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Showing most liked content on 05/16/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I plan to be wealthy and I like your Tax plan, its very fair from what I see. You have my support :-)
  2. 2 points
    I think a governor should not have power to tax or make other decisions, it more like a dictator, there should be a senate or something that control a crazy mayor or governor. Something like a 9 member Senate or something like that.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Before I get lost in my thoughts and start spouting rhetoric that compliments whatever mood I'm in, I'd like to give a big thanks to both the developers, and the community surrounding this game, as this is the first time in years that I've felt the urge to actually participate in a forum discussion. (I believe the last time I did so, Runescape "3" was just being announced.) Anyways, onto the topic at hand. While the politics of this world have yet to be discovered, the notion of political coalitions having the capacity to look out for anyone's interests but their own beyond the founders of the part(y) is far-fetched at best, and ridiculous at worst. While I don't expect to ever earn the favor of the citizenry in the beginning stages of this world's development cycle, I only ask for one chance to prove my metal. The concept that conventional leftism/rightism are adequate methods of representing the ideologies of the masses is nothing more than pandering to those whom benefit from numbing the masses. Whist I cannot even guarantee I make it onto the ballet, if by some miracle all of you *choose* me, I can guarantee that my government will operate on a term-to-term basis, with politics taking a backseat to the well-being of the people. I won't feed in to emotionally fueled pejoratives, nor will I overlook my own shortcomings, nor will I attempt to utilize an extended vocabulary. (either to confuse the average person, or attempt to marginalize my opponent) In short, we'll have to see how the politics of the island pan out, but once it solidifies itself, and a hierarchy is established, I'll be there.
  5. 1 point
    With my new tax plan (If i'm elected), I will put into action because I is fair for all classes and even though it gets higher for each bracket it is not by much it will help the government be able to fund more public projects.
  6. 1 point
    Feel free to ignore @LuciousTimes, he's just a con-artist. Who really shouldn't be posting in other candidates campaign threads. Anyway, I do appreciate that you plan to take things as they come and be straight up with your peers. Instead of trailing off with a lot of mumbo-jumbo saying whatever the people wants to hear, vs what they need to hear. Transparency is the key to a successful state. Do you have any plans for policies if you did end up in office? Like who is the real @Perlman, what could we expect of you if you were to get into office?
  7. 1 point
    I think anyone of your friends can drive your car if you give them keys (access).
  8. 1 point
    @Soppingchipmunk If you are talking about the police on public servers, then there will not be a person that hire police officers, it will be done automatic through the game mechanics. On private servers, it can be set up manually. This have been confirmed before..
  9. 1 point
    If your looking to become a police officer or any job dealing with law enforcement you can ask on here. Looking for people to hire for the dept.
  10. 1 point
    Never. I'm just joking. It's coming out tomorrow. Just kidding, I actually have no idea.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I haven't heard anything about cross-server sales. I don't think it would really be possible, or a good idea. The economy is player reliant, so I don't think it would be smart to have that. For example, imagine a huge business selling across multiple servers. They would take most of the sales away from smaller businesses and such who have just started out.
  13. 1 point
    When the town module be released you will not be able to pledge anymore, to play the 1st module you have to pay before, if you look at the shop on the website there is a warning, so if you want to play it really bad i suggest to you to buy it :^)
  14. 1 point
    Sounds nice, however this would not effect prices extremely hard. Prices are made up from land size, property size, nearby malls and supermarkets, how close it is to nature and a few other factors. Also it is mainly crime in the span of years that effects pricing and not something that happened last week since it could just be random. However this does make sense, homes with a lot of crime bring more risk and are therefor cheaper. However if a group of players decide to terrorize a street for 1 week would it be fair for the home owners to then get their homes to be worth a lot less? Of course this means those owners might hire a PMC or security company. It has pro's and Con's.
  15. 1 point
    Happy this answers a load of questions i had, thank you for taking your time to make this FAQ as it will clear up a lot of questions with proper answers!
  16. 1 point
    I would like if they added some sort of salt water place with whales and sharks that you can catch and bring to a store for some cash.
  17. 1 point
    i was told earlier this week that it should be out in 2-3 weeks, by the sounds of it they are testing it to make sure all runs smooth and nothing breaks. however if they do find issues that could always push back and that's what makes this an uncertain time frame. i would put my money on a June 1st release.
  18. 1 point
    @SilberDrachen893 I too am really hoping for realistic physics and handling. I also almost screamed with excitement when I heard Motown say turning signal in a recent video. I've dreamed of having realistic cars in a "non-racing" game for as long as I can remember. The only thing is that I'm hoping people aren't gonna drive like dicks. There are going to be speed limits, traffic signs and lights, and I'm hoping that people will stay on the right side of the road.
  19. 1 point
    I hope that the module will be in this month
  20. 1 point
    I myself am 33 (34 soon), and I honestly hope there's an option for more mature players. I'm not saying that younger players are necessarily immature, though I'm really trying hard to get away from the GTA kill-everything-that-moves mentality that is popular with the younger generation. I'm just hoping to find a more laid back, immersive and RP centric community.
  21. 1 point
    Hi guys thank you for supporting me and if you could tell me through private message how to fix my tax plan. Or just post it in this topic
  22. 1 point
    I would like to propose an Idea to the developers I think it would be amazing and great if there was a space program to have people simulate what it is like to be an astronaut. Thank you and that would make more jobs which is a vital of my platform to create more jobs. And for the record to all my supporters with my company and donors to my campaign I will do my best to at least help one way or another to get elected into some type of office.
  23. 1 point
    You know what I think it should because we need an organized government so we need to go into depth when it comes to this stuff.
  24. 1 point
    I will now be only having 10% of taxes going to the police because we need to have it for hospitals,medical care, and fire fighting the rest will go to the government for city projects and city workers and so we can invest and build a big economy there are too many socialist and commie clowns out there so make sure that you vote for me.
  25. 1 point
    Thank you for bringing that up but no in the real word it is some about money but what about pensions healthcare and more benifit but here is a question for you: If you were offerd a job with $15/hr wage and bad healthcare and another with the same wage but with ok healthcare which one would you take.
  26. 1 point
    Thank you for asking I think that people need a decent wage like that because people need food,gas,shelter, and money to spend for recreation and they need it to survive here is the thing though with higher pay like the employees will work harder which in business will make more money for the company then they will have enough money to hire more prople. And about the tax question well the money that would provide these things will be like transportation and investments in the market.
  27. 1 point
    And I am too and military wont be in the game and it is all a matter of opinion to what good policies are and what good policies are not.
  28. 1 point
    Good morning/afternoon everyone! I thought I would just remind some users about what this section of the forums is meant for since it was brought to my attention about numerous posts here that don't belong, whether people aren't paying attention when creating a topic or just accidentally put it in the wrong section. Before posting a suggestion please look at the FAQ and the FAQ Extended as it may have already been answered! This "Ideas and Suggestions" section is strictly for "suggestions" please don't post a question about something in the game as that should go to the sub forum "Q&A" under "Immigration." If you are to accidentally post a topic in the wrong section simply @ me or another moderator online letting us know what happened and we will gladly move the post to the right location. The same goes for a double post, just @ us and we will get it fixed ASAP.
  29. 1 point
    I gotta transport my kidnapped persons somehow, don't I?