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Found 79 results

  1. Hi all,

    I go by the name of Murdock, and i been playing various forms of RP for a while now. I have mainly been playing RP mods for games such as Arma and Gmod and i have been looking for a game focused and designed purely for RP and i think i have found it. I hope it will deliver and provide an in depth and good RP experience.
  2. Greetings!

    Greetings from Canada! I've been apart of this community for awhile now, not as long as some other members, but I recently decided to get more involved in the forums particularly because of the astounding ideas and concepts people have come up with in regards to what they plan to do in the game and some of the organizations that have been set up. I never actually got around to doing an introduction, so I figured better late than never, right? I'm a 21 year old living in Canada, Alberta who is your typical geek with a love for computers and games of all kinds. I'm enrolled in college currently for Network Systems and Database Management with plans to get a few certifications and work my way up to some day becoming a Network Security administrator. My favorite pastimes include role-playing, both in games and out; I frequent DnD sessions every Tuesday with some friends after college. I was informed a year ago about Identity and the first thing I did after hearing about its progress was donate money to the Kickstarter and a year later here I am. I quite enjoy the concept of Identity, and I truly hope that it continues to have the success it has received thus far and I would like to thank the developers for progressing it as far as they have and for continuing to work and listen to the community. I'm really excited for this game, I've already applied and been accepted as a Coach Driver for CORE Transport and I'm eager to service many players throughout my time in the game and in that position. Well, that about ties up my introduction, I'm a friendly enough person so if anyone is looking to chat, whether it be casually or to discuss things about the game, or role-play; feel free to message me! I don't bite.
  3. My Greetings

    Greetings, fellow Identity fans. For quite some time, I've been searching for an MMORPG game that delivers a spectacular life simulation experience. Now that I've found it, I can't wait for it to be released. Until then, I look forward to chatting with you all on the forums. A happy holiday to you and yours.
  4. Hey there.

    Joshua Rasberry, or Napalm. I loved the life mods in Arma 3 to death, so I'm pretty damn excited for Identity. I'm making this topic a way I can introduce myself and my past life endeavors, both the dumb shit and the cool shit. Picture this as a sort of short history novel, but a little more interesting to read. I was a policeman in the first Stratis Life server. That was back in Arma 3's Alpha, when there were about four guns and 3 square centimeters of playable land. Over two weeks I worked my way up to being the police captain. I managed recruitment, trained the new guys, etc. Once, I landed a helicopter on top of one of those spherical radars. One of the cops took a screenshot, and it looked like a horribly misshapen penis... so naturally, the picture made it to the front page of the server's website. It all was great fun. Sadly, nothing good lasts forever, and the 60 person server vanished overnight due to an internal dispute between the two owners. That wasn't fun. For about a year, I retired to the Wasteland. Amazing servers. Many of my old police pals joined me, and we were pretty awesome. We would join Opfor, get a group of 10-20 guys, build a huge base and own the server for a couple hours. Occasionally a good friend and I would say we were leaving the game, change our names, and rejoin the server on Independent just to see how well the group could hold up. We'd usually kill them all and have a good laugh about it. Then I took a break from Arma. That is, until I got a buzz from a good friend telling me he really wanted me to join an Altis Life server. I decided to jump back in. Before I knew it, I was up to my knees in marijuana and cash. We made a couple million, got a few new friends, and started a successful military company. We were Hornet Protection Services. Our uniforms and vehicles were all yellow, and hostile members of the server learned a new meaning for the color: professionalism and efficiency. Again, nothing lasts. Over time the server got boring. It's not that the developers sucked, it's just that the Arma platform sucked. We all got tired of dealing with it. It was the same old thing over and over again, and the server lag on my brand new computer really started to get to me. Then college started, and my classes were so time consuming that I simply had no way to find time for some laggy, repetitive game between my social life and studies. During this time, the only games I ever played were Civ V and Wasteland with one of my friends from out-of-state. Neither of us had much more than an hour at a time to play, but when we played, we had fun. Sometimes we were the top 2 on the leaderboard, sometimes the last 2; it primarily depended on how much dicking around we did. Don't you dare tell me there's something wrong with running up to enemies completely naked screaming at them to run from the nonexistent zombie hoard. "Wait, this isn't DayZ?" *Gunshot* And so, here I am now. I have 1125 hours in Arma 3, and I regret nothing. I've spent countless hours leading police units, stealing tanks in Wasteland, producing mountains of drugs, and conversing with police on why they should hire my private security group. I want to do it again. Howdy, Identity. It's gonna be fun.
  5. Panda from UK

