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Showing most liked content on 08/01/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I been waiting for over a year for this game. set back after set back stay strong and recommended to friends. even forked out my own money to pledge for my friends. stop procrastinating this is getting out of control. you guys finish how many tasks in two weeks leaving a handful to be finished. 2 months later the last of the handful one task is left. now here how serious I am. I check the website tracker ever single day. EVERY DAY. you call your selves experienced team of programmers and say you hired more staff. I call BS. you guys have been working the same task for 2 weeks. one task taking 2 weeks too finish. your tracker is bull shit. the only thing it tracks is well nothing it tracks nothing. its a made up figure of your imagination to buy more time. it means nothing. you cant finish the last user interface task but day after day we see cloths and hair styles and other BS coming out of the studio. suggestion stop developing cloths and hair and finish the module for god sake. I don't care if I cant have a mowhawk if I cant play the effing game. this is ridiculous I have spent over 400 dollars prepping for this game. and yall sitting back spending money and not providing adequate information on your current process or work to your pledgers. step it up quite all the lil BS working on stuff you don't even plan to release with the town square and finish this first module. and im sure I speak for half the community on this one. its our of control. I feel like this is another episode of NO MANS SKY. gonna be a giant flop and lawsuits out the wazoo. stop talking stop making excuses focus on what needs done now not what you plan to release next year. and get the effing game out to the thousands of individuals that have been patiently waiting for the game. end rant/
  2. 2 points
    1. Last Task = Programming. 2. 3D Artists can't programme and so why does it matter if they get more models out? 3. The task is being worked upon by the programmers, but like Light said, it is a 1 man task. 4. If the 3D Artists stop creating objects for the later game, it won't make the programmers complete the last task faster; in fact it will just slow down the things being made in the end when those objects are needed. If the Artists pump out their creations then it means less work to do in the end. 5. Hope this clarifies/ helps you understand more about the current situation.
  3. 2 points
    Just saying, the 3D modelers who are making clothes and hairstyles and more. They can’t program. So when the task at hand that is remaining for TS to release is a programming task, you can’t put the whole team to working on it. Nor can you put multiple programmers on programming one specific mechanic. Everyone writes code different and understanding someone else’s code is like learning a new language on its own. So it’s not a multiple-man task. It’s a one man task.
  4. 2 points
    Quilted Flannel Jacket by Umut: Back Split Capris by Umut: Regarding the above question, the models of coats, jackets, hoodies etc. are worn as displayed. As in, if a jacket is worn open in one of the above models, then you won't be able to wear it zipped up. You will, however, be able to obtain opened and closed variants of many clothing items.
  5. 1 point
    Speaking from a computer science student's perspective, generally what we are taught when creating a piece of software is to expect there to be bugs on launch and potentially add more features after launch (otherwise we would bang our heads land add way too much time on the release date looking for bugs and making it perfect). My guess is that the initial release might not have all of the module features, but that doesn't stop them from still adding those features. There can obviously be marketing issues with this as people like yourself can clearly misread what is being presented as being available right away. That being said, we've waited so long; yet, complaining about it never creates a better outcome. Why not be excited about it getting closer rather than complaining about it? I get that people are impatient and pre-paid, but would you rather have paid for a piece of garbage that you can barely load due to them not being ready or would you rather have paid for a solid start to a game that you can enjoy in it's infant stage?
  6. 1 point
    Well, i guess you are right But...... if it would be some way to , lets say for example, "check the age" or "sort out" the people entering lets say , a stripclub. Then it should be at least a lot better, than taking nudity away entirely. Personally, i think violence and such, is way more worse than nudity. But i dont remember how young people think, tho i am "old". I agree with all that you are saying. And sadly, i should be doing other things than playing games If they would take away nudity entirely, and censor violence, i wouldnt care to much, since that is not the main thing to do in this game
  7. 1 point
    Can people please stop making pointless threads? Legit this is a waste of time and serves no purpose other than people circle jerking and going on about made up release dates as per usual.
  8. 1 point
    and the sun is purple. do you know what these two statements have in common? they are both false. The Task tracker is not some hoax or some way to shut everyone up, there is indeed only 1 task left being apartment inventory which might just be the trickiest part yet. The reason one task can take this long is because of the stress testing, every single bug they fix can cause another ten bugs so no the tracker is not BS
  9. 1 point
    It's imminent so it must be within a year? I wonder what they think imminent means
  10. 1 point
    It would be nice to be able to become a train driver in identity, hopefully they will allow it. But if not, you could always work in other public transportation services like a Bus Driver or even a Taxi Driver.
  11. 1 point
    So just to squash anything that people are using as leverage in regards to "time" as a topic: One simple statement can be made: Look at the years it's taken for them to release GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2. If GTA VI is in the making by any means (GTA 6), then it's sure taking some time, as GTA V was released years ago. Why does this not strike anybody's attention? Because they announced it months before release, not years prior. Asylum Entertainment has great people behind it, wonderful representatives and employees that continue to remain dedicated to all of this regardless, and they're doing a wonderful job at paying attention to detail more so than other game developers care to with their games. This being said, this is a small team, developing a HUGE project, and SUCCEEDING! Ask yourself before you use time as a constraint (I have been following this dev tracker for quite some time now) how many employees and designers Rockstar Games has driven between Rockstar North and Rockstar Games. Then return with some politeness to the efforts that 12 have made versus hundreds that don't pay the same amount of attention to detail and customization. Just to scale it up for you: NO: You cannot expect 20,000 pieces of clothing, advanced physics with COMPLETED vehicles with extreme amounts of detail in paint and interior, with valid functioning components individually coded and hex-applied, and entirely functional buildings with open movement customization with frame by frame model animations for every single minor and great interaction, in a blink. It takes hours to perfect a piece of clothing. Take up game development, and study it a good bit, and you'll understand it.
  12. 1 point
    Why would you even want that in the game? It's beyond pointless. I'd prefer that the devs would spend their time on more important aspects of the game than this.
  13. 1 point
    Oh wow. I'm going to follow this one! ^ u^ Also I really love their motivations behind their creation: " We want to provide a fun outlet for folks to enjoy themselves in a virtual world. We also want to provide a platform for folks who may suffer from circumstances that prevents them from fulfilling an average life. Whether you suffer from physical or mental ailments, such as depression, any kind of social anxiety, or basically anything that prevents you from doing basic activities, Project Oasis World can be used as a resource to help people live the life they want to live." And it looks like we'll be getting more than 2 genders options for those people who should be able to express themselves. ^^ I like their developer page and everything looks well organized so far. I'll have to see where this one goes!
  14. 1 point
    I agree with you, this info section is very outdated, but they aren't going to change it until the new website is released, I don't know why, but I have certainly brought it up in the past.
  15. 1 point
    Trains will not be controllable by players according to this post by Paratus, the project lead. Sorry.
  16. 0 points
    It gonna make the game more realistic in my opinion it will give it more life you know what i mean? and the purpose of this game is to make u simulate the life you want, and the game already has violence, blood, drugs, guns and strip clubs so the game is not for every age. and as i said it might be silly for some people but why not adding something sexual.