
What will you RP in identity?

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I'd like to try it all at some point, but I'll probably end up just attempting to recreate myself and my own life - that's what I usually find myself doing in games haha

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21 hours ago, Potassium said:

I'd like to try it all at some point, but I'll probably end up just attempting to recreate myself and my own life - that's what I usually find myself doing in games haha

Aw man. Be spontaneous, don't Sims me.

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More than likely a cop, as I planned since I funded in Kickstarter. No use changing my plans til I see what else I'll enjoy.


I wanna do SWAT or DEA, or Detective style gameplay.

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13 minutes ago, Tru_Thug_Passion69 said:

Me too <3

If your a guy there willnt be much buisness lmao

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15 minutes ago, SkinnierSteve said:

A very unpredictable man. Also, I'll work for a security company, although they will have no idea what I'm up to.

What do you plan to do lol.

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5 minutes ago, Aztec said:

What do you plan to do lol.

lol, that's a secret. You'll see if you ever manage to find out what I'm up to by stalking me in the game.

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57 minutes ago, SkinnierSteve said:

lol, that's a secret. You'll see if you ever manage to find out what I'm up to by stalking me in the game.

I'm scared :o

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Stay out of crime, maybe become a cop, most likely to become a businessman, make money, craft materials, build an empire of wealth and form friendships with other players.

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Im obviously going to be the head of a successful "business family" that operates with construction, laundry mats , clothing stores etc. but of course all of this will be a front to my massive criminal empire paying off cops etc. Earning money for my family.

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Partner @ Mowry, Oleski and LaMartina law offices.  We will have a bail bonds division (if bonding is going to be possible) with bounty hunter to catch those who skip on their bail.  We will also provide legal representation to all but are looking to find a Cartel/Gang Boss to hold us on retainer.  Does any one know if they are working on a law library?  

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On 2/12/2017 at 9:03 PM, Luck said:

I will RP some guy who wears socks and sandals .....And lives secluded in the woods while waiting for a little kid to come by....Ill let u fill in the rest

You scare me.  I use to have nightmares of someone like that as a kid.

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My plans are pretty simple: i try to be as legal as possible in all my actions. Planing on playing a Grandpa who moved to a new country and doenst really care about luxury and money. I just want a simple life. Im so thrilled to see how this turns out :D

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12 minutes ago, Ownersen said:

My plans are pretty simple: i try to be as legal as possible in all my actions. Planing on playing a Grandpa who moved to a new country and doenst really care about luxury and money. I just want a simple life. Im so thrilled to see how this turns out :D


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I want to be a musician in this world and recreate songs with other people or go solo and make unique music. If there are anyone that tries to kill me, I'll kill them first. If cops arrest me for defending myself, then I'll stop the cops and go rogue vigilante style. 

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I would probably be an annoying neighbour and a crooked dea officer, depends on the mechanics... i will for sure smoke weed in game

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On my main character i will start as a taxi driver and when i have enough money i will be an investor. Then when I am rich I am propably gonna open multiple businesses, make them big and sell them after. I'm planning to be a well-known businessman.

With my second charakter I'm gonna start as a police officer and try to get into the SWAT team.

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Here is the story:

Crystal Wolfgang is a boy, born in the slums of a city that is next to a forest. 

He was born to a family of 2 more kids.

He was an intelligent and strong boy, learning fast and adapting to his environment. He taught himself how to hunt small game in the forest (rabbits) at the age of 7, and how to make poison out of poisonous toads at the age of 10. He was a kid who loved nature, and he had a special approach to wild animals,which almost never showed any aggression towards him. He rarely went to town, as he got the food to his family from the forest in his free time... 

His family got a lethal sickness at the age of 10, which he was immune to, because of his very strong immunity systems, and they relied on him.

One day, at the age of 11, he went to town to buy some things for himself and his family, looking for help from medics or books to study that himself. He got some money from selling the leather of the animals he needed to hunt... 

As he walked around in town, he heard a cop whisper to another cop that something is happening in the slums. Out of distrust to cops, since they never helped him or his family, he kept going. He found some books about diseases and cures. After coming out of the book store, with a lot of money in his pocket, he decided to go and buy a phone...

