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Showing most liked content on 03/14/2017 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Hello everyone as you know I am Kracken aka Ken Blackout from A3PL, I have been rather active with you all here and decided to make a solid team of officers before the server launches. We have to be ready to do our job when the time comes and that is what I want to push for. I am going to be looking to head the police department for a bit until a proper leader or elected leader can assume control. I will be posting my police department ideals and will edit this one once it is complete. LETS DO THIS @Lil_Fish, @shadowkiller, @Force1127af, @Arum04, @Mentality, @TrashmanBones, @NOE, @Kraztec, @Samuel_Tsai, @TheLeGeND97, @jackstacs, @Triggered, @xVAULTxDWELLERx, @BobbyCruz, @Kaitlyn, @Lavics79, @GotYourSix
  2. 3 points
    I might have an Identity podcast, and let you good people know what the .gov is up to
  3. 3 points
    That would be cool. An underground fight club
  4. 2 points
    Disclaimer: This topic is about association football (soccer), NOT American football. Hello fellow sports fans! As many of you know, the developers have stated that sports will be a form of entertainment in Identity. Therefore I present to you the community's first top level sports league. Due to the name of island currently being unknown, it will stay Identity Island. I present the Identity Island Football League (or Identity Premier League) The league will consists of 12 teams across the 3 cities, which each city starting with a chief club. The other 9 clubs must be purchased for $100,000 and you will become the president of that club (with full customization, from team logo/name to hiring,etc.) with a reserved spot in the 1st season of the league. Ash Hill: -Ash Hill FC (chief club) (buy able for $250,000) -(Open club spot) -(Open club spot) -(Open club spot) Roseport: -Roseport FC (chief club) (buy able for $250,000) -(Open club spot) -(Open club spot) -(Open club spot) Turtle Beach: -Turtle Beach FC (chief club) (buy able for $250,000) -(Open club spot) -(Open club spot) -(Open club spot) As the president of the club, you may hire managers, coaches, and other officials that deal with players and field management. League Season The start of the season will begin with a recruiting/transfer window. This time period will last approx. 2-3 weeks in where teams may recruit players or trade players with other clubs. (AFTER THE TRADING WINDOW CLOSES, PLAYERS MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED TO OTHER CLUBS) As a player: You will show off your skills to various teams interested in hopes of getting selected to be on the team. Tryouts and combines are the best ways to be scouted. If a team is interested in you, they will offer you a contract and once both parties agree, congratulations you're on a team! (more details will be provided) As a president/manager: You must actively scout for the most skilled players to assemble you're league squad in hopes of a title win. Hosting combines are a good way to find talent in the Identity community. If you are interested in a player, a contract must be made. The following must be included: -Salary (per season, not per year) -Signing bonuses (if any) -Length of contract (maximum 2 in-game years, until renewal) After all 12 teams have assembled their squad, the regular season will begin Each team will play each other twice throughout a season (once at their home field and once at that of their opponents) , for a total of 22 games each club plays. The scoring goes as follows: +2 points for a win/ +1 point for a tie/ 0 points for a loss Clubs will play 2 games a week (one on Saturday, one on Sunday, unless rescheduling is needed), so each season should last no more than 3 months. The team at the end of the season with the most points will be declared League champion. The champion club will receive (along with the title) a $1,000,000 prize (might be subject to increase). Conclusion: This is all just in the works of development and I would really like the community's opinions on the matter. I plan on turning the Identity Premier League into the most popular sports/entertainment feature in the game. If you are interested in becoming a player or manager in the League or if you have any other questions, feel free to comment below! Like and share with those who could seriously be interested!
  5. 2 points
    I agree, thanks Cruz! I just didn't want to miss it!
  6. 2 points
    BETA is only recieved with the Founder pledge and above not the Citizen pledge.... So you must pledge $30 or above @Plumixtee The modules will have good enough graphics but the graphics will be improved over time until release.
  7. 2 points
    Agree with everything.
