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  1. 1 point
    The "Left-Hand Mafia" shall be recruiting individuals that are willing to fulfill the interests of a specific UNDISCLOSED political party in exchange for WEALTH, LUXURIES, AND FAVOURS. The RANKING system usually determines the amount of profits that a member shall receive. The percentage of profits shall be determined in the future... the ranks consists of the following: 1. The Left-Hand: The "Left-Hand" functions as the absolute leader of the organization. In the process, the "Left-Hand" is INCAPABLE of disclosing or revealing his or her government name to the public in order to ensure that the "Left-Hand" is not a target by government authorities or private organizations. Thus, the "Left-Hand" remains unrevealed and unknown to each and every member of the mafia-organization, EXCLUDING The Five Fingers of The Left. "The Left-Hand" is capable of engaging with each and every member of the organization. However, "The Left-Hand" CANNOT reveal his or her role as the leader of the organization in order to ensure that the organization remains secure and stable against any opposing third-party state or non-state organizations. 2. The Five-Fingers [of the Left]: The "Five-Fingers [of the Left] are "The Left-Hand's" elite-minded advisers with the second-highest status within the organization. Usually, each finger represents the support for "The Left Hand". Otherwise, "The Left-Hand" would cease to function effectively. Each member is classified with their own nickname in order to ensure their confidentiality within and outside of the organization while possessing unique RANKS and ROLES that contribute to The Left-Hand Mafia: A) The Thumb: The Thumb is the dominant so-called "finger" within the organization that generally functions as the "Second in-command" of the organization. Hypothetically, if "The Left-Hand" is assassinated, disposed, resigned, or deceased due to natural causes, The Thumb shall function as the NEW "Left-Hand" of the organization. The thumb shall be DECAPITATED if it fails to abide by the guidelines of "The Red-Hand" or discloses the IDENTITY of EITHER THE FIVE FINGERS or "THE LEFT HAND" to ANY other individual within the entire world, resulting in replacing the thumb by another member that is appointed by "The Left-Hand". One must note that mentioning either individuals' identities is NOT an issue as long as their names are NOT connected to their RANK within the organization. B) The Index [Finger]: The "Index" [Finger] is third in command within the organization. The identical penalties applies to the "Index" [Finger] regarding the disclosure of The Five Fingers' [of the Left] of "The Left-Hand's" identity. C) The Middle-Man [Middle-Finger]: The "Middle-Man" or "Middle-Finger" is the fourth in command within the organization. The "Middle-Man" or "Middle-Finger" may secede "The Index [Finger]" if the subject is assassinated, disposed, resigned, promoted, demoted, or deceased due to natural causes. The identical penalties applies to the "Middle-Man" or "Middle-Finger" regarding the disclosure of The Five Fingers' [of the Left] of "The Left-Hand's" identity. D) The Ring-Man/Ring-Finger/Ringer: The fifth in command within the organization. "The Ring-Man", "Ring-Finger", or "Ringer" may secede "The Middle-Man [Middle-Finger]" if the subject is assassinated, disposed, resigned, promoted, demoted, or deceased due to natural causes. The identical penalties applies to the "The Ring-Man", "Ring-Finger", or "Ringer" regarding the disclosure of The Five Fingers' [of the Left] of "The Left-Hand's" identity. E: Pinky/Smalls [Finger]: The sixth in command within the organization. Pinky/Smalls [Finger] may secede "The Ring-Man" if the subject is assassinated, disposed, resigned, promoted, demoted, or deceased due to natural causes. The identical penalties applies to the "Pinky/Smalls" or regarding the disclosure of The Five Fingers' [of the Left] of "The Left-Hand's" identity. 3. The Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen]: Thirteen members that are appointed within the council in order to function as the advisers of "The Five Fingers [Of the Left-Hand]. Usually, The Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen] tends to function as the elitist members of the organization with the ability to interact with the "The Five Fingers [of Left-Hand]". Thus, The Left Hand and Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen] usually discusses the affairs of the organization in order to present "The Five Finger's" orders to the "Officers" (via the MESSENGER) The council cannot disclose the identity of "The Five Fingers" OR The Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen] to any member or non-member within the map. However, disclosing their identities is not an issue as long as subjects are not revealed to be connected to the organization. The council is capable of ELECTING one member of the council if "The Five Fingers [of the Left]" requires another "Pinky/Smalls" through a democratic vote. 4. The Messenger: The messenger transports the information from "The Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen]" to the officers... Nothing more, nothing less. The Messenger is usually classified as a former dedicated "Officer" that deserves to attain a large amount of wealth after dedicating their entire life to the organization. In other terms, it is the "easy job" after functioning as a veteran member of the organization. The entire organization merely consists of ONE MESSENGER in order to ensure that the CONFIDENTIALITY of "The Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen] remains secure. The Messenger shall be executed if it discloses the name of an individual and their connection to the organization. For example, the Messenger cannot state "Christopher Wilson is a member of The Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen]!" to any member or non-member of the organization. However, the Messenger merely delivers the message... 