Excited about his new property, he ran in the direction of the slums... With the slums in his sight, he also saw something else... Fire. And smoke. He ran faster in the direction of his house, only to find 2 corrupted cops laughing, his lame shack on fire, and 4 criminals pointing guns to his family's head. He hid, knowing he will just die if he jumped in there. And a few seconds later, 3 gun shots were heard, and his family was no more... Out of rage, snuck behind one of the corrupted cops. In a matter of seconds, the gun was pulled out of the pocket, and the cop noticed. He turned around, and Crystal shot 2 bullets at him, missed the heart but hit the lungs. The cop suffocated and died a bit later. The second cop pulled his gun out and turned around, but he was shot in the head since he reacted slowly. (Crystal snuck up on animals, climbed trees, and used a bow and arrow and threw his knife while growing up mostly in the woods... So he had a pretty good accuracy. It was a gun though,so he still had problems handling it since it was much heavier thsn the othrr tools he hsd used, but he adapted quickly, and scored a headshot at almost point blank...)

The other criminals started shooting at him, and his arm holding the gun got shot. He ran fast towards the forest. They followed.

When they entered the forest, their number advantage became pointless, since they couldn't even see him. They split up, a bad move... He was already in the bushes, waiting. He took them out one by one with his poisoned knife, it is not the best knife, but the poison paralyzed them. *The cops showed up at his little shack, seeing the dead bodies, and hearing screams, they run in the direction of the forest...*.

The "leader" had 2 bodyguards with him, so sneaking wasn't the best choice. Crystal picked up one of the guns of the dead criminals. Not knowing that there is a difference between a pistol and a gun that fires in bursts, he pulled the trigger once and killed one of them, but that wasn't the plan, since the recoil was too much for an 11 year old to handle, the gun was out of control. He let go of it and tried to run, he was hit by a number of bullets. The cops showed up and shot the leader and the bodyguard left. They ran up to Crystal, requesting assistance and medics.

After 1 year of being in coma, he woke up... In the hospital...

As word spread around the police station about the kid who killed 5 armed men waking up, a lot of opinions were thrown around: "He is just a criminal", "People from the slums don't deserve to live". But one man had a different opinion. His name was Jack Steinberg. He was the one who saved Crystal.

Jack went over to the hospital. He adopted Crystal. Gave him education in school, a new family, a new life.. But Crystal never got out of his rage and hatred for outlaws and corrupted people. If he would see injustice, he would interfere immediately.

Although his hatred and rage kept him from socializing very well, his hobbies and way of life stayed. He loved going into the forest, and staying there all day. He learned how to make weapons like knives, and he learned chemistry alone until he got to the age of learning it in school. 

At the age of 20, Jack knew that Crystal would not want to noin the police since he wouldn't trust anyone there. But he gsve him a different idea: He advised him to get money to buy a van, big enough so that you could live in it. And travel around the land, look to make justice in his own way. When Crystal heard the last line, he remembered the symbol on one of the criminal's shoulder. The mafia. 

Since the day he bought a van and some survival gear, he went out to the wilds, in search of the mafia. In search of revenge. Knowing he was still in debt to Jack, he promised to him that he will try to get into the police when he is able to trust them, and that he can call for help anytime...

(If they add actual interactive pets, then when he was 9 years old, he found a Harrier (type of dog) puppy in the streets. (male) Starving. He brought it home with him, and fed it since he had enough meat to cook for his family, a bit of meat wouldn't be enough for adults and kids older than him anyway he thought... The Harrier grew up to be his best hunting buddy, and he helped him track down game or hunt small animals like rabbits or birds. When the event with the criminals happened, he was shot as well, but he didn't die. He played dead while bleeding from his leg. The cops helped it as well since he didn't lose too much blood by the time they got there...). The puppy was 2 months old when found. Probably thrown away. Most dogs live about 15 years? For the sake of it being a game lets just say he can live about 21 years (my dog IRL is about 18 years old. So it isnt that far fetched)

Tell me what you think about this character please. Any feedback is appreciated :)


Edited by DJRockXD
Wrong info
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I will probably be a serial killer that lives in the woods and smokes weed. (I will only do this while i'm not working)

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I acctually want to save life's, or run a Furniture or Cloth store, but... as i see, to save life will be more rentable... xD

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