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Everything posted by Boumu

  1. Continue The Story

    the new liberated moon which was controlled by...
  2. Continue The Story

    Matthew McConaughey, who than later traveled to the 4th dimension only to find...
  3. Continue The Story

    and then all the panties covered the sun so then the earth...

    It's all about the grannie panties
  5. Continue The Story

    Josef Fritzl was the name of the @Vix's man of affair. so they...

    When I strip will I have briefs or boxers! Will they be attached to character model or can I buy different kinds?
  7. Continue The Story

    had plenty of sex until they...
  8. Hello from Australia

    Welcome @Chuc
  9. movie

    Like the NSA and CIA and Local Police care that much about one person posting a comment online. @Kickapoo @Shimozukachi
  10. movie

    Believe that's called piracy? If I'm not mistaken
  11. Continue The Story

    asexual reproduction, they planted their "human fluids" in the ground
  12. Post what made you laugh

    @Atmosphere I've watched Filthy Frank once. I watched Vomit Cake. Never again.
  13. Dollabank Job Listing

    I imagine that a "loaning business" would be enforced with corrupt marketers, in case MrSomeone doesn't pay in time. Take his car and sell it at an auction Would really like to see honest players doing loans between each other.
  14. I wonder if we are able to invest into player companies, not just a simulated cooperation that randomly changes over time
  15. The road to find the worst internet ad

    This one is my favorite troll advertisement
  16. Spare weapons

    @Vix Can you message me the details on car modifications Curious on how in-depth it will be
  17. looking for groups?

    I don't want to join an organization that do nothing but illegal activities, I'd rather have a group of friends that just want to chill and go around bar hopping on occasions
  18. CrazyToby Introduction

    Welcome @CrazyToby
  19. Communication

    Just hope the chat bubbles wont be gigantic and distracting, would suck if you're trying to do something sneaky and your partner has a giant bubble pop up that gives you away.
  20. Your Identity

    A bit judgmental aren't we I mean it's their body they can pierce whatever they want in my opinion
  21. what server will you play on?

    I'll probably stick to Official US-West Servers since they have the best ping for me, might go international just to see the difference in communities
  22. Your Identity

    I personally wont be doing any piercings but I do agree some piercings can be attractive
  23. rp group/server plans anyone?

    Still can't decide if I want to live off the land or work in the city. Depends on the jobs; like I said
  24. rp group/server plans anyone?

    Because I want to choose the role that is the being used the least, If I choose to be a criminal now and there are too many criminals it would only be right to become a cop, but then I have a past history of being a criminal while trying to become a cop. See what I'm getting at?
  25. Your Identity

    I always love creating new characters, I'll probably create three different characters before I settle for the first one I made...