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Posts posted by HAWK

  1. 3 minutes ago, creepind said:

    i feel this is grounds for a refund.i would like the info on how to get 1 please.thank you for your time


    @creepindThere’s other topics on the forums that can help you. But, I do believe you will like this game once it gets released. Though I’m the one who created this thread I still support the game. Now this game may take 2-3 months more, but it’s up to you if it’ll be worth the wait. I just want the devs to treat us fairly with the actual truth and prepare everything better.

  2. @ParatusThank you for replying! That makes it better. But you guys had to have known the amount of work that sat in front of y'all was going to take a lot more than the original time frame or even the first delay. There's no way it took you guys the whole month up to the release date to say "Aye, we're not gonna be able to finish this. Let's push it back". That is something you could track as progress is made months ago. If there were problems arriving up then an extra two weeks should of been added along with the one month to prepare for it. I mean worse case you guys get it done two weeks early and can show off it's features. I just feel that more preparation could of been done to prevent another delay and more upsets.

  3. Here we all meet again. It's been some time, but I kept with the media. So, let's get to it then. This is my opinion, you don't have to share it, but at least respect it.


    Here we are again. Town Square module gets delayed AGAIN with no good reasons why. There has to be a point where even the die hard fans of this game have to admit that this is just bad. When they released an alright video that really didn't show much and what it did show was old and unfinished work the community went crazy. When the devs pushed back the release date of the module people were not happy, but willing to wait for a fully completed module. Now, months later than the original release date the module is being pushed back even further. The devs shouldn't be even thinking about an "official release date" if they can't even release a solid good video. Mentioning videos, weren't the devs supposed to drop a new video that shows the Town Square Module? Correct me if I'm wrong, but they said in the last dev blog they'll release a video to compensate for the first delay. Which still hasn't even came out yet. So what's the deal? Here comes my opinion, the devs got too excited and gave out an "official release date" which they could never provide evidence that it could be done within that time frame. They realize they were not gonna come close to getting it done for that launch date so they pushed it back a month.


    Why would they push it back only a month if the game needed so much more work? The answer is this: They wanted to keep the positivity going with the fans so they pushed it back just a month because everyone can deal with a month. Now if they came out and said "Hey guys, the module still needs a lot more work and we underestimated it. So to assure the module gets completed with no problems were delaying the launch for a few months". That sounds a lot better  until the last sentence, " a few months". I don't know about you, but one months sounds a lot better than a few months and I wouldn't oppose it. So here we are again. The devs said they can get the module ready in a month, but in reality they knew very well it couldn't be done. So they pushed it back another month. You're probably wondering "Where's the evidence?". So here it is:



    Depending on the date you look at this it might be different than the one I'm talking about. If you scroll all the way down to the Asylum Task Tracker. I'm skipping the Bug Tracker info.


    The 2D graphics is finished.

    Animations: 1 in progress and 2 completed.

    Character Art: 1 New.

    Environment: 5 In progress and only 1 completed.

    Props: 1 finished.

    Technical Art: 8 new and 5 finished.

    UI and UX: 1 in progress and 2 completed.



    Gameplay: 8 new, 1 finished, 1 in testing, and 1 in progress.

    Systems: 4 new and 1 in testing.

    User Interface: 6 new, 5 in progress, and 3 completed.


    So after first looking at it I was very shocked. I mean look at it. The devs had the beginning of the announcement date for the Town Square Module (back in 2017) to the first delay. They were never ready for the first Official Launch Date even if they wanted to be. Facts speak for themselves and what I see here is a lot of "New" and "In Progress" tasks that yes are based off of April 19, 2018, but still shouldn't outnumber the completed tasks at this point like they do. Having just got clarification these tasks are the ones remaining since  April 19, 2018.  So they made a lot more progress than displayed (they really should show the tasks completed since the first delay, since that is what we want to know. How much work needed to be done and how much did they finish from then to now). But, like I said before there is absolutely no way this module could have been finished a month ago or even today. With proper organization the devs should of been able to see that there's no way they could get this done with the original and first delay timeline. Therefore, they should of delayed it for the CORRECT amount of time needed to get this module out for everyone and not say "It'll be done in a month" when they know very well it wouldn't be.