    Season greetings! My name is George but I like to be known as Panda or Tea (hence the name PandaTea). This game really really really caught my eye after playing alot of GMOD RP, Tower Unite and games of the type this is something right up my ally. Speaking of ally's y'all probably gonna see me in the ally's doing shady business I'll probably be a highly invested crime player gonna rule the streets Im gonna pledge exactly £111.11 OK? I'll keep y'all updated with that goal and as its Christmas tomorrow I'm gonna start the pledging then. I look forward to seeing yall in game and much forum activity. Love from the Panda.
  6. Hello Identity! -Alastar

    Hello Everyone! A Games Design Student in the UK here, this project really caught my attention! Always disliked MMO's for their grinding and linear objective in an open world setting, but this looks fantastic! My only question is, is that are the goals of this project realistic? I'm not sure if anyone will read this but, I have to question whether this game will be able to deliver on what it hopes to do, it sounds like a life time's worth of scripts and modelling to create half the amount of things in the game world. However I know I know it was mentioned a lot of the models and items and perhaps even scripts, may be user created. I could perhaps see this working in a similar fashion to Garry's mod or Second Life, and the amount of content that has been created already is astonishing, not to mention unreal 4 is a great engine. But it would be nice to eventually have details around how that works. Will most of the important items be created by the developers? Will there be in-game currency people can sell their custom made models, items, scripts and textures with? Etc.
  7. Greetings and Salutations

    Hi, I'm Anna aka Plastic. I heard about identity through a friend and identity definitely caught my interest. I think the kick starter is an awesome idea and love that we can all help get this going. I am presently trying to get my Criminal Justice degree and am looking at Brown University for law degree. I'd like to call myself a serious gamer, but sadly, I'm not. I play to play, but I really just enjoy watching Feel free to contact me and we can play some games together or just hangout ♥
  8. Hi!

    Hi there! I'm Autus, and I'm excited to be here. Identity looks fantastic and I can't wait to see how the game develops over the next few months. A bit about myself... I've been all across the internet, and I now try to contribute my own content to the already massive pile of junk out there. I play games and code websites and play music and take road trips and really just try to enjoy life to the best of my ability. Feel free to message me anytime, for anything. I'm always willing to meet new people!
  9. My identity!

    Hiya! Just found out about this game and already super hyped! I'm looking forward to trying out the modules and hopefully give feedback if I can. I've never actually played the arma mod I keep hearing about and was never a big fan of gmod (just seemed like in almost every case there was a better standalone game) so this is a pretty new experience to me and I'm excited to be a part of it~ Since I want to be an artist in real life I'm really looking forward to making and selling art in the game (Does anybody know if it will have drawing tablet support?). I don't know how many people would actually be willing to buy it though haha, so I will also probably try my hand at making clothing and hopefully open up my own store! If that doesn't work out though I'll probably just resort to delivery jobs or something v.v (Also really looking forward to the driving system)
  10. Hi, I'm Dakota!

    Hi, my name is Dakota! I expect that my 2 real life career goals would be a bit too complex to create in a digital world (film directing or game design) so I'll stick to those irl and hope that I can open my own little cafe! I'd love if I could get a little community that comes every now and then where everybody knows each other. Im somebody who has issues with my gender identity so I'm really hoping that the character design will be complex enough that I can really make someone that I would be comfortable with. I hope to see all of you in this amazing world the devs are creating in the (hopefully) near future! Very excited!
  11. Hey Identity!

