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Everything posted by LuckyDuck

  1. Remember this video

    No, the other one I am not sure, but I dont believe the software was free as far as I know. However I find it was better IMO.
  2. Remember this video

    A lot of it is there but that video was from the old UI and so a lot of the things broke as the old UI was discontinued and so they couldnt update it no longer with the latest UE updates. This caused them to remake the UI with a different software.
  3. Gun range

    The gun range will come in an update, but there is no time line on it.
  4. appartement

    There is a bug with the things staying in the apartment. It is already known about. You only can customise the studio apartment when you search your character name.
  5. You commented like you never read the post. Sorry for assuming so.
  6. Oceanic Servers / Future Developement

    The servers are going up little by little but I think / am sure that someone said Oceanic servers and I believe EU servers have already been up. (will double check). Guns will be expensive, Pistols being a bit more common but bigger guns being rare/ very expensive to obtain.
  7. There is a issue with the database retrieving the data from the main site. Hey, if you read the first post, you would notice he is asking for his apartment. He knows he cannot get the rest yet.
  8. You will keep them likely up until Beta and then there will be a wipe. There will definitely be a wipe at full game release.
  9. Not seeing other peoples apartments?

    search there name not yours.
  10. Not seeing other peoples apartments?

    When they go invisible, that is them going to a new Instance. There apartment will be in the exact same place as yours but in a different instance.
  11. Question about the property I own

    Everyone I believe get that just for Town Square and you will get your pledge apartment eventually once they fix the issue.
  12. Apartment not staying modified

  13. Question about the property I own

    Like @SausageBlaster said but that is at the full game release. you will have the apartment in the module, so that you can play around and customise it. Joining a server is automatic but you will have your apartment when you go into the 1st module Town Square.
  14. How can people still defend this game.

    Stop telling false information. Motown left on his own and he said that in the discord.
  15. Taking a break

    Hello everyone. I just wanted to notify the community that I will be taking a break from moderating. I dont know how long I will be taking a break for but I am not leaving the mod team. I however will still lurk about the forums and discord, just won't be doing such moderation during this time. If you want to asking me about anything I will still answer questions but nothing which is under NDA. All is well and look forward to meeting you guys in game. Regards, LuckyDuck.
  16. Game is out!

    Middle mouse click on a surface. or go to the NPC in the Hotel Lobby to get furniture. When in the apartment go to your inventory and select the item you want to place
  17. Game is out!

    Restart steam for game update
  18. go to the clothing store and look in the Hats section.
  19. This is legit bad business practice

    There has never been anything saying there would be dedicated servers from the start. The renting price will be close to nothing and also there are no dedicated servers due to the server structure which is "Google cloud servers" and 1 server is not one, it is multiple servers creating 1 server. Private servers will only be available at full game release. You will be able to create custom shirts in game eventually (being full game release etc.)
  20. Start playing

    There is no set time, but rather. John, needs to hit the Big green release button.
  21. The Town Square is coming to Steam!

    It can Vary as it is an estimation and only an estimation.
  22. Indeed, they are preparing before full release being as the store page after the Beta estimated in 3 years and only considered a estimate. but no harm in preparing in advance to have a community built and ready for the time to come. It is harder to start, let alone start when lots more start at the same time.

    Disregard the tracker for now, the Module will release the 30th November ( in 9 days).
  24. Revisit Max Jail Sentencing...

    People can stay in Prison if they want even after 45 minutes is up. Also remember the max time being 45 mins is for testing purposes and so it could change before Full Game release.
  25. There are 3 modules and They are standalone small pieces of the full game. They are not Beta and more like Alpha's. The map won't only contain 1 city but 3 city's and towns will be around the map with country side also. The Full Map will not be done until after the 3rd Module and we will get to access it at the Beta. Town Square is just a social module and will only contain the Town Square as it states.