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Showing most liked content on 01/31/2016 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Ive had problems where i post something and i want to delete it. Ive also seen lots of other people accidentally screw up their post and have to edit it like "Could an admin please delete this" it would be a lot easier if we could delete our posts if we manage to screw up
  2. 2 points
    @Xentinel That really isn't very nice what you said to @Shimozukachi you know, because for starters English isn't his first language and secondly using references to mental incapability is not funny either.
  3. 2 points
    Since I'm opening a Music Label I'm looking into a server radio station (in cars etc). I will have set up few (hundreds) songs and they will play in random order (sometimes it will be hours mixes, sometimes just playlists). Additionaly, if it's possible I will try to make few stations with different genres starting from Hip Hop and Rap, through House to Techno and Bigroom. Hoping for that to happen.
  4. 1 point
    We at Asylum Entertainment are very excited to tell you, our community, how you will be able to get into the game sooner than you think! Identity's modules are small portions of Identity which will be released before Identity is ready for the world. This lets you experience part of the game months sooner than otherwise possible. The first module you'll be getting your hands on is a social environment which we've called Town Square. The Town Square will include all major social components, and will allow you to finally create and customize your characters. You can meet hundreds of new people and explore several cool features of the peaceful city life. For more details on Town Square, check out the modules page on the Identity website. Following the release of Town Square you'll experience SWAT player versus player action and eventually vehicle races of all sorts. We'll be bringing you more information on the modules as they progress!
  5. 1 point
    NEED TO GET RID OF THAT PESKY EVIDENCE? We Got Ya. Due to the ever growing community of Mafia families in Identity, I've decided to start my very own "cleaner" company. So, in case a mafioso of yours screws up, my associates and I can help clean up they're act. I'll first start off with owning a office building(Reference to The Office.) surely it may not seem suspicious at first, but one will soon notice what type of 'business' truly goes on within this establishment, once they've seen the 'Shredder' or the 'incinerator'. So, with the utmost respect to any crime families or gangs out there, if you need any unwanted evidence GONE just give me a call. Requirements to join(if interested): 1. KEEP THAT MOUTH OF YOURS SHUT! Last thing I need is one of you idiota's bragging about how you just got done stuffing internal affair evidence in the shredder in front of the pigs!(cops) 2. BE VERY CAUTIOUS! Be very thorough, you wouldn't wanna end up in the slammer because you left your DNA somewhere on the evidence ya stiff! 3. AFTER EVERY CLEAN UP, notify me or any of my higher ups after you've successfully cleaned up a body or evidence... Our Ranking System: HIGHER UPS 1. Head Of Waste Management(Boss):The overall leader or boss of the company. 2. Inspector(Second In Command Much Like A Mafia Underboss.) May still earn as they watch the Organizers earn, while giving a cut to the Boss. 3.Organizers(Acts as Major's Above Captains.) They may still earn as they watch the Foreman's earn, while giving a cut to the Inspector. MIDDLE RANKS 4. Foreman(Captain Rank) They may still earn as they report and give a cut to the Organizers, overall watching over and guiding Janitor's. 5.Janitor(Foot Soldier Rank) Earns and reports to the Foreman, watches over Garbage Guys/Gals. LOWER RANKS 6.Garbage Guy/Gal(Private Rank) Earns and reports to Janitor's, watches over Stiffs. 7. Stiff Or Stiffy(Recruit Rank.) A cleaner in training, works alongside Garbage Guys/Gals, as well reporting to them and giving them a cut. Cuts may vary after getting paid for a cleanup, it shall be divided equally and fairly. EXTRAS: I would like to keep this company middle and simple, making it too big could get us found out, and making us too small won't help neither. Anyway, if your interested, just message and we'll see where you'll fit in. PRICES: Someone Spreading Rumors And Needs To Be Erased:$500 a person Police Evidence Liquidation:$1000-1500(Depending how much heat is on you.) a piece Getaway Car That Needs To Be Crushed: $1300 a vehicle Useless Equipment Used To Complete A Criminal Job:$250 a piece Internal Affairs Evidence: $1800 Any others shall be talked over and waged. That should be it....Good day..Watch your backs and don't slip up!
  6. 1 point
    An up-to-date devblog would be a great way to keep us up to date. Similar to what they do with Rust, but we would be able to comment on it.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Looking at your posts it seems like the opposite!
  9. 1 point
    I felt like this thing will probably fail, if an admin could delete this thread that would be nice. Making vodka instead.
  10. 1 point
    I don't know if it will be that easy to change everything about someone, but an intriguing idea for a business. I'm interested to see how it goes.
  11. 1 point
    Yeah... I forgot that in this age it's all about butts!
