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  1. 2 points
    This is innitially a continuation from a previous RP that was started in a different thread. It went well, so we decided to make a new thread just for it, beginning in what we call "Season 2." Anyone is welcome to join. The story is set in the cities of Identity and the theme seems to have a bit of a Gotham feel to it. Crime, justice, and a dash of twisted insanity. A world where there are no battle wizards astride dragons, or fairies weaving flower garlands for elves. There are, however, sinister science experiments, genetic mutations, dark rituals and cryptic things that you thought only existed in nightmares. The world is what you make it, and dark minds, I find, tend to be a bit more fun. So welcome all, to Dark City. RULES: 1. PLEASE try to type as clearly as possible. Relax, take your time, it will yield less typos. Avoid shorthand and proofread your post before submitting. 2. No god-moding. You can not control other people's characters (unless previously arranged), and you are not immune to damage. 3. We all have lives. As such, you will be given 3 days to post a reaction. After that, you will be skipped. The show must go on. 4. NO BULLYING. We simply will not have it. If you're being a dick, you will be killed off in the story and blocked from the thread. If we think of more necessary rules, we will update this accordingly. Participants of Season 1: Because this is its own thread and new people may be joining, please post a brief recap of your character's events in the previous chapter. Thank you and enjoy! *fires a gun in the air*
  2. 2 points
    I am honoured to be a part of this.
  3. 2 points
    It's most probably this year. It's my prediction, and just an assumption so don't take it and move around. I believe in September-October. Maybe earlier if we're lucky.
  4. 2 points
  5. 1 point
    Are the modules Alpha or Beta? The Modules are not any kind of beta but serve more as a Alpha! The Beta will be the closest thing to the full game. When is the Beta going to release? There is no current release point for the Beta except after all 3 modules are released. (Late 2018 is my estimate) When is this Game going to release? There is no point for when it is known to release. (My Estimate will be Early 2019 Release) Town Square Release Schedule? The first Module is due to release 21st March 2018 30th November 2018 as so the developers can be sure to hit the release date. 21st March 2018 Countdown When is there going to be game play footage? The next video is said to be on Gun Mechanics, and I would hope to think it will be shown before the S.W.A.T. Module. Crime & Punishment Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT2b4YvylI4 Character Creation + Quick Tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kctp79UE5sI Day/Night + Interiors + Interactions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNcJj4C_8ZE Homes/ Apartments: Hotels are free, apartments are infinite, all will get to try an apartment in town square, and there will be limited houses around the map, and that Homes can Store items and are useful as HQ's for gangs. Pledges/ and Prices: Some pledges will stay and prices of them will increase while the rest of the pledges will be removed from the store completely. This will be done when the new Website launches which will likely be Early 2018 and so make use of the time left! New website has already been launched. Higher packages are likely going to be removed during Town Square release or later on. Pledge Car Insurance: There will be life time insurance for the pledge cars/ vehicles. Server Player Capacity: The server player capacity is going to be between 300 - 500 players per server! Server size: Will be 300-500 players. What will the size of the "Town Square" be? The "Town Square" module will be as stated a Town Square and there is no "Figure" on the size of it as of yet! Will this game be released on Consoles? No this game is exclusively for PC however after the full game release the Developers will look into console porting. MoTown's Answer to a post on the forum: Our official answer on the topic of consoles is that we have no current plans to release Identity to console platforms, but have promised to do our research into what it might require after our PC launch. This is not a promise that Identity will be available on console, simply a promise to look into it. At the moment, it would be fair to say that it is outside of our scope and budget. Will this game be for MAC and Linux? Yes it will but I don't know if it will be shortly after launch of the game. Will there be AI (Artificial Intelligence)/ NPC's be roaming the map? No, this game is a player run game, but will have a few NPC's filling up the boring jobs which you and I would not do for hours on end