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Found 12 results

  1. Transport Services

    Hello, I'm a big fan of this project and I have some cool ideas for the game. I think that driver license should be a hard thing to get, like you should go to driving school and pass the test to get it. This way, the traffic of the game should be less chaotic and more fluid. So if you want to move through the city, you should try alternatives transportations like taxis, private transportation apps and collective transports(vans, minivans, buses and kombis). With this, you guys would generate more jobs and more realism. Also I would really like to see suchs as an classical vehicle as a kombi. It'll be really fun to drive through the city taking passengers to their destination, etc.
  2. Public Transport

    I think it would be a great idea to add public transport to the game especially for those who are starting out in the game and only have a bike which wont really take you to point A to point B very quick. they should be at a reasonable price to ride these transport services maybe around $15 for a taxi and $5 for the bus also small things like being able to be a bus or taxi driver as your main job and maybe passengers pay less for there journey if the drivers break laws like speeding or passing red lights also if this was added i think to be a bus or taxi driver you would need to go through a drivers test before you are able to be hired for these jobs.
  3. mechanics and physics

    is it possible to build a helicopter in the game if you have the knowledge and build other things like cars boats planes etc... ?
  4. Wheelhouse Precision Drivers

    Wheelhouse Precision Drivers We are a crew of drivers that have driving expertise in speed and precision. We take what or who you have to where you need it to be no what or who it is. No matter the difficulty of the task we are up for it! We have two pricing models. Based on what we are transporting (and repercussions of what we are transporting) as well as the difficulty of the job itself. So if it is an easy drug transport the price might be low, but if it something to sabotage a rival gang with a lot of heat then the price would be higher. The other model is if it needs to be confidential and you cannot tell us then we would charge one flat rate. If not in full from the start, we will be paid forty percent upfront and the remaining sixty when the job is done. Meet The Family Here is the family of cars: First is "Panther" a classic muscle dedicated to raw speed when you need it done fast. "Panther" getting ready to burnout from the police station. We have "Red Dragon" a Tuned Import ready for agility and slick driving when you need your delivery in or out of sticky situations. Meet "Sally" a Classic Exotic perfect for carving your job up or down the mountain. If you think you have what it takes to be a precision driver then contact us we are taking on just a couple more drivers making a small team. See you in the streets! -The Wheelhouse Crew
  5. Touff's Transport Company See earlier post to learn more about pre-requisits and general description of the company AVAILABLE JOBS - CEO - *Investor* **Manager** Guard Truck driver Temp truck driver PRIORITY CUSTOMERS Donaldson & Guns Famtiano Family MANAGER Johnny M. [Oceania server] DRIVERS MADDXBOSS ricat16 The Purring Lion *Investor* : Depending on the amount of money gathered by the investors they then will have ownership corresponding to the amount of money they individually pledged [ Given that 51% of the company will always be owned by the CEO ] **Manager** : This occupation is reserved for those of you that want to take this company to other servers and make it your own [ Always crediting the main one ] Temp truck drivers : These are the ones that don't want to commit to a regular job and they'll be always accompanied by a trusted employee to prevent stolen cargo. NOTE: If you don't see your name listed or want to be hired DM me NOW HIRING
  6. The Network

    ???????, ???? ?? ???????, ??? ????? ??? ?????????, ??????? ???????????, ?????? ???????, ????????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ?? ????? ???? ????. ??? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ??????????? ?? ??? ??? ????????? ??? ???? ??? ??'? ???? ?? ???? ???? ???? ?? ???????? ???'?? ?????. ?? ???? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ??, ???? ??? ????? ?? ?? ?????????. ?? ????? ?????????, ????????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ???, ?????? ??? ???????. ????????? ?? ??? ??? ?????, ????, ???'? ?????... ??? ?? ????: ?????? ???? ??! - - The Network - More info regarding the Network -
  7. Transport

    Hey guys I was just thinking ... instead of 1 big island the map should be several different islands separated by sea and the only way to transport should be by airlines or public ships
  8. Redline Defense

    What We Do Redline Defense is a new security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions to government and commercial customers, offering an extraordinary portfolio of capabilities for applications from sustainable training solutions, secure logistics management and workplace security. We believe that the right combination of training and support will enable our security forces to create and maintain safe environments for our customers to thrive in. As a result, we are committed to protecting our assets and our customers. Why Us? We provide the best training and solution to your security needs. We provide the safest environments so you can get your job done worry free and without incident. We'll never compromise your security and put your task at hand our priority. Leadership President Bryce McLeod Vice President Jakob Sovaleski Employment Please check HERE for a list of available opportunities. [ UNFINISHED :^) ]
  9. Clockwork Logistics