5. The Treasurer: Responsible for presenting the organization's profits, losses, funds, distribution of funds etc... to The Messenger. Usually, The Treasurer attains the profits from the officers prior to presenting the profits to the messenger. The Messenger is expected to disclose the profits to "The Left-hand Council [of Thirteen]" while "The Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen]" discloses the profits to "The Five Fingers [of the Left-Hand]". Finally, "The Five Fingers [of the Left-Hand] discloses the profits, losses etc... to "The Left-Hand". The Treasurer does NOT regulate the WEALTH of the organization. However, it is the individual that REPORTS the information to higher members of the organization. Any MEMBER that conducts theft on the organization's currency shall be assassinated as soon as possible. 6. Officers: Thirty-three officers are appointed by a combination of "The Five Fingers [of the Left-Hand]" and "The Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen]" in order to abide by the orders of The Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen]. In the process, officers possess the ability to control their own "family" that exists under their last name. For example, James Taylor would form "The Taylor Family". Thus, the Officers are capable of forming their own unique orders as long as it does not interfere with the orders of "The Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen]". Otherwise, the Officer shall be executed by the organization. 7. Family Member: A regular member of the organization. Usually, the Family Member is expected to respond and abide by the orders of their Officer. Failure to abide by the orders of an officer may result in disciplinary actions that are devised by the Officer of the family. The family member is expected to classify themselves as a member of their respective family. For example, Tony Smith is a member of "The Taylor Family" (governed by Officer James Taylor) in order to be classified as "Tony 'Taylor' Smith". The identical scenario would apply to Mario Machiavelli as a member of "The Washington Family" in order to be classified as "Mario Washington Machiavelli". Each "Family Member" possesses numerous roles that could be fulfilled throughout the organization. The roles may include: robber, arsonist, extortionist, assassin, thief, kidnapper, espionage agent etc... any role that one could imagine as long as it contributes to the organization. 8. Recruit: The lowest member of the organization that is often expected to fulfill numerous tasks for family members and officers until the officer deems the recruit to be a suitable member of a specific family. Each and every member of the organization shall be capable of fulfilling any role that their character desires. However, each and every member must abide by the hierarchical structure of the organization. In other terms, the recruit must abide by the guidelines of the family and officer, the family members must abide by their officer, the officers must abide by the orders of the messenger, the messenger must abide by the orders of "The Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen]", "The Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen] must abide by the orders of "The Left-Hand", and "The Left-Hand" must abide by it's.... you guessed it... the undisclosed political party that had FORMED the entire organization since DAY ONE. Each and every member shall attain profits according to their ranks and roles within the organization considering that the organization intends to assert it's dominance throughout the map. The political party shall not claim ownership of any of the mafia's possessions etc... However, the party shall be expected to attain 50% of the ENTIRE organization's profits. In the process, the organization shall attain an extensive amount of favours from political leaders, Lawyers, doctors etc... within the city. It shall be worth one's efforts... PROFIT AND FAVOURS. UNIFORM: During important meetings, members are expected to equip a black or grey suit on to their character with a red shirt. However, members are not expected to equip a suit on to their character during the majority of their daily activities considering that it would preserve the CONFIDENTIALITY of the organization. Codes: Each and every member, depending on their rank, shall be presented with a set of CODES in order to ENSURE that the individuals are a member of the organization. The codes of a member of "The Left-Hand Council [of Thirteen]" shall possess different codes compared to an Officer etc... Any disclosure of such codes to another ranking member or non-member shall be executed considering that it would result in undercover officers or a third-party organization infiltrating the organization. "False-claiming" is NOT acceptable. (P.S. The mafia shall clearly BEGIN as a small organization until the organization consists of a lot of members)
  2. 1 point
    Hello RPErs, I wanted to bring to light a common issue that people may come across regardless of age while playing role playing games or even video games in general. This issue can impact everyone of us and can have negative effects to our real life. Such effects can range to losing priorities in real life, doing bad in school, performing bad at work, stress, loss interest in socializing with family and or friends in real life, physiological and mental negatives effects. These listed are only but a few negatives effects listed that can occur while we play videos games and or role play for long extensive periods with out breaks. As we embark into role playing and role playing MMOS and video gaming in general we have to understand some negatives affects that these can have on your priorities if you do not manage your time properly. Let me explain: As we "role play" and pretend to be a different person on such platforms that are huge in role playing we often can lose track of who we are in real life. Dont worry i am here to help you understand good practices to keep you focused in real life while having fun in a role playing setting. The following tips can help you keep your real life priorities and goals in order and allow you to have fun resting assure your mom wont yell at you cause