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Showing most liked content on 06/19/2018 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Damn, what is wrong with people these days?? Swallow your damn anxiety dude! Learn to freaking wait like everybody else, you are not special, as your parents probably told you. I've been waiting for this game since it was announced, too many years ago, so what? Go play something else and stop complaining.
  2. 4 points
    The 100th post complaining about the developers. Either: A) Request for a refund B) Post within one out of the hundred topics on "the developers suck/game takes too long" Individuals sound like spoiled self-entitled children with these topics... Create your own game if one considers such a task to be this easy. If anything, the developers should produce a "Complaints" section within the forums in order to filter out these unnecessary topics that spam "The Town's Square" section of the forums. Two posts within the account? Clearly a troll.
  3. 2 points
    We were all just taking breaks and watching TV, but after reading this post you've set us straight! Thank you for getting the team back on track.
  4. 1 point
    Identity QG France est une communauté francophone d'Identity. Notre projet est de réunir les joueurs francophone dans une même communauté, afin de tenir au courant des dernières actualité d'Asylum, ainsi que participer à nos concours mais ausis de vous proposer un serveur serious RP et un autre un peu plus détendu. ► Qui est IdentityQG ? C'est donc la plus grosse communauté francophone à l'heure actuelle qui s'est spécialisée QUE sur le jeu Identity. Nous avons des contacts avec une trentaine d'influenceurs qui sont aujourd'hui en partenariat avec nous mais aussi des développeurs et modérateurs officiels qui ont rejoint le Discord. Ouvert par deux personnes (Mathias et Corentin, les fondateurs), ils ont ensuite recruter d'autres personnes pour les aider à gérer diverses tâches, tel que la gestion de communauté mais aussi le design. ► Que propose IdentityQG ? Nous proposons aujourd'hui une structure complète. Vous n'avez rien à faire à part vous connecter sur notre Discord pour avoir les dernières informations sur le jeu mais aussi de la vie de la communauté francophone. Nous proposons par la même occasion différents liens sociaux si vous n'êtes pas friand de Discord : ••► Serveur Discord : http://discord.identityqg.fr/••► Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/IdentityQG/••► Twitter : https://twitter.com/IdentityQG/••► Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/IdentityQG ••► Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/identityqg_fr ••► Groupe Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/groups/IdentityQGFrance••► Email : identityqg@gmail.com••► Site Web : https://identityqg.fr/ ••► Forum : https://forum.identityqg.fr/ Aujourd'hui, nous sommes plus de 700 personnes sur Discord, plus d'un millier sur la chaîne Youtube, 200 sur Twitter et on en passe, les chiffres sont en constante évolution grâce à vous. Nous proposons aussi un système qui va vous permettre de jouer constamment entre français durant Town Square (qui malheureusement vous fera apparaître sur un serveur aléatoire), et pour cela, il suffit juste de rejoindre le groupe Steam. Voici une image tuto vous expliquant le tout. Nous proposons aussi un RDV mensuel sur la chaîne Twitch de AtrociouCat, c'est une émission avec un plateau et un régisseur qui propose de faire des débats autour du jeu, des spéculations mais surtout des informations et des réponses aux questions. Cela demande beaucoup de temps et d'énergie et c'est pour cela que c'est mensuel, cependant, si nous voyons des informations qui arrivent en masse et que pour nous cela tombe sous le sens de faire une émission, il faut alors suivre la chaîne de AtrociouCat. Vous trouverez ci-dessous notre première émission : ► Pourquoi cette communauté ? Nous espérons que les joueurs français puissent jouer ensemble en proposant contenus et informations pour vous. Le RolePlay est encore assez mal vu pour certains en France, tout ce que nous espérons, c'est qu'on puisse jouer sous la même égide. ► Pourquoi rejoindre votre serveur RP une fois les serveurs privés disponibles ? Nous allons proposer deux serveurs : un Serious RP +18 et un Serveur RP plus classique où tout le monde est le bienvenue. Cependant, nous ne somme pas la police et nous n'allons pas demander votre pièce d'identité lors de votre inscription à notre serveur Serious RP. ► C'est quoi le Serious RP ? Ce sont des règles ultra strictes, c'est à dire qu'il n'y aura pas de troisième chance. Vous faites du HRP une fois c'est un kick, la seconde c'est un ban. Toutes les actions HRP doivent être EXCEPTIONNELLES. On peut aussi parler des actions RP qui doivent bien se dérouler et qu'aucun "troll" n'intervienne, si celui-ci intervient comme une fleur durant une prise d'otage en demandant ce qu'il se passe, cela vaudra une sanction. Voilà, vous aurez compris le système Serious RP qui se veut exigeant. ► Et tout cela est gratuit ? Bien évidemment ! Que ce soit pour le serveur ou autre, tout est gratuit. Nous n'allons pas non plus vous mentir que cela engendre des coups de notre côté, infrastructure réseau, matériels et on en passe... Nous avons donc instauré un système de donation pour ceux qui veulent nous supporter, nous ne mettrons pas le lien ici, vous le trouverez au moment venu pour ceux qui le souhaitent.
