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Everything posted by gabzo

  1. Marie-Clare Bouchard For Governor! (FN)

    Again, I am not arguing whether it's possible, or if it should be done in the game. That has nothing to do with what I am saying. I am simply responding to a reply that was stating that universal = 0$ in costs. And I am from Quebec and it's the perfect example of this.
  2. Marie-Clare Bouchard For Governor! (FN)

    Ambulances are covered by the health insurance but I won't get into it Don't forget that Quebec also pays for post-secondary education, different then the rest of Canada but the same rules apply. You still have fees to go to school As for how much the game will allow (I think it'll allow more then you give credit for) or more importantly how much it SHOULD allow (game politics is different by nature) is up to you and that's your own decision. I am just stating the fact that you can pay for something even if it's "universal" such as health care. The rest I'm not arguing for or against I'm not the one running, let the ones who are doing the talking. That being said, remember that although it's based on the USA it's virtual and practically it's own thing. It won't necessarily be the USA nor reflect the reality (else it'd be boring)
  3. Marie-Clare Bouchard For Governor! (FN)

    Let's be clear.I live in Quebec, Canada 1) ambulance is part of universal health care here. The flat fee of 150$ is charged even if it's universal 2) School up to 18 + CEGEP is covered by the government. You still pay fees until school is over. Let's not kid ourselves the fees don't even cover much but they exist. 3) The argument about other healthcare isn't about whether they SHOULD or NOT be in identity. It's to show, to someone who might not completely understand that "universal" != no charge and to give you examples in the real world you can draw from.
  4. Marie-Clare Bouchard For Governor! (FN)

    @LucazDaKing I feel you dont understand universal health care. You can have a fee and it still be universal. I pay for every ambulance pickup..yet its part of the universal healthcare I pay for school every year...yet school is unversal (well i dont anymore and before 18 my parents paid) British people pay a fee for getting medicine, yet its universal Shall I continue? You can have unuversal healthcare and have a fee per visit.
  5. As far as I understood, you wont do nothibg/AFK in prison and its going to have its own things to do. Otherwise it would be boring. And to me the pount is to make crimes fun but not too rampent where trolls are killing and leaving jail rinse and repeat
  6. @Fabulous If you have this wouldn't surprise you.
  7. Pediction for March 2018

    There is literally one of the artists who is starting to basically stream the entire time he is modeling because he saw how many people where into that type of thing. You can literally watch him.
  8. I don't think it's defending as much as it gets tiring to hear the same thing. It's like if none of you have seen development before and are surprised. There is nothing new. It's just the reality and I'm stating the facts. Welcome to backing an indie startup game's company. (with money or with your time). It's the reality that happens over and over again.
  9. Updated Polls

    Just remember that he is not removing them from the ballot, but instead, it's an independent polling company. If they wish to only have certain candidates they may. It just means that they are biased and it's your choice if you want to follow what the polling station does. The criteria being entirely set by them. It is not a government-run "neutral" service. Just wanted to clarify that.
  10. Police Characters

    The best thing to do is move on. I am sure a mod will clean out the forums or anything that is inappropriate. We should all remain respectful of each other
  11. Marie-Clare Bouchard For Governor! (FN)

    @JoelKeys Systems similar to that exist in real life. Although said in a manner that can be taken as aggressive, I will try to explain it. So the way that would work, is if you need healthcare for a certain day, you would be charged a flat rate of 500$. This is similar to many universal healthcare systems and different parts of it flat rate dispensing fees etc. So the idea is that it's universal in the sense you don't pay depending on your needs. (having to choose between keeping 3 fingers or just sowing 1 back on because the 2 others are too expensive) That's the idea. She said what it was based on when replying to me. She must not have seen the part where the devs said the amount it was based on. She was comparing the price to GTA V. That gives a better idea of the estimate but no one knows until the game is released how the economy of the game will act. Small criticism on this point; Employee Morale is huge. People forget that people working for the Government are also humans. Yes, even firemen need to be treated well. Would you want the firemen to be paid the least as possible, just enough so they'll survive because they owe it to you? The rest are your opinions of the party. Disclaimer: I am not a member of the party I just felt as if you where not understanding and tried to clarify a few things up for you.
  12. Up North Canada

    @valetta I'm east of you
  13. Unified Party

    Yeah, I thought the point was to know nothing and blindly put trust in someone just so you don't have to deal with the politics.
  14. Welp that just happened

    I think it looks beautiful on the PC. I do agree on the white titles on the webpage hurts the eyes.
  15. Marie-Clare Bouchard For Governor! (FN)

    The pricing, I thought, was going to reflect real life according to the devs. But that makes a huge difference.
  16. I am just posing on the forums to let you know that I have applied as asked
  17. The Developers Are Awesome!

    Yeah, I subscribed to him now. Being able to watch people work is awesome (I understand why you can't watch coders themselves) but it's a great way to show what's happening
  18. Hey Guys!

    Woot welcome! Looks like you were given all the links. I hope you enjoy your stay here and would love to get to know you a little better.
  19. @Fabulous To give you an idea. A simpler, 3D game made from Kickstarter without wanting to advertise just want to give an idea...took over 3 years and they are finally releasing alpha. That's just the reality. They too had unrealistic dates at first. It's the largest error one can make.The reality is when you support a game like this, you are taking a risk. You have to be ready for it. This is not a finished game, it's a game that didn't even start yet made by Indies. That leaves a lot of risks and you can't invest your emotions too much into it. Obviously, we can hope, but don't get let down because a KS team is not releasing the game faster or at the speed of large publishers. In the end, it's you that gets hurt the most.
  20. Thoughts on the release date?

    @NanoSpace I totally agree, as I've said in other posts, especially with game development, I prefer if they just drop it as a surprise IMO. No promises, just keep the work progress updated and then in one of the dev blogs be like "oh and btw, forgot to mention...we released the next module" etc. That's how I prefer it. But yeah what's done is done. I knew Q1 2017 wasn't going to be ready they didn't seem anything close to it. Hope they will be now because dates are important to stick to, we were now given a date.
  21. Thoughts on the release date?

    If they where anything but close i wouldnt believe them.
  22. Updated Polls

    I demand the unified party ask politely Joking can ask politely I am sure it will be his pleasure. Being polite in the choice of words tends to get you much further. Just a heads up although im almost certain you didn't mean it that way
  23. East Coast, New Zealand

    Hi Killed_IRL, welcome to the forums! I thought I'd give you a few different links that might be useful! The frequently asked questions can be found in these two links: FAQ: FAQ extended: You can also find the forum rules: Finally, if ever you want to talk to others from the community in real time, feel free to join the discord group which can be found here: I hope that you feel right at home here and can't wait to get to know you a bit more.
  24. Marie-Clare Bouchard For Governor! (FN)

    Although I agree that you can have universal health care and charge fees per visit that is a flat rate (it's used for some things like dispensing fees etc), 500$ for a day worth of Health Care does seem steep, although that is going off from what we know. Of course the exact price and value we'll only know when Identity gets released.
  25. Updated Polls

    I think what you are doing is awesome. I subscribed:D