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  1. 3 points
    I know there's going to be some people who think this doesn't deserve to be here, however I think some of these things would be pretty funny to see in iddntity and opens new possibilities SWAT somebody, would be really interesting if you can do fake 9-1-1 calls on people inside of identity, one reason would be the test police response times before doing bank robberies or drug deals, to people's reaction to see a bunch of cops randomly pull up on him with guns out screaming to get on the ground Number 2 be able to hide in trash cans and other crops such as behind bushes and down alleyways jump out and scare people, also be kind of interesting if you could cause heart attacks by doing this in identity Number 3 do magic tricks and if you do enough of them and become a magician pull pranks on people who own shops in people's houses, could do things such as make shop owners think that you stole things or go to someone's house and hide a radio or a laptop on them, Those are just some basic things I think would be pretty funny to see an identity and be able to do to people, what do you guys think about these and what are some that you guys would suggest? Also sorry for any things that may look odd in some of the texts I'm currently on my phone doing talk-to-text and it's been kind of iffy
  2. 2 points
    I know this is a long shot, but hear me out. Now, almost every single game nowadays will have a players name tag above their head or something to identify them by. This isn't very realistic, and if you think of real life, there is no way to know who somebody is that you have never met. So why should that be any different for Identity? I think starting off, you shouldn't see any names above a players head. You should have to actually meet them and have them tell you their name, and at that point you can type a chat command, or maybe have a key binding to set their name. This will be a big social aspect of having to meet somebody new, and could also feed into realism by players giving you a false name, or not wanting to be identified. Let me know what you guys think. Like I said it's a long shot, but I think it could be cool. Thanks for reading.
  3. 2 points
    Hey guys im so excited to play this game, the hype is over 9000 and i have so many ideas and plans to what to do!! I hope i can meet all you guys there !!! Nice to meet this great community!
  4. 2 points
    Swatting doesn't sound like a good idea, more annoying then funny. People who will play SWAT will probably dislike the idea as well. Further however calling cops about a fake robbery to test their response might be a nice thing, problem is that the response differs from how many people are online as cops and if anyone is in the area. If you pull a bank robbery i recommend doing something else on the other side of the map causing cops to go there including swat as distraction.
  5. 2 points
    Yeah exactly how I feel @ItsJedi. If you can only slap on parts instantly, it will be a huge let down. Cars are going to be a big deal in this game, so the mechanic job should be in depth instead of instantly fixing/installing parts. If it's like my summer car or car mechanic simulator, then players can have different prices and such. It really needs to be a pretty detailed job, or it's just a huge let down overall.
  6. 2 points
    How it works is you will take your personal vehicle to the police station. You will then get dressed with your police uniform at your locker, making you "on duty". You then take out your police car and proceed to do your job. Once you're done your job, you return to the police station, get changed back into civilian clothing, and take your personal vehicle home. So to make it all short, you're off duty unless you go to the station to change clothes and take out your police car.
  7. 2 points
    How many vehicle variations will we see? For example different makes of motorcycles, cars etc. Also if you change server, would that mean you lose that apartment/house you currently own when you go to a different server and have to start again? Thanks!
  8. 2 points
    DATE POSTED: March 24th, 2017 Big changes for a bigger world! What a crazy time for the Identity development team over here at Asylum! We've been running all over the place for conferences and expos this month, including both GDC and PAX East, where we met all sorts of new talent and potential technology partners. We've unfortunately had to push back the release of the Town Square module from our original Q1 2017 release with all of the big developments here, but most systems are in place and it's not far off! The biggest and most exciting news we're officially announcing today is a new partnership with Improbable, the creators of SpatialOS! The Identity team has been testing the waters with SpatialOS for a couple of months now and we're incredibly excited about what it's going to mean for Identity. Identity can now be what we all hoped it would be, a true MMORPG in scale. SpatialOS is going to power Identity behind the scenes, allowing absolutely enormous scale for our world and the people playing in it. While we had originally hoped to be able to get 300 people into our servers with decent performance, with just a tiny bit more effort we're going to be able to expand that as far as the game needs. Instead of 300 players in a single server, we could now potentially have thousands. The size of our servers are now going to be set based on what we feel is ideal for a fun and immersive environment and we're not limited technically like we were expecting in the past. It opens more doors than simply the number of players on a server, too. With these changes we can now afford to have a more dynamic and interactive world. We've gained some freedom in manipulating the world and we can create features which we never imagined possible in a game of Identity's scale. This is all extremely exciting for the team. This technology is a scope-changer and Identity is going to be far better for it. Not only will our world grow, not only will the population be denser, but you'll even be able to leave your mark in many new ways. Development charging forward Concept art for Town Square art gallery and library, featuring player content We're working and expanding at an incredible rate. All key gameplay features for Town Square are now functional as we add polish and work to support SpatialOS in Identity. The development team has expanded with terrific new talent: Antoine joins Identity's 3D art team, Cody comes on board as a new systems and gameplay programmer and Liam comes in as our first dedicated web developer. Antoine and Cody both bring experience in their field to hasten development for Town Square and Identity as a whole. Liam's talents mean exciting new features on our website will be popping up soon. We've had plenty planned for our website for some time but haven't had the resources to bring these to you, until now.