  5. 1 point
    DISCLAIMER: Everything in this post is a concept and will not reflect the finished business plans and features. Welcome to the Velocity Logistics business plan. We are a logistics company that will strive towards building a solid and stable logistics core in a domestic and commercial way. Our aim will be to tackle our clients needs by offering them logistical solutions. The services that we will provide will range from, but are not limited to: ➤ Supply Chain Management ➤ Document Courier Service ➤ Logistical Solutions & Advice ➤ Home & Office Removal Service ➤ Commercial Delivery ➤ Domestic Delivery ➤ Specialty Delivery ➤ Heavy Haulage For more information, see "Future Technology" section of the post. (Video created by @Zebra) At this time as we do not have a feel for the games economy or market. So the financial department has decided not to release pricing until the games release or until more information is released about how the games economical systems may work. Below is the Start-up Cost sheet as of now for Velocity Logistics. These are subject to change due to the variability of costs in game. These are just estimates and does not include a pro forma (projected) profit and loss statement or a pro forma (projected) balance sheet. Those will be added after the economy in-game has been flushed out properly. Anyone looking to invest should contact @MichaelPayne or @VelocityLogistics. - Andrew, Financial Director This vehicle will be used for everyday delivery for both domestic and commercial operations: This vehicle will be used for high-priority & express delivery, again, for both domestic and commercial sectors: For heavy haulage, long distance and larger cargo, the vehicle shown below will be used: For commercial and domestic removal service, including homes and offices, the vehicle below will be used: To ensure that there is no delay in our operations, we have decided to implement our own maintenance division which will include these vehicles shown below: The future technology section is to showcase our ideas for future mods for when mod support is added in Identity. Whether it be vehicle technology or a pseudo global warming mechanic. See below for some of our current ideas. The above images show a custom in-vehicle operating system that allows the driver to log in with their unique credentials provided to access an array of custom features including delivery schedule, navigation maps, important updates from HQ, panic button, SOS breakdown recovery (and more). We would also like to implement a custom "Start/Stop" system, acting as a type of AFK mechanic. So if your vehicle is left unattended or idling for more than 15 seconds, the engine will cut off and then will automatically resume when the accelerator is pressed. This will save fuel and add immersion. Here is the PDA that we plan on using for our drivers when they are delivering goods. Our warehouse will be modern, in a vast and easily accessible area to meet all of our storage and operational needs. Exterior: Interior: This is our high detailed warehouse plan, it was made with full efficiency and productivity in mind. We took numerous hours to plan and assemble the blueprint. See numbered legend for specific details on each room. The office building will be the back-bone of our company, so we want to make sure it's comfortable and stylish for our employees. Exterior: Interior: Here at Velocity Logistics, security is of the up-most importance. So it is vital to us that we keep our customers belongings and logistics safe. To ensure this all employees will have a ID card for access to our warehouses and offices. The plan I have envisioned for Velocity Logistics is a consistent and efficient security procedure which will allow for smooth operations in any situation. Now I know that data protection is a very worry-some topic among businesses, so here at Velocity Logistics, all of our data centers will be kept securely in an isolated room with 24/7 surveillance and if that isn't enough, all electrical devices will have anti intrusion software which changes it's algorithms to match whatever type of cyber attack is happening. As stated above, all the employees will be given a special key card, with higher authority allows access to more places. Our warehouses will be fitted with hidden CCTV with facial recognition. As for our delivery vehicles, they will have GPS tracking integrated inside, as well as alarms. - Jin, Security