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Everything posted by Negan

  1. Shit takes a while to develop. I bet most of us here don't know shit about developing---Hell I don't even. Now I'm gonna avoid getting myself hung here but- People gotta look to the future. Just give it some time. It ain't that hard.
  2. You own it, it's all on you...

    Exactly why I didn't pay for this shit yet. Sure I'm excited for it. and I respect the hell out of the people who are making this- but people gotta realize that shit takes time. This whole "Refund me because I don't like the progress so far" nonsense is just- Nonsense if you were to ask me.
  3. Opinions.

    Starting to feel suspicious. Both about the game and about he people making the complaints. Most of these people don't even have a profile picture. I know it may be irrelevant, but it's fishy either way.
  4. Opinions.

    Hail to the devs. Hail to the ones.
  5. Opinions.

  6. YOU DECIDE! Part 3

    Nothing because one of my characters will be serving a life sentence in prison.
  7. Everyone STOP!!!!

    ^ What we need is a FAQ and a question asking area. We might still have one cause I sort of remember one back when I first joined, But I don't remember if it's still used r not If I'm making any sense at all here. lmao
  8. Opinions.

    Oh boy. This is still rather heated.
  9. Hello New Player Here

    Hello Hello. Try your best to evade the current drama going on. Pretty messy stuff.
  10. "Patience, it's one of the most important virtues a person can have." -Ricardo Diaz
  11. PsiSyn conversation.

    Basically I've been seein' a shit ton of videos from this guy about this game and the site. I'd like to see everybody's personal opinion about all of this, without getting things messy. So let's not have this heated topic plague other posts, let's just keep it contained in here. @PsiSyn
  12. Todd Howard's Great Announcement

    Going to let you people see for yourself.
  13. Politics Poll

    We all know I'm gonna be the savior of the cities.
  14. Mobile (Cell) / Smartphones

    You up to no good eh? Eh? EHHHHHH?
  15. Lafleur? As in LOST?

    1. LaFleur


      Exactly, but I didn't pick this username because of that ^^

  16. Hennessy Williams

    Sounds like a badass.

    You're getting Lucille. Kneel.
  18. Who Are The Top 10 Most Popular Forums Members?

    Well damn, you're number two if I'm number one.
  19. Prostitution?

    Welp.... *I'd Unzip*
  20. Howdy

    Well hello there.
  21. Court and careers

    Is it possible to request Jury Duty?
  22. Sea of Thieves - Any British Players?

    So is this like, racist or some shit? I don't know and care... But uh, I might be getting it and I'm American...