    So there it is. I wanted to give my opinion. Now please correct me if I'm wrong in any of this. I didn't create this thread to cause hatred towards the devs. I created this to broaden people's perspectives on this whole situation. To give them all of the details. So once again if I made a mistake in this let me know. I will be glad to make changes if needed. I truly want this game to come out and I still support it. Yes, I support it though I just gave reasons that may say the opposite. Those reasons were to help others. Knowing that already hasn't made me hate the game or the devs, but I want to see proper treatment that we all deserve.

    • Like 1

  4. 2 minutes ago, LordBenji said:

    I know, because at the base, this is a cop vs criminal game. And you're right, the apartment video says "Identity insider". I still consider it as a tiny bit of game play but that doesn't really matter. If we go back to the crime video, I wonder if people are over reacting about it. It didn't leave me frustrated as it did to some others. But it all depends on the expectations of each one of us. But I certainly expect Asylum to have a better looking video next.

    I still remember back when they only had a few hundred of thousands worth of pledge. I'm unsure what's restraining them from hiring more staff, but I know that right now they want more developers. Maybe it's because they were scared to go over the budget? You could ask the question to @Beach_Ball (he'll certainly respond on the Discord if you DM him: Beach_Ball#4434). Then he might ask it in one of the next stream to Paratus.

    In response to the animation, I didn't say it but most of the placeholder animations were motion captured from it was said in the Twitch clips. I was looking at the crime video in slow motion, the jogging animation did look a bit weird. But I can't really pinpoint where the problem is. It might have to do with how it blends all together, with each foot landing. But they definitely won't let the animations at the state it was at the moment the crime video released.

    Also what do you exactly mean by "not so good production"? Because in your poll #2, it mentions something about more content of less quality. I would assume it would be about the video in general, like less focused on smaller details to be able to show more. I'm not sure if you also meant like quality of the content being showcased in game, because that would contradict people's opinion about the video (mostly animations). You didn't leave much choice on that question though.

    I see what you mean too. I'm glad you get what I'm saying about this video. lol. Maybe not so much of going over the budget and more so taking time that they choose the best team. Which makes sense, but it doesn't take 6-7 months long. lol. I mean they did just hit 1 million dollars for their fun so they got the money for sure. Yeah I saw what the dev said too and maybe he's right. But if that was the case they shouldn't have used the jog animation and just ran to places or walked (since he said the walking animation looks really nice). In that poll I defined what I meant by the word "quality" in the title of the question though I didn't use that word in my paragraph that's what I was referring to. It's "describing the planning of the video, voice acting, and video editing." In this video they made it very cinematic with the cut scenes and everything which caused a lot of good footage of the environment and other things to be lost. Therefore, the one choice to pick is a video where they just get to the point and show case aspects of the game " Longer videos that are not as good quality, but show cases more. ". I was hoping one of the devs or even beach ball would comment on these threads since they offer a lot of insight.

  5. On 2/15/2018 at 6:37 PM, LordBenji said:

    I guess I was forced to use one of those answers for what video I wanted to see next. As a car guy... I think you can guess which one I took.

    But yeah, they should put more efforts on Town Square, which is really coming very soon anyways (just a little over a month). Videos take some extra efforts to put all together and make sure it pleases the crowd. Then when you release the module, it's the job of the players to test it. If people are unhappy about certain features/bugs, then you'll tell the developers about it.

    Me personally would love to see a bank heist gameplay video. That would without a doubt cause so much love and popularity to come to this game from the whole gaming community. @Paratus and @Beach_BallI really hope you guys (the devs) take a good look at these polls that I've made and even other members created. These polls really shows y'all what the community wants right now, which makes it easier to please them. For example, if y'all (the devs)  do a bank heist video where it shows the viewpoint of the gamer and not so much as a cinematic trailer to save time and resources, but at the same time show us aspects of guns, arresting mechanics, as well as robbing the bank mechanics, just naming a few, would cause such a big uproar in the gaming community and would attract a lot of gamers. Now I'm not saying go make the video tomorrow if there's still things that need to be finished, but make it soon, like to show case the release of the Swat module. Base off of this poll the majority want longer videos that are not as good quality, but show cases more. This is just a thought of mine. Though the video was a bit shaky I do believe the devs will make a great game out of this.

    • Like 1

  6. On 2/15/2018 at 7:21 PM, LordBenji said:

    Then I'm curious what was the apartment video about... There was (old) animations, customization. And when I say "comment", I'm talking about all the replies that has been made on this thread you created. I know what a comment is, which is a remark, observation or criticism. There's various ways of wording our opinion about more or less good features. For example I'd say "I feel like using placeholders might have not been the best idea for the first impression." But anyways... However you want to say it is up to you.