  8. 2 points
    I'm Aryan, and i find this offensive. lmao AB members don't sit on games, they aren't children, its a prison gang, some of you guys can bring up some iffy alright points i suppose, but you also have to remember, that its a game, there's lots of real life gang names used on gta and what not, there's nothing they can really do about it, if the AB even played this game. If they did, and they had the sheer luck of finding you on your particular server, what can they honestly do? try and claim they are real AB and they find it offensive? lol whose going to believe that on the internet? AB is predominately a prison gang, none of them have time to waste their life playing a game like identity in a fictional world when they already live in a world, us roleplayers, try to mimic their reality in a controlled, virtual environment without consequences. We play as criminals on the game, because we find it interesting, and would like to play out how it would be in a real gang, but without consequences like going to real jail and getting it in the butt. We are just nerds wanting a virtual world to dance around in and do whatever we want. People like the AB and members in real gangs, already have that world, in real life, and don't have time for that, they have duties, like making money, cooking dope, what not. Ive personally used Barrio Azteca as a gang name on a roleplay community on arma 3 before, no one found it offensive, i even made it so you had to have a mexican looking character to join lol. No one found my IP address and bashed me because of it. I personally don't care if there's gangs and what not in identity, that have the same name as the ones outside, would probably be better if they had the same kind of gang theme as irl to match though imo, would bring some more realisim to it, would be abit weird to see a gang called Aryan brother hood, and ingame all the members are dark skin.
  9. 2 points
    I almost wish we were able to downvote posts here.
  10. 1 point
    This thread will hopefully, with your help, become a list of all currently and future confirmed business companies. Hopefully, once we have compiled a decent list of companies possible we can get this thread stickied. So just leave any company types in the comments and it'll be added to the thread. WE WANT COMPANY TYPE NOT THE NAME OF YOUR COMPANY. Companies ALREADY Confirmed: Clothing Stores Farms Public Transport (Bus, Taxi, etc.) Security Consulting Firms Weapon Shops Companies To Be Confirmed In The FUTURE:
  11. 1 point
    Ok just so its straight in my mind i decided to list all candidates for governer and there political parties. If theres anymore i haven't listed just say and I will amend the list. Same if your listed as having no known party or are a independent runner and want to list your party just say. Joel Keys (aka JOELKEYS) - The Peoples Party. Thomas Hetch (aka ThomasHetch) - The Identity Party. Preston Bodi (PRESTON_BODHI_343) - No known party/Possible Independent Runner. (No first name) Mr. Times - The Royal Party. GENE SMITH (AKA GeneSmith) - No known party/Possible Independent Runner. BOBBY CRUZ (Aka BobbyCruz) - No known party/Possible Independent Runner.
  12. 1 point
    Hey, I was wondering where this game will be launched when it comes out? Will it come to Steam or will it have its own site to download this game? Thank you for replying.
  13. 1 point
    Haha well you know, being the law in a game is always paid more. I call it false advertisement to those looking into that real life adventure Kappa
  14. 1 point
    Hello everyone. I would like to present an idea that I got after reading some sports topics on identity. I present you Sports Association in Identity - SAI The SAI will be an organizer of 4 sports modality (or less, it depends). The organization will be done through a blog (afk) where it will be possible to find dates of the next games, seasons calendars, results of previous games and also some information about the hirings and changes of cast of the teams. We will have a TV channel (twitch) where the matches will be transmitted. (I still do not know which are the days and times of transmission will be and I do not know if it will have a narrator.) Our method of obtaining money to pay our employees and also to pay the prizes of the winning teams of each modality will be through advertisements of companies interested in advertising in our TV channel. We will also partner with apparel companies to produce the uniforms of each team (teams will pay for this), uniforms may be stamped corporate sponsorships. I can not yet give certain values because I do not know how the real economy will be in game What do you think? Can it work, yes or no? Why? I tried to detail the maximum because if I can not make it real, I hope someone does. I'm sorry for bad English (translate-google), I'm a lazy and I did not study English as I should have. I'm so hyped for this game!!!!!!
  15. 1 point
    I highly doubt that since it is a rather small land mass bringing in federal would require a president, congress, senate, and a director of said group. As of now I believe we only have a Governor. For a DEA, FBI, Marshall's, CIA, NSA etc..... we need a full government. I believe DEA was misquoted and would be a drug task force part of the PD.
  16. 1 point
    I'm not opposed to heading it up with someone too if needed, @Lil_Fish
  17. 1 point
    In reality DEA is Feds not local law enforcement. If it is going to be local it should be a Drug Task force I would assume.
  18. 1 point
    "Please search for information next time as this has been answered and can be found easily!" If I knew where to find this information, do you think I would post a topic about it?
  19. 1 point
    I hope you are kidding, as I stated above I said "I believe" I didn't confirm anything smh.
  20. 1 point
    I believe they are gonna release it on Steam and PS4.
  21. 1 point
    I read somewhere before about Drug Enforcement and Detectives.. not an IA thing but you're not alone on that. I did see it
  22. 1 point
    I think I read somewhere there may be a DEA spot or something like that. I'd like to reserve a spot as a Captain or head of DEA. Just in addition, you usually only have deputies if it's a Sheriff's dept.