    Clockwork Logistics Logistics through innovation, dedication, and technology _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ About Us Clockwork Logistics was founded in 1980 as an international freight forwarder for small businesses. Innovative operational techniques enabled us to enjoy almost immediate success and growth. Since 1980, through both acquisition, and grass root growth, we have grown, not only in size but in the scope of our operations. We are pioneers in Domestic Logistics, with offices and agents worldwide. We successfully offer our clients complete door to door transportation, which is tailored to their exact requirements. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Our Mission We here dont believe logistics is just about moving items from one place to another. We believe its much deeper than that. Here at Clockworks Logistics we want to increase our customers productivity and their profit. We want to push our employees to realize their true potential by encouraging them to set audacious goals and then help them achieve those goals. We want to become not just a business but a friend to you. We want to change the way people look at logistics. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Services Here at Clockwork Logistics, we value our customers needs and try our best to provide the safest and quickest means to satisfy them. Our drivers all have significant road experience and our trucks undergo regular inspections and safety checks. Moreover, an extra charge can be added to include guards and a follow vehicle encase anything happens. Furthermore, Clockworks Logistics will make sure your cargo arrives safely and if it doesn't we provide insurances to some cargo. We can take anything you throw at us ranging from live stock, to clothes, to firearms, to vehicles and much more. Special Services Vehicle Transport We will transport your vehicle to wherever you need it and you dont have to worry about any scratches or bumps, our drivers are skilled and will assure you that nothing will happen. Moreover there is free car insurance with the first purchase. Livestock Your animals will be fed and watered through the entire journey and you have nothing to fear as they will be delivered safely to you or their destination _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Security We here want to make sure that your cargo reaches safely no matter the cost, and so, our team is dedicated enough to employee a couple of security guards to help you and us safely deliver your cargo. 1 Driver= $0 extra charge 1 Driver+1 armed guard (pistols)= $2500 extra charge 1 Driver+2 armed guards (pistol)= $5000 extra charge 1 Driver+1 armed guard+1 Follow sedan (includes 2 armed guards)= $10,000 extra charge 1 Driver+1 armed guard+1 follow SUV (includes 4 armed guards)= 20,000$ extra charge _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Structure CEO: Dramagold Co-Ceo: Open (1) Director of Finance: Open (1) Director of Marketing: Open (1) Director of Operations: Open (1) Drivers: Open (Unlimited Amount) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recruitment Any person wishing to join this establishment will have a background check. There are a couple of requirements. 1-No Criminal Record 2-Active Player 3-Previous experience Once someone joins Clockwork Logistics, they will be on a lease to stay with the business for at least 1 week (real time) then they can quit if they wish to. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (This thread is a work in progress and is viable to change, Thank you for your time) PM ME FOR JOB OFFERS
  10. Armored Transport Business

