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Everything posted by njayminsim1115

  1. Dark City

    This is all very interesting, writing these whole stories. Although a waste of time, what else is there to do on the forums
  2. "It will be days not weeks"

    We can hope until it comes out. At this point don't focus too much on it and just be supprised when it does
  3. Hopefully, it will be shown, instead of games like GTA V where you are hiding an RPG out of nowhere, it would really stick to the realism part of the RPG
  4. Anonymous

    We are in the "Gang Sector" after all
  5. Peter Luger's Steak House

    Hopefully there is a mall, so a bunch of store owners can see each other.
  6. Become rich. Or pledge
  7. Kids in game

    Age doesn't matter for games, since there's a mute button.
  8. Graphics - Level of Details

    @LuckyDuck What do you believe will be the lowest graphics card specs you can have and still play Identity? 800-900?
  9. Heyo!

    @Mr_Fisk I agree I want more game play videos before a permanent decision.
  10. Motown's Roasted Coffee What we are Motown's Roasted Coffee is a safe place from the Identity RPG world. It's where you can meet up with friends, have coffee, and feel safe from the dangers of Identity. Our locations in Identity Motown's Roasted Coffee or MRC will have several locations on the Identity Map. Our locations will be as follows -Roseport (Main City, Top Right) -Ash Hill (Town Square, Mid Left) -Turtle Beach (C shaped beach, Bottom Right) -Unnamed Ski Resort (White area, Bottom Left) Payment/Income Management $30/hr Barista $20/hr Staff Needed 3/13 CEO = @njayminsim1115 --------------------------------------------- Roseport Location (City) 0/1 Manager = ? 1/3 Baristas = @Ravo --------------------------------------------- Ash Hill Location (Town Square) 0/1 Manager = ? 0/2 Baristas = ? ------------------------------------------- Turtle Beach Location (Beach) 1/1 Manager = @Santaclus 0/2 Baristas = ? ------------------------------------------ Ski Resort Location (Ski Resort) 0/1 Manager = ? 0/2 Baristas = ? Job Description Manager Make sure all workers arrive, are professional, and pay Baristas. Manage the shop to look presentable to the public. Make sure cafe works at maximum efficiency. Barista Create drinks that customers order, work with cash transactions at the register, and use professional language with customers. Why should I work for Motown's Roasted Coffee? #1 It can be a part time job, or full time job depending on your choice #2 It pays well for the amount of work you will be doing #3 It doesn't matter what age you are to be hired (As long as you're mature) Application Why should we hire you? Do you have any real life professional strengths? Are you active in checking discord at least once a day?
  11. Motown's Roasted Coffee - Discontinued for now

    That's ok, come by for a latte or relax any time.
  12. Well's Natural Food Store

    This seems that much not effort was put into this post. If you want workers you will need to put more work.
  13. Looking to join a business.

    Hey! If you're intertested to work at a coffee franchise look at the topic Motown's Roasted Coffee. PM and I'll gladly accept you!
  14. Motown's Roasted Coffee - Discontinued for now

    You could work part time, it isn't too much of concern and can work different shifts, we're looking for any takers at this point.
  15. Motown's Roasted Coffee - Discontinued for now

    He actually liked the post
  16. Longboards

    In turtle beach it would be amazing to see people do surfing contests!
  17. Motown's Roasted Coffee - Discontinued for now

    Haha thanks, are you interested in working for M.R.C?
  18. Motown's Roasted Coffee - Discontinued for now

    PM me, we would love to have you as manager for Turtle Beach! From the PM I'll send you to the discord
  19. Welcome to the Identity Forums!

    Welcome to Identity's Forum Page Congratulations for already making it this far. Finding a forum page can be difficult for the new player. You may be wondering what exactly you do on a forum page, or you know what a forum page is, but unsure how to navigate the complex layers of topics. In order to be able to comment or create your own topic on Identity's Forum pages, follow these simple steps. 1) Create a Identity Forum account. Top right corner of your screen. It should only take several minutes. 2) Once created you can customize your profile. Create a signature, background, and profile picture. -As long as it's appropriate. 3) Once customized you may now comment, and post your own topics, as well as messaging players. -Please be polite with this new power. 4) You can also read other people's topic. If you want to read about gangs and vigilante groups, click browse, then forums, and scroll down to the careers section of the page and click, "The Hideout" Then you may read whichever topic interests you! All topics are created by real people, with questions and answers. Go crazy!
  20. Dev Blog #007 Here:

    Same motto fishy.. @LuckyDuck @HairyGrenade @Olio @Motown @Paratus Is this dev blog official? Why isn't it in the #dev blog category? This seems like LuckyDuck sent it without permission??
  21. Welcome to the Identity Forums!

    @Olio is @LuckyDuck Dev Blog official?
  22. Dev Blog #007 Here:

    Yeah, it seems unofficial, right? Perhaps Motown doesn't want the notification?
  23. A white church? Not very inclusive... but religion will probably not be in IdentityRPG
  24. What will you RP in identity?

    I don't think religion will be included into IdentityRPG
  25. Repent and tithe well for salvation!

    This is in the wrong section??? Unless it's a cult like Far Cry 5