e.g. standing at the tills of a shop, also they will be in the un-ownable shops too and they will be around in back-alleys to represent a (Black Market Dealer and Drug Dealers). Will there be any aircraft in this game? No there will not be aircraft in this game but the developers did mention a glider and possibly in the very far future they could still add them but that's not certain. Will there be Undercover cops? No, The reason why there won't be undercover cops is because the developers want a distinctive difference between cops and civilians/ criminals. How many buttons will be in the game? Probably more, but there will be radial menus for some things that will cut down on buttons. What steering wheels are supported? So far the Thrust-master ones are confirmed. ( if its a popular steering wheel, it'll work) Will this game be VR supported? Yes, the developers are working on it and want to be able to have VR supported because they want to use it too when playing the game. Unfortunately they don't think it will be supported at full game release. Is this game Subscription based? No! You buy the game (passport) and then you can play anytime with no more paying. Is there in-game Purchases? (read next question and the answer) Yes. Is this game Pay to Win? No, You can only buy cosmetic items. (Items which don't give players advantages). What are the system requirements? There is no official knowledge yet as its too early to say, but if you can run games like GTA V, Arma 3 and Ark you should be fine. System requirements are on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/792990/Identity/ How is in-game money going to work? Money will be as close and realistic to the USD. What are the names of the 3 cities? Ash Hill, Roseport and Turtle Beach. Can you break in/ raid someones home? No, police cannot raid your house and also no one can rob your house. In correspondance to police not being able to raid your home, it is that you cannot enter your property if wanted either. What age rating will the game be? This game will be Rated 18+. Can you live with someone? Yes you can but you have to have a bedroom for every person who lives in your house. This even includes if you marry someone! Gangs: There will be a gang system, such as making a guild in MMO's. Gangs will have ranks and even HQ's which can be someone's house where all gang members have access or a shop a gang member owns. In Town square, there will not be a gang system YET, but there will be a friends contact on your phones and you can easily roleplay your gang, to begin with. You can have biker gangs, as there are Bikes (such as the ones in the pledges) and leather jackets. You can put insignias on your clothes to show off your gang. There won't be designated gang categories, such as Biker gang or Mafia, but you can Roleplay your gang to be any type you want. There will, however, be areas of the map designed for specific sub-cultures, such as bars that are Biker themed, such as Biker Club Bars. A player can always buy a bar, make it a Biker Club / Bar and make it the HQ of their Biker Gang, or the same with a Mafia gang, etc... Stress System: The Stress System is the games anti-RDM (random deathmatch = randomly killing people for no reason) system. What happens is everyone has a stress level, and if you stress is low, you take less damage, and high, you take normal damage. When you pull out a gun, you instantly get high stress, and when one is aimed at you or you are near a fight, your stress will slowly rise. This helps you to fight back and try and get the advantage on a gunman by using the stress system to your advantage. In weapon customisation: People always ask if there will be silencers or 8X scopes, and there will not be any long range optics or silencers in Identity. Murder: WILL be auto reported and you will be instantly wanted, other crimes require witnesses and a 911 call. Can you Marry? Yes, you can marry both sex. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reddit and Exclusive interview questions and answers Below ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon Customisation? Weapon customization is quite detailed. Some weapons have more room for changes than others of course, but things like stocks, grips, sights and even paint/finish can be customized. Weapon actions are one of those things that don't work well in video games, mostly because no matter what you have in the game you're still firing with a mouse, and it will feel counter-intuitive making it over-complicated. For example, if you have a double action pistol and pull the trigger, your mouse click is all the same no matter if the hammer is back or forward so we need to design around the peripherals people are using to play. Weapon jams are something you can encounter. Our weapon physics are incredibly advanced and was