    Wow...seriously...it will be terrible? I don't think it will...The people who made Pubg can't even make their bullet physics consistent, driving cars is horrible! I feel like there is an invisible 3 year old boy's arm behind the vehicles pushing me along, crashing into the dumbest things...Like the ground because it meets at too sharp an angle and it stops you dead, and possibly even kills you, if you were going fast enough. If Pubg, which actually is terrible, but people still played it made it way more popular than it deserved. People on PC for some reason wont buy a subscription service, they rather deal with cheaters and broken services...But pump out some skins for weapons, or clothes for a player's character...and people will spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars for skins! But won't pay 6.99 for a subscription service to get rid of hackers...lol...I think im gonna start taking anything PC people say with a grain of salt...You guys, for the most part, have not a damn clue what's good or not lol
  22. 1 point
    @Motownwill we be able to eat the GULP and record it and upload it to TubeYou?
  23. 1 point
    Office Desk by Philipp: Trophy by Antoine: "Gulp" Detergent by Marvin:
  24. 1 point
    I really hope to see that ! https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/18/6/1525529584-fini.png
  25. 1 point
    Goodmorning citizens! These new screenshots of the Town Square include paint overs and images to add edits and proper realism to the final product so the TS won't essentially look like this on release, but here's some new pictures for you to enjoy as we draw closer to March 21!
  26. 1 point
    Ok now this isn't a insut but when i see this i think, Backer: Hey hows the progress doing? Dev: LAMPS Backer: uhhh ok hows the video coming along? Dev: LAMPS Backer i don't unde- Dev: LAAAAAAMPS