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Found 43 results

  1. Beta release question

    Will streamers be able to stream the beta/youtubers be able to make video's about i?
  2. Release date

    Hello there citizens of identityrpg, I would truly like to apologize if this question was asked in the past. I joined this forums last night and supported the developers because I like the way this project is coming out. I just wanted to know when will this game be playable for Pleagers, once again I am sorry if this question was asked in the past, please do not come to this thread and start telling me things, I am just looking for a simple direct answer not a tutor.
  3. How long until first module?

    So is there an estimate for when the first module is gonna be playable? I'm really hyped for this game.
  4. Release

    Does anybody know a rough estimate of how long it'll be until the first module is released? I just bought the BETA and wanted to know because it's said 89% for quite some time now. Thank you for your help!
  5. hi all, I've been looking through the forums and cant find any information on this so I thought id make a post about it. I was wondering and I bet a few others are as well. So, If I pledge say any amount or is there a set price to pledge would that money pledged be taken off the price of the game or would the pledge just allow them the developers to help develop the game faster and I would still have to pay full price when it comes out ? one last thing... when the game is released would it be a steam game, have to buy a disk or simply download it from the identity website ? thanks in advance community.
  6. This thread was created to cast a poll of the general idea of what members believe will be the release era. I understand there have been few threads released like this, but I would just like to take another poll after the recent release of "Dev Blog #007" (not officially listed under Dev Blogs, to view see HERE). In the blog, it states that they have very few things to finish before Town Square release, leading me to change my beliefs upon the release. I personally believe that sometime within the next month we will see the debut of this game (hopefully). What's you're opinion? Fill out the poll above! ~ SummitsEdge // Mob-Mechanix Founder && President
  7. Dev Update

    I'm probably not the only one wandering this, but when is the next dev update or post? I believe there is one like once a month or that's what I thought. I'm always excited to see a new dev post, or update and see the progress the team has made. I can't wait for the release of this game, and I understand that nothing comes fast. But keeping the backers in the loop is always greatly appreciated.
  8. TryHardCREW- Identity Gang

    Identity gang, we own the streets, the police work for us, we don't own cars or motorcycles, just our pesky bmx bikes roaming the streets, - the governor is going to have to do more to take us out.

    Hey everyone!! So i was introduced to this game by a friend and watched a bunch of videos and it looks so awesome!! I'm beyond excited to start playing it and just signed up, as well as put my pledge in for $100.00!!!! Also stopping by to introduce myself. The names Colby, Colbz for short. I live in CT, 23 years old. I love to longboard, hangout with friends, and game on the PC! I'm looking forward to playing Identity and meeting all of you!! Thanks
  10. Hello from Denmark!

    Hello identity community, i've been following this project since the first video came out (approx. 1 year ago) Anyways, i've been reading tweets about, that the devs are expecting the game to release early 2017, but in the forums people say late 2017 or early 2018. I know it hasn't been confirmed yet, but i just wanted to know if anyone knew more about the approx. release date.. -Anyways, greetings from Denmark!
  11. Release

    Is Identity coming out before April?
  12. Once the game is released, and we have to create a new character, will the objects from the packages save and carry over to other servers? Like the rusted car or 2 bedroom apartment. Are they just gonna be in the beta/modules or will they carry over to the release?
  13. Does anyone know when is the estimated game release date? Thank you !! xx
  14. Plans for Steam release?

    I was wondering, if there was any plans on putting this game on Steam Store in the future (probably after release)? Not that I'm a huge fan of Steam, but it does make it easier to download PC, MAC, LINUX games etc. A bit off topic, but how likely that this game will be finished and not abandoned/incomplete. It's a pretty huge risk to support a product that has been in development for so long. Althouh 2y for this project is a short time and a pretty good progress has been done for a small team (I assume). I'm not really familiar with this game project, I just came across this recently, but it seems freaking awesome.
  15. So my question is, will there be a demo for the game for some of us more skeptical people who are very stingy with our money? I've ended up buying into games in development before and early access games and things of that sort, and have had some bad experiences. It's not that I don't trust the developers, it's just that my gut feeling is to not pre-order anything. I love what I've seen in the gameplay videos and the dev blogs, and this game will probably take my 60 bucks.
  16. Skyrim: Special Edition (PC/Console)

    Greetings fellow community! At the title suggests, I know it's nothing new; but for a user with a computer that is unable to run the game higher than 2 fps, this is pretty exciting for me! It releases this Friday, October 28th; anyone buying it for console? Who here plays it and on what system? Do you mod it? Personally, I love immersive mods!
  17. So i have noticed that they have not posted on twitter in the past 5 days and they have not posted on twitter since august 17th. They are usually really good at responding on twitter so i thought this was strange. Lets hope they are planning something big.
  18. Hey guys! I think it would be nice if the Game would be out a little bit earlier with a lot of Updates and new Features following than Releasing a completely finished game... What do you think about this? Maybe voting from the Community what is getting in the game next! Sorry again for the bad english...