you are failing school, or you boss at work is getting ready to fire you or your loved ones aren't getting to see you or issues managing time for your girlfriend or boyfriend. Lets Begin: TIME MANAGEMENT Time management is key for those that are in school and or have a family to look after or even have a job that is time consuming. You must know when to play video games and when you need to stop to get some rest, cook dinner, do laundry etc. These daily life tasks and procedures are whats called your priorities. Remember when your mom told you to clean your room before you played outside or even hopped on your favorite video game? Well, that still applies when you become an adult or even if you are not one yet what your parents are saying is true. You must make sure you have completed your priorities before spending a long period of time on your favorite video game. Time management will allow for you to set schedules on when important priorities need to be completed, you can do the critical important tasks before you start gaming then complete some lesser important tasks after you're finishing your gaming session. Whats important is to remember you are the one to set a schedule and maximize efficiency of your time spent. The goal is to knock out your important tasks for that day before gaming, then finish up tasks that aren't time sensitive after you're done gaming. Have good time management and you'll be on your way to a pound for pound champion!!! Go get em tiger. PRIORITIES Ah, yes priorities. Those tasks you have to do because if you don't you could lose your job, not make rent, lose your girlfriend or even be late on appointments or even just become depressed when you lose track of priorities. Make sure before you have begun planning a good schedule for time management that you are fulfilling your priorities and these could be from a number of things that you have to complete in real life. Only you know what these are or if you are a minor and living with momma and pappa, ask them what are your priorities and listen to what is expected from you by your parents. Once you have established your priorities then you can begin ranking them from most important (must complete) to less important (can complete at will). HEALTH This one is a short one but make sure you are getting adequate sleep .... (4 hours a day is not adequate sleep who you kidding?) make sure you are keep yourself and your environment hygienic so germs do not effect you and get you seek. Make sure you are showering at least once a day (id recommend 2 times a day one in the morning and one at night). Make sure you are playing in a lit room so your eyes dont get damaged (some have more sensitive eyes and over time playing in a dark room can negatively impact your eyes, others however might not be affected, consult your eye doctor. I am no doctor so please make sure you are always consult your doctor about healthy choices not the internet. ) Make sure you are getting from your desk and or area of gaming and stretch those muscles take a little walk, drinks some water. Also, please refrain from eating unhealthy snacks and or sugary drinks as these can cause health problems. A good habit i like to do is eat some carrots and or celery when i game. Or even have some fruits.(fruit juice choose is not recommended as these typically are high in sugar). Make sure you look away from your screen at a distant object to not stra in your eyes. If you feel lightheaded from gaming to long and or feel dizzy stop playing immediately and consult your physician. Lastly stay hydrated! WATER WATER WATER. one good thing about water while gaming its good for your body and while you drink lots of water it forces you to get up with frequent visits to the urinal. Hence making you active and keep your blood flowing. REAL LIFE YOU vs ONLINE ROLE PLAYING YOU Remember at the end of the day no matter if you are a criminal, serial killer, queen, king and or doctor or whatever you imagination takes you at the end of the day those are just fantasies. There is a real you in REAL LIFE that no one can replace. Be sure to remember no matter how good it feels to role play or negative it can get. remember that your virtual life is not a real life representation of who you are so don't be afraid to take risks in role playing, besides it about fantasy and make believe. always remember the real you from the online criminal you! (or whatever you like) CONCLUSION! In no way is there negative effects of playing video games responsibly! (What i mean by this is if you don't spend all day gaming and don't neglect your life goals and or sleep need then you'll be fine). To some degree however there COULD be negative affects from compulsive gaming as i have listed some negative effects in the post. Which i am only scratching the surface as there are more complex problems that go beyond the scope of this post (EX. video game addiction). What i outline in this post is touching bases on video gaming responsibly. The last part about Real life you vs virtual life you is only encouraging you to not take video games serious so you don't get angry at people if they troll you or dont rage because certain things in the game aren't going your way and don't lose who you really are in real life(which i am saying if there is cyber bullying happening remember they don't know who you really are in real life. You are awesome and you should ignore video game bullying. Which video games now days allows us to block people mute people and even report people). Whether it be performance in school or hygiene problems (ex. like playing all night then realizing you have to work in 30 minutes and don't have time to shower. or showering only to find yourself late to work BECAUSE YOU GAMED ALL NIGHT and decided to take a last minute shower.).It is clear that their COULD be some negative implications if we do not set proper time management. Thats all this post is saying. Im not saying video games is bad for you.Im not saying don't play video games i am merely suggesting that because there COULD be some negative effects to compulsive gaming. Video game addiction exists and