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Showing most liked content on 06/28/2017 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Check out the replay! https://www.twitch.tv/videos/155049217
  2. 2 points
    Hello Community, my name is ExTaZZe and i´m new in this forum. At frist, sorry for my bad english but im living in austria (Europe). Did anyone know the date when we can play the beta ? I have claim 30$ and now im look every weekend at the status bar of the "Town Square" modul, but that still stuck at 89% Have a nice day, your ExTaZZe.
  3. 2 points
    Hey guys lexan here, if you guys missed, today 3h ago, antoine ( identity modeler) streamed a bit a new in-game model and it was awesome, a ton of people showed up and i'm really hopeful that will be more stuff coming up !! :-) and by the way, he was modelling a iphone and in my honest opinion it was great :-) if you guys missed check out identity stream www.twitch.tv/identityrpg and check the vods!! they stream from tue-thurs (not sure antoine stream time tho) -Lexan
  4. 2 points
    No man's sky gave previews and such just like this has. only bits and peices and they still screwed everyone. Most youtubers have writen this game off as a scam already.
  5. 1 point
    I hope The dev's will Show some in game footage soon
  6. 1 point
    Chill out :-( No need to be aggressive, and @Hsmith24 the devs are pretty close to release TS Module that will be the social module, with some "mini-games" if i can call that ,such as Karaoke and movie theater, i really hope movie theater be good i will be there watching movies with identitians all day :-)
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    hey there, I can tell you that you will get addicted and it can lead to death (Over Dose) and that if you try stop using, you will get withdrawal symptoms. However, the effects will have slight buffs but big de-buff's. I would like to ask if you can search the forum because there is info out there. Hope this info helps, any more questions? Check out the 2 FAQ's as they are very useful. Need more answers the forum has a lot but you can also ask me via a PM. Best regards, LuckyDuck.
  9. 1 point
    Yes indeed thank you for pointing that out which I had missed. The stress system affects everyone on the official servers, private server however can choose if they want the system on or not. Private servers will be in the server list with the official ones when the game is released and if it is not white-listed then you can join hit join and you will get in. For the White-listed/ community private servers, they will have likely set up their own website etc with a way to get white-listed is really up to them. e.g. Some already have an Application that you have to fill out and then in which you get an interview afterwards which could be if both passed then you will get white-listed, but it is up to those communities to allow people to get white-listed and not nothing to do with the devs as they are privately rented and could include requirements. I hope this helped and have a lovel day. (Ps: cr*ppy weather here where I am. UK) Kind regards, LuckyDuck.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Good luck with your business!
  12. 1 point
    If you are a police officer and you are corrupt then, you will lose your career as a police officer for doing that on official servers. However in private servers you might be able to be corrupt depending on if the server allowing it.
  13. 1 point
    @Cuuka Hey Cuuka, and yes I knew it means sad, not that I speak French. But your English is pretty good if I say so myself. Hopefully we'll see each other around some day in game, if you need or want anything from me, I will be around. Same for @Flappy @Mr_Fisk, thanks for the welcome. Looking forward to getting more involved in the forum and community.
  14. 1 point
    I Johnny Lombardo pledge my loyalty to the luprano crime family
  15. 1 point
    Spending hours on hours making a game can be really exhausting, boring, and really repetitive. To be honest, I used to code a lot and I don't see a problem with them playing other games.
  16. 1 point
    Identity has blown me away... I mean this in the nicest way possible, It seems so ambitious I truely wonder if it will ever get done. Nonetheless I have decided to back this "game". Lets be honest, this will be much more than a game if it ever comes to be. Ive played hundred of hours of AltisLife, so you deserve my money for that anyway. I need this life in my life..
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    The Town Square module is delayed by 6 months and counting. This topic has been up before, and almost everybody agreed on one thing: That the developers have to publish anything they got, before this forum loses interest and the hype disappears. This first module should be the "social" one, and I feel like it will be veeery boring to watch the same 6 movies, doing karaoke, talking to people and going to the museum over and over again. I think the devs could keep people's interest in the first module by releasing anything now, and update it frequently. That way we as consumers would also have our say and opinion heard, to maybe influence the game. Just my opp
  19. 1 point
    I remember them mentioning that you will have the ability to produce drugs and then sell them to an NPC drug dealer for distribution but I'm not sure if it will change or not since ideas evolve over time during game development. This is another aspect of the game I'd like to see the results of.
  20. 1 point
    good ol' fashioned beretta, reliable and good grip. Italian.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    bam, problem solved..... just have both
  23. 1 point
    I think you may have just made my day
  24. 1 point
    I'm glad that the devs have thought a lot about this. I think that the devs are very aware of the chaos that is moving around the map in GTA and are trying to create a more realistic, and less killing heavy game. GTA just has criminals, Identity has criminals, citizens, government officials, and police, they will definitely make sure that everyone can play their role, and move around the map.