  12. 1 point
    @Vix Lol that backfired didn't it
  13. 1 point
    Above Persons Limit: You have no eyelids My Power: Intense Logic (Sherlock levels of it)
  14. 1 point
    Even if we can't delete our own posts it would be nice to be able to hide them, that way the admins/mods can still see it in case it's something that is against the rules i.e being really abusive towards someone then deleting the post once they have seen it but before the mods do
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    This is why people think you're a GTA kid...
  17. 1 point
    This weekend I'm online pretty much from when I wake up till when I go to bed. So from 1pm to 4am Probably will go to bed earlier tomorrow, like 2am, cause I have work. And when I work I'm online from 6-7pm to 1-2am.
  18. 1 point
    When it comes to official servers everything but houses/businesses will transfer. There's a limited amount of buildings on each server that can have 1 owner, so those won't be transferable. When it comes to apartments, money, clothes, anything you have in your house's storage, vehicles you own, probably your character's equipment- they will follow your character to every server. So everything but unique possessions/items is yours wherever you log in. Even your crime record will follow you... So most likely your profession too!
  19. 1 point
    The game is coming out in late 2016/early 2017. Most likely. When you purchase the game (which will be B2P) you get a "passport". Pretty much a pass to play. As said above, forum ranks are just forum ranks- one on the forum you see when you post is rank of your post count, one of your profile represents likes you've collected. There's a Shop tab in the top of the forum. You can pay 15 USD to have the game pre-ordered and 30 USD to participate in Betas and modules. And this part of the forum where most important things are explained is called FAQ But there's plenty more information on their twitter!
  20. 1 point
    The 'immigrant' rank is just your forum rank, based on I think how many times you've posted. That's unrelated to the game, but you will be able to RP as an immigrant I'd guess. The pledges here are where you will get access to the beta, modules, and a few other things. Modules are small mini-games to be released before the game is released. As far as I know, beta will be released at the end of this year, and the full game will be released at the end of 2017. You will need to pledge at least $30 USD to get beta access.
  21. 1 point
    that's good. then you can understand that identity's main themes are on social interactions etc. with other players instead of killing everything you see.
  22. 1 point
    Well crap. I have what I can only assume is a fatal bug. Every now and then the game crashes my computer. Damn. We should also try to organise a time for all Angler's Watch Members in this thread to be online.
  23. 1 point
    No, they can't. This is a realistic game, not DarkRP.
  24. 1 point
    I want to be a Homeless old Man who sells lucky Rocks on the street. I will find each rock and bless them at the nearest waterway. Each rock will be special to the ones that have them. also I might rant about the Government.
  25. 1 point
    Yep, exactly this. You'll be able to repair your own tires or call for a tow truck if you don't have a spare.
  26. 1 point
    Welcome to the forums! Be sure to check out our forum guidelines!
  27. 1 point
    I dont know how much property will be in hilly or mountainous areas but I would perfer some sort of Log cabin or perhaps high end flat that provides a great view over a forest and maybe shows a city or town in the distance. A location that is ideal for hunting sounds very good to me Just step out and attempt to hunt some deer (poor Bambi :c).
  28. 1 point
    i'll buy you dinner if I see you.
  29. 1 point
    I will live in a cardboard box by a dumpster down an urban alleyway.
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    Other RP games aren't even RP games. Every MMORPG I've played has few small role playing communities within itself, but the whole title is more of a Massively Multiplayer Game rather than MMORPG. They're focused on questing, crafting, fighting, pvp and leave very little room for actual player interaction and role play. In most MMORPGs you'll get ridiculed for acting like you're your character. Identity for me looks like primarily RP with all the Game aspects on second place. There are little NPCs, most buildings are accessible by all and there'll be more focus on player interaction than grinding and leveling up. Identity reminds me more of Sims than World Of Warcraft. It's amazing to see gamers of all ages say that Identity is a game they've been waiting for forever, it's crazy that no one made simply a Real Life Simulator. I think Identity will be a hit
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    I plan on living a simple crime free life in Identity as much as I can. I'll look into business, investment and politics and would look at developing a working relationship with players, like @Dizzle
  36. 1 point
    Oh I have such an interesting scenario playing out in my head now. ♥ Not that I plan to sit in jail, but harmonicas would be great. Just that cliche one prisoner playing on a harmonica while cops push you into your cell.
  37. 1 point
    There are two components to this, tracking and reporting. When some minor crimes happen, they'll have to be reported by someone who witnessed it. Some major crimes, like robbing a bank, are automatically reported to police. If you dial 911 on your phone you may be connected with an actual dispatcher player by phone/voice. Tracking, which depends on a few variables, is how the police find you after you're wanted. When quite wanted, going into populated areas can trigger a presence report, etc. Think of it like the star system in Grand Theft Auto, only less automated. You will have a record and recent records can affect your becoming a cop.