it is very real. The adult thing is to understand what you need to do to perform great in your personal life without video games impacting you in a negative way. trust me when i tell you i have failed an exam because i was gaming all night even though i studied or i have went in to work late because i am grinding out the last level and i have to work in 30 minutes. Its not that i don't care, it was my error of not managing my time well. That is all this post is saying. here are some sources that inspired this post from credible outlets that you could find interesting. http://www.addictionrecov.org/Addictions/?AID=45 https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/pages/Video-Gaming-Can-Lead-to-Mental-Health-Problems.aspx This link below is an actual academic paper so if you cant understand what its saying then its ok, i had to read it over and over to understand what this paper was saying. https://public.psych.iastate.edu/caa/abstracts/2015-2019/15GA2.pdf trust me you cant understand it if you just read a little it actually takes focus to understand this paper. It highlights some interesting points. Finally i wanna close with the following. No one is saying videos games is bad for you and you shouldn't play it. All i am saying is if you game to much you COULD see some negative affects in your personal life if you are not managing your time well. You cant game 20 hours a day and sleep for 4 hours and expect to have time to hold a job/ shower/ and actually live a healthy life. its just not possible and i wouldnt recommended someone playing that much or even close to that. (Even though we all have had our fair share of all nightes.) This post is just a simple reminder to set your priorities straight as when great games come out we all know how much we wanna no life game them. Thank you if you actually took the time to read this long post.
  3. 1 point
    Rules: You are to continue the story from the previous post with only one to two sentences. Also, you may not kill any character that is an actual player. If a character is made up then that's fine, but you can't kill off anyone that is real. @LuciousTimes stood in the middle of The Identity Island Town Square with his Tibetan Mastiff named Chief. People were listening as he spoke about the tenacity of your everyday politicians.
  4. 1 point
    There is no information on this due to Identity being in early development. It is believed if you can run Arma 3, GTA V, and Ark no problem, you will be fine.
  5. 1 point
    Nope. Never. Pay2win is the last thing they want to do with Identity. Seeing as it has been an ugly trend in many of today’s games, they would rather make something actually fun for others aswell as themselves to play.
  6. 1 point
    (( Ditching me, and going straight to Ghost, eh? Kidding... )) (( EDIT: Top of page 6! Whoho! )) After having made her way into the Police Station, being dropped off by Barret. She'd make her way to the front desk. Whole place is dark, and eerie. And there's no one around. The whole place looks like a mess, and shot up. But there's no bodies, or anything. Suspecting something isn't right, she'd draw her gun. Having only ever fired this gun in training, at dummy targets. She'd make her way around the desk, her leg hurting a bit after the crash. The blood on her forehead, pretty much dried up by now. And mostly gone. Zoey looks around, and tries to whisper, "Hello.... Is anyone there?", her whispers met with silence. In the dark room, only lit very dimply by the lights from the outside trough the closed blinds over the windows. And a few lights flickering. Almost as if this place was taken from a horror zombie scene. She makes her way, trying her best to sneak, over to the locker rooms. Where she grabs a med kit. And she goes to pull up her pant leg, and applying some bandages to her leg. After a few minutes, she hears engines from the garage down bellow starting to rev up. Thinking it's the rest of the police force, preparing to head out to regain control on the streets. She makes her way out of the locker room. And down the hallway, to the elevator, and stairs down to the garages. Just as the makes her way to the elevator, she stops in front of the doors. Noticing it was actually moving up to her floor. And before she has time to react, the doors open to the elevator pings, and the doors open. Zoey immediately spots the three guards inside, catching her off-guard. She was totally expecting police officers to come out of there. And equally surprised are the three guards inside of the elevator, not expecting anyone alive. Zoey quickly attempts to draw her gun in self defense, as the two guards in the back. With their weapons to the side, are much faster than Zoey. And aims at her. And the lead guard in the middle of the two, steps forward quickly, and grabs Zoey's gun by the barrel, and keeps it pointed away. As he reached up with his other hand, and grabs her by the throat. Even lifting her up a little from the ground by her throat. She quickly drops her gun, as she's struggling to breath. She'd move both her hands up to the lead guard's arm, as he's choking her, trying to resist. On the verge of passing out, he steps to the side. And tosses her into the back wall in the elevator. Just hard enough to make her make a large dent in the wall. And she falls down, hitting the ground. While she's not knocked unconscious, just yet. She's feeling rather weak, and disoriented. As the two guards turns, and points the rifles at her. The lead guard commands, "Cuff her, and take her to the others.". One of the guards responds, "Yes, sir.", and goes down to grabs Zoey's cuffs, and moves her onto her stomach, where he then cuffs her hands behind her back, with her own cuffs. He'd then grab her arm, and lift her up to her feet. As he starts patting her down, and removing anything she could use to escape, weapons, tools, keys and even her phone. Zoey, feeling unable to hold on any longer, simply passes out. The guard grabs her over his shoulder, and takes her to a cell in the police station. And tosses her on the ground in one of them, and locks the door shut. And leaves.
