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Showing most liked content on 08/31/2018 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    YAWN. Have some faith in the game. It will be ready soon. If you don't have faith in the game/Devs. Go and play something else.
  2. 3 points
    I have no issue with waiting. The issue I have is the interaction with the community. Ironically, they are developing a game all about interactions, yet they can't imagine the proper way to go about it. People keep making the excuse that development is not easy even though it's not the issue. I didn't pledge for a finished game. I pledged to be part of a community of people with a front row seat to the development. The last podcast was when? I watch the stream whenever I can (the one today was actually interesting). I know this game will happen and the devs are trying, I just want them to be more consistent with posts. I also want the community to stop white knighting the devs. THE SQUEAKY WHEEL GETS THE GREASE
  3. 2 points
    I'm sure there's no shortage of posts like this, but this is just getting silly. I wouldn't have preordered the game in April if I know I was going to be waiting this long. And I'm a little offended your making things to sell in game without even having released the game yet. Why in god's bane would I spend that much on a dog? I don't care how you spin it, that's a waste of everyones time, and things are starting to feel greedy around here. And that tracker. How long does it take to finish one GUI element? I call bologna on the whole tracker, and I'm about to call bologna on this game.
  4. 2 points
    A lot of people crabbing about "Lost hope in the games development." "is it even real?", "is it a scam?" "We've been waiting years!" Etc. I'm sure there are older folks here crabbing as well, but IMO, a lot of the crabbing comes from a youthful perspective that we demand everything now because we're entitled to everything life has to offer, as fast as possible. I've invested into many kick starters and early access projects. Very few were flops, (ahem DayZ), but the ones that take the time, tend to be the shiners at the finish line. Besides, my old a** could fall asleep for a nap and wake up next year, soooo yeah.
  5. 2 points
    A lot of you seem to be really upset or disappointed by the development of the game (how long its taking). I am not saying all of you are upset, just some. All this hate stuff and pushing them to release the town square can have an affect on someone ya know. I swear this whole month or something has been spammed with stuff about how "slow" the devs are working and stuff. If you were part of the development team and you were constantly seeing people saying that your hard work is all a scam, how would you feel? o_O
  6. 2 points
    Yeah people will always do that. People would be tempted to say that, but since the team was very small and they've been at quite a slow pace, I knew I'd need a lot of patience and that they would need support to get their dream game to become true. I've seen my share of people who's been overly dramatic and putting a lot of emphasis on all the mistakes the developers has made. I won't blame someone who's rightfully upset and to ask questions, and it's okay to criticize. But I will be honest, I feel disappointed at people who says that it's a joke, a scam, that will speak their hatred, or will ask for refunds for petty reasons like it's taking too long for them. Yes delays aren't good, and it happens to a lot of games, including some popular triple A titles. If only I knew about this game during kickstarter. But I did pledge for this game, and I don't think I'll consider getting a refund with how much I've spent. I understand that the project will encounter drawbacks, but the issue is that they talk about it on Discord then it gets "lost" among thousands of messages (sure you can use the search function, if only everyone would do it, it would be wonderful). Not really the point of this thread... Sure, I've pledged a significant amount of money, sure I could question about progress and updates, just like anyone else. But there's ways you should do and ways you shouldn't. There will always be someone who will truly defend the game and will praise it. I do lean towards that side but I'm not that "true die hard fan". I won't hesitate to give true information and answer as best as I can questions that people will ask about the game and its development. But no I'll never say they've been doing perfectly fine. They need to improve on so many things, and game development is a learning curve. I actually hate when people riot or flame towards each other, like one extreme versus the other. Ideally, I think there should be more cooperation, and various opinions and constructive criticism. I can understand people being upset about transparency. I won't deny it, most of the obvious updates we see are some screenshots of clothing and furniture, and the developer blogs. But sometimes you'll see Motown or Beach Ball pop in the Discord server. I always remind myself that the team has been very busy. I didn't think I'd get any privileges (aside pledge rewards) when I made my pledge. The only difference it makes is the support it gives to them. We know there's people who awfully hate what the devs do, and there's people who defends the devs. And both should stop because it's not helping either way. But some won't stop, unfortunate reality. Mind elaborating and proving your point?