one of the first systems completed long ago. We can create magazines of any size which hold physically accurate ammo. Calibre and even type (holopoint, FMJ, etc) have an effect on trajectory. Our programmer on the weapon physics read a lot of papers to get proper formulas, and they function off the same math used by real-world forensics. A bullet fired in Identity will travel almost identically to the same being fired in the real world, even when it comes down to things like stopping power versus penetration. Will there be physics to shoot through walls or boxes? Things that a bullet would usually go though in real world situations. Absolutely. Bullets are influenced by the material they hit. If it's wood, it will pass right through it with very little change to velocity, but a thin sheet of metal may still allow the bullet to pass through, yet reduce velocity enough that it may not kill, or do much damage to its target on the other side when it impacts. 1. What is in game prison like? 2. Is it like real prison with guards, rec time, shiving, and keeping a tight grip on the soap? 3. How does the drug manufacturing and trafficking work? 4. Can I get methylamine? 1. Identity's prison is very much a game within a game. As a prisoner, you can join one of three prison factions and battle for territory, or just hang out in the recreational room and chat and interact with other prisoners while you wait out your time. You'll be able to craft a crude shank and attack others, or attempt a prison escape as a group that the police will be forced to respond too from across the map. There are no player prison guards though. The decision for that was mostly just because we couldn't find a way to keep it engaging and fun. We don't want people to be forced to sit and watch other players. 2. For those in prison however, when they've served their time, they may simply exit the prison through a series of corridors that only they have access too, or if they just have a lengthy prison sentence, they can request a trial which will notify random players across the map to report for jury duty, in which case they will plead their case, and have their fate decided on by a vote whether to be released early, or spend the rest of their time behind bars. 3. & 4. In the outside world, there are a number of drug manufacturing processes, including the production of meth, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. Each has its own unique crafting process. For instance, in order to cook meth, which is the highest paying and most valuable drug in Identity, it will require the player to purchase a mobile RV, convert it into a meth lab, and then steal all of the ingredients from across the map in certain factory locations. They'll then have to spend time cooking the meth through a series of time-based processes that determine the quality of the product before finally selling it to an NPC drug dealer for a big payout (or you can consume it if you feel like cutting into your hard-earned profits). 1)Price when the game releases 2)Will there be realistic payments for the jobs(on official servers)? I really hate it when you deliver a huge track full of diamonds and get 10k for it just breaks the immersion 3)Will the items take physical space inside the car not only for furniture but with job items as well (Weed, diamonds,etc) and will you be able to put more staff in the car if Let's say you have a 4 man vehicle but its only you and a friend inside so you have 2 sheets left will that mean extra space? 4)Will the things you buy have realistic prices? For example if you buy a Ferrari it will cost you something like 150k? 5)Will there be real life cars in the game or unlicensed cars like in gta v 6)Will there be any A.I cops or enemies? 7)Will i be able to raid other players houses? 8)Will there be a report system so you can instant report someone if he rdm's/vdm's you 9)Will there be an in game recorder so you can have proof for rdm ? (something like plays.tv lets say) 10)will there be a casino? 11)Any micro transactions? (not for cosmetic items) 12)Can you compare the driving to another game so we kinda know how driving will be like ?(i hope not like arma) 13)Will you be able to shoot while inside a vehicle 14)will there be rebel items like armored(extra armor and guns)vehicles, helicopters, jets. 1. Currently, you can pre-order, or pledge early for Identity for as low as $15 (without beta access) or $30 (with beta access) from our website @ identityrpg.com - however, we expect the price of the game to jump up to about $45 when it hits steam, as steam takes a pretty large chunk of income from each sale. 2. Expect Identity's currency to be realistic in value, so your pay will also be realistic. A pair of shoes may cost about $40, and a decent car around $30,000. A lot of games reward players with such high numbers in currency and damage though because there seems to be a psychological attracting to larger numbers, so we can understand why games do it but it won't be that way in Identity. 