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Showing most liked content on 01/08/2016 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I haven't been keeping up with the game updates 100% so if this is already a thing I apologize. I think that if you want to start a gang or group (crime, cars, dance, whatever) you should be able to design a tattoo that only members of you gang or group can get. This way it is easy to identify who is in your group. For crime you can know who is safe to talk to about your crime (in prison for protection or on the street so you don't snitch). This is a very basic idea but I think it could benefit the game environment quite a bit. Just a quick thought I had, and I thought I'd share. I'd love to know what everyone thinks, all feedback (even negative) is welcome and if anyone has ideas on how to improve this function please share :).
  2. 2 points
    O Im not even running, I just wanted to be the most voted for xP
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    SOURCES: Renting out Stock market Corporations & businesses 1 Corporations & businesses 2 Own business Gang Business
  5. 2 points
    CLICK and CLICKITY <- tweets from December 2015. This is the tweet you're talking about: It's from February 2015. This is one from November 2015: They changed their minds. ^u^
  6. 2 points
    Phones will most likely work partially as a MENU, apart from being phones. You begin the game with a phone in your pocket! You'll be able to not only call and message your friends with it, but also take pictures, access the ARENA, TRADE, call the AMBULANCE when you're dying and more. Very likely you'll also be able to use it to pay the rents or borrow some money to your friend! I don't think anyone can steal your phone since you're probably adjust your game settings and maybe even leave the game via using it! I'd also assume calls and messages will be free. The idea with phone customization is very interesting though and I love it! It would be really cool if you could not only pick a different color of a phone, but also a model or a case for it, like: or something close to that. It'd be pretty neat if you could also choose a ring tone.
  7. 2 points
    There are NO AIRCRAFTS But there are... SOURCES: Trucks Pick-up trucks Tow trucks SWAT trucks Delivery trucks 1 Delivery trucks 2 Truck Trailers Gasoline and petrol Gas stations Train on which you start your game Buses NO prison buses and also Taxi and MORE!
  8. 1 point
    Hello! Thank you for taking the time to have a look around. Welcome to CORE Transport, we are a Bus, trucking and Delivery corporation, focusing to become your main and #1 in public transport. Trucking and driving coaches is a specialty for us, all of us at Core Transport are enthusiasts of the road ahead, we make promises that we will keep and ensure our service is of the highest quality and wont be beaten. We are already hiring staff which will eventually begin work in the proper application number in-game. I hope you enjoy this comprehensive description of my corporation. Core Transport is a corporation who's main focus will be to become your #1 in transport. Not everyone will afford vehicles in Identity, so we want to give people the opportunity to travel with ease across the Island, the system below is a beta prototype and we will be trying a lot of new things to see what brings more satisfaction to possible future customers. We are happy to be the first announced transport corporation on the old forums, and we had the pleasure of having the first business post in this section of the forums. We are dedicated to our community and we hope to co-work with you all so that you too can build a transit system you would like to see. I started Core Transport because i have a passion in all things moving. A lot of my family are in the logistics and public transport business. Core transport is based on real world collected data, we have several written documents describing how our logistical and public transport system will work on identity based on the information that we have right now, and a special thanks to @Motown for answering a lot of private messages on the site which in turn helped shape Core Transport. We have some exciting news and updates coming shortly, so keep an eye on this section of the forums to be the first to find out new and exclusive information about Core Transport The following is a prototype of our system and how we would like to start off in Identity. ------Description of our Coach / City bus price lists and description of our system------ Once in the game I am planning on making the tickets BASED around these prices: ((CITY / CITY OUTSKIRTS BUS LINES)) - City service -Regular [$3.50]* (The ticket price may vary depending from where to where you are travelling) -Return [$6.50] (This ticket allows you to travel to your destination, and be able to travel back without buying another ticket, the price may also vary) -Day Saver [$25.00] (This ticket allows you to travel as much times as you want PER DAY in a specific ZONE, such as city, or countryside. The price may also vary) -Collaborative [$15.00] (If you are staff or part of a company that are partners with CORE Transport, you will get this ticket, with a discount instead of the Day Saver) -Weekly Bus Pass [$150.00]* (If you do the calculations -per day- this ticket will save you money if you travel with us a lot, the price may also vary.) -Event Pass [$450.00]* (Hosting an event? need transportation for ALL your guests? hire a CORE Bus with one of our bus drivers, and make as much trips as you want, from anywhere to anywhere in ONE day, this deal may have discounts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ((INTER CITY/COACH LINES)) - Inter City service -Inter City One way [$39.00] (Priority boarding = extra [$5.50]* -Inter City Two way [45.00] (Priority boarding = extra [$10.00]* -Inter City Worker pass [$100.00] (Unlimited trips for TWO Days.) (Priority boarding = extra [$10.00] -Inter City Collaborative [$26.00]* (Priority boarding = extra [$10.00]) (This is the city worker pass, at a discounted price for Co. Partners) One baggage = [$4.50]* Two baggage's = [$8.50]* Three baggage's = [$12.00]* (Prices may vary from time to time) (Special offers will be held for ALL of the above*) On-board meals will be served free of charge if travelling over 80km2* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (DAILY SPECIAL DEALS, OFFERS, AND MILES) If you travel daily with CORE Transport, for every mile you earn on your membership card, you earn points, point can later be redeemed to have free bus trips, free meals, free priority boarding or free baggage's. Every week, CORE Transport has a Friday and Sunday special which offers you a TWO WAY trips with any Inter city coach, for only $35.00, price includes vat, baggage and parking (if any) -----------Description of our Logistics system and how it works----------- Logistics - Deliveries and their cost: The way we will be calculating our deliveries cost is not by weight or type of goods but rather by how much room it will take in the truck trailer / van. Space in the truck trailer and van are divided into 6 zones, the costs would be as followed: SPACES 1 = 50$ | 4 = 400 2 = 150$ | 5 = 750 3 = 250$ | 6 = 1,000 Prices will be negotiable, and this is all a prototype. all feedback is much appreciated. Roles and procedures of the Logistical Driver. (1) The Depot: Drivers will collect their asset (vehicle) belonging to the C.T. Corporation at the start of their shift after the yard master / secretary* gives them their Driver Reference Nr and permission to depart from the Yard, once the driver receives his/her instructions then departure is permitted by the Security Guard. (2) The warehouse: The warehouse operators would be loading the truck before the driver arrives. Small vans or other truck drivers would be assigned to bring smaller goods to a company owned warehouse where the customers goods would be distributed to their final location. But it is possible to deliver directly from Factory > Destination if the payment reaches minimum for that process to occur. Its an important job to ensure that goods are loaded efficiently and effectively. (3) Secure Driver Procedure: When any driver enters a yard or distribution centre a driver number must be given, along with the vehicles registration plates and what kind of cargo is being transported. Core Transport is a 100% legal company and it is up to the Security Officer to ensure that no illegal contraband is ever transported. Heavy fines would apply for any contraband that would be attempted to transport. When trucks arrive and depart they are heavily checked by security officers to ensure the safety of the driver and compliance with the law. Dockets would be printed out for drivers with ALL the information they need to take off. This is not the finalized version of the C.T. system description. a logo and the full description will be uploaded in weeks to come.
  9. 1 point
    I am starting a Motorclub called Blood Hound MC. I am looking for loyal people that are not afraid to get dirt on their hands, that sad dont snitch you have to obey the code of silence this means that you dont talk about bussiness to anyone outside of the gang. Rules, nr 1, dont snitch dont talk about bussiness to anyone outside of the gang. nr 2, Always have your brothers back. nr 3, All rats will be caught dont think you are an exception nr 4, All the money that are made during diffrent jobs will be split 60% to the people that did the job 25% goes to the gang so we have something to fall back on and 15% goes to the members of the gang that did not help during this specific "performance" nr 5, You have to have the permission of a higher rank before you can do a crime nr 6, If you are caught during a job or just picked of the streets remember dont snitch just do the time, our gang pays handsomely for people that are loyal. Follow these rules and you will walk out a rich man but break these rules and then im not sure you will be able to walk. Ranks President AKA Prez, The president has the most power he is the leader of the chapter. He is usually the spokesman when dealing with the police or media. The president is the chairman at club meetings and represent the chapter at national meetings. Vice President AKA Vice Prez, The Vice president is the second in charge and takes charge when the Prez is away. It is also his job to make sure that matters passed at the club meetings are carried out satisfacorily. Treasurer AKA Money-Man, The Treasurers job is to collect club fees, runs and funds etc and paying the bills and he usually gets the job to check out diffrent oppertunites that will help the club. Sergeant AKA Policeman, The Policemans job is to make sure that every ruled is followed and makes sure that there is order during the meetings but he also controls the gangs firearms. Road Captain, The road captain plans the diffrent runs he picks the route and destination for our runs but he also has to make sure that everybody has enough fuel and usually drives next to the Prez or the Vice Prez Patchmembers, Patchmembers are members of the club that has deserved the right to wear the gans colours after a suitable period spent "prospecting" they take part in the running of the club and attend the gans weekly meetings aka Church. Prospects, A prospect is a prospective member of the club who have yet earned their patch. Prospects are expected to do what a Patchmember says. they must be prepared to do illegal activites to prove their worth to the club. Hangarounds, The hangaround is a stage before you become a prospect the purpose of this stage is to get known by all members before being accpected into become a prospect. Do our club good and you will climb the ranks fast and make some money on the way. How do i join? well all you gotta do is either message me or write on this page
  10. 1 point
    It could be a positive though! You'd know you're talking to a moron or a troll just by making one glance at their penis tattoo
  11. 1 point
    Vote for me if you love the community?