  7. 2 points
    Those who have spent a lot of money here, and those who have been waiting for years have a right to ask questions about updates / more information. You shouldn't expect them to shut up and wait when they have invested something (potentially substantial) into identity.
  8. 2 points
    The issues which are taking time are not directly UI related. The task which lead to these issues was one with the UI, but each task can lead to problems which need to be solved and dealt with. I did mention this (in parts) with the last developer blog I sent out. The main issues with the task have been solved. There are a couple medium level tasks remaining and they're just being finished up this week. We're moving forward quite quickly right now.
  9. 1 point
    Hey Guys, I thought I would share with you a little guide I designed a few years ago for businesses in Arma 3 Life. It's a simple business model that worked pretty well. It's more or less an algorithm for any business you choose to make. It allows for your employees to be paid, and will minimize them breaking off for sole profit. It is purposely written so that anyone can understand. --------------- Business Model System This is the business model system for maximum efficiency for any business. This model uses a percentage based pay and is designed to be easily modified and easily implemented. Here is the Key for the following guide: A- Overhead (This is the money you need to cover your expenses) B- Profit (This is the money you make after your initial investment has been covered) C- Employee Payroll (This is the money for you to pay your employees) D- Investors Payroll (This is the money to pay your investors) ----------------- Generally speaking you need to arrange all of your investors payroll and your employee payroll to only come from your profits. It is important to remember what your total investment is, your profit, and your payroll. Be sure that you keep an eye on your finances. This is an example of the business model: Your total Overhead (A) is $1000 You have one investor, who has invested $1000 into your business in exchange for 5% of your profit (B). This places a $20,000 valuation on your company. You have one employee plus yourself. Your employees and investors make 5% of your profits. From 100% of your profit (B), you now owe 10%, which leaves you with 90% of your profit. Your profit is $5000. This means that $250 goes to your investor, $250 goes to your employees. 90% of your profit or $4500 is now left over. You invest $2000 into your Overhead this time. You have the same amount of investors. Your company's valuation is still only $20,000. You have gained another employee plus yourself. You have banked $2500. If your profit from a $1000 investment was $5000, this means you made $6000 from the total investment. In turn you expect to make double because of your investment of $2000. This puts you at a $10,000 profit. 5% of $10,000 is $500. You pay your employees $500 and your investor $500. This leaves you with a total of $9000 profit. This algorithm is a progressive system. You do not have to pay any specific percentage, I was simply explaining the math with the easy percentages. ---------------- Q: Why would someone work for me, if they could make the same amount as me? A: Your employee pays no overhead, he uses your equipment, he uses your services, he uses your resources. He has no risk involved. If he is robbed, it is not his money he is losing. (Or She). Also, your employee will scale with more employees and more profit. Whereas if he were to do it all on his own, he would make the same singular profit without the ability to scale, unless he were to create his own company. (Or She). Not to mention, you could promote the employee to making more of a percentage. Q: Why not split the profits evenly? A: You can do that! Except you do need to take out your next expenses before dividing up the profit. Always cover your next venture. Q: Why bank the money? A: The reason for banking your money is insurance. If you are robbed, or an expensive piece of equipment is lost, stolen, or broken, you need to be able to cover those expenses. You pay yourself, the same amount as you pay your employees. You bank the remainder for upgrades and incidentals. Q: Is this the only system that works? A: Heavens no. There are many different systems that work, this is just an easy one to start with until you get your feet wet. ----------------------- Should you have any questions, or anything you would like to add to this guide (Business Model) please reply and leave a comment.
  10. 1 point
    It's been a long time since the module was supposed to release, but now we're waiting on the UI to be finished. I'd like to know why it's not finished, what is wrong with it, and how much longer we will be waiting for it to get finished. I am genuinely looking at getting a refund at this point.