3. Items will take up physical space inside the trunk of a car. When a player accesses the trunk, there is a 2D grid placement system in which each item takes up a number of squares on the grid depending on its shape and size. The largest items will not fit inside the trunk of a small car, so a big semi-truck with a trailer may be necessary. 4. Oops, I answered this with #2 as well. 5. There won't be real-world cars or brands in Identity. We can't afford the license fees to include real brands in our game, and we're almost certain these companies would not want their brands associated with vehicle damage, or some of the criminal and illegal elements also featured in the game. 6. There won't be AI cops out in the game environment, driving police vehicles, or paroling streets. If there are any, they will simply stand behind a desk at the station recruiting new player officers or providing information. 7. You will not be able to raid another players house, or enter their house without their permission. We want player homes to be your personal space, safe from any outside influence. Players are going to put a lot of effort customizing their homes, and we don't want to jeopardize or disturb the work they put into it. 8. RDM/VDM isn't an enforced rule on official servers, but there will be a tool for reporting these actions on private servers who create rules for these actions. Instead, on Official servers, we have a stress system in place to discourage random attacks or griefing. 9. There won't be an in-game video recording tool, but you can use 3rd party video recording software like OBS, Fraps, or Shadowplay. 10. There will be casinos in Identity, but they are not player owned. 11. Micro-transactions exist for cosmetics, some vehicles, and some apartments, and will be claimable across all servers (hopefully including private servers). We will not sell weapons. 12. Expect driving in Identity to be realistic, much like Grand Theft Auto IV, not V. Players won't be able to survive crazy stunt jumps in Identity, and enough damage could disable your vehicle. Unfortunately however, we cannot easily do a damage model like you might expect to see in BeamNG. Damage has to be networked across the server, and we feel transmitting that much damage data could hurt performance. 13. You won't be able to shoot from inside your vehicle. We want to discourage random acts of violence for the sake of roleplay. 14. There won't be any armoured vehicles in Identity, apart from maybe SWAT trucks. We don't want to give anyone a PVP advantage based on vehicle armor. Aircraft are also not present in Identity, as it is important to us that players do not skip over potential encounters they may have gotten into while driving, and of course because we don't want the world to feel smaller by flying quickly from point A to point B. If anyone thinks of more FAQ questions please comment and I can add them in.
  6. 1 point
    Anybody around here supply only the dankest of memes? I'll pay in happiness
  7. 1 point
    I dont think anyone asked this before, at least didnt saw it. Im sure there will be a limit to homes you can own because it would suck if some rich players can buy all the houses. But im sure @LuckyDuck can tell us something about this :3
  8. 1 point
    There are a million post on this topic. Use the search function to find one.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Welcome to the Community! Feel free to ask your Questions! Read the FAQ´s : FAQ Extended Developer Q&A ( Video ) Reddit Q&A Frequently Asked Questions Q&A Video from TheDynasty
  11. 1 point
    The alarm would trigger when you start to open the safe.
  12. 1 point
    It would be pretty cool to change the money system into a real life money system with banks and wallets that people can steal if they are sneaky and credit cards. This isn't totally the same topic but also I never saw a phone in any of the identity previews. Are you able to buy phones and call businesses?
  13. 1 point
    We greatly welcome our brand new member, @KennyBatin17
  14. 1 point
    Please do not forget that the Dev team isnt a FullTime working team and they are not many. If i do remember right they are 10+ people but @LuckyDuck or @HairyGrenade can give a better answer to this.
  15. 1 point
    The Townsquare Module will be released this year, but the full game wont show up until late 2018/ early 2019 i guess.
  16. 1 point
    I'm really hoping for it to begin this year maybe next couple months but full game i hope for early 2018.
  17. 1 point
    It's most likely gonna be a little while longer. I don't expect so see this game come out until mid 2018.
