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Everything posted by DLimit

  1. Robbery

    Players are capable of functioning as "brave" individuals by defending their persons and/or evading the scene, despite a firearm being aimed at their head, considering that a large portion of armed robberies tend to involve utilizing weapons as a mechanism towards persuading the victim to COMPLY to the commands of the suspect through FEAR. However, the majority of armed robbers are rarely willing to commit acts of homicide during an armed robbery. Thus, it is extremely realistic for individuals to run away from an armed robber if the subject is willing to sacrifice their life for their liberty. It shall be the armed robbers decision to convert an "armed robbery" charge into an "attempted murder" or "homicide" charge.
  2. Create Your Identity

    <b>Name:</b> (Undisclosed due to the sensitivity of the career) <b>Age:</b> 33 <b>From (City, Country):</b> Brooklyn, New York, The United States of America <b>Appearance (Body, Face):</b> Light black with an average yet semi-muscular build <b>Attire:</b> Black, grey, or brown suit. <b>Job:</b> Commercial, political, and personal espionage agent, possible Lawyer, and politician. <b>Detail of House:</b> Currently, a studio apartment that consists of a desk, fridge, stove, bed, dresser, closet, rug, radio, laptop, and television. The walls shall be red, the floor shall be dark OR light brown, and the ceiling shall be white. <b>Detail of Car/ Vehicle:</b> Currently, a used motorcycle <b>Personality:</b> A mature individual with a neutral tone. <b>Background:</b> Son of a Trinidadian family that was raised within Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn with the desire to function as a political leader for The People's Revolutionary Party.
  3. It would be interesting if private property-owners were to be capable of producing signs that are directed to the general population. I.E. "Trespassers shall be shot".
  4. Signs On One's Property

    My person's strictly referring to an individual entering one's property-line outside of the building, such as a lawn or field.
  5. What would be the qualifications in order to function as a Lawyer? Would one be expected to attend post-secondary education? Would one be expected to analyze texts within a library? Or, is one automatically a Lawyer via the talent system?
  6. Something to look forward to

    Due to the recent partnership with the company that begins within an "S", it is a high probability that the organization's idea of the game may be altered in the future considering that it shall possess the ability to increase the quality of the game.
  7. Traffic Might Be an Issue No Joke

    Traffic should not be a major issue within the game considering that players might be expected to utilize vehicles during different time periods of the day. Thus, at least ten percent of vehicle owners or drivers shall be traveling to the workplace or engaging in a joy-ride during certain time periods depending on their shifts. In the process, players are more likely to be interacting with other individuals within buildings or at public locations rather than within a vehicle during the majority of the occasion. Finally, each city shall merely consist of an estimated amount of 10%-30% of the server's players while the remainder of the players shall be stationed within the countryside. Finally, 100% of the players shall not be online at the same exact time, excluding during launch. In conclusion, traffic shall RARELY be an issue within the game unless a "special event" were to occur within one city at a specific time.
  8. Riding Horses

    In the process, it would also provide horse-breeders with a life-long career that involves selling racing horses to individuals that intend to compete with other players in horse-racing, resulting in the formation of a casino-like venue that consists of a race track for individuals to bet on horses. Finally, a "horse-ranch hotel" could be formed in order to provide couples with the ability to rent a two-bedroom residence for their weekend honeymoon.
  9. Newspapers v. Books