Director Our uniform will be sleek, modern and comfortable. In addition it will be practical for all our staff. The full list of all our current partners may be viewed on our website here. If you wish to become part of the Velocity Logistics team, please fill out a short application form below and we will get back to you. Please note that applicants must have have a microphone and may be asked to join our discord server. Please note that higher positions (Directors etc.) will require a more experience and a more in-depth interview. Roles with available positions are marked * Available Positions CEO ➤ @VelocityLogistics & @MichaelPayne Logistics Director ➤ @itsDuncan Logistics Management ➤ @Rhys1101 Financial Director ➤ @FrankLucas Marketing Director ➤ @Vincent_Luciano Legal Representation ➤ @Saavedro (Grimson Law Firm LLC.) Security Director ➤ @Jin Personal Driver Operations Manager ➤ @shadowkiller Human Resources Manager ➤ @iLife Business Development Manager ➤ @nikichuu Enrichment Administrator ➤ @JohnCrawford Warehouse Manager ➤ @Cstove * Head of Maintenance ➤ AVAILABLE * Business Development Team ➤ AVAILABLE; @Xamar (Limited: 1/2) * Human Resources Team ➤ AVAILABLE; @ridinsolo90, @ArchieLawrence (Limited: 2/3) * Warehouse Operator ➤ AVAILABLE * Personal Driver ➤ AVAILABLE; (Limited: 0/5) * Vehicle Mechanic/Technician ➤ AVAILABLE * Customer Service Assistant ➤ AVAILABLE * Driver ➤ Unlimited (Not Listed) Velocity Logistics Application Form Our Discord server has now been opened to the public. Anyone is welcome to join, if you have any questions to ask, want to apply, pre-order any services or anything else you can do so by asking a member of staff in our Discord. We hope to see you around. (Click to join our Discord) Thank you for reading. http://velocitylogisticsbeta.altervista.org/ - Velocity Logistics
  6. 1 point
    From this day to the ending of the world, but we in it shall be remember'd; We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother. IDENTITY WIKI INFORMATION ON APACHES MOTORCYCLE CLUB BIO: Apaches MC is a motorcycle club founded in Chicago, Illinois. The whole foundation is said to begun in the late 60's like many other clubs, It is said that the founders were members of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion which saw many combat missions during 1966. Following their return home, the men sought after the brotherhood in the war, they found common interests which was drinking, girls and riding harleys. The small group looked for ways to sustain their new lifestyle. In the beginning, it was small white collar crimes, but with the expansion of the club, came dirtier jobs and bigger payouts. After a few months of gradually moving into the narcotic and weapon scene, the club started to get more and more comfortable with the easy money, and started opening up new chapters all over the north east and south western United States. The founder of Apaches MC, is Sergeant first class James Carter who was drafted into the Vietnam war in early 1965. He spent two tours fighting in operation Kansas and operation Washington in 1966 and later fought in 1967. Upon returning home in 1968, he founded Apache's Motorcycle Club in his home town of northern Chicago, with his closest tight nit group of friends from his squad. Later in 1970, a new chapter of Apache's was born in the eastern side of Chicago, both were very feared chapters who partied and lived together on a daily basis. The Apaches MC are well known to be vicious when fighting, like that of their Native American counterpart. A well known story of that is between a rival club the Chicago Horsemen MC in the mid 1970's, where several Apache's set up a string of tire wire across the road efficiently killing two oncoming rival club members. The remaining Horsemen ended up crashing, and were succumb to Apaches waiting on the side with bats and wrenches, and they were ultimately beaten to death. The Apaches MC is only known to the majority of the public, as being bunch of Harley enthusiasts. To the law enforcement and other criminal organizations they are known as the most ruthless gangs to still live in today's society. They have three main goals, money, power and turf. Joining the Apaches isn't easy, they are small, and ultra secretive, about 300-400 strong, spread across 6 states, this ruthless gang doesn't warm up to outsiders. Recently opening up a chapter in Roseport, the motorcycle club intends on taking over