  9. 1 point
    Hello fellow police officers I am here to notify you that I am officially running for governor since yesterday. If I am elected I promise to set aside 30% of taxes to give to police work for better weapons, bullet proof vests, stronger vehicles, better tech, and build on more checkpoint each year in my term. I hope I have your vote to make a brighter beginning for Identity Island.
  10. 1 point
    simple idea if a certain area lets say turtle beach has a lot of crime in a 24 hour in game period like 3 murders, 2 police chases, 4 cars get stolen property values would be affected causing cops that live there to protect they're areas more and really change up how real estate markets could work, like hiring people to cause violence in a neighborhood so they can buy a house cheaper.
  11. 1 point
    I've noticed there's so much that is going to be added to this game and there's alot of people that are only playing it for specific parts of the game which adds realism! Just like real life, there are people that stick to doing certain things like racing and fashion etc.. It's cool to see that, like if I become a criminal and get arrested, and then a few months after that I get arrested again by the same cop it would be cool. It would be like rosco and the duke boys at it again lol. It will be cool to go down in town and see people sticking to their jobs, to see people progress, say you get up at 7 am every day and are out of the house by 8 and so is your neighbor and you see them driving an old beat up vehicle and then say about a month or two later you see that they have fixed rust on the vehicle and got new wheels with a new paint job.. that to me is a game changer which will add so much life to the game.
  12. 1 point
    Does it have eta for next gameplay that they will show ? (Gun mechanics i believe )
  13. 1 point
    @DLimit I like that idea. I think in some way you have to figure out their name some how in the very least.
  14. 1 point
    The game should consist of FOUR different forms of identification: 1. Unknown 2. Nickname 3. First Name 4. Full Name -------------------- 1. The character remains unknown until the individual approaches and converses with the individual. 2. The character is capable of presenting the subject with a nickname in order to preserve one's Identity. 3. Usually, the average human being merely discloses their first name to strangers within the environment. Thus, the player should possess the ability to merely disclose their first name in order to preserve a large portion of their identity. 4. Finally, the player shall be capable of disclosing their full name to the subject by presenting the individual with a "business card" or any other form of identification. It would encourage individuals to engage in full-scale conversations with other players for the purposes of attaining their identification. Imagine an "achievement" that involves attaining each and every single player's identity within the server titled as "IDENTIFIED". P.S. A "right-click" button should list a social demand such as "disclosing one's nickname, first name, and full-name" to another character that is within close proximity of their character.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Hey welcome to the community.
  17. 1 point
    There isnt eta yet too but the legends says that will be june/july the release of the first module but still, its just a rumour, sadly
  18. 1 point
    Welcome buddy and enjoy our community! People here are pretty nice :^)
  19. 1 point
    Welcome to the hype train! I hope you enjoy your stay on the forums! -Arcanion
  20. 1 point
    Welcome mate
  21. 1 point
    This looks like a well worked out thread, The main issue i have with threads is that they do not include information about the roles however you managed to do this regardless. Maybe include some information regarding what time zone you will be most active and when/how applications are going to work. Further maybe requirements area? I recommend that you get people to assist you with your company as it is going to be a lot of work. And work out training programms and protocols right now to be prepared when the game launches. Further i'd like to ask you to PM me when applications open up, since i'm interested to join your company. For any questions or if you want to discuss my idea's you can PM me if you want. -Arcanion
  22. 1 point
    Sounds nice, being able to do this makes it more interactive and a better experience to be part of a gang. Drive By's could lead to people getting killed for no reason (By standers) which only causes annoyance and anger about the feature.
  23. 1 point
    Hello! For a while now I have been watching this game and community and today I finally decided to pledge 50$ for the game. From what I have read we are getting town square pretty soon so I am looking forward to meeting all of you guys and girls! Can't wait to see this finished And hello to all my slav brothers
  24. 1 point
    Hello @Coffee and welcome to the Identity community. Glad to see you pledged for the game. Feel free to read the 2 FAQ's which you can find in my Signature. They provide good information about the Game. If you have any questions regarding the community or the game and which answer you can't find in the forums, feel free to contact me. Enjoy your stay here -Radack
  25. 1 point
    Hello @_ItsCriminal and welcome to the Identity community. If you are new to Identity, feel free to read the 2 FAQ's which you can find in my Signature. They provide good information about the Game. If you have any questions regarding the community or the game and which answer you can't find in the forums, feel free to contact me. -Radack
  26. 1 point
    hey all happy to say i am now an happy citizien hopefully the game will be soon playable as alpha BK
  27. 1 point
    I can see you put a lot of work into this, and i have to say it looks amazing!
