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KevinLangston last won the day on January 9 2017

KevinLangston had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

377 President

About KevinLangston

  • Birthday 09/25/1998

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  1. Your corruption of reputation gain via using multiple accounts to like all of this account's content is not going unnoticed, friend. All of the other accounts you are using have little activity too, increasing the likeliness of this corruption being true as me and others well think it is.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KevinLangston


      If you don't like it, do something about it, no, i did not think so.

    3. Kickapoo


      What can we do about it the mods won't punish you for it you will just have to deal with alot of the forums having an active dislike for your method of getting your rep up. Pretty much as you are getting more popular with your rep you are infact getting less popular with the forums. 

    4. Fabulous


      I agree 100%