Identity. Bylaws: - Respect other members, and their families, if someone asks for help then help them, we are all family. - Members call each other ' brother '. - No woman can be patched in, they can only be a members 'old lady' - Do your best to attend our weekly main church, if you cannot, give us your proxy vote. Daily on the fly church if you cant be in attendance, its okay. - No order is negotiable after its been passed through the church. - Rat and you die. - Code of silence ~ Keep all club information to yourself. - Show no mercy. - Rape is a no, harm to kids is a no - Never allow your patch to be taken from you. - Your bike is your life, someone touches it, hurt them. - Bring all matters to the table for a vote if you are full patch if you're a prospect, then any full patched member. - Club Dues are paid once a month due on the first, which consists of $20 a week, $80 a month, incarcerated members won't need to pay, All loans and debs will be secured by collateral. - No member will get together on their own and plan something for themselves on club rides. It will be brought up to the whole club and the whole club will participate in anything that is decided upon. - The club will always stay together on rides, runs, parties, field meets etc. and will not fraternize with club's rival clubs. - Each patch holder/prospect is required to maintain a valid motor vehicle license, which includes the authorization to operate motorcycle. - Absolutely no talking about Club business to persons outside the Club. No talking about Club business over any telephone. - Prospects will watch all bikes when members are at Club functions, in bars, and anywhere the senior member present deems necessary. - First offense of you missing three (3) meetings in a row, you get stripped of your rank to vote, second offense mandatory duty (6 in a row), third offense (9 in a row) you're out of the club. - Orange and Black are the official colors of the club - Members will be known by their 'club name' (street name) when talking and doing business with citizens and other gang members, but when interacting with the law, use their real name, so its hard to link them to crimes. Known Criminal Activities: Drug Trafficking, Assault, Auto Theft, Burglary, Weapons Violations, Racketeering, Money Laundering, Murder, Torture, Extortion, Arms Trafficking, Armed Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Drug Cultivation and Manufacturing, DUI / DWI, Kidnapping, Distortion of State Property, Felony Evading, Drug Possession, Prostitution, Loan Sharking. Years Active: 1968 - Present Founding Location: Chicago, Illinois. Membership: Roseport Chapter: President: Narc Vice President: Micky_Tohmpson Prospect: Pandatron25 Prospect: Big Joe Prospect: BigT Hangaround: Bizzar Hangaround: xxacegunnerxx23 Hangaround: Des8559 Hangaround: Betty Crocker Hangaround: Intoxicated Hangaround: Asupra Hangaround: QuiCks Hangaround: DoomXI Hangaround: BarDillyGhillie Hierarchy Structure Information: President: The prez is the leader of the chapter/charter. He is the clubs figurehead and is usually the spokesman when dealing with the police or the media. The prez is the chairman at club meetings and represents the chapter at national meetings. Vice President: The Vice president is second in charge and fills in when the president is away. The vice prez is often the heir apparent to the clubs leadership although this isn't always the case. It's his job to make sure that matters passed at club meetings are carried out satisfactorily. Sergeant at Arms: The Sergeant at Arms is basically the gang's ' policeman ' although most would not like to be referred to in this way. He enforces the club procedures and maintains order at club meetings. The sergeant is in charge of security at gang events and he is responsible for ' back up's ' (attacks on rivals). The sergeant looks after the gang's firearms and other weapons. Secretary: The secretary is responsible for the clubs paperwork. He keeps minutes of meetings and records dates of significant events, such as anniversary dates (when prospects gain their patch), he corresponds with other gangs and it's his job to keep members informed of upcoming events. The secretary is responsible for keeping records of club assets. The secretary is also the chapters ' money-man' and he is in charge of collecting club fee's, run funds etc and paying the bills. The Secretary is responsible for collecting any debts owed to the