  18. 1 point
    You wouldnt be able ^^ but yeah thanks for trying
  19. 1 point
    Welcome. Looking to create an organized crime syndicate. We will adopt some real life methods and ranks from crime syndicates. For example there is no "boss of all bosses. No one man calling the show. One poor lasp of judgement can bring down the whole orgazition. On top will be "The Family". The family votes on what's best for the group. Family heads will use their own "Underboss". They report directly to their assigned family head and they are the only ones that knows their assigned family head idenity. First in line to move up. The Underboss will use "Caporegimes" or "Capo". These lieutenants are responsible for carrying out direct orders from Underboss. But Unlike Underboss..the Lieutenants don't know who there family head is. The Lieutenants is responsible for picking their own "Soliders". Soliders are the grunts. Got to start somewhere. They carry out orders from lieutenants. So brief overview The Family, Underboss, Caporegimes(Capo) Lieutenant, Solider. These are the ranks. Police are gonna be organized and we need to be as well. The ranks are for secrecy. You can lose a pawn but not a family head. Also for example if 3 people know about an "event" and event goes bad... We'll we know one of those 3 are a traitor. We do a process of elimination and if we only rule out 1 of the 3.. The other 2 are going to be sleeping with the fishes. There's going to be other people that wants to move up. Anyone trying to figure out family head idenity, bad at their job, or can't follow will get fresh new "cement shoes". All you need to do is your job. The idenity of people on top is to remain a secret. Limit your mistakes and don't get caught. We will have "associates". Associates are people not exactly in the syndicate but More of a mutual beneficial arrangement. Trade favors, resources, skills, ect. People with specific skills looking for work can become associate. We'll need certain people assignated. We prefer that to be 3rd party and not directly part off us. If we bump heads and you take out one of our members we'll cross that bridge when we get there. We don't wish to control you. Just the occasional job that we'll have for you. Half up front... Half when job is over. We'll need a few Cops that can warn us or look other way. The game won't let you be a dirty cop directly. We'll help you move up in the ranks by taking out or competition. Another example is if one of our operations goes bad. Your first on scene. Arrest 1 or 2 of our guys with half the loot instead of us loosing everything and everyone getting caught. Our lawyers and judges(if it's not an ai) will help you out. Emt on call to patch up our guys without questions. Tow truck drivers that can retrieve vehicles with important loot in trunk before someone else does. We will definitely have delivery company that will occasional transport certain "goods" We'll need government people. Our members will vote for you in office and help with campaign finances. We'll help sway public opinion. Pass a few laws in our favor. You'll get paid or other favors you desire. You'll get the best protection the game will allow us to give to protect from assignation. We understand you probably can only do so much...but if we feel a lack of effort on your part you will be replaced with someone who's more of a team player. Finally since this game will have a fixed number of people on server(300)...we will have a limited number or members. We've done the math and the ideal number is at least 15 at minimum but no more than 30 members for our syndicate to function and provide adequate man power. There are in game systems in place from keeping the server from being too corrupted. We want to be in a server at the start with the right members and associates. But we have to be careful. Can't form to make alliances or have to many members. These are just some of our ideas and a little rundown of our crime family. Didn't cover crime because not giving everything away. We don't know what all we'll be able to do until the game comes out. Right now it's just finding members. If you can be loyal, be skilled, and follow orders... We can work with you. Open to ideas. Why join us? You may need money, or job. We can give you both. Or maybe you want to be a part of something. We've spent time looking throughout these forums. There's going to be a lot of people trying to making their own orgazations. Biggest problem is the server size. 300 people per server put limits on organizations. There can only be so Many mafias, cops, government officials, assassins, ect. So yes we are looking to stack the deck in our favor. We are open to combining our syndicate with another. There has to be no family head but families at the top who does group votes when making important decisions. Let's say there are 3 families at the top. 1 family could be in government, another money laundering and business, the last crime family. 2 votes to pass major decisions. Anyone else would be associates like Hitman, etm, tow truck drivers...ect. Ideally The crime family makes the money. The business family launders the money. And we fund government family that will in turn pass laws in our favor. There will be no police family. Cops can be well compensated associates. You many only want to make money and to move up in the ranks quicker. This is a game of cops and robbers. Us vs them. The game won't allow dirty cops. There's only so much you can do. The favors you'll do for us will be compensated. If any of this interest you message us. Plenty of time before game comes out. Let's get our people together so we can be the top syndicate!