    Players should possess the option to produce daily, bi-daily, weekly, or bi-weekly newspapers that are NOT in the format of a text or book considering that news papers tend to be "branded" to a specific corporation of journalists. SHOULD and SHALL players possess the ability to produce NEWSPAPERS as an alternative means towards producing written content for the public? A book would cost in-between $8-$120 dollars. However, a newspaper would cost in-between $1-$5 depending on the quality of the content.
  10. One issue that my person possesses with the criminal element of the game:A criminal should not be incarcerated for an offense unless the Law enforcement officer, detective, or state possesses PROBABLE CAUSE to incarcerate the individual. For example, a human being should not be deemed as a "suspect" for executing a citizen within the woods at 3:30AM in the morning until evidence confirms that the suspect or individual had committed the act through a combination of methods.First scenario: A suspect executes a female within the middle of the woods at 3:30AM on Monday. The suspect departs from the location while dropping a tissue on to the ground approximately half a mile from the deceased body. On Wednesday, a jogger or hiker witnesses the deceased body in order to report the offense to Law enforcement officers. The Law enforcement officers secure the scene while investigating the cause of death, date, and time while searching for evidence to confirm the identity of the suspect. Afterwards, canine units are summoned in order to scavenge for evidence until the Law enforcement officer discovers a tissue that is required to be examined by forensic scientists. After the evidence is examined, Law enforcement officers confirm that the tissue that consists of mucus was either A) a former felon known as _______ or B) Unknown suspect. Thus, Law enforcement officers resort to conducting road-blocks in order to swab the gums of an individual. Eventually, the DNA shall be the confirmed suspect, resulting in his arrest on Saturday.Second scenario: A suspect executes a female along the roadside and drags her body to a river on Monday. After three days, one of the character's peers, family members, employee, or employer contacts Law enforcement officers regarding a "missing person". The suspect is NOT charged with the offense considering that the female might have merely "ran away" rather than being deceased. Thus, after a week, a trucker locates the body of a female that is hidden within the bushes of the road during his "piss break", resulting in the confirmation that the female has been executed. Once again, Law enforcement officers are expected to continue to process of investigating the incident prior to determining whether the suspect had committed the crime....Third scenario: A suspect stabs a male in the middle of the street at 4:00PM. Several citizens had witnessed the criminal act. Thus, the description of the suspect's physical appearance is disclosed to Law enforcement officers. Law enforcement officers utilize the description in order to incarcerate the individual.Etc...A suspect should not be classified as a "criminal" that has committed a "criminal offense" if his person were to execute an individual within the middle of the woods, identical to Grand Theft Auto.TL;DR: BAD: *Stabs man in woods*.... *WANTED*. GOOD: *Stabs man in woods*... *NOT WANTED*... *INDIVIDUALS WITNESSES DEAD BODY*... *POLICE CONDUCT FULL-SCALE INVESTIGATION*... *AFTER ATTAINING EVIDENCE, SUSPECT IS ARRESTED*
  11. Riding Horses

    The character shall be friendly as long as the visitor possesses a unique purpose towards visiting the ranch. I.E. purchasing livestock or crops OR selling items.
  12. Riding Horses

    In all honesty, it was a direct reference to the criminal within Criminal Minds, hahaha.
  13. Riding Horses

    Indeed, my secondary character intends to function as a bandit that resides within the forest with a "cowboy-like" mentality. Imagine, chasing a vulnerable citizen on a horse with either a machete, shotgun, or revolver within an abandoned forest prior to roleplaying the idea that the carcass was fed to the pigs within the ranch.
  14. Playing this game!

    "Is anyone else not able to play?" I am assuming that you've assumed that the game is available for players to play. The game has not been released. However, within the next month, the first module shall be available for players that had pledged to engage within the game as soon as possible.
  15. Dont make the map bigger

    A larger map for 1,000 individuals should not be an issue as long as it involves increasing the size of the cities considering that the cities are specifically intended for the purposes of increasing social interaction within the game.
  16. Newspapers v. Books

    Players should possess the option to produce daily, bi-daily, weekly, or bi-weekly newspapers that are NOT in the format of a text or book considering that news papers tend to be "branded" to a specific corporation of journalists. SHOULD and SHALL players possess the ability to produce NEWSPAPERS as an alternative means towards producing written content for the public? A book would cost in-between $8-$120 dollars. However, a newspaper would cost in-between $1-$5 depending on the quality of the content.
  17. Politician Limits

    Highly disagree with the idea based on the sole premise that certain players literally intend to function as politicians throughout their entire experience within the game. Thus, the rule should involve providing politicians with the ability to be elected TWO TIMES IN A ROW, identical to the modern-day "eight year terms" (it shall be measured in months within the game). However, after the completion of a maximum of two terms within office, the politician cannot function as a candidate for the elections until the completion of ONE term prior to possessing the opportunity to attain 1-2 terms within office. It would be unfair for politicians to be forced to quit their career after their fifteen-term limit.
  18. Snowy Mountain Homes?