  23. 1 point
    To be honest I see where he is coming from. I also see where you are coming from. He could have put it more politely but I think what he is trying to say is you cant say you are a professional politician when in fact you are stepping in for your friend. Unless you have participated in a campaign and won an election, or something of that magnitude, you aren't REALLY a politician. Hats off to you for getting involved with the community and volunteering though, keep at it, I admire determination and teenagers who work early. Just thought it was needed to explain his point to you in a better way. I think his main point was just because I got on the X Factor and sung a song and got 4 yes's, doesn't really make me a professional singer. Its kind of like this, just because you are a cadet doesn't make you a soldier. Also in regards to age making you mature, this is actually true. As you age and your brain develops you do become more mature. You won't get a kid who is born mature and slowly turns childish throughout their life. There are however exceptions to every rule, just because this is a biological fact doesn't mean there is no such thing as a mature 15 year old. Again, I respect you for your maturity but age is a factor. I want to say this in a very nice way as I am not trying to demean you, but this is an example of immaturity. Because you are 15, you are sticking up for another 15 year old which is very understandable, but as a mature teenager myself I can step back, look at the arguments and make an informed opinion. Kracken did not claim to be better than anyone, he simply pointed out that at 15 you cannot be a real politician. Just like if I was 12 and claimed to be a carpenter. You cannot be a carpenter at 12 years old, that is not me trying to claim to be better and above "every person in the world" or even 12 year-olds who claim they are carpenters, I am simply stating a fact. Again, while I don't believe Kracken actually claimed that every 15 year old is immature, if he did, while it would be a wrong opinion, it would be understandable because maturity develops as you age, so its not illogical to assume most 15 year-olds are immature. Again, no disrespect to either of you but I don't believe you understand what he was getting at. For example, I was on Sesame Street when I was a young child, but I cannot claim I am a TV star because of it. That's all he meant. Prez, keep at your politics and hopefully one day you will be able to accurately say you are a politician.
  24. 1 point
    No, they won't have an official league, as it is an extra just for fun. These things are up to us players to organise
  25. 1 point
    Answering your first point, yes i agree, in my first couple of sentences i explain this. You are purhcasing a spot in the LEAGUE for your club. The only purchasble clubs are the 3 chief clubs for $250,000 (might lower the price). For your second point, i also agree. The money used for getting into the league goes into the prize pool, aswell as daily league operations and broadcasting.
  26. 1 point
    Look If I want to make a club yeah, I will do it myself and so why would I want to purchase a club when I could make one and have my team ready/ I can buy into the football league not buy a club.... I think you should maybe do it that a club has to buy in the league as most of that cash will be the prize pool and a percentage will go to the organisation to pay employees and such.
  27. 1 point
    Right now my focus is to become a entrepreneur or bussinessman then invest in companies as share holder or become a simple criminal(easy to loot).If my taste changes i will sure contact you.
  28. 1 point
    Thank you very much, I appreciate it!
  29. 1 point
    I bloody hate football but this is cool. very well thought out and professional
  30. 1 point
    I say PC Nation, for that exact reason. We are all just trying to play games, right? I used to think like that, but then I realized, it's all about the gaming. I have ALWAYS been a console gamer, and the major reason I never got into PC. Because I spent most of my life struggling to get where I am now. When ur living on the streets for most of your adolescent years. It shouldnt be a suprise that things shift, on what takes priorities, And academics took a back seat for street smarts. Now, I can barely remember, a majority of the stuff I knew in school. I WAS extremely smart, academically, I shoulda went to college when i was 16, but I wanted to be a kid. So i missed that opportunity because I was a hard head, like most kids that age, but I didn't have my parents there to guide me, and put a foot in my ass when I made a mistake. So, I made a ALOT of bad decisions, that were compounded by my animosity for the shitty way things were goin. Up until the last 8 years were tough and took its toll, so I appreciate the little things now. And when I found out my credit was good. I jumped at the chance to get a good build, and only pay a couple a hundred a month for it. Anyone who has struggled would jump at a chance like that, to finally have something nice, especially when your used to always getting the raw deal. PC is only better , to me, in the sense of their power, more layers, more memory. Higher resolution I'm really thinking that Identity will be more demanding than wildlands. But, I'm by no means saying this is the case. I'm assuming, by how much more immersive it will be, while being extremely detailed. I will try to remember to add the paragraphs and fix the punctuation when I finish a post before I submit it. I type out what I want to say, rough draft, then go over and add all the puncuation and fix things...It takes awhile sometimes, its alot to do just to save everyone a few seconds, so they dont lose their place...But I will do my best to remember
  31. 1 point
    Well purchasing of clubs are for people with that kind of money. In the world of Identity, i think it won't be too hard to achieve wealth. I will lower the prices if i see making $100,000 proves too difficult. As for your other questions, yes sponsorship will be a huge part in order for the league to succeed. I'm hoping that the league will promote various businesses around the island, as the businesses promote the league in return. Also remember if you purchase a club, the more money you put into your team, the more players you can afford.