    And what do you mean about the chip on my shoulder? I wasn't trying to be salty.

    I'll tell you what facts I'm aware of: usage of old placeholders, short video, range of feelings among the community including hype, mixed feelings and disappointment.

    But anyways, I'm just going to wait until they release the video of Town Square then judge, because it's been said a lot of things will be improved, unlike the crime video which was set in a region that haven't been touched for probably a few years. I hope they work on walking animations soon at least, which was probably the thing that most people was disappointed about.

    We're not buying a design your home 101 game. You know that right? lol. The apartment video was just a little taste of what to expect. It was not an actual gameplay trailer like this video was supposed to be. Maybe, but when it's something that so obvious like "aye don't use placeholders for a video that's going to impact how fans will perceive your game for the first time" just frustrates me. I'm glad, neither am I. I'm glad we're having this discussion because I can see what you and people similar to you are thinking of after seeing this video. True. I'm going to do the same. I'm sure they're going to make this into a great game, but they certainly didn't help their case with that video.


    On 2/15/2018 at 10:36 PM, Joe said:

    no fucking way really ? 3-4 years ? and they basically have a pretty rendered scene with basic place holders and bad animations O.o

    I get it they need to do back end stuff for MP but dam i thought they'ed actually have something decent to show off by now 

    I thought id just watched a video from a game that just started development 6 months ago 

    i take it they are self thought and have no actual experience as in a degree or some type of course ?

    far as i know we just got a few people who gamed together who had an idea and thought they could make a game and then spent a week learning how to make pretty graphical scenes   (That would never work on a real game) learned some basic GUI added to the scene  (people have already done this all through youtube.)   and then people just thrown 800k+ towards it and now there forced to actually try and make a game  lol.. 

    ill come back in a couple years from now good luck lmao. 


    I agree with some if not most of your points. After years of working on this game they should have had shown us something that would blow our minds and this certainly didn't do it for most of us. But, I do believe that they will make this into a really good game in some time.


    On 2/16/2018 at 9:04 AM, NanoSpace said:

    Wait a minute, wasn't one of the whole points that the video got delayed another 4 weeks was because the guy doing the animations wasn't getting back to the devs........

    That''s what I thought too. lol. Now weeks later after being delayed and we get 2 years old animations. That's some bull.


    On 2/16/2018 at 9:13 AM, NanoSpace said:

    The way I see it, most mainstream people will see the videos first (First Impressions) instead of the module. The module is supposed to be used for people already interested in the game to have motivation to support the game and to see how the progress of the game is going. The fact that some people say that the videos don't matter doesn't know how PR works and doesn't realize that most consumers only give about 10 seconds to anything to see if its interesting, you got to get someone hooked in that time and then the video has to be decently done to keep them hooked and interested. While the original trailer was very good at that, it did well because the game at the time was manly a concept, but now that the game is more then that, the trailers have to follow to keep interest.

    This is what needs to be done to keep momentum and continue the growth of users in the game, or risk not getting people interested and even worst, losing people who are.

    I totally agree with you. When they do provide us trailers and videos they must be the top of the line because if it's not it can change the whole gaming community's outlook on it.


    On 2/16/2018 at 6:55 PM, LordBenji said:

    Some people doesn't always follow what's happening... But it's their loss if they're barely informed. I have to admit I missed a bunch of things because I wasn't active at all for a while. But I try my best to understand what's going on.

    I'll have to admit that the location, and mechanics being showcased probably wasn't a wise choice. Old untouched part of the map (or almost untouched), physics you'll find in module two and three, and in beta.

    You'd think that with three years of development, you'd get flawless progress, but it's not as simple as a lot of you would think... Don't forget they didn't have 20 developers and a nice office at the beginning. Things were delayed a lot due to unexpected things to happen. It's been about half a year ago they got their new office, and employed new developers. Some of them are living across the ocean and doesn't necessarily work full time.

