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Everything posted by TheNerdyChef

  1. Followers of the Dark Lord (Members Needed)

    Please don't do too much LSD to achieve your '' MAGIC ''
  2. Police Radio

    Invite me in the pM! I'd like to talk as wel!
  3. Business and Art Careers

    U cannot sell your painting in your own store, U have to sell them at an art gallery! Hope to have informed you enough
  4. Police Radio

  5. Police Radio

    I don't think we have a lot during the first module. I don't know if you read the version they put online with some info? I shall link it for you! Enjoy xx
  6. Police Radio

    Ow I definitely know how it works, don't get me wrong! I am just not sure if it's a priority for the developers
  7. I am here to help you out!

    All good my dude! Take your time! I will be waiting for you! Enjoy your day!
  8. Already PM'd you but I just wanted to say; This is a great business idea! I am looking forward to see how far you ( maybe we ) can get! <3 much love
  9. Traffic Stops

    I think they will be able to '' Search vehicle for illegal contraband '' Would be cool if they could, but on the other hand it won't be... people will probably abuse it.
  10. Police Radio

    I am pretty sure somewhere I heard / read that we will be able to hear the officers speak if we're next to them! I doubt we will be hearing the dispatch. It would be cool if we did but I doubt it.
  11. How will the Police Academy work?

    Damn.. Nostalgic.. haven't touched SA:MP in years..
  12. WEED SHOP?

    I guess people like to do stuff they can't do IRL.
  13. How will the Police Academy work?

    The hours in game just come to play when you log in! You don't have set hours unless plans are made for certain hours in game That's how I figure it will work !Been like that in most RP games
  14. As the title says, instead of calling them jobs i'll call them roles. Will you be able to have multiple roles. Let's say; You own a shop, clothing food whatever. Will you be able to sell cocaine (be a drug dealer) on the side. Would be cool if we're able to sell cocaine or any other drug in the back of our store. Or you could be a shop keeper, but at night you are a hitman. TL:DR; Is it possible to have multiple roles / jobs/
  15. Multiple '' Roles ''

    We shall see! thanks for communicating, have a great day!
  16. Français National {FN} (Brand Update)

    I think the mayor sets the tax. I think for every rank of '' citizen '' there is a different tax. Would be nice!
  17. Multiple '' Roles ''

    Nice reply! I could have asked the question in a different way but I guess you summed it up pretty well. I am just really wondering if we can have different careers. As i said, it would be nice if you are a shop keeper and you could sell drugs on the side.
  18. What will you RP in identity?

    Are you up to write some stuff down now? I don't know if you have the time? If you would like to chat on discord tell me, you can join mine! ( it's in my signature ) I can't talk now, wife's working at home so she needs the quiet :') let me know! ( also check your pm's )
  19. What will you RP in identity?

    If you would like, I can make you my right hand man. I need someone else to help me with the business. It's a lot of work. If you're up for it and you're a serious RP player, I am definitely down with you being my right hand man!
  20. What will you RP in identity?

    As an example of what I have in mind. A spreadsheet, for me and the other hitman to fill in. Hope you understand it, if you don't tell me, i will explain it further!
  21. In-Game Weaponry

    I am pretty sure we will be getting real life guns.They will most likely feel and look like the real thing. We surely will get more information on this matter, now it's just speculations
  22. What will you RP in identity?

    I totally am! I am currently busy creating a '' business '' for the Hitman. I kinda want a group, where lets say I am the leader. I have hitman for hire. People contact me, and I will have hits open for the '' members '' to choose from. They can pick the hit and confirm they take the hit. Payments will be 50/50 where the person who orders the hit has to pay in front. I am currently building it, I will link you some work when I'm done.
  23. It would be cool if we have to use certain tools to use drugs. But in all honesty, I don't think we have to. Probably just click on the drugs in your inventory and use.
  24. What will you RP in identity?

    I was kinda thinking of a hitman crew! where people could join and I hand out the contracts or something.