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Everything posted by Worldraider

  1. More new tasks!

    Whilst I am in no hurry and happy to wait I have to say that I have to agree with Dazerbake. The task bar is a good concept but it is pretty much pointless if all they are doing is adding to it. Its a false sense of progression. All they are doing is replacing old ones with new ones. I have patience to wait for the TS release and have no issues there, but I am beginning to wonder if it ever will be released. Its almost like we see the light at the end of the tunnel, then it goes again. With kickstarter projects I only ever pledge when I can afford to lose so if things dont work out I dont feel to bitter about it, but at the same time I dont like being taken for a fool. I hope this is not the case here. On a side note, I dont understand why we havent seen any actual gameplay yet. I know I know, they are meant to be showing it at some point but surely they have some. It seems a bit odd how we are meant to be so close to the module release and even from promoting the game stand point this would be of such a benefit. My faith is slowly dwindling and I am beginning to wonder about the whole thing. I hope I am wrong.
  2. Why?

    It doesnt bother me and doubt it ever will. Its a choice to support it or not but it would be nice just for both sides to be respectful. After all everyone is entitled to their opinion whether they believe its right or wrong.
  3. Town Square Map!

    Takes a bit of looking but those buildings shown actually go around in a curve and follow on from each other with the green bit with all the trees on in the middle. Not much help I know but you might be able to visualise it.
  4. Task list photos | UPDATED DAILY!

    Nice have you back Byron. Hope all is well.
  5. its been a week

    Im assuming the website will be live before they would want to release the TS?
  6. its been a week

    I think I didnt quite explain myself regarding the TS not being beta. I just meant that when it comes out initially, its not at the beta stage yet, its alpha. So my point was no one is really entitled to get anything until the beta stage and beyond.
  7. its been a week

    I think you miss the point. What you pledged, you get beta access amongst other things. Where does it say the TS is beta? It doesnt, because its not so up until beta you are not entitled to anything. If you dont have patience then I dont think pledging is for you and if you think that some projects dont even get this far then this one is doing ok. I do agree something should have been said sooner about the last delay, but if its not ready, then its not. I would much rather wait then be presented with a buggy unplayable mess and thats hardly going to do them any favours if they are still after backers, worst case scenario they will see a buggy mess and people dont want to invest, which in return could lead to them shutting the project down and we all lose our money.
  8. Thank you Moderators

    I agree. I think there were too many threads that were closed needlessly early on but I think they have the right balance now and everything stays respectful.
  9. Second life!

    I want to do something with nature. Like live off the land, maybe a small time farmer or something. Then see how I feel further in the game. Although pimping cars would be cool. My own customs garage would be ideal later on.
  10. Quick Thank You

    Not sure if its been mentioned but Im thinking they will release the website before the TS. You would think they would want the new website up and running for new players when they pledge. Im sure the new one will be better.
  11. Task Tracker Not Updated?

    A nice quote some people should read: 'Patience is not simply the ability to wait, its how we behave while we are waiting.'
  12. I want to know where you all stand. Again

    No probs. I also agree with Subway244's comments so I didnt write that bit lol.
  13. Task Tracker Not Updated?

    Im sure you will complain, but Im guessing you complain about a lot. If you pledge money then you must be prepared to lose it in the eventuality of it not working out. Its a gamble, so never afford to gamble more than you can afford to lose. In this case I think the devs are going to finish it. Its just taking a bit longer.
  14. Task Tracker Not Updated?

    Even the big named developers have huge delays, you only have to google it to see how common it is. Do you complain to those companies too? Like I said, what would you have been saying right now if they released the game on time but it was unplayable because of bugs? I bet you wouldnt be too happy. It just seems to me people just want everything now.
  15. I want to know where you all stand. Again

    I pledged one of the smaller amounts. Every single pledge is based on trust for the developer to actually make a game at the end of it. Some people who back games lose their money when it falls through and the game doesnt get made so its always been my ethos to never pledge more than you can afford to lose.
  16. Task Tracker Not Updated?

    Yes there is money involved and yes I know it has been a long time but have you ever thought that perhaps the devs are new at this too. Its reasonable to assume that their deadline dates wouldnt be accurate if its their first bash at releasing a game. My personal opinion is if you pledge money for a company to develop a game then you should be prepared for this type of thing, especially delays. If you dont like it then perhaps you should have waited for the game to be fully finished and then purchased it. If you see your pledge as 'throwing money away' then maybe you shouldnt have pledged. What did you want? Did you want them to release it now? Ok they release it now then what? The very same people will be moaning about how buggy it is and how this dont work. People constantly moaning about it wont change the timeframe.
  17. Task Tracker Not Updated?

    There doesnt seem to be any pleasing some people. First they moan about the delays, so they apply a tracker so people can see whats going on, then they moan about the tracker not being updated. Im sure some people are just not happy unless they are constantly moaning about something.
  18. Task list photos | UPDATED DAILY!

    Indeed its looking good. I actually like this progress idea more than a release date. You see a clear picture of what exactly is going on and you have made it much easier to access it in one place. Im sure its not just me that appreciates it, so thanks for putting in the effort
  19. Task list photos | UPDATED DAILY!

    Looking at Day1 and Day7. A lot more green!
  20. Task list photos | UPDATED DAILY!

    Thanks for putting this info here. Makes it easier to see what's progressing. To be honest, I think what they are doing is a good idea so we can see how much is left to do and things are getting ticked off the list. I'd rather have this over a constantly moving release date with no news in between.
  21. My rant video

    Lol, I'm still chuckling about the anorexic tree!
  22. Lets be Real About the Release Date

    I'm not sure if it will come out on release date or not but if it doesn't I don't think it will be far behind. I know it's been promised and people are excited but it doesn't bother me to wait if it is late. I'd rather it was playable and not just rushed out to meet the release date just to please people and we have a bug riddled TS you can't do anything with.
  23. This Is What People Were Talking About

    When I pledged months back, I was excited for the game. As time went on that excitement faded and started to consider a refund. I changed my mind and decided not to refund and just see how it turns out. The video was ok I guess but this was the first glimpse of the game and I'm not sure why people think it's going to look like the finished product. I know it's near the first module release but what are people expecting? We are in essence the testers of an unfinished game. If you want a finished and polished game straight off the bat then why pledge now? Is it a generation thing that people just want everything done now this instant? Yes it's a frustrating wait when you have pledged your hard earned money, you want to see stuff, but at the same time it's still very early days and the whole point of pledging is to help with the development.
  24. Car Poll!

    I would like to have my own garage to do custom work. Take an ordinary car/truck and pimp it up. Not sure the car thing is happening any time soon though.
  25. What do you want to do in Identity?

    This probably contradicts what the game is about but sometimes I like doing stuff by myself, like exploring and looking around. I hope that we will not be tied too much to the jobs side of things like if you work for someone.