  20. 1 point
    MONOKOI thank you for showing me that and I will look into it, and I changed the colouring, hope it is showing the change. and ELECTRIQ exactly what I'm hoping for too, im so hyped.
  21. 1 point
    A well needed thread, long overdue - with the added challenge of 'black on blue'. This contains recent updates regarding the status of the first module:
  22. 1 point
    They talk about Identity Gameplay videos are coming
  23. 1 point
    Nobody knows, all you can do is wait
  24. 1 point
    These have been answered before. There's no karma level as far as I know. You do have a trackrecord in the police database. I'm not sure if that ever gets erased. I hope not. In real life that doesn't happen either, or not very easily. If you served your time and paid your fine, that's ok. But there should still be a record of it. For future references. But your infamy will reset after the fine/jail time. Yes you'll be able to have multiple characters on your account. I for one plan on having one in prison for 24-7.
  25. 1 point
    I expect another year of delay
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    You should add up answer for corruption, i have seen recently alot regarding corruption.
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    Wow, what a month. It's been busy here at Asylum as usual, so let's get down to the interesting stuff! As expected, our current focus is on the Town Square so that we can get it out to you as soon as possible. We're finalising the interior of the library and art gallery (shared within one building) and adding polish to the environment. Once the clothing store interior is complete following that, the Town Square environment is ready to go. We'll continuously be adding more art after release though; specifically for house furnishings, decorations and clothing. In addition to the environment art, Miroslav (character artist) has been creating all sorts of hair assets which allow us to show hair appropriately when wearing a hat or helmet. This is a big task for him as it means making variations to match the hat options for each length of hair, but in the end it'll ensure your hair always looks as you'd expect when wearing headgear. Hair under a hat; work in progress Right next to the clothing shop you'll find a bicycle store where you can get a sneak preview of some of the bikes you'll be able to ride around in the full Identity release. We showed you a bicycle work in progress last blog post and now you can see the finished result of that below. This image will give you a rough idea of the detail level you'll see in Identity's vehicles. Ridable bicycle With more final systems coming online for the Town Square release, we now have functioning phones. Each player will start with a cellphone, although you'll be able to upgrade it with three mobile OS options available. The phone OS' each have a unique and interesting style. Characters also have a designated phone number assigned when they're created; you'll be able to get a custom number for a fee. These phones work just as you'd expect. You're able to dial up another player and speak with voice remotely. Businesses can even get a business line which, when called, will contact a member of that corporation who's online. Shot from an internal system test: advertising While the art of the billboard above isn't final, it gives you a very good idea of what you can expect in Identity for advertising. That's right, you can really publish messages around the world through billboards and other means. Corporations and those running for government office can purchase billboard space to help get their message out. You'll select a graphical template from a large list of options and then attach a brief message or other customization to make it your own. These billboards can also be moderated by the server operators. There are other similar advertising systems, too. For example digital road signs can be made to show custom messages by the current government. We can't wait to show you more of Identity, and we'll soon have that opportunity with the release of an overhauled website. Those current pledge packages are about to go away forever, and some of the rewards won't be available for purchase again after the new website changes. Also, follow us on our Twitch channel if you'd like to stop in and ask questions of the developers. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday you'll find a few developers playing a random game from 4pm EST to 5pm EST. Ask any questions and they'll be happy to answer on stream. Catch some of Identity's developers hard at work and see how they make the magic happen: we'll be providing development streaming dates and times on Twitter, soon! -- John VanderZwet
  30. 1 point