    Description: I'm starting up a armored car business, as in one of the trucks that comes to your local bank/store to take the money to the bank (No pun intended). I think it would be a cool job and an absolute necessity to keep all of the money safe. So basically you will contact this company and tell them size dimensions of what you need transported and we'll send out an armored truck to get the job done. We can branch out to other things, not just money. We would take whatever item it is to where it needs to go (Money---->Bank). We will insure your money or item(s) fully as we have insured you everything will be safe. Updates will come below as I develop the company. Update: We will be a no questions asked sort of company. You need it done and can pay for it, sounds good to me. Our company will also be international but will begin in the US but will eventually reach around the world as long as the business roles in. Insurance packages will be available as I said before but are how they sound, optional packages, we only offer the 100% package if you have a long-term contract with us. But there will be other contracts available for one time uses and things of that nature. CEO: Wacky Head of Operations: Jack Frost Head of Marketing: Head of Tech: Guards and Drivers: DragonDoctor Trollbomber Job descriptions: Head of Operations - Will make sure the trucks are where they need to be when they need to be there. Will need to keep a nice fluid schedule going. Head of Marketing - Will handle getting our business out there and letting people know what we do, basically advertising. Head of Tech - Will keep our company up to date on the latest and greatest technology to keep our trucks as secure as possible. Guard: Will either sit along side the driver in the front or in the back will the secured goods, there should be 1 driver and 2 guards per van. Driver: Will need to be able to handle a quick schedule and find quicker routes. Less time on the road equals the safest trip for the good. If possible: I'd like to add some sort of GPS system into the trucks and security cameras on the outside of them, not sure this will be implemented in the game but if it is I will sure be using it for this company. If you're interested in any of the positions listed (Taken or not) please feel free to message me about them and we can try to work something out.
  11. Touff's Transport Company Hello and welcome to my presentation post for this awesome company that you could be an essencial part of... Pre-requisits: -16 year old or older -Can invest at least 1 hour - 2 hours minimum ( This aplies to guards in particular but we will not enforce 6 hours of work to anyone ) -Follow our moral code -Be polite and respectful We'll most likely be using this forum for taking custumers if the shop is empty. For private requests PM someone who's active as well NOTE: This company is yet to be stablished since the game isn't out. All of you who want to participate will have to wait until everything is setup because of money shortages. Touff's transport company My hope with this company is to set up shop somewhere in the main city where we arrange meetings and deals. Then have warehouses through out the map to make quick deliveries to our various customers, which can request to transport ANY type of cargo ( no questions asked ). This company will require someone who can manage the shop ( doesnt have to be there 24/7 but he/she has to check in every once in a while ), drivers (depends on how many trucks we can afford ) and guards watching the werehouses ( again they can do whatever they want but they have to check in on certain periods of time maybe set up shifts ). All employees are allowed to increase their income with "tips" from customers unless it's required to harm the company for said compensation. Main assets as listed above would be a main building, 4 trucks minimum and 2 werehouses minimum. Prior experience is not required Criminal records don't affect our judgement at the time of hiring people Managing the Oceania server Corporation: -Johnny M. Drivers: - MADDXBOSS - ricat16 -The Purring Lion - Available Guards: - Available Manager: - Available Higher up positions yet to be discussed Driver: - The main responsability of this one is to get the cargo safe from point A to point B. -The risk of players trying to hijack the truck will be there and if you want this job you'll have to be able to carry weapons and use them if necesary. - You'll be paid for every shipment that arrives safely to the destination. - The amount of money you get per day depends on how many trips you do as mentioned above. Guards: - If not enough people apply for this job an external company will have to take over this position when no guards of our own are online. - There will be shifts where the players designated to it have to stay within the werehouse building area. - Guards will receive payment at the end of each shift with a minimum of one shift per day if you are online of course. Manager: - This person will have to arrange meetings and deals with all potencial custumers that present a high value of interest which is directly proportional to the cargo and status of said custumer. - Also the manager has to check in to the shop every few hours. Then its free to do as he/she pleases. - Paychecks are delivered at the end of each day. He may also pay other co-workers such as guards and drivers. (Each paycheck will vary depending on how much succesful jobs are taking place) Owner: As the owner I will be making sure everyone gets paid and make sure our company doesn't collapse on it self searching for extra income for all of us if we have a rough day at work. - My priority is to pay you all and keep this company around. NOTE: All details about the different jobs are open to change -including payments- due to unknown ingame mechanics that may wreck the business model (if there is any) Priority customers: - Donaldson & Guns - Famtiano family Listed above are several companies/organizations that will be the number #1 priority and will have dedicated services such as personal trucks and contract flexibility. Please note that not all customers will be in this list but we as a company want the best quality of service given to all customers. In the next couple of days I'll be releasing a default contract that each new customer will have to agree to its terms in order to experience the best quality service. Thank you for your time! We'll be waiting for you!
  12. Touff's Transport Company Hello and welcome to my presentation post for this awesome company that you could be an essencial part of... Pre-requisits: -16 year old or older -Can invest at least 1 hour - 2 hours minimum ( This aplies to guards in particular but we will not enforce 6 hours of work to anyone ) -Follow our moral code -Be polite and respectful We'll most likely be using this forum for taking custumers if the shop is empty. For private requests PM someone who's active as well NOTE: This company is yet to be stablished since the game isn't out. All of you who want to participate will have to wait until everything is setup because of money shortages. Touff's transport company My hope with this company is to set up shop somewhere in the main city where we arrange meetings and deals. Then have warehouses through out the map to make quick deliveries to our various customers, which can request to transport ANY type of cargo ( no questions asked ). This company will require someone who can manage the shop ( doesnt have to be there 24/7 but he/she has to check in every once in a while ), drivers (depends on how many trucks we can afford ) and guards watching the werehouses ( again they can do whatever they want but they have to check in on certain periods of time maybe set up shifts ). All employees are allowed to increase their income with "tips" from customers unless it's required to harm the company for said compensation. Main assets as listed above would be a main building, 4 trucks minimum and 2 werehouses minimum. Prior experience is not required Criminal records don't affect our judgement at the time of hiring people Managing the Oceania server Corporation: -Johnny M. Drivers: - MADDXBOSS - ricat16 - The Purring Lion - Available Guards: - Third party corp. (most likely) Manager: - Available Priority custumers: - Donaldson & Guns - Famtiano family Thank you for your time! We'll be waiting for you!