gang and usually gets the job of checking out business opportunities prior to any decisions being made. The Secretary is usually the person who handles the proceeds of the clubs illegal activity. Patch Members: Patch members are members of the club who have earned the right to wear the clubs colours, after a suitable period spent ' prospecting '. They take part in the running of the club and attend the gang's weekly meeting ('church'). They are commonly refereed to as ' members' or in some clubs ' patches'. Prospect: A prospect is a ' prospective member ' of the club who is yet to earn his patch. Prospects are expected to do what they're told and follow the orders of patch members. They must be prepared to engage in illegal activities to prove their loyalty to the gang. Prospects have no voting rights and do not attend meetings unless invited in. The prospect period can be up to 1 week ingame, it all depends on how you perform and if the club votes you in as a successful prospect by earning their respect. Hang-Around's: This stage is before ' prospective member ' which is known as a ' hang-around '. The purpose of the hang-around stage is to become known by all members before being accepted as a prospect. The hang-around period is purely based on whether an officer in the club thinks you have what it takes to prospect for us. Other Patches: ROAD CAPTAIN: The Road Captain is responsible for all club runs. He shall research, plan, and organize all runs. During actual time on the road or at intermediate stops during a run, he shall act as the ranking club officer, deferring only to the President or Vice President. The Road Captain has overall authority on a club ride. His word is absolute law. Prior to the ride, a road captain is responsible for recon of the intended route to include alternate routes that may be taken if the need to deviate arises AFFA: Apaches Forever, Forever Apaches. WARCHIEF: Optional nickname patch worn by the Sgt at Arms being in charge of the tribes warriors. CHIEF: Optional nickname patch worn by the President. ENFORCER: An Enforcer is a Full-Patch member who fiercely earns and enforces Club interests, they are there to help the Sgt At Arms do his job, they are the heavy muscle of the club. Allies: N/A Rivals: N/A Neutral: Odd Man Out MC Territory: Roseport Requirements: - Must be at least 15 years old - Active - Have a passion for motorcycles - Own either a chopper, bobber or cruiser, no sports-bikes. - Microphone - Good role-player - Good listener - No recent bans - Good reputation - Play on same server (US West) Recruitment will be handled ingame. Notes: 1. The gang's bylaws (Code of conduct) and the server rules, need to be followed, otherwise you will be removed from the club. 2. If a member is caught disobeying, the club will call a secret meeting and put the member on trial they will first have 3 strikes if they exceed this strikes they will then be voted out (could result in death). 3. Easiest way to keep a secret between 3 people, kill 2 of them. 4. Take the club seriously, but remember to also have fun, stick by the rules of the club and the server, and you'll have a blast. 5. Upon failure of paying dues within four weeks, member shall be suspended and turn in his colors.
  7. 1 point
    In the game no, they are not allowed and will be removed!
  8. 1 point
    The Esqueletos MC looks forward to it.
  9. 1 point
    Overalls by Umut: "Gators" by Umut: Proposed Design (Concept Art) for Town Square's Bank (Interior) by Pavlenko: Proposed Design (Concept Art) for Town Square's Coffee Shop (Interior) by Pavlenko:
  10. 1 point
    Well I plan on buying at least two small trailers that fit two bikes each. I don't plan on fixing a bike or building a bike every single day, if it gets to that level I'll make sure to contact you if you or your company are on my server.
  11. 1 point
    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
  12. 1 point
    I think you've been playing too much action men.
  13. 1 point
    Blessed are the meek for they make easy targets.
  14. 1 point
    get your refund if you want it, but dont come whining here. The first module also took this long because at the start they had worse devs than they do now, and they fired them, got new devs and had to rebuild town square 2 or 3 times. Also at the start of developing, they only had a few people working on it, ofcourse progress is slow! The team is growing slowly and progressing overtime!