    So about those animations, they've been waiting for the guy to give it to them, and they were placeholders (yeah I know what you think.) Some people say that animations are easy to do but they are not really as easy as you think they are. With how many times they redesigned body models, making clothing fit, blending the animations so it looks smooth then there's a few other things that Brandon and John have said in two Twitch clips that I'd like to point out.

    https://clips.twitch.tv/BetterKnottyCobblerKappaPride & https://clips.twitch.tv/HealthyVainHerdSoBayed

    I know I've said it several times already, but I'll repeat it again, we should expect the video of Town Square to be much higher quality (with hopefully new reworked animations on time), because the first module have been their main priority for the most part. That's the bit of the map that has been completely redone at least three times during those few years of development. It is very likely to have some of the most up to date assets, but we will see how it goes. I doubt it'll be very long as it's just a few things to showcase around the area. There's almost no information about what they plan to include in the video, but it would be cool to find a few cinematic shots on the streets, and walking around in the buildings like the museum and karaoke bar.

    You also have to remember that these guys have a lot of funding for such a small team and they should of been hiring more guys from the start to increase the speed of things getting done like the animations. They were didn't start expanding their team until around last July. What's interesting in those twitch videos is that they seriously confirmed my suspicions that most of these animations were very old or weren't even done. So just now about a month away from releasing the Town Square module they are working on animations. That's ridiculous. Plus they also state "It's most likely going to be ready for Town Square Module release", most likely? Delays are nothing new to Identity, but let's hope they actually release it on the date they told us with not placeholder animations or you can bet this community will be raging like you never seen before. lol. Now for the video of Town Square we don't even know for sure if these animations will be down for the actual release of town square so I wouldn't be counting on it in the video. But if it does then that's freaking awesome! I agree any of those things in the video would be great. According to the community they rather have a long video with more aspects thrown in with a not so good production than a short video, good production, and little aspects shown.


    Let's hope for the best!

  7. 9 hours ago, NanoSpace said:

    Honestly I'm a little surprised to see the first question results to be like that, 50/50, damn. I would think more people would want them to focus on the game rather then videos.

    I’m really surprised too. It gives an interesting outlook on what the community is wanting right now which is pretty cool. That’s why I did these polls in the first place, to see what the community is thinking.

  8. 14 minutes ago, LuckyDuck said:

    The Artwork was only shown at kickstarter not before and so 3 years ago. They started work on it from February 6th 2015 when kickstarter ended and so only 3 years in development.

    Really? There’s no way. I remember seeing one piece of art work a long time ago. I mean ages. So I don’t know if they lets some slipped before the kick starter but I without a doubt saw their work longer than 3 years ago.


    20 minutes ago, LordBenji said:

    ^ That is a comment, just like anything that follows the thread you posted. Also I forgot to rectify you about something, the crime video isn't the first game play video.

    I can't help it but I've noticed there's been a lot of people who's been really disappointed about the time it took to release a short crime video with outdated placeholders. I think I've said it before, there's been a lot of things that has been redone from scratch. Also, we should expect the Town Square video to be much higher quality. You know the developers are working at the moment to make new assets and will replace animations and other things in a soon future. And how a game is improved is with good constructive criticism and a team who listen to the people. I doubt the team didn't learn anything from the feedback of the community.

    It actually is the first game play video that show cases actually dynamics of the game such as the drug and le overlays. So I know what I’m talking about. Bud, you said I only posted comments when in fact I posted a thread and replied to others when they had some interesting feedback about MY thread. Gosh you got some type of chip on your shoulder. Don’t know where you got it but you gotta chill. Once again you can’t argue facts. We all think the trailer was not ready and we didn’t deserve something that wasn’t fully completed. You can’t even argue that when you said so yourself they used outdated things. Btw, I’m not flaming out on the devs I’m simply critiquing things they should have done better that the community deserved in the first place. Which is why’s there's a poll that justifies my view. Now if I just posted a thread just ranting about how bad a job the devs did then yeah that wouldn’t be helping anyone and would just be a waste of time. Instead I got solid answers from the polls.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Joe said:

    how long has this game actually been in development for ? 

    I remember seeing the artwork for this games 4-5 years ago for their kick starter. They really started working on it 3-4 years ago. This year they made some solid progress and everything should be finished soon.

  10. 8 hours ago, LordBenji said:

    Then what's the reason that you're here and posting these comments? That's borderline shaming the developers for your high quality needs. If you love their work, then support them, be constructive. I've never ever said anything bad towards the work of the developers. If something left me with mixed feelings, I shared my opinion without being pessimist or telling them "oh they should have done this a long time ago".