  7. 1 point
    Keep the markets free, liberate the people!
  8. 1 point
    It is not it is price and resource management. It costs the server resources and client depending on the server nothing to do with the hotbox. A good deal of the times anyway the hitbox is the same size no matter what shape your character is. Like how they did with all points bulletin.(Big box.) Then you got to realize if first person and third person are not the same animation.(Which a lot of games they are not.) Since it takes a bit more to get animations to be the same and look right in first person and third.(They line it up in post and you in first person a lot of times are just arms your full character is not in first person. Which adds another reason why first and third person animation is not shared.) Then that adds to how much space animation takes on resources.(Resources refers to memory and cpu time. If you ignore these things you will have performance issues across the board.) In the end it all comes down to the costs. (edit: I could go into a whole big thing why female models are smaller then male models but this is not the place for that type of discussion.)
  9. 1 point
    Barrett and the Rook climb into the car as Simms hits the gas and heads out towards the PD station. Barrett looks over at her seeing her name tag. "McKenzie, is your name. you ok? Looks like you had a pretty nasty wreck there." He dodges in and out of traffic passing cars and Seeing the Red Caps all over the place. "Once we get to the Police station we will figure out what is going on." After about 10 to 20 minutes later Simms stops across the street of the Police station. He looks around not seeing any Cops or anything. "Alright go ahead Im right behind you. Im gonna park the car in the garage.".McKenzie would slowly get out of the car holding her side as she limped her way to the front door of the Police station. Simms takes a breath and then looks back at her as she walks into the police station. As soon as the door closes big giant red flags with the Order logo on them hangs down the roof down the side of the police station building. Simms raises his brow as more Black SUV with police lights on them now come out from the garage area and hits the streets. Simms starts the car back up and takes off "Sorry Kid I will come back for you." Simms heads down to his house. He pulls the SUV across the street of his house and gets out, grabbing his duffle bag of weapons. Barrett crosses the street to where his House is and tosses his duffle bag of weapons in the back of his truck. He reaches into the driver side of the truck and hits the remote for his garage door opener to open. the Garage slowly opens as he slides under the door as he doesn't have enough time to wait for the door to fully open. Grabbing Camping gear like tents, backpacks, rope, etc anything you really need to camp. He tosses them into the back of his truck and starts to remove his bullet proof vest. He grabs hi pistol from his vest holster and holsters in behind his pants. tossing the Bullet proof vest into the passenger side of the truck. Simms looks at his watch seeing that he has plenty of day light left. He runs back inside to grab a backpack and fill it up with clothes and grab his hunting rifles, and ammo. Be heading for the hills. (sorry for the late post have not been feeling good so I hope this make sense lol)
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Just know that even if people don't know your problems, they still care and are willing to help you!
  12. 1 point
    A knock on the door of the Templar's barracks. A Templar opens the door and looks at the Savior Soldier. "Templar sir, We need General Crimson outside ASAP there has been a reports of shooting. Sir" General Crimson comes into view as the other Templar steps aside. The Savior steps back as General Crimson steps up to the Savior. "Walk and talk.." General Crimson says as he starts to walk and a few more Templar's follow from behind. Savior Soldier: "Like you said there will be resistant General, but nothing like this Sir." Crimson holds his hand out as the Savior hands him a tablet. He stops and looks down at the tablet as he see pictures of a Cop killing the Saviors. "Did they call a Templar to intercept this man?" The Savior would nod and swipe right showing a video of the cop and the Templar battle. Crimson hands him back the tablet. "Where is the Templar now?" Crimson says as the Savior looks at the tablet and does a few things and then speaks "He is in medical, they don't know if he will make it, sir" He nods and places his hands behind his back and starts to walk. "But Sir" Crimson stops as so does the other Templar's but does not turn around. "I am also here to inform you that the steel walls have all been erected to prevent entry into the Kingdom sir. All bridges either have been blown or are now heavily fortified and lastly Patrols are getting ready to go out once sirens and lights get placed on top of the Humvee's. So we are ready for Phase two which is secure the Kingdom." Crimson nods "Proceed to Phase two." The Savior slams his fist into his chest "For the Order!" and then takes off. Crimson and the few Templar's that followed him head towards Medical. General Crimson and the Templar's stand inside and then walk to where the wounded Templar is. He stops at the door before opening it. "Protocol Knightfall" two Templar's stand guard at the front door as Crimson and two more Templar's walk inside. "Leave us." He says to nurses as they quickly walk out of the wounded Templar. "Proceed" Crimson says. The Wounded Templar