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Everything posted by subway244

  1. Maintenance Services

    No IT repair, sadly. (I figured this is a major repair job, which is why I included it) Cars that have minor damages will be able to be repaired on spot by a mechanic, but major damages require a mechanic to repair them in a car repair shop. I do not believe housing maintenance will not happen because there isn't a Twitch Clip on it yet, and I wouldn't figure them adding a detailed repair system for a game like this. I do not think appliance maintenance will happen, either. Weapon repair will happen, and weapons will degrade and break.

    This is what helps me sleep.
  3. Tasers in game ?

    There will be tasers, and also rubber bullets.
  4. Who is your character?

    You're going to be a carpenter?
  5. Also, no jobs in Town Square, ergo no money. Some links below will provide you with some helpful information!
  6. Hi! Just joined :)

    Welcome to the community! Some links below will provide you with more information!
  7. Thank's so much for helping me win the day! It is such an honor! Best community ever!Cq5JkCFVIAAoaO0.jpg

  8. Is mayonnaise an instrument?

    But what about horseradish?
  9. And then repeat the process again!
  10. Les Briseurs De Rêve / FR

    Groupe très cool!
  11. Was the closed beta date confirmed?

    They also said that in a Q&A. That was in 2016. That information is invalid now.
  12. Painting and Art Gallerys

    It is actually less detailed than MS Paint. Just basic sizes and colors. No image import for paintings. There will be galleries, and you can sell them. I am unsure about owning galleries. I paintings can not be stolen or reproduced by anyone else besides the creator, but if you were really wanted to reproduce a painting you didn't own you could attempt to re-draw it. Artworks will have the person's name, and it could be signed onto it. It will also be listed if the painting was in a list. You could attempt to make a living as a painter, but they would have to be pretty good drawings to make a profit if you were ONLY a painter, and had no other job.
  13. Guns and Rifles

    Oh wow, cool!
  14. Guns and Rifles

    Just out of curiosity, who is that man in your profile picture?
  15. Instagram fan page

    Oh, sorry, that's what I was talking about, the TS module.
  16. Instagram fan page

    There is no confirmed release date as of yet, but my opinion would be in the next two months.
  17. American Holidays

    You might have!
  18. American Holidays

    The tracker is updated often, and there is a dev blog every month. The tracker was updated today, as a matter of fact!
  19. American Holidays

    What "Daily Update" are you referring to?
  20. Other modules

    Or a criminal informant!
  21. Was the closed beta date confirmed?

    Where did you hear this? I would figure it would be way after 2019.
  22. Other modules

    Or the other way around, and be a snitch!
  23. Property Rights

    If they attempt to enter into your home, then yes. If they are just trespassing, I believe it is against the law to use deadly force. If they use deadly force or you believe they are about to hurt you or your property and you are not currently in the house, then you can use deadly force. Make sure to fully destroy them, because they can still sue you if you wound them. If you seek more legal advice, contact your lawyer, or google your question. I have found a couple of articles about this topic, but I can't remember where I found them. In Identity, however, I do not believe break-ins will happen, but that could change later on in development.
  24. Who or what will you become?

    Good luck!