  15. 1 point
    Put your dummy back in your ass mate. Development is going well and the developers are doing really well so quit your bitching or take your refund and go buy some paitence.
  16. 1 point
    Okay so looking at this post I can see that your argument is full of flaws. - 2.5 years for 33% of the game isn't exactly correct, you are saying that every module is the same size(which they are not). The first module is the largest since it is the foundation of the game, it includes all the main mechanics. and even if they were the same amount of work they would be over the 33% since half the development team is working on the other module. - The graphics are great if you think about the fact its made by a small team. The time it took to make the game though cant be an argument here seeing that they have had to rewrite their code. - Far Cry 5 is not a comparison you can make with Identity. first of all the team behind Far Cry 5 is quite large unlike Identity. Secondly comparing graphics is like comparing apples and oranges, there are many different styles of graphics and even though Far Cry looks quite realistic it doesn't have the steam coming out of the grates like Identity does, there are many different details in Identity that Far Cry doesn't have. - Your last point is sketchy as well, we don't know anything at the moment as you stated, sure Identity might take some time to release but as I said before, the first module is probably the biggest as it is the foundation of the game, you cant compare one module with the whole game. If you really don't support the game then don't, just get a refund, but there is no point of posting this in the forum. This forum is mostly used to ask questions, not to share your opinion.
  17. 1 point
    It would be unfair to say the developers are lazy because unlike the developers of Far Cry, Asylum has a smaller team and does not have a base model to build upon as what they are trying to produce will be ground breaking in it self. Think about this: if the team was to put out an unpolished result and try to refine it while users are testing, we all would be complaining that it is garbage which will result in the project crashing before it has a chance to change the gaming arena. 2015 until now may be a very long time to be waiting given the build up of anticipation and I would think asylum knows this and are trying to speedily get the ball rolling. I can be very impatient at times but if asylum completes what I envision this game to be then it will be well worth it.
  18. 1 point
    I don't think that you heard about Corporations, that will allow you to be successful as a CEO or maybe as a worker in a legal way. "Corporations will allow the successful with a little extra cash to become driving forces in Identity's dynamic economy. Corporations are organizations similar to, but separate from, gangs. They have the added ability of owning assets and issuing�work orders to their real-player employees. Some assets, such as the largest cargo trucks, are available only to corporations." You could have a delivery business or a manufacturing factory. This sound exciting.
  19. 1 point
    Short Afro Hairstyle by Miroslav: Sandals by Umut: Socks by Umut: Round Ottoman by Jade:
  20. 1 point
    Full game servers will hold 300 - 500 player slots per server. This is due to the technology of SpacialOS. Official servers will be Casual RP, but Private servers will be able to enforce more rules for RP to become a higher standard. A lot of people will appreciate all of the work / elements while you always will get those others who don't care. That is life. A lot of people want to be Civilian, running their own business.... Have you checked the business area of the forum yet? Also there is plenty of things to do. You can still try everything out. Official servers maybe but that will be more a casual setting for RP, however Private servers will be able to enforce things like rules and the players. Private servers will be able to white-list their servers. I get that a lot of the population will want to go for cops or criminal most of the time but a lot of the current fan base want to run a business.