wakes up as he is barely staying alive. The two Templar's help him out of bed. One of the Templar's lets go of him and grabs his pillow from his bed placing it on the ground. "Im.........sorry.............I.....failed you General." the Wounded Templar says as he gets lowered onto the pillow to sit on his knees. blood coming from gun shot wounds and now his mouth as he sits on his knees. One of the Templar's reaches into his pouch and pulls a white headband out with the black cross of the Templar. He would wrap the headband around his head as he says a prayer for the Wounded Templar. The other Templar pulls his gown down to his waist, also saying a prayer. Once they are done saying their prayer to the wounded Templar they stand next to him with their heads lowered. Crimson walks over to the Templar's gear and pulls the Templar's dagger from his belt. He then walks forward holding the dagger across his hands, Crimson would stop and kneel before the barely alive Templar, and holds the dagger out to him to take. The wounded Templar takes his dagger from Crimson's hands as the General Crimson lowers head. The wounded Templar with the bladed pointed to his stomach looks towards the sky and speaks his prayer. The other Two Templar's and Crimson also speak his prayer as the wounded Templar thrust the dagger into his stomach and starts to fall forward, but the two Templar's next to him grab him and lay him down on his back. Crimson stands. "Take care of our brother. everything burns with him." General Crimson moves to the door and opens it quickly and walks out and heads to the Commanders Office.
  13. 1 point
    Barrett turns the corner quickly and then avoids some of the Soldiers that have hit the streets and are starting to round people up. He turns the corner once more seeing a flipped Cop car on the side of the road and stops quickly. He notices that some of the red caps are moving to their direction of the flipped Squad car. Barrett hits the gas and speeds up next to the squad car stopping. He climbs out with his pistol in hand and quickly makes his round to see if anyone is alive in the squad car. "Hello?" He looks around and see movement from the passenger side of the squad car and quickly moves to that side of the car. Barrett gets on his hands and knees and looks inside "Hey you ok?!" He yells to the Rookie. of course he knew she was a rookie from here strips and plus he doesn't know her. "Its ok im a cop you will be ok." He looks up to see how close the Red caps are and looks back down. "Come on we need to get out of here I don't know whats going on but we need to get to the police station and find out." He extends his hand to her. He looks back up as they are closer and closer, Barrett stands up and fires a couple shots down at them to slow them down. He looks back down at the Rookie . "you got to move kid come on!" He then scrambles to the back of the squad car where the trunk is open and everything has fallen out because they did flip a few times. Barrett Holsters his pistol on his chest Vest and starts grabbing boxes of bullets, more weapons that happen to be in the back and Bullet proof vests. He starts to shove them into a backpack and another gym bag that was back there and clean it out before quickly running back to the Rookie. "its now or never kid!" He opens the side drive side of the SUV and tosses the bags into the black SUV and leans down holding his hand out to her once more. ( @Norway174 come with me to the police station or stay your call)
  14. 1 point
    Simms looks at the two and shakes his head. "Really guys How about I give you......." He stops as he looks up seeing military planes that look to be C130's. "What the Hell is going on?" staring at all the planes that fly by and men jumping out by the dozen from the plane and para dropping in. He looks back at the two. "Let me guess you don't know anything about this?" As soon as he said that 2 Black Humvee's speed towards them. Simms places his hand on his chest where his pistol is holster. The Humvee's come to a stop as these Soldiers quickly come get out of the Humvee's with their guns drawn towards the three. "Down down down!" All the soldiers says as the quickly move towards the three. Simms pulls his pistol and points it at them "Whoa Whoa Im a cop put your guns down now." Simms yells going back in forth between each soldier. Before Simms knew it the three were surrounded by these soldiers with black and red on them. "Down put it down now!" a Soldier yells once again. "You put it down im a cop!" Simms responds back to them. One of the Soldiers quickly presses his chest where his radio is to relay a message. "We have a Code 2020." a soldier says and a few seconds later a black SUV is seen heading to their direction. Simms slowly moves towards his car as slowly and carefully as he can. "DON'T MOVE! GET DOWN LAST WARNING!" Simms looks down the road and whoever is in that black SUV he doesn't want to find out. "Ahh screw it!" Simms starts to fire at the Soldiers diving behind his car. The Soldiers open up fire shooting at the car and trying to hit Simms. Simms open his passenger door up pulling out his shotgun and pops up from behind the car popping shots at the Soldiers taking them down one by one with the shot gun. The Black SUV stops and out steps is a Templar with a red helmet face cover. Simms see this Templar guy walking towards him as he raises a brow..."What the hell? is going on?!?" He pulls out his pistol once again stands up and killing a few more soldiers before the Templar unslings his m4 and points it towards Simms. "Shit!!" The Templar opens