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Everything posted by subway244

  1. hello from quebec!!salut du quebec

    No problem!
  2. Town Square Module Size?

    The size of a medium town's town square.
  3. Car parks and garages

    There are public garages, but they are not big. Garages in hotels are a thing, too. So 1-2 cars for storage, and as of yet in the planning they are free, until Asylum decides otherwise.
  4. Hello everyone!

  5. Officer enquiry

    Not hard at all. Identity is striving to welcome all players, and make it as easy as it could be. I do not think they would have applications, but I am simply uninformed in that area. Expect it to be very easy to become a police officer once the full game is out. However, you will not be able to work as a police officer until the beta, which will be at least 1-3 more years until release. There will be a SWAT Module released in the next few years or so, so watch out for that.
  6. Who or what will you become?

    Well, I will own a chain of thrift stores.
  7. Nouvelle de identity

    Town Square d'abord, puis bêta. Beta viendra au moins quelques années. Town Square plus que probablement dans quelques mois
  8. More ideas and suggestions

    No custom in-game consoles, computers, etc. Models have to already be in the game, and you cannot, and probably never will, be able to create any custom objects. However, food cans/food boxes can have custom logos, so can cars and the like, but not custom models.
  9. in game business idea

    Possibly, but a Twitch Clip said that there are no real estate agents or companies. They said that purchasing houses will be done by the player and on an in-game realtor app/website. However, that was a few months ago so it could have changed.
  10. I want to know where you all stand. Again

    I agree.
  11. [FAQ] Police Department

    Probably so.
  12. Arnold Rothstein from Boardwalk Empire.

    I didn't even realize that until a few hours ago
  14. No money in Town Square, at least for months after the release. The biggest part of Town Square is player housing, so that will be a major focus for the team.
  15. Good morning!

  16. Hello From Turkey

    Welcome to the community! Some links down below will provide you with more information!

    Surreal Entertainment and pamtri are probably the weirdest things on YouTube.
  18. Very professional! I will be sure to use your company once the game is released!
  19. communauté francophone identity RP ?

    Il y a une assez grande communauté de joueurs français! Bienvenue dans la communauté!
  20. Can we make a in game website

  21. Arma Roleplay

    I'll try an Arma 3 RP game.
  22. Alrighty then

    Sorry. I just love responding to this wonderful community!
  23. I am really not sure when it will get more features, even if it does. Don't loose interest, however. The other two modules and the beta will be here before you know it.