  28. 1 point
    Welcome to the hype train! I hope you will enjoy your time on the forums until the game launches! And hello from The Netherlands -Arcanion
  29. 1 point
    All in due time! We're all excited and I'm sure everyone at Asylum is too. Give them time, we will get it eventually, and when we do it will be great.
  30. 1 point
    Well if we are making a Q&A that will probably happen 20ish may, i i say the first module would release maybe june/july SADLY :^(
  31. 1 point
    this is the way id like to see it done, with the my summer car approach where you have to connect the bolts and nuts with the right tool. it would make the car side of this game everything ive dreamed of.
  32. 1 point
    Hey welcome! Glad to see that you pledged. Hope to see you at the town square. I'm also super excited for this game!
  33. 1 point
    Welcome at Idenity! Grüße Green
  34. 1 point
    Hey welcome! Glad to know you pledged. Have any questions or just want to chat don't hesitate to message me.
  35. 1 point
    This all might come later after the game been released. There's already a system for selling/making drugs. No such thing as gang clothes because irl it's just colors and tattoos and that will be easy to make with the creating system in the game. The drive-by is a cool GTA feel, but it won't happen because of their combat system, and it helps prevent rdm which would be common in this type game. I think the devs talked about territory control a while back, but it was more gangs/mafia can control buildings, etc. Controlling streets and areas will be an RP thing, but I can be wrong. I hope controlling territories in the future will be a thing.
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    Hey @_ItsCriminal and welcome to the community. Nice to see that the german community here is growing. Enjoy your stay here. Greetings from NRW
  38. 1 point
    Drive by's are a no go and they won't add it because they want fights to be up close and personal.
  39. 1 point
    Maybe it's like they have all those different options like GTA V, like @GoldenPancake said, but perhaps once you choose and pay the item is delivered to you and you have to install it yourself. That's the way I'd like to see it anyway.
  40. 1 point
    I would just become a nice Police Officer and do my job. Do some patrolling, catching bad guys and stuff.
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    Question: Can you rent a car (or cars, van or trucks etc., like for a rental company) to people, like with a contract. simular to rent an appartment out to another player. If yes, then how will the game mechanics works when the rent time are over ? Its pretty simple on a house or appartment, but on a car that can be moved around there might need other types of game mechancs for that).
  43. 1 point
    Welcome mate look forward to seeing you around
  44. 1 point
    Hello Jay and Welcome to the community! Check out the 2 FAQ's for great info. Ask further questions if any are still unanswered and the question will get answered to best of our communities knowledge. Those "Belgium fries" looks like the "British Chips" out of the "Fish 'N' Chips" restaurant/ take away. Anyways enjoy the community and have a nice day! Best regards, LuckyDuck.
  45. 1 point
    Yeah being a mechanic should be a challenge. Honestly I don't think there should be much guidance at all. I believe the more you do something the better you get at it in-game. So maybe starting out you have have a bunch of guidance and as you progress you get less hints. Who knows, we sure don't aha. I think car mechanic simulator difficulty should be the baseline and maybe have different degrees of difficulty somehow included.
  46. 1 point
    Same here, but I want a challenge, not just a bunch of ricers rolling around. I don't want it to be a downhill battle. The intermediate approach would be perfect, Maybe a less guided CMS-15 building system and a more CSR2 type of tuning? Or is that too guiding?
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
    Porsche 930 911 Turbo. The thing is, many people want different cars for the aesthetics etc, but these old air cooled Porsches are a completely different driving experience to most cars on the road since the way the way the weight is distributed in the car. All that weight is where the engine is in the rear of the car which gives great initial rear grip until you push the tyres beyond their boundaries with the power and lag that comes from the turbo. The moment you come back off the throttle the rear grips up again making the car slingshot off the road. Because of all that these cars are pretty notoriously hard to drive and there's no cars that really handle like it. Definitely got the nickname widowmaker for a good reason.
  49. 1 point
    It is important that the police treat the citizens with respect which I am 99.9% sure they will but the citizens must also respect the police force because they are the ones who stay up and do night shifts and day shifts and protect us so we can live happy fulfilled lives. I am also 99.9% sure that our wonderful citizens will treat the police with ultimate respect.
  50. 1 point
    Hia! Katie here, name also being, well Katie. I learned about Identity from one of my friends and decided that I would love to help out, which is why I'm here now! I mostly play League of Legends in my free time, but I expand my pool of gaming. Right now I'm in Queen's University in Kingston studying Biology, which is not the easiest thing in the world to do. If you ever want to play a game or two of something, feel free to shoot me a message and I'll add you on whatever. I just hope everyone has a good time!