fire as he dives behind the car once again to reload. "Shit Shit shit..." Simms pops back up and hits the Templar as it hits him and he stops and takes a step back from the shot. Simms notices that he didn't go down and fires a couple more rounds back into him but again he doesn't go down. The Templar stop and raises his m4 once again and fires back as Simms ducks again. Simms looks around seeing one of the these dead soldiers near him as he leans over and grabs their m4. He check the weapon and then hears that the Templar is reloading. Simms stands back up and points it back towards the Templar once again. The Templar looks up and drops his m4 reaching for his pistol. Simms points up and then to his chest and then down to his legs. He fires a couple rounds into the Templar's thigh. Dropping him to his knees. Simms quickly moves around his car with the m4 drawn as he moves over the the Templar. Simms kicks the Templar down to the ground and kicks his pistol away. "WHO ARE YOU!" The Templar does not speak. Simms kicks the Templar on the ground "WHO ARE YOU!" again the Templar does not speak. "Screw it!" Simms fires another round into the gut area of the Templar and then looks down the Street Seeing more Black Humvee's and SUV's heading his way and more Soldiers para dropping in his area. Simms looks at the other two criminals "You two are on your own!" Simms runs to his car and grabs a duffle bag of guns and then runs to the black SUV and climbs in as he steals the SUV and heads out of the area that they are at as fast as he could. ( @UnknownX I love your new Idea so far Glad we talk about what we are going to do this will be fun)
  15. 1 point
    “Well it’s the final 2 minutes left in the game and boy is it been a good and long season for these Bullfrogs and a cold one at that Frank.” “That’s right Matt bullfrogs are down by one touchdown and we have the ball at the Sharks 20 yard line it looks like we will finish the season as champions as long as we get a touchdown and make the extra point Matt.” Matt: “Wade gets his team ready for the hike, oh and look at that we have a C130 airplanes flying overhead!” Frank “Well looks like they are early for the victory party if you ask me Matt.” Matt: “Well Frank there is a few more and a lot more..holy crap Frank look at all of them.” Frank: “If I didn’t know better Matt I would say we are being invaded” The two of them laugh as all football has stopped as the C130s fly overhead." As the camera moves to show the world what is going on it shows men jumping out of the C130s not just a few men but more like a dozen men keep pouring out from the plane parachuting down on the island. Some of the C130s are even dropping tanks, Humvees, 7 ton truck and even crates of who knows what inside of the towards the island. Frank: “What in the world is going on? Folks take a look at this on your screen maybe the camera man can zoom and get closer.” The camera Zooms in on one of the Parachuter as it looks to be a Soldier with a red helmet, Black military gear on, and holding a weapon of some kind. Just then a group of Soldiers bust into the announcers room. Yup it was true all black military gear a red cap on their helmets and a red symbol and patches on the arm. The soldiers faces are hidden by a black balaclava as you can only see their eyes. With their guns drawn they order everyone down on the ground. Meanwhile the men in Para dropping have started to land on the field and are landing all around the High school football stadium. The camera feed would be cut off as the Chaos of these unknown Soldiers take over by the thousands. Meanwhile in the middle of the Island a headquarters, a couple barracks, a warehouse, and even a landing strip for airplanes are quickly being built in the middle of the island. It looks like they are cutting the island in half. All the Roads going East to west or west to East are blocked off. A Black SUV pulls into the new Area of operation with about 5 more Black Humvee's behind the lead SUV. The door open from the SUV as a man steps out wearing a White hooded cloak, with a military vest under the cloak along with black pants, and a black helmet that covered his face. A custom M4 dangles infront of his chest and his two custom 1911 on each side of his waist. There is also logo on the front of the cloak it was a Black Cross more of a Templar cross but black. He raised his hand up slightly and made a fist. More of these Templar guys wearing the same gear but with red helmets that covered their faces, started to climb out of the Humvee's and the lead SUV. They all stand there looking around as they see barbwire fences going up around their AO. The man wearing the black helmet seems to be the leader of this operation as he waved his finger around and the rest of these Templar's would move throughout the AO. A soldier known as the Saviors runs up to the Head Templar. Savior Soldier: “General Sir, Commander is waiting on an update. Sir” The General Templar known as General Crimson of the Templars looks over at the Soldier. “Tell him all is going according to plan. We will wait for his arrival, as schedule.” The Soldier would nod and makes a fist and slams his fist into his chest “For the Order!” The Templar does the same but does not speak as the soldier runs off to do his job. General Crimson starts to move as he places his hands behind his back and starts to walk around making sure everything is getting done. He would stop seeing a Seven ton truck pull up and stop in front of him. General Crimson stands still and a bunch of Saviors run up behind him and stand at attention. The truck