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    There will be departments separated into regions (currently there's three as far as I know) and roles, which we don't know much about yet. There definitely will be patrolling policemen, SWAT and maybe detectives!
  14. 1 point
    Finally a proper race for governor, will Dizzle and Vix be having debates? Where do they stand on the pressing issues?
  15. 1 point
    VIX all day every day. I mean what could be better than having a president that just pulls up an tweet every time you need an answer
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Just been on twitter and saw this relevant tweet
  18. 1 point
    Don't worry. It's just a number.
  19. 1 point
    OF COURSE! Lets go to the Fauna&Flora bookmark! YAAAAAY! SOURCES: Yes No details Pets & House sharing Cats & Dogs Healthy Pets House pets 1 House pets 2 Pets & Zoo 1 Pets & Zoo 2 Pet Store 1 Pet Store 2
  20. 1 point
    They were considering enabling players to work as hookers and possibly have sex, but decided it'd get too weird. And thank the globs! Don't even want to imagine what'd happen if you'd enter the server, say "Hi" to someone and you have a FEMALE VOICE. Freaking gang bang right there.
  21. 1 point
    While there will be some very creative ones with custom tattoo making, but I can about imagine the amount of penis's and kappa faces that will be tattoo'd on many players bodies.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Everyone. Once you read this message continue reading it with a dark vader voice. Ok? @Vix I am. Your father. Even if I was pregnant- Also sorry @Notering I did not get married to him. I got married to @SmokingSkeleton to then have a mistress @Arlmar there. However Vix your mother does not exist and so it might be hard how you were born. However I do believe you are a ghoul. I am sorry @Notering but our short non sexual relationship never lasted. To all fathers out there. Take a cig and a bit of whiskey and dream.
  24. 1 point
    You can hunt whenever you want but you should get licensed if you don't want trouble. ^^ I don't think you'd need to abandon a profession to hunt, looks more like a part-time job/hobby to me!
  25. 1 point
    There will be official servers released in each continent, so the non-English speaking players can play with others who speak their language.
  26. 1 point
    Time payments might be an option you could come to an agreement with the person fixing your car.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    I gotta transport my kidnapped persons somehow, don't I?
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    even if there wasnt any human trafficking. there would be kidnapping so there arent any difference
  31. 1 point
    I'll probably live somewhere near the beach and take my boat out on the water and go fishing.
  32. 1 point
    Hello there, I honestly hope the tattoo system will be somewhat like it was in the original APB.. They had presets and you could make unlimited combinations and changes so that you were actually able to make many different sorts of tattoos. That's the newer version from GamersFirst called APB: Reloaded which has a lot more limits.. But it's still nearly the same in that regard that it's amazing what you can do with it. Kind regards, DJScias
  33. 1 point
    This is a good idea! And I don't think anyone actually brought it up! So far we know tattoos are going to be preset, but maybe they could be made by players in the future?
  34. 1 point
    You get flagged instantly when you kill someone? That's kinda BS. If that's the case, it would be really disparaging for crime people since its so easy to get caught. If anything, you should be flagged only if someone actually witnesses you killing someone. Then that would make sense. In reality, there would only be hitmen if there is a demand for it, the various crime groups around going at it with each other for example. Plus, within a few days of anyone even trying to be one, they'll most likely find it an incredibly... difficult, business. Because in actuality, it's really not that easy. You've got to have the balls first, to try doing murder within the city proper. Second, you've got to actually have a brain and use it when you're trying to get your information on someone and when you're going to actually kill him/her. I mean really, if you get a contract, then you INSTANTLY just run off and try to find him and kill him/her, you kinda deserve to get killed/arrested. It takes time, lots of it, to get information on a certain person to find a way to kill him/her, without getting arrested or killed doing it. This means you would have to take a few days to learn the person's habits, their interests, their job, their personality (if you're willing to go that far), etc. If you're seriously going into it you might even go for befriending your target and then, in a moment when he/she lowers their guard, just pop them in the head. Third, you need to be able to actually have connections to people (crime people I'm Pointedly looking at you) willing to actually give out contracts and have the money to pay for the contracts to be completed. You can't just whisper to people and ask if they want to hire a hitman. Four, you need to have a way to absolve of any evidence that points to your involvement, I.E. DNA, fingerprints, witnesses, etc. That means having iron-clad alibis, gloves that won't leave any of your DNA, fingerprints, skin cells, what have yous, and making sure no one sees you actually going for it. Hell, if you know what you're doing, you could even make it so it looks like a robbery gone wrong or an accident or something. Five, it would be a good idea to make your word worth it. If you take a contract, you finish that contract. Period. No ifs, and, or buts about it. You don't take money to not do the contract, you don't take counter-contracts to off your original client. Only then can you have any chance of getting a contract and having the client have trust in you to complete the contract. This is just off the top of my head, so there's probably even more factors, but seriously, it isn't an easy business. I played on a Hardcore RP F:NV server on Gmod and I played as one. It was, frustratingly difficult and only when you've poured hours to create connections, get good equipment, and start to know what you're doing (basically late game) can you actually be successful and make it enjoyable. (Phew that was long. I got freaking passionate in this, damn!)