    I tried to point out that i am not bossing anyone around. I am a leader, not a boss.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) 1. How are Kickstarter backers different from website backers? There is only one difference between backer rewards for the Kickstarter and website. Kickstarter backers will receive a unique in-game hat with the Kickstarter logo. Website backers receive a hat with the Identity logo. No new content in the future will ever display either of these logos. 2. Many people are confused on what the game is about. Would you mind telling us what your vision for the game is? Is the game more about Cops vs Robbers, or a balance between all the available paths? Identity is a cops and robbers game at heart, but it is a life simulator in so many other ways. We’re catering to role-play in a way that is possibly the first of its kind. Players have the freedom to pursue careers that will impact the player economy in their own unique way. Become a taxi driver, deliver goods to player-owned businesses, fight fires, save lives, argue a case in criminal court, or just hold out your hand and beg for money. Find, or steal your ‘identity’! 3. What can you tell us about the world? World size? Player limit? We anticipate that the playable world size will be 200 square kilometers, or 77 square miles in comparison. This means that the whole map is 14 km wide, and would take about an hour and a half to walk across. We hope to support up to 300 players (or more!) per server. 4. Can you expand on the professions? We know there will be cops, but what types of jobs will be available for civilians? Will they be able to create their own businesses? Create their own items? etc. Also, Medics and Firefighters? Players can choose from a wide range of professions, including the ability to become a Firefighter, EMT, Taxi Driver, Farmer, Bounty Hunter, Fisherman, Logger, Miner, Delivery Driver and even a business entrepreneur. The options available to you as a player get more specific than this even, but we aren’t yet ready to expand on the full list. The direction of development is prone to change, and we don’t want to promise anything that might change down the pipeline. Business ownership allows players to own factories and small business, giving them control over what items are manufactured and sold. Items created by a factory must be delivered to their destination city where store owners in that area can decide what quantity and type (formal wear, casual, punk outfits, weapons, etc.) they wish to list in their business. Some default items are always available in all stores for when market demand is not met. 5. How will death be handled? When a player dies, some items such as the money the player is carrying at that time, will be dropped on the ground and will become accessible to anyone in the area that wishes to take it. Clothing items will never be dropped. We have decided that a player’s character appearance in a social game like Identity is important. You will always look the way you decide your character to look. If the player is not resusitated by an EMT or teammate, the player is then prompted to respawn at the location of their last sync (house, apartment, city) Private servers have some control over what types of items players will drop on death, if any at all. 6. Can you expand on how the housing system will work? Size and availability of apartments and houses? Players can choose to own or rent housing in Identity, while apartments can also be shared with a friend or roommate depending on the size of the property. For instance, two friends, or a married couple can choose to purchase a 2 bedroom apartment where they both can live comfortably with each other. Apartments and houses are fully customizable, allowing players to place furniture and objects anywhere in the room. Home-owners can invite other players into their apartment or house at any time. Players cannot access another players home without an invitation. 7. Will there be any specific safe areas where people can go AFK or sit and socialize without being killed or robbed? There are safe zones within certain types of buildings in Identity. Metal detectors serve to preserve immersion, and will temporarily remove any weapons upon entry, allowing all players in the area to safely relax, socialize and meet new friends. These safe zones are known to us as “Sub-Hubs” or social gathering points that reflect on the lifestyle theme of their environment (Biker Bar, Business club, Bum alley, etc.). While many of these areas can only be accessed by law-abiding citizens, some Sub-Hubs are neutral and can be entered by any player on the map. Few areas are designated gathering points for active criminals looking for the right crime of opportunity, or new friends to help them plan their next heist. 8. How will player identification work in game? Will names appear above players heads? If so, at what distances will they be seen? As our design stands right now, the official servers do display names over heads within certain ranges. Some things like masks and balaclavas can affect this. Moreover, private servers have an option where they can hide names from all players unless greeted. By this I mean you won’t see the name over another player until they perform an emote action, after which you’ll always see their name.