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  1. 2 points
    You mean NPCs who begin to bludgeon your character if you stand near them for too long? Identity is heavily focused on Role Play, Player Interaction, Immersiveness and Realism. Every car you'll see driving down the street will be driven by an actual person. Every character shooting another character will be an actual person shooting an actual person. Every character you'll see walking through a forest will be an actual person. There's absolutely no need for NPCs to take up the space, network packets and devs time only to pointlessly derp around the map.
  2. 1 point
    Simple Rozmere, you won't!
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Hello! I'm Mikey (My-Key, Not Mickey!), I'm 21 and from the south of England, UK! I backed the Kickstarter campaign for Identity as I loved the thought of playing a game like this. I follow various Arma Life mod streamers such as Ming Jingtai (MrBong011), Tim Mac and a few others. I've always fancied playing a life mod like the Arma Life ones but have never been too great with Arma (Started playing after Arma 3 was released, so I'm a bit behind most!) and that put me off, but I look forward to learning and playing Identity. Other games I play include Rocket League (Quite badly too) and Star Wars Battlefront. I occasionally have a flutter with other games such as DayZ, ARK: Survival, The Forest, FIFA etc. As for Identity, I plan on probably going into the black market and selling illegal weapons, meanwhile making contacts and new friends. I plan to do this with my friend outside of the game, who I'll be RPing with as my 'brother'. I've actually spoken with Motown (I believe he controls or speaks for the Identity Twitter account?) and another helpful member of the community, Sicario, about the black market/Illegal weapon dealing and it inspired me to join the community and sign up to the forums! So, I look forward to chatting with some of you on here and hopefully soon on the new module!
  5. 1 point
    Terrorist are like criminals. I just wanted to make a meme for it.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I'd rp as a homeless person begging for money, doing underpaid jobs and hitch-hiking with strangers.
  12. 1 point
    I would like to see, if you are only planing on kos, you do it strategically. Kill someone move there body take out witnesses and leave area for abit until the heat cools down. Not just run around shooting people coz that will just ruin the game for other ppl
  13. 1 point
    Yeah. Not a specialist when it comes to cars or how which brand looks like tbh.
  14. 1 point
    I know at least 4 players who are 15 and younger and are very active on this website.
  15. 1 point
    First of all- look at The Precint. People are going crazy over police jobs. Identity is based off of cops vs robbers style games, so there will be plenty of police officers and quite a bit of criminals always, those jobs are 100% safe. NPCs will mostly work as cashiers in stores and as teachers (probably in tutorial part, maybe to upgrade skills) and that's all we know. There won't be useless NPCs to fill up the space (and cause lags). Second- why would NPCs have their own lives? What purpose would that make? And houses? Houses are unique- there are limited number of houses, each can be owned by a single player on a server. If NPCs would have their own houses they'd either just keep the spot away from players and sit there idle until someone buys the house, and I don't know what good a sitting idle NPC would do (especially since you can't access houses without owner's permission so you wouldn't even see the idle NPC being... idle). And I don't know how "NPC life" would even look like. It's a very social game. Would they go to karaoke and sing with Google Translate voice? Also- HUNDRED THOUSANDS NPCs?! The game will host 250-400 players! With so many NPCs the map would literally be flooded in AI. I don't even want to imagine the frame rate! What's exciting in NPCs? x-x
  16. 1 point
    It would be nice if the government could adjust the jail time per crime or leave it up to the judge at the time so you could bribe him/her for a shorty time or bribe then to give someone a longer sentence
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    This, plus I expect the number of pledges to go up as we get closer to launch especially when they release modules
  19. 1 point
    Depending on what job position, you will either be payed via contract or salary. Some positions will also include another responsibility, such as moderating our forums, that will not be paid due to it not being in-game.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Oh I don't know, because 85% of the games are being bought by 17- year olds? Just because professional athletes can work as footballers don't mean that underage kids can't play football, why should games be any different? That argument I made was absolutely irrelevant and dumb, it's the complete opposite and shouldn't be taken as a proper argument. However, it is just as accurate as yours. Games and movies are entirely different, this game won't have the same things movies will have. Also, biggest difference, it might come as a shock to you but some see this as a "GAME" to have "FUN". Not to be some fucking 56 year old dude talking to his hip rock star 43 year old friends. Having only 18+ people in a game is just as stupid as allowing only Japanese people to watch anime.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    niet no whatever no means on your mother tongue! hitman does only not suck in hitman games. identity will end like a deathmatch game and that's what i don'T want (i think 80% of backers... i'm a backer too... want serious roleplay and will ban anyone who isn't roleplaying... not that bedroom roleplay! the roleplay where you act like in reallife, except you're a psychopath and murderer. then you should get into gta v or any tom clancy game)
  24. 1 point
    Nice to meet you guys! And @Arlmar, I've always found I look half decent in a black suit and tie, maybe bow tie just for you. Want me to send measurements? Slim fit please!
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    Where will I live? Hmm, in the woods with my own house near a river hunting animals with my god damn rifle!
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Hello citizens! I'm Motown, and I'm Identity's Community Manager, the person in charge of delivering all of your important ideas and messages to Identity's development team! What's special about my role here is that I'm not just your eyes and ears, I'm also one-half of the founding team for Identity! John Vanderzwet and I set out together to make Identity a reality, and have been involved in every aspect of Identity's development since the very start. That means, through me (and our volunteer moderator staff), you have direct access to the very top of our family tree, and we can influence the design and development of Identity together! You won't get that sort of treatment from many industry CM's! So, If you have ideas that you feel will expand and define Identity for years to come, let me know, and I will make sure it hits the right ears. What a relief it has been to know that so many people have been waiting for a game like Identity for so long. I couldn't be happier to have the opportunity to be the liaison that will connect you with the world of Identity and the wonderful people who make it what it is! We strongly feel that we have a winning formula, and the deepest conviction that we may revolutionize the MMORPG genre with your support! We're going to do a lot of great things together, so it's only fair that you know a little bit about me first! My name is Sean, I'm 27 years old. My best friend is my boss and co-worker, John Vanderzet. I grew up all over the United States where I've developed the hyperactive, happy, and unbiased personality you will come to know me for! I call Ontario, Canada my temporary home while I work on Identity as your Community Manager, interim Art Director and 3D prop artist. I went to college for Video Game Design & Production, but my true passion is interacting with people! I've been a forum moderator for many large and well-known online gaming communities, including a default subreddit of 8 million subscribers on Reddit.com, a volunteer guide of the Followers of Asura in "Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures", an event organizer in "Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa" (Big RG fan btw!), the only English forum moderator of a German FPS called "Parabellum" (Google Translate ftw!), and forum moderator for "Planetside 1", "GamersFirst", "Mortal Online", and a few others I can't even remember, for varying lengths of time! Yep, I get around! But now it's time I get to know a little bit about you too. Create a new topic in this forum, and introduce yourself! We want to know exactly what personalities come out of the the deep, dark, depths of the internet to share our passion for Identity! But be nice!