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Showing most liked content on 08/07/2016 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    This has gone on for too long. This thread is tearing the community apart and its turning a great community into a dark shadow of what it once was. The devolpers have understood our frustration with the updates and they have acknowledge us. I see no point in continuing this thread unless we want to keep insulting each other. Everyone here can have there opinions and I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, but if you have a problem or a concern you should PM the dev's or send them a message on Twitter. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we should just stop the hate speech and just move forward.
  2. 2 points
    Well, I will try talk to Motown tomorrow but I know when I spoke to him last monday; I told him that a lot of the fans were complaining constantly and he said he is trying to push Paratus to give the OK for more asset releases but Paratus is very sceptical about showing (WIP) things and so Motown can't get a yes out of him as much as he tries. I also know that they have to redo the graphics for the town square as he said in the buildings the graphics was "this gen graphics and the outside the buildings was last gen graphics". He also said that the roads were not wide enough, but I believe that the graphics is all whats left. So please take all complaints to PM's, but know they do acknowledge our complaints.
  3. 2 points
    My problem, and I'm sure the problem many other have, is that the devs are being completely secretive about any sort of progress. I'd be fine if they had to cut features or delay the launch or whatever they have to do, but they could at least TELL US if they need more time. Every time you ask for a date they always say Oh early 2017. They've said that date for the beta and the first module. It seems common sense that if they are having a setback or some aspect of the game is giving them trouble, they would tell us right? We don't even know what they're working on rn. Is it just artwork? Is it networking? Who knows? Plus my biggest concern is that there is absolutely NO proof that they have a playable game. All we've seen is some unreal engine walking sim footage. Come to think of it the blueprints in unreal should take care of most of the difficult stuff... Probably almost anyone could write the code required just for a simple social sim, because most of it is already in the UE blueprints. Anyway, if they just sent out a tweet like every week or whatever saying, oh this week we're working on coding in jobs and next week we're working on net-code, at least they would be saying SOMETHING, but they aren't.
  4. 1 point
    I would like to bring forth The Brotherhood Council. The TBC is a high council of all of the high ranking members of current and future MC's of the island. The council allows the President's of clubs to come together at a table and discuss concerns and ideas they have for their or others' clubs. The council will have Church just like we would do within our MC but of course with select members of each club. As for ranks, i was thinking of having some very basic ranks such as: Presidents - Officer Vice Presidents - Sub-Officer Any other patch (Secretary/Treasurer) - Minor The council will not allow prospect, patch members or any other minor patches into the council, Treasurer being the lowest rank allowed in. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Council MC's Bad Company Rangers MC Members Of The Council: Michael Thatcher - International President - Officer Doc Rogers - President - Officer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Men Of Mayhem MC Members Of The Council: Louis Hudson - President - Officer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Highwaymen MC Members Of The Council: Carter Crowe - President - Officer Mickey Tohmpson - Vice President - Sub-Officer _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please let me know what you think of the idea and any further suggestions you might have if the council was to be formed. Thank you for your time, Michael Thatcher International President - BCR MC @Narc, @Carter_Crowe, @Micky_Tohmpson, @Fesos
  5. 1 point
    So when we first launch the game and we make our character, will we be able to decide where our character comes from in the map?? What i mean by this is that will there be various spawn points across the map or will there be one central spawn point for everyone in the big city or something?? I myself would like to originate from the desert area as it reflects on my characters background a lot rather than the city. This is more of a question but still a suggestion if its something that isnt within the plans of Identity. Let me know your thoughts...
  6. 1 point
    Hey all! I was wondering, will there be any careers in the Town Square module? I know that there will be no shooting, so no armed criminals and such but what about emergency services or any other basic careers? That would be quite awesome if we can mess around with careers in the early modules too, but just socialising is nice too. I hope paintball is in the early module too Best Wishes, Mr_Yoda.
  7. 1 point
    No but I thought the whole concept of emigrating to Identity was that you got off a ferry, not a train? It's an island anyway i doubt very much there would be a Eurostar style train going under the Atlantic Ocean?
  8. 1 point
    I wouldn't mind seeing some out of date graphics if it meant I knew the game was being created haha
  9. 1 point
    President Carter Crowe and Vice President Mickey Tohmpson of the US Identity Highwaymen agree with the formation of The Brotherhood Council and agree to join. The devil made me do it! ~Micky "Louie" Tohmpson
  10. 1 point
    President Louis Hudson of The Men of Mayhem Motorcycle Club hereby agrees with the formation of The Brotherhood Council and approves their club joining the council.
  11. 1 point
    The server would crash if started karaoke with my 'impeccable' singing voice
  12. 1 point
    The Kickstarter finished February last year and there was the old website before this one nooooob
  13. 1 point
    Hey NZLKYLE, if you pledge $15 for the citizen package, you can upgrade later if you are convinced that you want to play Identity during beta! You'd only need to pay the difference for the upgrade, which would be an additional $15 later on.
  14. 1 point
    Most feared, that's debatable.