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Showing most liked content on 08/03/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Its already sad how this game has shown its real side of itself and now its future players
  2. 2 points
    "remember that "testing" doesn't mean "hey i'll launch it and see if it looks pretty! " Testing = launching, assessing, trying to break under stress test, load balancing, quality assurance, maintenance AND if you found a bug, you gotta FIX IT, and then redo all that testing because a fix can spawn another bug. so just because the tracker LOOKS idle, doesn't mean that we have been." - Cyber
  3. 1 point
    I've been a VIP backer for a year and a half now. . . I know some others have been backing for longer than that. So far what I'm seeing is a major disconnect between the developers and the backers. We've been delayed far too long, and we don't even know what we're backing yet. There's been "small" "game-play" videos, but no actual "fruit." I am now getting to the point where I feel like I've been waiting too long for too little, and considering refunding. I don't necessarily want to go that route, because I am excited, and have been, to see what Asylum has to offer. But, Asylum was supposed to start "sharing" more with us, and I feel as they haven't met that expectation. Yes, there's been videos and streams of development, but I've gotta say it's far too little far too late. We haven't seen ANY of the content that we've been backing for, with the exception of the incredibly small video's which have been released relating to Town Square, and a horribly scripted RP meth lab shootout. Not to mention the TS module tracker that goes days without being updated. . . I don't mean to rant, but what's going on Asylum, what are we waiting for, and how much longer can we expect to be delayed? So far it's been pretty redundant, standby and wait to standby and wait longer, oh and by the way. . . Since we've delayed twice already, we're not gonna inform you (the players and backers) when to expect the NEXT delay. . . Asylum, the least you could do, is show us what our pledge's contain and give us a timeline of when we can expect to see the TS module. And to be clear, I'm not counting "place-holder" assets. Please Asylum, give us something to feed us, I know I'm not the only person who feels this way.
  4. 1 point
    Funny, English is my third language and still I could perfectly understand what he wrote.
  5. 1 point
    there is no longer a release date * because you know.... it kept getting delayed
  6. 1 point
    id be happy if town square released in 2018, let alone this month ( already like a year and a half behind, no biggy)
  7. 1 point
    yea there cant be a push back again, when they finish the last task steam even says they review and approve or deny all games within 2 weeks of uploading the game to steam and with the task tracker there is nothing they can push back, well without looking like idiots saying oh we forgot to add something to the tracker or we took too long to make a beta and licenses have expired for something, itl be out soon, hopefully in 2-3 weeks
  8. 1 point
    this game isnt releasing this month, the module will be releasing soon, not the full game, doesnt need to be competitive, only pledge backers can access it.
  9. 1 point
    he wasn't talking about me, there was a guy here earlier who was kind of insulting and stuff, they were all removed though so that's why my replies might seem strange
  10. 1 point
    How can there possibly be a pushback, they have a task tracker for a reason, for there to be a push back there has to be an ETA which there is not.
  11. 1 point
    There is still being worked on the module, just because there are no visual updates doesn't mean its "dead in a ditch" they are just stress testing to get the last bugs out of the apartment inventory.
  12. 1 point
    At this rate? im expecting this entire website to magically disappear, or another pushback... I honestly don't think were going to get a game, let alone a good one. it just seems like the money either ran out or something else. And to be honest, we all should have seen this coming, the lack of communication, the usual setbacks, I don't think by a minute this is a scam at all, but i do believe it was a game created by people who didn't have much communication or experience between themselves and the community which led to the funds drying up on monthly pay and concepts/ideas that were half built but will never see the light of day. Which is a shame since I really enjoyed the idea of a more fleshed out DarkRP/AltisLife. Asylum Entertainment is of course welcome to prove me wrong.
  13. 1 point
    This game is dead in the ditch before it could even release a single module. One that they said would be out in March. This is just piss poor management and I have no faith or interest in this game anymore. The gameplay doesn’t even look that good to be lied to by the developers. Hype train has officially left the station and isn’t coming back
  14. 1 point
    The identityrpg developers do xD. Thats what they are playing atm:P
  15. 1 point
    Ignored the rest of your post because your three points here clearly demonstrates that you didn't read a single response I gave you before... so not sure why you'd expect me to read all your post if you're not going to see reason. Asylum have acknowledged the issue, therefore there is an issue whether you see it or not. I've already answered your other questions. Yes, arguing for the sake of arguing. You're on multiple topics arguing with people who are saying there's a communication issue, yet despite being told by several people continuously there is an issue, you just move onto the next topic to argue with someone else.
  16. 1 point
    If no one can have sex... then every player will be a virgin... therefore; virgins, virgins everywhere!