  32. 1 point
    Any mayor that get's elected will be served and protected with utmost importance by my crew (If any actually join the game). I got a few of us that are going to play though, just let us be brutal towards criminals and cop killers and you got a deal.
  33. 1 point
    Very well said I really think this will be a learning experience for all of us. @Lil_Fish
  34. 1 point
    I just shortened the list a bit, but it's still quite long!
  35. 1 point
    Will they be giving out physical diplomas that we can hang on our walls?
  36. 1 point
    I agree, editing in progress! Players like myself wouldn't do so well without players like you that started before us!
  37. 1 point
    I don't think it's a good idea to post things on real gangs for online play.
  38. 1 point
    I think after the module is released, many new players will appear and with that many other candidates for governor.
  39. 1 point
    I have a post for a university I started. I love the idea but I think you need to limit the courses as most of them are useless in this game. Also in my version the course took 2 weeks I think, this gives the students a chance to spend some time at the campus and rp their life as a uni student
  40. 1 point
    Yeah he said it was old but he wanted people to see it in case they haven't yet, still new to me
  41. 1 point
    The identical scenario would apply to Cafes, libraries, and the theaters... Thus, why should it only apply to an amusement park? Within North America, amusement parks usual remain active on a daily basis. Thus, the identical scenario should apply to the game. In the process, individuals that undergo love relationships or friend ships would be willing to attend the amusement park on a weekly to bi-weekly basis. Finally, companies would advertise commodities and services that would be distributed strictly at the amusement park for a limited time in order to generate revenue for the park. Imagine a scenario that involves companies attaining 1%-5% of the amusement park's sales when the company distributes it's commodities and services within the amusement park. Incentives for every thing... the amusement park's revenue would be taxed by the political representative of the city, as-well. Thus, the political leader would utilize any means necessary to promote state-owned events that are profitable for the city. Finally, rewards would be alternated within the amusement park. For example, a massive teddy-bear would be a reward during the first week of the amusement park while the second week shall consist of a television. Human beings would invest their time in participating in games and raffles in order to attain a vehicle, basketball, television, laptop, cellular phone etc... The higher rewards would be a monthly raffle while the smaller rewards would be a weekly raffle and/or game.
  42. 1 point
    Please search, because this has been asked multiple times. In the FAQ Extended it gives you rough estimates to your question! Ignore that guy below , he is a troll. First module due this month without delays. Italian (Google Translated): Si prega di ricerca, perché questo è stato chiesto più volte. Nella FAQ estesa ti dà stime approssimative alla tua domanda!
  43. 1 point
    @PrezLegend I once seen the moon very closely through a telescope I am going to run for head of NASA since I am now a "Astronaut"
  44. 1 point
    All i can see is a ghost amusement park and wasted props because people experienced the carnival or whatever it is, once and got over the hype of it and would rather focus on making money and not sitting on a ferris wheel
  45. 1 point
    I highly recommend watching Powergaming7's Q&A video with the IdentityRPG devs. They have a lot of information on what the vehicle/driving system is going to look like!
  46. 1 point
    One thing that I have noticed is that console MMORPGs are based around action, not community. You don't see socializing MMORPGs like SecondLife on consoles, you see GTA Online, which is action with the option to talk on mic. Though there will be action elements in Identity, it won't be the main concept. The main concept of Identity is to socialize. But maybe the devs will make it work.
  47. 1 point
    Imitation of real criminal organizations can be a grey area, because many dislike the idea of them being portrayed in gaming. You could simply offend a real life member for the fact you are imitating them, most likely without their permission. Most become offended by that due to the fact that most misportray whatever they are imitating. Just pointing out how it could offend members.
  48. 1 point
    Just go with a different name, it will be easier for recruitment
  49. 1 point
    I don't think the Aryan Brotherhood have a single fuck to spare for an online counterpart on a computer game which hasn't been released yet.
  50. 1 point
    I'am not in anyway affiliated with the aryan brotherhood.