    It is a high possibility that the wealthy bourgeoisie shall attain access to the households within the mountains.
  19. Crime, Arrest, and Prosecution

    Any other individuals agree with the following suggestion?
  20. Rare Items

    The identical scenario could apply to rare literature that is limited in supply. Imagine a chemist that produces an extensive amount of narcotic substances with merely five copies of the unique blueprint or recipe?
  21. Rare Items

    The game should consist of a combination of Ebay/Craigslist AND Live Physical Auctions that exceed beyond the internet.
  22. My character shall function as a political, commercial, and personal espionage agent that fulfills objectives in exchange for wealth via a written contract. I.E. surveillancing a client's wife for a few weeks in order to determine whether the wife has committed any acts of infidelity against the client. In the process, the individual shall function as a writer and a politician. However, a consistent source of income shall involve functioning as a "transporter" identical to a taxi service.
  23. Contract Agreements

    SUGGESTION: Law enforcement officers must be OBLIGATED to FINE or INCARCERATE individuals for failing to abide by contract agreements that were formed by two parties. In other terms, Suggesting that Law enforcement officers must be obligated to FINE or INCARCERATE individuals that fail to abide by contract agreements between two parties considering that failing to pay off a debt to a contracted agent is classified as an act of theft. As a commercial and political espionage agent, my character shall desire to form contract agreements with citizens within the city in order to fulfill an objective. For example, if my character were to be ordered to extract intelligence on a vehicle manufacturing company's blueprints for next year's product, the character would be expected to function as an employee and extract information from high-ranking staff members of the company. However, the contract would consist of a fee in order to fulfill the role. Since the task involves utilizing hours, to days, to weeks, or even MONTHS of my time, one would be expected to provide the espionage agent with an extraordinary amount of wealth in order to fulfill the role. Thus, contract agreements SHOULD be formed between both parties in order to ensure that the completion of the task results in receiving the payment. In the process, failing to abide by the contract should result in attaining a FINE or INCARCERATION by Law enforcement officers. ------------------------------------- Scenario 1: Contract: Extract the car company's blueprints for October, 2017 Fee: $50,000 Method of Payment: $500 per week Method of Completing Objective: Submit a resume and an application for a job within the company, form a "trustful" relationship with the owner and/or higher-ranking staff members, attain a promotion, attain access to the blueprints and/or sensitive information, leave the job and attain negative reputation from the employer. Length of fulfilling the task: Five months ------------------------------------- Scenario 2: Contract: Surveillance client's wife in order to determine whether her person is committing acts of infidelity Fee: $5,000 -$10,000 depending on the length of the objective Method of Payment: $100 per week or $5,000 in five months Method of Completing Objective: Surveillance the subject for continuous hours without compromising the agent. After weeks of surveillancing the subject, conduct a detailed report regarding the female's activities and present the intelligence to the client. Length of fulfilling the task: one week to three months --------------------------------------------------------- The task would be worth $50,000 dollars considering that the agent risks his life to extract sensitive information in exchange for a "negative reference from his employer for quitting" etc... However, since the average player is incapable of automatically paying $50,000, a "contract agreement" should be formed by the client and the agent. Failure to abide by the contract should result in a FINE or IMPRISONMENT by the judicial system.
  24. Contract Agreements

    The contract would merely state "The client is expected to provide it's agent with an X amount of dollars per week until the entire fee is paid for fulfilling an objective that remains confidential for security purposes"
  25. What will you RP in identity?

    A commercial, political, and personal espionage agent that conducts objectives in exchange for currency via a written contract. I.E. Surveillance a client's wife for three weeks to a few months in order to determine whether her person has committed infidelity in exchange for $20,000 dollars.