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Everything posted by Jinx

  1. deleted

    Most of us have, at some point, been bitten by this bug, however, don't despair because there IS a cure and it's a simple one. Resign yourself to it being at least another two years before Identity see's the light of day as a full game, and go find something else to do See? and you never felt a thing
  2. Let Identity learn from APB?

    I'd have to disagree with that I'm afraid. I think that there are indeed lessons to be learned there. The first lesson is, for me anyway, quite clear. In order to live up to expectations then you pretty much have to make something more than just another 'cops and robbers' game. Given that Asylum have stated that Identity will essentially be a 'cops and robbers' game, is food for thought. Giving players guns and putting them on opposing sides is not, no matter how you dress it up, 'changing what it means to be an mmo'. In order to be something more, then Asylum will need to find a way to marry those cops and robbers with the social/business players, something that's rarely (if ever) been done to any lasting degree. After all, if you're being shot each time you step out onto the street, then at the very least you're going to find it pretty hard to run a business, or even do some of the 'regular' jobs that Asylum have hinted at. APB failed for many reasons, but very near the top of the list of reasons why, was the fact that they didn't really offer anything that we could not do better somewhere else. THAT is why Identity really does need to 'change what it means to be an mmo'.
  3. Identity turning to GTA.

    Like most other people I played GTA Online, I stopped quite quickly however, as I realized early on that it was nothing more than a pyramid cash cow, GTA Online is pointless, there is no game there, and almost zero skill required. I've seen people attempt to be social on public servers with a fail rate of 100%, it's a sad fact of online gaming life, that no matter what you try to do, it's always someone's idea of 'fun' to come along and stop you from doing it. I think, the real hope for Identity, is that it will not only provide a role for most, if not all, types of player but that it will also ensure that the clothing designer can function in world just as well as the bank robber can for example. Fact - social players and combat players are always given separate servers to play on pve/pvp, you see them everywhere, in almost all games. So it's pretty clear, the problem is not the game, the problem is the players. Does Identity have the answer? Ten minutes reading the 'Hideout' section on these forums will answer that question for you, chances are if you come here to be a designer, or a singer, or any kind of individual who does not want to play 'cops & robbers', then you'll be disappointed I think. ''Private servers will save us'', well I disagree. Private servers will lead to ghost towns & with no NPC's to speak of, Identity can't afford to have a ton of servers all with populations of twenty players. In my humble opinion, the only thing that will make this game any different than GTA, will be Asylum themselves. They are showing some early signs of wanting to at least attempt to combat the problems with things like their stress system, will that be enough? Well only time will tell, perhaps the niche' that Identity fills will be a game where we can all co-exist, I hope so.
  4. Drugs

    It's highly unlikely, although I'm 99% certain there was talk of drugs leading to in-game buffs, positive or negative remains to be seen.
  5. • QUESTION: In-Game News?

    One simple way to run a newspaper would be to use a template with most things already filled in, just leaving space for a few in-world articles to be added, so that it's a more viable proposition time-wise.
  6. 1st module is delayed yay!!

    Okay well. you don't actually know that the publishers were responsible for No Mans Sky, from all I've seen it has a stunning lack of content & that's also reflected in all the reviews plus it's also why it took my kid less than a week to get bored with it. Maybe it's just because it's a boring game. I do NOT want Asylum to give up on their vision, so don't put words into my mouth, at some point this game needs to get out of kick starter and into full fledged development where some actual progress is made BEYOND 3d models. Delays are inevitable, that's part and parcel of the industry now, but projects that began long after Identity did are entering Alpha & even beyond that. I've heard little and seen almost nothing, and we're still talking about the same things we were discussing twelve months ago, that's a lack of progress.
  7. Anonymous

    Indeed I did. First of all, a company can't actually have an ego, because a company is not a living being. Secondly, it's quite obvious that in no way is the Kick starter/pledge option pay to win, and those two points are pretty much your entire reason for being. What it looks like, to me, is that you want carte blanche to KoS anyone who offends your own personal sensibilities, and obviously that's never going to happen.
  8. 1st module is delayed yay!!

