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Everything posted by Doc_Rogers

  1. Town Square Party

    I think I like where your coming from sir! It would be a good draw to the full release to have a town square party on full release. @Motown or @Paratusmight be able to shed some light on if they like this idea (hopefully) Cheers @MadMcardle
  2. Parachutes

    I know, I was backing you up amigo. I know its not realistic but hey skydiving is skydiving lol. Im sure over time they may add in maybe an AI flown plane for sky diving? Idk but it will be fun to see what happens
  3. Parachutes

    The tweet does state that Skydiving may be an activity to participate in. So naturally parachutes would have to be in game.
  4. Tv reporter

    Hope to see this become a thing. It will make life in Identity that much more interesting.
  5. Professional J walker ....... Nah ill be running guns and kickin some ass!
  6. Tv reporter

    I would Imagine it would have to be in Identity seeing how popular it was in the Arma Life mods.
  7. Video?

    But your right there are a few people I know that ask for likes. Cracks me up.
  8. Video?

    Very true just made them readily available
  9. Video?

    Here are said rues for viewing pleasure
  10. Video?

    But in the mean time if you do a little google search there is a lot of great content out there. Hit up google, she wont let you down I promise. Just google Identity the game
  11. City Sanitation Workers

    So another job/Department I just thought about. Now forgive me if its been posted somewhere in the depths of the forums but I did not see a post for it. But I was sitting here thinking what about a city sanitation department. Have a department dedicated to street sweeping, operation of garbage trucks etc. Thought this might be a good idea. Thoughts? @Motown What do you think about this? Has anyone suggested this to you?
  12. City Sanitation Workers

    Haha I thought it was a good idea lol. I mean we are here to RP lol.
  13. Where are YOU gonna live?

    Lol oh no reason at all.....
  14. Where are YOU gonna live?

    RV Camper is where this guy wants to live
  15. Open Highway Traveling

    Well ill just point out one thing bud, look at the way you started your response. 1. people are reading this on a screen, so they have no idea how you are saying it. 2. If your not being a dick no need to say "not to be a dick". 3. As gamers we all know that all caps is a no no. So I will leave you with that to dwell over amigo and I will say no more.
  16. Open Highway Traveling

    I agree, I have been watching your comments on peopled posts. No need to be snobbish amigo. Maybe he knows nothing about the game. Maybe he is trying to gather info. Maybe he doesn't not know to use the search function who knows. Maybe if your going to be such a big community presence you need to work on the way you approach potential community members. If I was him you would now be the reason I dont play this game. Bravo to you @MadMcardle and thank you for your appropriate response. - Doc
  17. Blood Hound MC

    Absolutely not, the more the better. Let it be known that any ally to the Bad Company Rangers MC is welcome on the TS.
  18. Blood Hound MC

    Absolutely, we can set up a meet date and have a round table discussion. Glad to have hosted Bloodhound on the TS.
  19. Blood Hound MC

    As the California Prez for Bad Company Rangers MC, should you roll on the US Server I look forward to working side by side. We Mc's must stick together, so if you have any questions as to how we will operate please feel free to PM me. See you on the streets and welcome! - Doc
  20. Jail System

    So I have been looking to donate for a while now and want to become a citizen. But one of the major things that I personally am interested to know is will there be a prison system. Will we have the option to be a CO and to work in the Jail? I love the law enforcement aspect but I think this will be an important job/role to have in game. Im sure It has been suggested and will happen but im curious if someone can tell me how the Jail system will work.
  21. Hola all!!

    Hey all, Doc Rogers here. Reporting to you from California! Been following the progress of this game for a long time but am just now getting around to being on the forums. Cheers all! -Doc
  22. MC Jacket Customization

    I think it would have to be a must in some shape or form. The thing Im wondering is if @Motown and team will allow vehicle emblems or stickers to be made for gangs/MCs to place on motorcycles or cars etc...
  23. The Santarelli Family *recruiting*

    If your family operates on the US Server I hope my crew and your family can work together to achieve greatness. -Doc
  24. Core Transport Corporation

    Have you or anyone thought about Air transportation? I Thought maybe an air division would do well. Maybe just with a small airliner or a Larger Transport Helicopter. Love your Business model and may just have to leave my Law Enforcement dreams behind to come work for you!