  25. 1 point
    Like that garbage communication
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    There are 2 sexes not 2 genders. Male and female are sex (penis/vagina). Gender is defined by who you identify yourself as a person.
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    Could be a flop, id rather spend the extra $10 or wait for steam sale, I never pre order no matter how promising a product looks. Anything can fail, Identity have already failed on 7 promises.
  30. 1 point
    Greetings and Welcome. I love seeing excitement like this!! cant wait to interact with you in the Town Square!
  31. 1 point
    This why you DONT pre order
  32. 1 point
    Welcome here @Triste ! (Do you know, in french, your pseudo mean Sad ?) Really, a very good introducing I notice that I have some of common points with you ! I love to touch design / drawing etc .. I worked as a veterinary assistant, I plan to work as an ambulance (but rl) .. ahah I leave all people nice to answer your questions, because I still have a little trouble with English, and I still sleep in half .. Anyway, welcome ! (Oh, and I recognize the typo of your signature, I also downloaded it :D)
  33. 1 point
    Remember "Altis Life" is not a game, but is a Mod for a game. "Everywhere" we have no such details on that game and for all we know it won't RP/ about socialising. Also "Everywhere" could possibly have AI roaming like GTA does. @Kronic @DanVash, Well I would expect that you can own 1 store and then if you have a business then the business can own multiple stores around the world. @Kronic Also, the devs play games outside of work hours and not during work hours and so the point about they play games too much is a bit invalid. They do have a gaming hour at the end of the day for 3 days a week but they are working on the game.
  34. 1 point
    @GinkoTheArcher Welcome here Clowhey ! :]
  35. 1 point
    Hello Cloey and welcome to the Identity community. Nice to meet you Feel free to read the 2 FAQ's which you can find in my Signature. They provide good information about the Game. If you have any questions regarding the community or the game and which answer you can't find in the forums, feel free to contact me. Enjoy your stay here -Radack
  36. 1 point
    honestly I think that this game genre will be the first of many. I think it looks really cool
  37. 1 point
    Yeah, not being negative here, but I hope that they will make it to release..
  38. 1 point
    No offense but I dont know the difference between Cloey and Chloe? ~Nice to meet you~ ~Best of Luck~ -Whopper
  39. 1 point
    Nice to meet you too!
  40. 1 point
    Hey there Cloey! im happy to see that you are enjoying our forum :-) feel free to surf on our forum, there are a ton of interesting topics and interesting people to meet :-) -Lexan
  41. 1 point
    C: Devs abandon the project with the money they made kek I'm kidding, but fr though they need to make sure the first module releases within the next couple weeks, or else I'm actually going to be upset, which some impatient people already are.
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
    GTA V is a horrible analogy to prove your point. They announced the released date when they unveiled the game and there were no delays, you could play the game when it came out, its just the online part that took a few extra days to go up but Im not going to count that as a delay because historically GTA is a game that people play for the story and open world, the online is something extra.This is clearly not the case here because as @Timmeht1 mentionned this game has been through a crap ton of delays.
  44. 1 point
    We were also promised photo's and videos regularly, but all we have been getting is some screenshots and no videos...
  45. 1 point
    I haven't seen them developing shit. Why take peoples money and keep pushing dates for two years? If the devs come across bumps in the roads and we have been waiting this long, why keep on hyping something that is having so much trouble to start? I do understand the struggles of devs, especially when this game is fresh code from ground up. I just want a alpha module. I don't care if the library blah blah isn't done, i just want to play the damn game, and them update along the way.
  46. 1 point
    I guess the dev blogs, live streams and social media accounts are all illusions then.
  47. 1 point
    Pfft. Come on, you're level 45. You should know better than to label your level as an age. Level 34, myself. And I think it'll be great for everyone of all ages and walks of life to participate in this game. Not only will it bring a few generations together into one game community, it'll open doors for communication that are rarely possible in other games. Example: I like that we'll all be able to share and create content with one another, for one another, etc. On the flip-side, let's hope to Cthulu that the game isn't overrun with trolls and becomes an Arma-like environment that isn't fun for anyone, given how there will indeed be different age groups in the game. Eager to see how all of this plays out!
  48. 1 point
    "We do everything, as long as it involves shooting and money. " love it xDD Hi Rekter - can you give us an update please about : how strong / big your gang is?rules and freedom, maybe a wellbalanced friend/job idea - wish you much success in the later course- Sincerely - CrimesBane
  49. 1 point
    I tried to point out that i am not bossing anyone around. I am a leader, not a boss.
  50. 1 point
    Can't wait to marry the dream 38 year old balding fat guy who lives in his mums basement.