driver gets out and walks over to the General. The Savior truck driver gives him the 'Order' salute (Fist to the chest) and turns to look behind the truck. Savior Soldier Driver: "General we have some of the Civilians around the area and more will be coming in with in the hour." General Crimson nods as he stands there with his arms behind his back. "Take them to the prisoner camp, get their information and double up on the guards station around the camp." The Savior soldier nods and gives him the Order salute as he takes off running with a bunch of other Savior soldiers to move the civilians to the prison camp. General Crimson turns around and walks away headed towards his barracks. "We will clean this darkness from this city and bring light back to the island." (A picture of General Crimson of the Templars) (Picture below shows the area of where the Order has taken control known as the Red Zones) (A picture of the Savior Soldiers in front of PROMO flyers that are hanging all over in the Red Zones and nearby Cities)
  16. 1 point
    “Happy New Year!” The white sheets of snow cover the island on this day. A lot has gone down on this island of ours. Let’s see if we can recap it. Heroes and Villains rise and fall all in the same year it seems. Some Heroes are no longer with us as others loose a family and we don’t know if He is a still a cop, maybe a Rogue Cop? Or is he the Vigilante we all be waiting for? What about the criminals? Some got a group together to rob a bank and got away with it due to a massive fire at the chemical plant warehouse whatever you want to call it. A street racer came by and tried to leave his past in the past but again the island has something that always brings you back to your old roots. If you think that is all that happen well then you missed the biker gang that rolled into town. They are slinging drugs and weapons like you would believe it, but let me tell you something better be on their good side because these guys are all about business. Let’s not forget the man with all the money in the world who gave a criminal a lot of money just to see what he could do with it. And boy did he, by freeing some of the islands top criminals, psychopaths and murders to run the streets once more. Do you believe in Ghost? Well you should because someone is going around doing hits and the only people that are alive are saying that it was ghost. I don’t know about you guys but I believe now. A man known as the Wander happen to cross paths with a jokester who wanted asked answers. Hope he got the answers he was looking for or 2018 is going to be the death of him. And on top of all that besides the fire, kidnappings, murders, bank robberies, and good ole smuggling the goods from one end of the island to the other end. A man in a mask made his mark on the city to make it dark. Besides getting his ass kicked a couple times and bleeding all over the place it seem that recently the man in the white mask was captured once again as he left his camera on and some dickective figure out where he was located and SWAT took him down just before the clock struck midnight on new year’s eve. Stuck his crazy ass back into the Asylum...Happy New Year to that clown am I right? I bet your wondering who is this…your about to find out very very soon.
  17. 1 point
    That's not enough, if you're doing that then your just tricking youtubes auto-detect system. You need to add your own content to be able to legally show it.
  18. 1 point
    I HIGHLY doubt that's that's enough. That's not really providing your own content. You're just taking someones else content, just altering it slightly. And then providing that as your own. That's not fair use.
  19. 1 point
    To build on this... Taking something and just reuploading it, or streaming it, does NOT count as fair use. Taking something, and changing it, using different clips mixed in with your own content, providing your own commentary on top. Like, a reaction video using clips from the original video, IS fair use. (See the h3h3Productions vs. Matt Hoss case.) As for proof, literally go to any video. Open the description, and check the "License" field. Most videos tend to use the "Standard YouTube License", which you can find in the YouTube terms of service. Or just Google it. Some videos may have another license, if the license allows you to reupload or stream it, then by all means.
  20. 1 point
    Norways right, the shows on yt might be specially licenced and the uploader has rights to upload it. The only way to stream something that's copyrighted by someone else without permission is if it fits in the fair use act.
  21. 1 point
    Uhh... Absolutely not true!
  22. 1 point
    Dude. I highly doubt people will be ending up with these problems. Absolutely amazing your bringing awareness to it and that you wanna help. But I don’t think it was necessary. And I ain’t hating, I do think it’s good and nice, but 10-11 paragraphs aren’t necessary
  23. 1 point
    Name: Nicolette Appearance: Brown Wavy medium to long hair, thin and average size Race/ethnicity/nationality: Polish, Puerto Rican, and Dutch Personality: Friendly, laid back, open minded!, workaholic, and party lover! Education: PHD in medicine, highschool graduate, went to a pre-k to 8th private school before hand Misc Facts: Loves animals, gaming, and most of all cooking! Background: No known alive relatives besides her sister and looking to start one with at least 1 dog and 1 cat
  24. 1 point
    Tbh any silenced pistol but a P99 with a silencer would be nice
  25. 0 points
    Are there only blacks or Chinese? (I am not racist ^^)