  17. 1 point
    There isn't sex in the game, but there will in fact be strips clubs and kissing. Not everything sexually related is gone, but you cannot have sex at all.
  18. 1 point
    I feel you're arguing for the sake of arguing... However... I'll bite. My comment wasn't directed at us, the community, being a part of their company. It was directed at the fact their information is and always has been scattered to the wind. I do know that Asylum are taking this issue seriously, which is why post TS release, they're looking to address the issue. Games developers that have their own community forums (mostly all of them), often engage through their community with Announcements, when there's something to announce. In most circumstances, the developers already have a game released, or the development is behind closed doors. It isn't a crowd-funded project, therefore does not require transparency. Asylum are currently operating behind closed curtains and it's like there's an un-lidded blender behind that curtain - unless you're looking in all directions at once, you're going to miss some of the information flying out at all angles when it's switched on. The simple solution to that is to remove the curtain, and have everyone looking at the blender in all its chaos so everyone can see what's going on, and what's flying out. Bad analogy aside... Asylum aren't being put on a pedestal... and other developers aren't getting a pass. The only other major crowd-funded game that's made by a company and not a bunch of individuals is Star Citizen... and I'm pretty sure that got slated for like 3 years because it was behind schedule and updates weren't being released often enough. More to the point though; if you compare RSI to Asylum (despite their budget being far greater now), they have constant announcements and all their media published direct to their website landing-page, and asylum don't do that.
  19. 1 point
    This. This right here is my issue. Everything should be organized in a place where people don't have to dig through a myriad of media outlets to get the entire information on this game. > .<
  20. 1 point
    That disconnect is why I have been hesitating on backing (I do want to, but I'm waiting for a lil more substance). I'm lurking because supposedly things are supposed to ramp up, according to one of the developers, but I'm at least waiting until the pledges show what I'll get for supporting the project before I go shelling out money. I've seen too many red flags with this project to even think of doing otherwise. I am excited about TS release, but I feel I'd be foolish to buy anything other than a standard pass without the products pledges page is updated with some images of what goes to what. I want the game to succeed though! And I understand these devs are new to making their own full games, and I know it's a difficult undertaking and risky with being so ambitious. But they've just GOT to understand that dev-to-playerbase communication is everything in indie crowdfunded games.
  21. 1 point
    In fairness, he really shouldn't have to when on an official website of the company... discord, twitch and community forums aren't official outputs of information for any company. You don't have professional companies sending out official memos via twitter now do you?
  22. 1 point
    ... the community’s patience.
  23. 1 point
    First thing is first, Rockstar delivers on their promises. They set realistic deadlines and meet them the vast majority of the time. Asylum has set numerous deadlines and failed to meet a single one. Secondly, this isn't the game we are waiting on. It is a tiny module. It is a sneak peak, not even a beta. I don't come on these forums and talk negatively about the devs, and while I consider myself on their side I don't think its fair to be annoyed at people for getting frustrated. The devs dug themselves this hole, and again while I am on their side I won't attack the people who are annoyed because it is entirely justified.
  24. 1 point
    If you wanted to seriously role-play a biker crew then you wouldn't need to kill people. Legit biker gangs don't kill people, especially small time wannabe trouble makers. Identity isn't going to be anywhere near the same as GTA, for a start yes you can get guns but what makes you think you're going to be allowed to buy guns when the first thing that comes up is " member of a biker gang "? In order to get guns you have to have a license to buy them and passing the license won't be easy and furthermore as far as licenses go it doesn't include fully automatic weapons. The second method of purchasing weapons is to buy them illegally from the black market but good luck being able to afford 10,000 dollar a piece rifles seeing as prices in the game are going to heavily reflect real life and earning money will be the same so unless you know how to perfectly aquire ingredients to produce drugs and know how to sell them to the right people in large quantities, you aren't going to be some big powerful scary gang anytime soon and the fact there are people who think it's as easy as pie being able to go round on killing sprees being the big man, you're going to get hit with reality in this game. And let's be honest, the police are going to keep an immediate eye on biker gangs seeing as the majority of them are just people coming from gta thinking it's business as usual. In GTA you can kill all you want and do whatever, in identity it's serious role play.
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Hey I've been following along with development and this is my first time posting here. I have the 'Founder' Rank and like the rest of you am looking forward to getting to try the Town Square module when it's ready. I have a burning question for the developers, and that is about virtual reality support. This is a more than fitting experience for both seated, standing and room-scale VR? If VR support isn't going to be in the first module(s) is it planned?
  29. 1 point
    We absolutely have plans to implement VR into Identity. John, our project lead is very excited for that. We're still working out the best solution for movement, but we imagine most people will use it when driving. VR probably won't be in the first module, unless John sneaks it in before launch. It would be awesome to have it ready for the movie theater though.