    I've pledged, & I'm a big supporter of this concept, we've said before that Asylum have made many mistakes and yes, that's because they are new to all of this......BUT. There is a vast world of difference between being new and being amatuer, and I'm sorry but this is starting to look just like that, amatuer. Identity, while being the only kick starter I've pledged to, is not the only game I'm keeping my eye on. Games like War of Rights & Sea of Thieves make this look like small time Joe. Face facts, it's been kick started, we're long past that stage, and it's still not moved up to the next level and that's worrying. I admire them for wanting to keep control, to remain true to their concept, I think everyone here does, but it looks to me that what is needed here is a firm cash investment, investors OTHER than Joe Public. I want Identity to become reality, of course I do, but the clock is ticking and they really need to be showing something other than 3D models by now.
  9. Anonymous

    Instead of 3 pages you could have just written ''I want to be an Admin', right at the start, and saved everyone a lot of bother lol
  10. How does jailtime work?

    This isn't Altis Life, Asylum or any other half game you've been playing.......a lot of people will be playing this to do something other than break the law, 'changing what it means to be an mmo' ....or did you miss that bit in your research? Oh and here's another solid fact you won't believe, criminals are ordinary people who live ordinary lives, they don't run around shooting two dozen people a day. The limitations of Arma 3 mods meant that the Devs wanted something more than cops and robbers, so they started Identity, cops and robbers you can get in any amount of modded games.....this is meant to be something more than that, although I'm almost certain that cretins like yourself will do their best to make sure that the Asylum servers will be pew pew die die crap.
  11. How does jailtime work?

    You should take note of what you write. Yes Identity is made for everyone to have fun, and I can guarantee you that as soon as people trying to run businesses etc start getting shot every five minutes they'll be off to other servers/quitting before you can say boo. And FYI.....we don't know what the game mechanics will actually allow for criminals, We don't know if private servers will be able to alter jail time seeing as even Asylum are unsure at this point exactly how long jail time will be, so....seeing as you've done all this 'research' why don't you enlighten us eh?
  12. Army

    Indeed they have
  13. Writing Books

    There has been no mention of payment, maybe at some point they may make Author a career, who knows. I know you can apply to have books published to the 'world' library.....i.e they'd be in all libraries not just a single server, at the very least you could certainly achieve fame as an author.
  14. Entry level / Non specialist jobs

    The game itself will make a clear distinction between job and career. Jobs will be tasks that anyone can do at any time, Careers will be exactly that.....I would imagine that what you'll be looking for is to work within one of the player run businesses.
  15. All the modules will be playable but they're only to test/showcase certain features.
  16. Not for at least another twelve months, but the first module is due around the first quarter of 2017
  17. Well you might not all get caught on the job, but you'll be seen & you'll be flagged.
  18. Marriage?

    We're a group of eleven players, six of who are female, so I guess we must be the exception to that rule lol
  19. He means beta, i.e. the testing of the full game.
  20. How does jailtime work?

    Here's the real difference: In life, professional criminals accept that prison time is a part of what they do, they know the risks. In games, more often than not, players are not professional criminals, they're just players that cause trouble, & most of the time they're not even breaking any rules. Identity is going to change that perspective, put simply, 'If you can't do the time, don't do the crime'. I would expect to see some serious prison time on most private servers,but at the moment we're still not sure about what exactly Asylum intend to do here, and there are certain things we need to know: First, and most important, will game mechanics actually enable you to be a professional criminal? I'm talking about crimes other than those involving causing damage to other people here, i.e making money. Secondly, is the amount of time someone spends in jail/prison something that we'll be about to decide upon on private servers? Third, we've all heard that prison is going to be a 'mini world', an awful lot is going to depend on the exact definition of that, so what is it? One thing is clear, time behind bars IS going to play a major role in Identity, players need to be aware of, and accept it, before they embark on a life in crime.
  21. How does jailtime work?

    Where? I've never seen that. As far as I understand it's a game about life.
  22. LF Staff for NFFA Party

    Oh and by the way, there is no Military in Identity.
  23. LF Staff for NFFA Party

    So.....you're hoping that people will vote for a political party who's sole agenda is to kill them? lol
  24. Auction House or System

    Real life charities would be a definite no I would imagine, far too easy to run a scam. Otherwise the idea has potential, as long as it's for selling/buying items that you can't get from an in world store, because that would take players away from interacting in the world itself, which would be counter productive.
  25. Jail officers.

    Yes they will, the only NPC's in Identity will be in dull but essential jobs (such as at cash registers in some stores)