    This is my little introduction, My name is Will I am a Mech Engineer living in the United Kingdom. I have been gaming for a very long time it's my little getaway from reality. I play a variety of games at am currently into Far Cry Primal alongside Rainbow Six Siege. I also play a lot of Star Wars the Old Republic I am also one of the Administrators on Asylum's Entertainment's "Altis Life" mission file on Arma 3. I have been a member of the community for 2 years + and the Identity project is something that I am hugely anticipating for the future. I am usually quite busy over on the Asylum forums and haven't been very active over here so hopefully, this will change as I've got a bit more free time to myself. In my free time other than gaming I do a lot of cooking, fishing and various other bits and pieces. I am also completing my Private Pilots License with an end goal of moving out to Florida and getting my Commercial Pilots license hopefully sometime in the next couple of years. I am also a big Disney and Star Wars Nerd! I really look forward to being a bigger part of this community, and hopefully, I'll see a few over in the Town Square !!
  12. Hello there! sorry that i didnt really introduce myself but you can call me Luca or just LucaPlays, i have seen that identity(the game) was a thing just a week or 2 ago while browsing around on the internet. i found identity because i saw the trailer and liked it so much that i needed to know more so that's why im here ! i love realistic rpg's that put you in a massive immersive world that you can explore and identity seems to be just that, when i saw the trailer i knew it had pottential! if the game really is the way its presented then.. NO WORDS but if it is not then i wont be buying it. i watched the trailer a couple of times, i just couldnt resist it! now if you people want this to be a great succes and no failure Vote Succes on the poll and comment you're ideas! but if you dont think it is real vote failure on the poll. I myself think it will be a succes but i have no knowlege of the developement of the game other then what the developers post. but i would like to thank you all for taking some time out of your day and reading this!
  13. Hey

    I'm happy to check in and see a thriving forum community to dive back in to, so I finally whipped up an account to start chatting. I am here from Asylum, being on the servers since mid 2014. I've racked up around 2000 hours on server 3 alone, before focusing on a wider variety of games and working to make more video content for YouTube and Twitch. Others here who have been on the Asylum servers as long as I have, have seen players and staff come and go, keeping to our grinds and preferred play styles, but I am just like the many others who just kinda got burnt out a bit. It got kinda stale, but far later than I expected. Asylum made it to where ArmA was well worth it's money. I'm so fucking excited to see this project be as good as we had hoped. Asylum has grown to a huge community and being apart of that active community growth was pretty damn great. THIS, looks like a whole different 'something' to be apart of. This looks like it scratches and itch that you didn't even know ArmA gave you. Happy to say I'll be on board 100% and will be there beta day #1, ready to go. Over the years you run into devs on servers, either having good or bad experiences. Every time you get into some type of dev or admin shenanigans with these guys, they always end up as good times. That's a great team to trust when helping a game be developed. I want to say hello to everyone from the Asylum servers and everyone who has come here from other ArmA related life servers. I also want to say hello to everyone who is new to this type of community and are potentially even more excited than any of use spoiled life players could be. Anyone who stumbles upon this game will really have their mind blown away. Where are you guys from? I'll be contributing regularly here from now on, having realized the website is so polished now. I feel bad for being so late. Can't wait to see you guys in the beta! YouTube: Twitch:
  14. Hello reader, General Background I am creating this post just for anyone that wants to know a little bit about me and who I am. To start off, my real name is Andrew. I like anime and all you RE:Zero fans out there probably could have guessed that by now. #TeamRem. I am in highschool and I take Graphic Design/photography and enjoy it thoroughly. I aspire to go into business and create my own business that invents new technology that is innovative and exciting. In 'Identity' I will be a radio talk show host and own a large radio company with multiple stations with many types of stations. I will have stations dedicated to music, talking, sports announcing, etc. I don't really have a logo as of now because I am slacking off and not really in the mood to make one but I will be shortly an you bet your ass that it will be beautiful. I will most likely make it once the game comes out. Common questions Q: What kind of accent is that? A: I have a Russian accent as I speak and understand fluent Russian. Q: How old are you? A: 15 Q: What got you into gaming? A: On my 7th birthday, a random guy appeared at our house while I was living in Brooklyn, NY and he offered to sell his Xbox with over 100 games and a steering wheel. I have played "Midnight Club 3 DUB edition". That was the first game that I ever played. I soon went onto play AA2 (America's Army 2). I then branched off and played many other games and now I am here. Q: Why do you like forums so much? A: I like forums because here, I can talk with people that have a similar interest and make new friends that can last a life time. Q: What's your ultimate goal on this forum in particular? A: Well, it all varies. On this forum, I might shoot to become a moderator one day because everyone on here seems to be well behaved and no trolls, I could go around helping people; which I love to do. Anything else Favorites. Color: Purple Food: Sushi Music: Heavy Metal/Punk Rock Anime: RE:Zero Band: Hollywood Undead Song: Dive in - Pierce the Veil Game: ATM Arma 3 Conclusion I am a chill guy and I like to have fun. Thanks for reading my post and have a wonderful day! ~Rem Leave any comments or questions and I will answer them :). Make sure to @ me so I know that you left it.
  15. XD lets be friends!!!

    actually, i dont need many friends so please lets not fight at least ;p i remmeber i pledged on kickstarter and i want to try identity, i have recently watched lots of arma3life and santos mod rpg. i wish there was a way to help with the development of the game
  16. Hello there peeps!