  11. 1 point
    can we get screenshots of the different apartments ? that are in each housing thing we can buy?
  12. 1 point
    Someone running around the Park and singing "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by "The Proclaimers".
  13. 1 point
    Get your hands out of your ass and tell us why you are using pictures of houses in real life, and call it concept art. Now i demand an answer.. I have been backing you since 2016, and never thought this was a scam, but i must admit, this is damn fishy. I think you owe us an explanation. Busted
  14. 1 point
    Laced Pants and accompanying shirt by Umut:
  15. 1 point
    So what? Buying things from the asset store wont get them further in development... and btw just because something is available for grasp in the asset store doesnt mean they have to buy it. The things they make are still unique to the things they buy We are not waiting for the assets because those of town square are done, we are waiting for bugs to be fixed. So are you really a game dev? Because it doesnt look like it
  16. 1 point
    Sure, but I don't entirely know how it fits here. Could be my stupidity catching me again. If Identity were compared to GTA in the sense their is a universe, AFFA is an Apaches slogan where as Hell's Angels are not even a thing.
  17. 1 point
    I think it's warranted to an extent. It's okay to criticise, it's the way these people present their arguments that bugs me. Explain the problem, explain what's wrong and explain why you are annoyed. Maybe even include a potential resolve in there as well if you have one. There are many concerns I share with these complainers, I just don't consider myself on 'their side' because instead of discussing concern, people are venting anger. I don't actually think you need to share your concerns respectfully, you can be annoyed and make it clear, but when you are just complaining about having to wait then yes it can get annoying. My issue isn't the wait, it's the process and why it is taking so long. If I was waiting and thought I was getting something worth the wait then it's okay, its what we are getting over such a long time period that annoys me. Once again though, it's how you present your concerns. I think there have been plenty of red flags here to have genuine complaints about, but just venting anger is not okay. I do think there are two ends to this spectrum. There are people who are just diehard fanboys and absolutely refuse to allow any negative comment or implication whatsoever about the devs. You aren't helping anyone by sucking up and refusing to criticise, you are actually making matters worse by making the developers think everything is okay. Everything is not okay, and instead of one side complaining about the same thing over and over when there's no way to solve the issue, and the other side policing what people say about the developers, we should all work together to explain in a productive way why we are annoyed and what could help ease up the frustration that a lot of the fans share.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Totally agree Town Sqaure is the foundation of the game. Dont want them releasing it with bugs in the housing system.
  20. 1 point
    Yeah, Joe Pesci only had one scene in A Bronx Tale, (Two if you count the murder scene but he was in that for literally 5 seconds) but even in that movie he delivered very powerful, quotable lines. He'll always remain a legend in my book. I've only seen him in Goodfellas, Casino, Raging Bull, and Home Alone 1 and 2, so I have yet to see all the films he's starred in. I make it my objective to see the rest of his work, a marathon if you will. The Irishman is gonna kick ass and that's what I'm really looking forward to with Joe Pesci. We'll see how it goes.
  21. 1 point
    We use a combination of project management software called Wrike and a time tracker called Hubstaff for all of our remote people. They get paid only for time "clocked in", and it tracks it right down to the second. While they're in work mode we're able to see their screen, and we have a screenshot history from every few minutes of their working going back for months. We're quite on top of things, but we've found the vast majority of our remote guys to be quite reliable and honest. A lot of the remote people do work dedicated to Identity, but some work on a per-task basis.
  22. 1 point
    I know what I bought, splitting hairs about my word choice doesn't change that.
  23. 1 point
    Um no, that's not how concept art works...........a mood board, sure, but that is not concept art, not by any definition. You didn't conceptualize that piece. (I'm just saiyan) I don't think it's right to maintain that it is a concept of the team when it clearly is not. Can't change minds, but...............
  24. 1 point
    No. Something tells me that is not alright..........if they're passing it off as their own conceptual art when it's only some minor Photoshop and filters.