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Everything posted by JamesLuck01

  1. VoIP Channels

    With voice chat, there is a proximity and so unless you use a mic then at a big distance people won't hear you. I know if you are talking behind a door and it is a closed one then the sound will be quieter and also muffled for the other person e.g. objects affect sound... Text chat will likely be a local and like ooc chat, but not sure.
  2. Bus as transportation

    Who is this guy who answered your question? because he don't know a lot about the transportation as it is confirmed that bus' are in / going to be in the game already... Taxi's also are likely because it is another form of transportation.
  3. Developer Q&A sponsored by Powergaming7

    There won't be a stock market likely, but for if there is going to be one it would be a long time after full release maybe with other updates.
  4. NCA?

    but if he had a car he would maybe get further away, park his car and run the rest....
  5. NCA?

    This is casual RP and goes against the thing called "New Life Rule" but obviously that won't be a thing, but it also just means it is casual RP and not really RP because if you die in RP you should forget about who murdered you and carry on with the rest. I am sure before the police figure everything else out, they will likely do that stuff after the guy gets a head start and could easily get out of the area before cops even know anything.
  6. Didn't introduce myself

    Hello and Welcome to the Identity community! Please use the FAQ's and still need answers then feel free to ask your questions which we are all happy to answer to the best of our knowledge. Nice to meet you and hope to see you in game.
  7. A Nice East Coast Hello

    Welcome to the identity community! Please ask questions after reading the resources if you have not found the answer to the right questions. It is appreciated and will also help make it easier for new comers to find those answers by search instead of having a cluster of posts making it harder. Nice to meet you and see you around.
  8. Hey From Black Blade

    Welcome to the identity forums! Please use resources, to find answers to many questions and if you don't have the answer you are looking for then feel free to ask and someone will answer to the best of their knowledge. Nice to meet you and see you around!
  9. The hello from france

    Hello and Welcome to the Identity community! Please use all resources available to ensure the forum doesn't get cluttered and then ask all the questions you cannot find the answers for and someone will answer them to the best of their knowledge. Nice to meet you and see you around.
  10. Hello Guys, From Bulgaria

    Hello and Welcome to the Identity community! Feel free to look through the resources and then ask questions you cannot find the answer to as everyone is happy to help; also it helps keep the forum being cluttered.
  11. Why The Buildings in the town square are old fashion ?

    @OmegoGanla Maybe Canada has building's like this and well they are under the monarchy in England. But these images are placeholders and they also look great; however older buildings look better than the new ones in most cases.

    Well if it has AI roaming then it don't appeal to me.
  13. Introduction from Nevada, US!

    Welcome @Brutal99!
  14. Gas Stations?

    No player owned "gas stations" and also not building buildings, if there is oil in-game they will have set places / buildings for the business in those places.
  15. Two suggestions

    maybe that is a way round people wearing them 24/7
  16. Two suggestions

    I have no clue whether you will have the option to use a mask but 1 reason is people using them all the time and so unless they can prevent that then who knows. Also the robbery system will be like "PayDay 2" and so maybe if you bought a mask then it will give the option on robbery. Also a mask don't give any chance of escaping but just stops your identity being seen but also you will be automatically wanted with or without a witness and if no witness the cops don't know who they are looking for.
  17. Will male officers arrest female citizens?

    1. Any officer can arrest anyone I'd assume. 2. I have no clue but good question. @HairyGrenade or @Olio might know the answer
  18. I don't know all of them, also I don't see why this is in Q&A? because your not exactly asking the question. Officer, Detective, S.W.A.T, Paramedic, Fire Fighter. I don't know the rest or if there are more.
  19. Two suggestions

    The devs said they don't want masks just so that people don't constantly walk around in public with them on all the time.
  20. Voice Changer?

    Voice changers won't be in the game but you will have to go and get software to have a voice changer or a headset with it built in! There won't be any pre-recorded voices because it costs a lot for the devs to get them and use them in-game and so your voice will be the only thing what people hear but can be changed with getting the voice changer software or a headset with it.
  21. Two suggestions

    With this part, the gun safe won't stop the gun life time as well "Old guns" jam easier and also it is mainly if you use it, it will eventually stop working. For security cameras, I am not sure but if you rob the bank or such, you will be wanted but no cop will know who they are looking for unless there is a witness.
  22. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    I don't know as nothing has been asked like that but maybe @HairyGrenade or @Olio can answer for you.
  23. The Purge Event "Upcoming War"

    Ok a possibility for private servers yes as I didn't say that wouldn't happen but official servers it won't as previously stated that the developers already said it won't be a thing in the game.
  24. "Beta Pass" question.

    Pretty much on the store page it states that on each pledge is the reward beta and extras but only pledges above $30. If you pledge $30 on the website you will get access to the modules (Alpha) and the Beta after the 3 modules have been released.
  25. The Purge Event "Upcoming War"

    Ok, I rephrase it.... Did it happen in America? If yes then fine but any other place don't matter because this game is based of american modern day life.... Also does it happen in modern day life of America and I mean does the government allow such a thing? no and so why would it be a thing? Also Official servers is a no because a system will stop it e.g. it also would be RDM but there is no such rule as the system prevents it happening e.g. cops killing for such thing will get demoted, cops not doing their job and stopping it will lose their jobs, no corruption in the official servers and also the developers have answered that there won't be such thing as the purge in the game and so why would they allow it in the official servers.