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Everything posted by DLimit

  1. Ah, understandable. I had accidentally misinterpreted your organization for a completely different organization.

    Vice-Versa with sexists.
  3. In-game, both organizations are of a different body. However, in reality, The "Grape Street Crips" is a set within the Crip gang.
  4. You're misinterpreting the entire argument: The CRIP claimed that he shall execute capitalists while infringing his own code as an organization that was initially anti-capitalist. His contradiction is completely different from my organization's demands.
  5. Socialism and Communism does not consist of twisted "origins". However, a few individuals had committed "twisted" actions under the guise of Socialism. Completely different. I was merely suggesting that the subject that not abiding by his organization's guidelines, while also noting that his organization was founded by anti-Capitalist and anti-White Supremacist ideals. "but don't be calling out people on their ideology origins on here" The individual threatens to execute communists and socialists within MY topic. I had merely stated that the individual had infringed his own gang's code.
  6. Which path? Educating an individual on the origins of his gang while addressing the infractions that he is committing within his own organization?
  7. "09 Every G must give RESPECT to other organizations unless given DISRESPECT16 You should never start a conflict unless it's important, because everything you do reflects on each and every *CRIP always put your supreme mind to it"" Disobeying your own rules, soldier. CRIPS were initially a socialist-sect of The Black Liberation Front in order to combat against the corrupted system of white supremacy and capitalism, until it became another lumpenproletarian petty-bourgeois organization that was heavily corrupted by it's own power structure. Any real CRIP would've aligned it's self with the Revolutionary cause...
  8. "Stepping on" drugs

    It would be a decent idea for individuals to increase the quality of their narcotic substance based on their in-game level in either alchemy or chemistry.
  9. Greetings, comrade. I shall provide you with a link to the party's discord page very shortly.
  10. Communism/Socialism consists of more democratic characteristics than capitalism. In fact, Capitalism contradicts democratic values since the capitalistic system serves the interests of the "individual" while a democracy serves the interests of the "majority", which conflicts with one another when both systems interconnect. I.E. Lobbying.
  11. Not at all, which aspect of the topic causes one to produce such a claim? (Curious)
  12. - I was utilizing the phrase "Bomb the Headquarters" to symbolize the Maoist ideal. However, it could merely include occupying The Police Department. - Second option is not an issue since other subjects will purchase items on behalf of the movement. - Understood. The movement may resort to stealing the firearms of armed civilians - By parliament, I was referencing to the city hall and mayor's headquarters Thank you very much for clarifying the information for me.
  13. Time/Years

    Hopefully, the developers shall ensure that the dates are based on "real-time" forms of measurement rather than stating "January 1, 0000" considering that the game is expected to remain realistic to it's highest potential. For example, if the game were to be release on December 22, 2018, then the in-game date should be "December 22, 2018".
  14. In Town Square.....

    Damien Malik shall utilize "Times Square" as a means towards recruiting members and supporters for "The People's Revolutionary Party". Jeru Jones shall more than likely surveil the public for potential recruits into a revolutionary guerrilla organization. Dimitri Tsarnov shall attempt to recruit individuals into "The Left-Hand Mafia". Aside from character roles, I am anticipating the ability to examine the library, court house, art gallery, and clothing store. Otherwise, producing the party's office within my two-bedroom apartment shall be an interesting aspect of the game.
  15. Town Square Video Preview

    I had purchased the highest pledge within the game. I am anticipating the release of Town Square. Thank you very much for producing such an astonishing masterpiece that truthfully represents the interests of immersive role players. Continue with the astonishing work! Damien Malik: Founder and Representative of The People's Revolutionary Party, Lawyer, and author. Jeru Jones: Guerrilla Revolutionary, poet, narcotics dealer, and club owner Dimitri Tsarnov: Mobster and steel manufacturer.
  16. The People's Revolutionary Party's webpage is IN DEVELOPMENT and is hiring individuals to fulfill numerous roles within the Departments: http://prp-identity.com
  17. [IPO] June 2018 Poll

    The People's Revolutionary Party - Damien Malik
  18. You're referring to the individual actions of a few individuals that proclaim to associate themselves with such an organization. However, the organization heavily revolves around countering fascism throughout any means necessary, which includes punching literal Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and Fascists that promote their intentionally violent ideals on to humanity.
  19. Which fascist tactics is one referring to? Utilizing violence as a means towards countering against aggressively violent regimes is fascist? Thus, you must also oppose the French Resistance, the Jewish Resistance, and any other nation-state or organization that had utilized violence against NAZI Germany and Fascist Italy. "Anti-Fascist Movement" (ANTIFA) are aware that Fascist regimes, such as Neo-Nazis, are inherently violent since their ideology revolves around utilizing violence against non-Aryans. Thus, to defend minority groups with violence is completely justified since these fascist organizations already conspire to commit genocide against non-Aryan or non-Fascist individuals.
  20. Forum: Character Vault sub-forum

    Agreed, the forums should consist of a legitimate "Character Vault" that provides players with the ability to submit more than one post that is strictly intended for the purposes of displaying very well-detailed autobiographies of more than one character. The topic or section should consist of a variety of strict guidelines that must be followed by any individual that posts within the topic: 1. Players must produce ONE POST PER CHARACTER (although, the amount of characters could be unlimited), 2. Players shall be obligated to abide by a template that is located within the original post of the topic. 3. Any alterations of the character's information shall be EDITED, rather than re-posted as another post/comment. 4. Non-templated posts shall be deleted. I.E. Comments on a templated post or non-templated autobiographies.
  21. Property Rights

    It would often depend on the Laws that are enacted by governors or judges (depending on the seriousness of role-play within each server).
  22. Which individual claimed that the organization was funded by "ANTIFA"? The People's Revolutionary Party supports "Anti-Fascist" movements throughout the Island. However, "Anti-Fascist" movements are a combination of Communist, Socialist, Anarcho-Communist, Anarcho-Capitalist, and Libertarian individuals that oppose Fascism.
  23. Corruption is less likely to occur considering that the representative could be overthrown by either: A) The People's Revolutionary Army (The Army of the Party) B) The People's Revolutionary Militia (The Citizen-Regulated Militia) Re-analyze the judicial system of the party if one presumes that the party is capable of transitioning into a corrupt organization. How shall a party exist if it infringes it's own constitution?
  24. Your understanding of political systems seems much more accurate than a lot of these pro-capitalists that spout "Cold-War Rhetoric" or "Red-Scare Rhetoric" with zero understanding of the actual political and economic system of Socialism or Communism. Thank you very much for understanding the party's stance on the matter of "Revolting against Liberal Bourgeois-Democracies" in exchange for forming a "Proletarian-Democracy under Mass-Line Representation". An interesting video for one to observe considering that it OBJECTIVELY explains the theories of "Marxism-Leninism-Maoism": Does one possess any questions regarding the policies of the party? Does one seem interested in functioning as either a member, volunteer, or voter of the party?