    Heya guys. I first found identityrpg back in April but I never actually talked here on the forums or anything. Having realised that I thought maybe I should introduce myself. Got to start somewhere. So hello, my name is Kerri but most people look at my username and call me Wolven. When I stumbled across this place I was super excited because identity look exactly like the game I've been waiting for and I can not wait to give it a try once the developers are ready to let us. I haven't decided on who or what my character will be yet (thought I tend to go law enforcement route in these sorts of games) so I'll get back to you all on that but I look forward to finding out If you guys have got any questions, feel free to ask. I'm terrible at talking about myself so I've probably missed some important things out. Cheers my dears for taking the time to read this.
  17. Hi everybody!

    Hello everyone! My name is Stone and I am 13 years old (so I'm a little young, but who cares). I live in the USA and have heard a lot of good things about Identity. It seems like it is going to be really cool, and I can't wait to play it!
  18. Dylan - Introduction

    Hello. My name is Dylan Davis, it is nice to meet you all.
  19. LoudPack's Introduction

    I've been following Identity for a while now, and I decided to go ahead and pledge and join the community. I go by the alias of LoudPack, and I'm from Memphis, Tennessee. My roleplay is usually based around illegal work, mainly drugs and guns. I can't wait until Identity is in beta stage. There's so much potential behind this game.
  20. Hey from the Midwest~

    Hey everyone. 24 y/o dreamer here. I stumbled on Identity earlier today and can't wait to see it develop. Really excited about all of the immersive features like talk shows, karaoke etc. Interested to learn more about farming/nature, maybe even gardening or landscaping? Maybe I'll join a farmer's gang and shoot it out over land rights
  21. Hello from The Cheeseheads!

    Hello, my name is Brendan. I just wanted to introduce myself so I could try and be part of this community, and what a wonderful community it is! This game looks SO amazing, it's everything I've wanted in a game. I've played Garry's Mod DarkRP, and it just doesn't have enough roleplay in it. So when I found this game, I got so excited. I'm really looking forward to being part of the community and having fun in Identity, and hello to all!
  22. Hello World :)

    Hey Folks I've been around here a while so thought it about time I introduced myself. I'm from the U.K. and I've been around online for quite a long time. I've been involved in a number of communities/games all the way from Ultima Online through to Star Wars the Old Republic. As far as Identity goes a number of us have been looking for an alternative to Second Life (where we are an M.C.) and we think that this could well be it. We will be running our own server, which will be rp orientated, so hopefully I'll get to see some of you in-world
  23. Greetings citizens, my name is Del. I'm a youtuber, twitch streamer, content creator, and serial RP'er. I live for character development and sound storytelling. Very excited to help these fine people at Identity expand and enrich their community, they're a very talented bunch and I'm sure that they will have a deep impact in the world of open world role playing games. You might know me from Asylum Altis Life, where I play a character named Del the Cop Killer, a man with a somewhat complex and violent past. At identity, I hope to expand on this character, create new characters, stories, and find a new home for those who respect RP as much as I do. Find me on youtube @ I also plan to resurrect my twitch career in the near future. Long live the revolution.
  24. All the love from Jordan ,,,,thank you asylum Studio's
  25. With love from India

    Hello I am sorry but my very first post was in suggestions section. You can always read it here to know a little more about me. My name is Northern Guard in here and You can call me NG. I am 30 and love to dream about beautiful things like Identity. Well, after first time listening about this game I went kind of crazy. So I started searching about the project everywhere. I cant explain how exactly I feel about this because I cant find proper words to express my thoughts. Still if you would read my first post then maybe it will give you an idea about my true feelings. I am simply out of words to thank Asylum and Team Identity because this project really means something for me. Sometimes you come across a completely strange person and he/she says or do something for you, something that will bring tears in your eyes for such kindness from a stranger. I have talked such nice people in Asylum and believe me you wont find much like them. I hope this project comes online as soon as possible. People behind this project, may God bless them and let them make their dream come true because this dream may become reality for others too.