  21. 1 point
    A visual feast! As we approach the release of the Town Square, it's time to start showing off! Identity's gameplay is unique; there's no game in the world which accomplishes what we've set out to create and as a result, this will be one of the most immersive gaming experiences available. In some senses, graphics weigh heavily on environmental immersion and we've really started to show Identity's beauty in this last week. Last week, we did a short live stream on Twitch to show off the Town Square in motion. If you weren't there for the stream, check out the details below. Ash Hill Cinema ticket booth In addition to Identity's artistic beauty, we also want to show you what the base gameplay will be like in the Town Square. We do plan on doing another stream shortly where we'll move on into the interiors and interact with some of the features you'll find when you log into the Town Square. We'll have to mute the karaoke and streaming radio elements for Twitch and YouTube, though. I really do wish we had more time in our last stream but we were an hour late getting the stream started and what was meant to be a 10 minute display ended up being half an hour long. Half of that time was spent in character creation, so if that's of any interest to you be sure to check out the stream. I'll leave the video below. Ash Hill's Town Square in early morning Ash Hill's Town Square at night With our next gameplay stream, I'd really like to show off the Town Square at night. Check out the screenshot above to see why I feel that night in Identity has an incredible atmosphere. Night will be useful in Identity too; for example, some animals will be more active when the sun goes down. Just imagine running from (or with) the cops in the dark of night! A beautiful and well-designed environment makes great gameplay even better. Ash Hill's fruit and vegetable market As you can tell by now, I went a bit overboard taking screenshots of the Town Square environment. I'm so proud with what our art team has accomplished, so you're getting a handfull with this developer blog! The market seen here is in the Town Square, although it won't be the only food market in Ash Hill. Markets play a fairly important role, and not only for your own access to food. Gathering and growing food will be a safe and reliable way to make some money in Identity. It doesn't require any sort of investment, so it's one of your options for making a living the moment you step foot in the world. It will get much easier with a vehicle, though. RIDE bicycle shop The screenshot above is from the interior of the bicycle store you'll find in the Town Square. You won't be able to buy them right away, but once we start implementing our final vehicles we'll likely unlock the bikes in the Town Square, too. Bicycles will be an important tool in Identity. If you can't afford a vehicle (they're not cheap) then they're your best option for getting around town without dishing out cash for a cab. Ash Hill Tattoo interior My final screenshot today was the interior of the tattoo shop you'll find in the center of Ash Hill, and thus the Town Square. Hidden in the back of the parking lot behind the DMV, this parlor will be opening shortly after the Town Square release. Tattoos in Identity are either paid for or earned; some tattoos are only unlocked with achivements, most of which being for less than legal actions. Tattoos aren't available during character creation and must be gotten through a shop such as this. Town Square gameplay live stream YouTube Town Square preview stream If you missed our live stream of Town Square gameplay last week, click on that big image above to check it out now. If your email client is afraid and you don't see the images, you can always click here. I spent the first while creating a character and then took a quick look around the exterior of the Town Square environment. I can't wait to show more! The tasks at hand Our new task tracker has been one of the most well received additions we've ever released, and it's very easy to see why. As the Asylum developers continue to knock out tasks daily, we're getting very, very close to allowing you all into the Town Square. As of my writing this, only 3 primary tasks remain and are already in progress. The tracker is showing only Town Square tasks, although many of those in our team (who don't have anything left for the Town Square release) are already hard at work producing SWAT module content. It won't be long before you start seeing a lot of our SWAT efforts appearing, and I'm extremely excited to give you more information on how it'll play. Keep your eyes on the tracker, as it will continue (even after Town Square release) to be the best indicator of when you can get your taste. A quick thank you to our supporters We've been working hard to create the game that can, quite seriously, affect the entire MMORPG industry. Nothing like Identity has been done before, mostly because a game of this scale is a risky project for any established studio. It is because of you receiving this update, our pledgers and supporters, that our dreams and ambitions are becoming a reality. The ultimate RPG is on the horizon, and I'm so very grateful to the wonderful community around me. Again, I just want to say thank you as I sincerely appreciate your support. You're helping to create a game which thousands, who don't even know we're here yet, will come to enjoy. You're here on the ground floor. The Twitch Clips If you've been following Identity's development closely, you probably already know that developers stream their work live on the Identity Twitch channel every Tuesday and Thursday. We also use that time to answer almost every question that gets asked about Identity's development and gameplay. Now that we've been doing this a while, we've answered a lot of questions. Our awesome community manager, BeachBall, has taken the time to compile a massive list of questions linked to clips where they're answered by a developer. Get comfy and head over to the Twitch Clips Directory forum thread. If you haven't found this already, be prepared to spend a good bit of time listening to all sorts of awesome information. This is the best place to get to know the fine details Identity! -- John VanderZwet