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Everything posted by Cstove

  1. Ig/irl linked Stock Market! (POLL)

    Would be cool, but I think it will be too difficult to add, and too complex.
  2. In Town Square.....

    Devs have been very busy, getting everything ready for the livestream yesterday. Hopefully they update it today.
  3. Bodybuilding/Gyms

    There will be gyms in the full game to help make your character stronger. However you will not see body changes. The devs hope to add body changes later in after full release. But it is hard because then all clothing would have to be made for all the different body types in order to fit Them Right.
  4. In Town Square.....

    Just to let you know, there won’t be jobs in Town Square, TS is just the social module.
  5. I personally think 45 minutes is too short for the maximum time, I think maybe some where around 2 hours is a good max. I’m sure the devs will consider changing it in the future.
  6. New Fallout?

    Was kinda upset, because I really wanted to see a reveal of Star Field this year. Also Fallout 4 was eh to me, so I’d rather get a new ES. I don’t want back to back Fallout releases. Hopefully it’s just like Fallout 3 remastered or a mobile game. That way I can still be hopeful for a Star Field announcement at E3.
  7. Task Tracker 4 days and counting..

    TS is way more than 80% done, it’s just that 80% of the remaining tasks are done. I don’t know why you’re always such a little whiner here, it’s honestly so annoying. Yesterday we got an amazing livestream reveal of TS, but you’re still here b*tchig like usual.
  8. Question

    The swat module will come out way quicker than TS, in fact it’s already in production. Racing module will take some time but not as long as TS.
  9. Mass RDM will be prevented in a way due to the stress level system.

    Thanks! I wanna re-watch it, it looked so good!
  11. 12 Tasks left!

    The new website just adds new ways to pay, allows you to buy individual items, but will also increase the prices of pledge packs.
  12. 12 Tasks left!

    No I’m right, anyone else who sees this knows I’m right, when TS is out you will get a steam key to play, because TS will never on steam. However you can not buy it off steam until full release of game.
  13. 12 Tasks left!

    It is though.. in the Identity discord you can even see some of the devs playing and is says there on steam playing Identity: Town Square Module.
  14. 12 Tasks left!

    Don’t @ me if you don’t know stuff. You’ve been on the forums for less than a week, I’ve been on here for nearly 2 years.
  15. 12 Tasks left!

    Nope, you’re wrong. TS will be downloaded via steam, pledgers will receive a steam key.
  16. Live stream is from 4-5 pm EST. The gameplay part is going to be around the last 15 mins of stream. So if you only care about that, I’d recommend tuning in at around 4:40.
  17. Everyone’s not gonna be on one server, you need to realize that. And everyone who’s in a gang won’t all be on at the same time.
  18. I disagree with this. There’s so many different jobs and ways to make money in Identity, I think you’re over estimating on how many people wanna play as gang members. There shouldn’t be this much limitation and restriction on them.
  19. 12 Tasks left!

    Idk about that, because still takes up to a week for steam approval.
  20. There not gonna have a release date, TS comes out when all tasks are complete and steam approves the game.
  21. I think John forget to update it, he was working really hard and late last night to get everything ready for the stream today.
  22. When have any of the devs talked with a hostile attitude??