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Found 14 results

  1. Sniper rifles

    They told about no sniper rifles, but what is that?:)
  2. The Jail is just a cell at the police station and is for minor crimes and the prison is for major crimes. The prison is like a whole new game, you can join / create a gang, make make-shift shanks and all sorts. You can break people out of prison or you can break out yourself but it will require thought and not just run for your life etc. There are no prison guards because the devs don't want you to feel like you have to follow orders and so you instead have the freedom. Once your prison time is over, you can choose to leave or stay in prison, it is up to you! There will be pistols, shotguns, Assault rifles, a hunting rifle. No sniper rifles and the max zoom scope for the hunting rifle is only a 2x zoom. The developers want the fights to be up close and personal instead of being far away. No silencers/ suppressors or gadgets of the sorts like that. No explosives either. You will have to get evidence/ examine the crime scene as the detective. You take the evidence back to your lab at the police station to analyse. You cannot burn the bodies, but also throwing your weapon away wouldn't do anything I am sure also. I don't understand this question, can you re-phrase it for me. If you mean counterfeit money then, that don't exist. If you mean drug money, no. You can just put it in your bank because the police can't check your bank records. Meth must be made/ cooked in the RV. You have to maintain the Meth lab because if you leave it then it can go wrong. For cannabis , you have to grow it and maintain it also. You can grow a very small portion in your house/ apartment but if you want to mass produce it then you have to grow it on / out in a field where everyone can see and if found can be stolen or confiscated by the police. No. There are detectives but no agencies like FBI or the CIA.
  3. What guns would you want in the game

    It's been said on various occasions on live stream during their gaming hours, and on the forums as well. Try this:"no sniper"&sortby=relevancy It's common knowledge by now that there will be no sniper rifles. It's been called on multiple times. As well as that max scope will be a 2x on the hunting rifle. We'll have to see post release if anything will change. Edit: also THIS is your ultimate proof:
  4. In-Game Weaponry

    Ok. Do you know of any other weapons, other than the AK and generic rifle. We know that there are no sniper/DMR type guns. So we have AK, possible a shotgun (Remington 870?) for police and ranch owners. Some concealable weapons like maybe a M9 or a Desert Eagle. M4 for Swat maybe. IDK just throwing stuff out there. All we know is hunting rifle, no snipers/DMRs, AK, and the gun laws.
  5. rOLES?

    There will be no sniper rifles in the game! The picture you saw was just concept art and was subject to change, which in this case it did. Also, if you just go around killing people, and don't initiate any type of RP, then there will be a stress system in place to prevent these types of RDM. Basically, it'll be harder to kill someone when you don't initiate RP, than when you do, if that makes any sense. For the apartments, if you mean an apartment you got from one of the packages, then no you cannot sell it, but you can rent it out! You can look here and here for some more answers on the apartments and stress system!
  6. Mercenary Militar Team With Tech Possibilities?

    I try to answer the Questions as good as i can. The idea you have is nice. You can create a fraction / team on your own but the game will not deliver any tools to do so as far as i know (like group creating and manage the group in some kind of interface etc.). You have to organize the Team for yourself. Maybe you can create a company and hide the real sh*t thats going on (Example: You open a delivery company for furniture. Alle people think you are a furniture delivering company but in the back doors the criminal stuff goes on like you described above) I hope you get what i mean. Your Sniper Idea: There are no sniper rifles in the game. Just a 2x-4x zoom hunting weapon. Maybe @JamesLuck01 or @HairyGrenade can tell something more about it? Greetings
  7. Q&A

    1. Yes you can customise all vehicles as far as I know but I don't know to what extent with motorcycles. 1a. Yes if you put your hands up the risk factor of you getting killed goes down but if you run when at gun point, it will go up with risk that you will die if shot. 2. No sniper rifles in the game and also no roof top access, that concept art is said to be no where close to the real thing as it has drastically changed. There is only a hunting rifle with a max zoom scope of [2x zoom].
  8. Sniper rifles

    That is the old concept art and well should not be taken as the real thing as the town square is told to have changed completely e.g. no roof top access and no sniper rifles. There will be a hunting rifle with only a 2x zoom scope.
  9. Types of guns

    No sniper rifles, there will be hunting rifles and I believe the highest optic is 2x scope.
  10. I am not saying my opinion, I am stating what the developers have said already. No sniper rifles! There will be a hunting rifle but not a full zoomed scoped rifle.
  11. How are you goind to prevent?

    no sniper visor. could also be a poor modded automatic rifle
  12. How are you goind to prevent?

    a: no sniper rifles in identity b: do you get a rocket launcher right after joining the police in reallife? c: if someone aims at you get some cover (most kids are runing at gun using players *facepalm*) and call the police. try to get away and yeah. same like in reallife
  13. Weapons

    really no sniper rifles? i thought i saw someone with a hunting rifle in the trailer also what about optics for the weapons or will certain just come with optics or even silencers for a more stealthy approach to crime and justice