  35. 1 point
    So once again -- Referencing GTA SA-MP for this but.. I've heard that in Identity $1000 will be a fair sum of money. Which makes me wonder how expensive things will be in the game. In GTA SA-MP the economy was so skewed that a hotdog cost $6000. A lock for you car could go as high as $500,000. A one story house in the ghetto was $14,000,000.. So how expensive can I expect Identity to be? Hotdogs for 10 cents?
  36. 1 point
    The prices start of as realistic, and by realistic they probably mean close to American economy. The governor can change taxes and affect the economy, as well as players, as Identity's economy is supposed to be player based. That means if there are little to no hunters on the server it can have very expensive meat, but if it has many skilled farmers- very cheap veggies and fruits.
  37. 1 point
    These are some songs I've been listening to lately Sorry my music taste is everywhere, I appreciate all genres (Except 80% of Country music and Scream/Heavy Rock)
  38. 1 point
    Click on the quote and hold CTRL while clicking Backspace.
  39. 1 point
    We don't have info about it, but most likely no. Town Square will be more about character creation and player interaction. They'll probably show off cars on Racing module.
  40. 1 point
    How would a voice modifier be any help to the community; I find voice mod's annoying, especially when little children use it .-.
  41. 1 point
    SOURCES: Illness Sickness & Disease Coughing Illness & Holidays Weather & sickness Sick style Easily sick Staying healthy Healthy pets
  42. 1 point
    His name is annoynomous. Can't kill annoynomous. He's specia*cough*hacker*cough/hack up a lung*
  43. 1 point
    SOURCES: Gas Stations Gas Stations & Town Services Charging Stations And that's all. No details.
  44. 1 point
    Thanks VIX I know I could count on you
  45. 1 point
    Business person with a life of crime on the side.
  46. 1 point
    Ohhh, so now you guys finally start using this forum! I made this topic to test to see if people actually could submit questions here, and was about to delete the forum since it wasn't getting any love.
  47. 1 point
    @Vix and your obsession with stripping, I swear!
  48. 1 point
    I'm probably going to be a paramedic and save lives.
  49. 1 point
    Welcome back Air! That old website was ugly, so this new one is like a nice breath of fresh air! It's going to be exciting to see how successful Core Transport can become in Identity!
  50. 1 point
    Hello citizens! I'm Motown, and I'm Identity's Community Manager, the person in charge of delivering all of your important ideas and messages to Identity's development team! What's special about my role here is that I'm not just your eyes and ears, I'm also one-half of the founding team for Identity! John Vanderzwet and I set out together to make Identity a reality, and have been involved in every aspect of Identity's development since the very start. That means, through me (and our volunteer moderator staff), you have direct access to the very top of our family tree, and we can influence the design and development of Identity together! You won't get that sort of treatment from many industry CM's! So, If you have ideas that you feel will expand and define Identity for years to come, let me know, and I will make sure it hits the right ears. What a relief it has been to know that so many people have been waiting for a game like Identity for so long. I couldn't be happier to have the opportunity to be the liaison that will connect you with the world of Identity and the wonderful people who make it what it is! We strongly feel that we have a winning formula, and the deepest conviction that we may revolutionize the MMORPG genre with your support! We're going to do a lot of great things together, so it's only fair that you know a little bit about me first! My name is Sean, I'm 27 years old. My best friend is my boss and co-worker, John Vanderzet. I grew up all over the United States where I've developed the hyperactive, happy, and unbiased personality you will come to know me for! I call Ontario, Canada my temporary home while I work on Identity as your Community Manager, interim Art Director and 3D prop artist. I went to college for Video Game Design & Production, but my true passion is interacting with people! I've been a forum moderator for many large and well-known online gaming communities, including a default subreddit of 8 million subscribers on Reddit.com, a volunteer guide of the Followers of Asura in "Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures", an event organizer in "Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa" (Big RG fan btw!), the only English forum moderator of a German FPS called "Parabellum" (Google Translate ftw!), and forum moderator for "Planetside 1", "GamersFirst", "Mortal Online", and a few others I can't even remember, for varying lengths of time! Yep, I get around! But now it's time I get to know a little bit about you too. Create a new topic in this forum, and introduce yourself! We want to know exactly what personalities come out of the the deep, dark, depths of the internet to share our passion for Identity! But be nice!