    Also, if it happens that you know how to do a better job than them, why don't you apply to work for them and help them? :) 

    Lol. I’m not posting comments. I posted a thread with a poll to help the devs see what they need to focus on and give the community a new outlook on where everyone falls. Then those who replied to my thread I then replied to. I’m not posting comments to throw shade to the devs but I am posting comments to wake up the community and the devs as well that they need to start prioritizing what they do. High quality needs? Lol. Stating that the devs should have implanted actual assets that would be used in game for a trailer we waited for months and were told it’s gonna be amazing isn’t asking for high quality. That’s the bare minimum they should have done. They already have hundreds of applications which they said so themselves. Me adding to the bunch isn’t changing anything. Lol. Next point things get changed when start a discussion that can be supported by facts. The majority of the community thinks this was not the trailer we deserved for waiting so long. The majority also believes the trailer had problems without a doubt and should of been fixed. That’s just facts you can’t argue. Showing such facts and stressing the importance of delivering quality videos that we all deserve is what will get the game devs to finally realize their mistakes and fix them in another video. Once again they had months to create a video and yet made a 2 minute video with animations and other things that were already done months and even years ago. So there was no reason for the long delay. That’s a problem for any gamer who’s invested in this game and wants the best for it. Things will only be changed if someone brings the problems to light.

  11. 44 minutes ago, LordBenji said:

    You would certainly like to watch the future video of Town Square. No details and no ETA has been given yet, but it'll be released before the first module for sure. Also don't forget that a lot of elements in the few videos are old but will definitely change. It's been confirmed that the animations, foliage, shooting and driving physics will be redone.

    Then what was the point of doing the video in the first place if every single thing was subject to change? lol. That's not showing a video to impress people, that sounds like showing a video just to say they did it. Now if they were showing us a video to impress us it would be a more updated version of animation, weapons, etc. That actually show cases the end result.

    • Like 1

  12. 11 minutes ago, LordBenji said:

    Nobody knows everything, but it just seems that some people have absolutely no idea what's going on then just complain. Sure there's things that the developers doesn't tell us, but if there's one thing that I know, is that it takes an enormous amount of time and efforts for such a small team to do that kind of thing. You'd expect a hell lot to be done, when a project this big would usually require tens of millions of dollar, and a few hundred employees. Also, did I forget to mention that the little farm stead area is the least of their priority for now? Okay yeah showing off some unfinished features might not have been the best idea, but you should wait for the next video for Town Square at least. Then if you're still unsatisfied about what a team of about 20 developers have done... Maybe you could tell them what you think should be improved. But don't forget, things doesn't happen in the blink of an eye.

    You do know that I'm not mad or angry right? lol. I don't hate the devs. But the fact the devs have delayed things for so long and this is the first video we get of gameplay and it's not even up to date with the assets. That without a doubt looks really bad from any viewpoint.  It doesn't take a team of 20 to do basic animations. lol. The least they could have done was make up to date animations with up to date vegetation at least for the location where the video was taking place. Asking for a good video isn't much to ask and is the least the devs can do for us after we've waited so long with nothing besides photos.


    11 minutes ago, Villasenor said:

    This is due to people rushing the developers to get something out. People wanted proof of just some gameplay. The first true impression will be the first module, not a video. But I do agree with you in terms of saying things will get done and close deadlines will be met.

    Again you can't use the excuse "people rushing the developers to get something out" when that's been happening from the start years ago and they continue to move along. Heck they pushed back the video when people were rushing them for it to be released. So this time doesn't make it any different. Actually I'm using the dev words not mine, when talking about the video is the true first impressions. lol.

  13. 1 minute ago, LordBenji said:

    Do you guys even understand what is going on in the background? Those assets and animations were two years old! That's what John and Sean have said in the latest stream video. Now you might be asking why didn't they focus on putting new animations and assets in the first place? I might not be able to fully answer that question though, but rest assured that the Town Square module will have fancy new assets and animations will be completely changed.

    Dude you just admitted you don't even know what's happening in the background. lol. Plus that what we're all talking about. They used a lot of place holders.  We all waited months and months for old animations and place holder vegetation. That's ridiculous and they stressed first impressions. Admitting they used 2 years old animations for a gosh dang video that took them months to prepare reflects really bad on them. If that's the case we should of had this video months ago. For the first big actual gameplay video of the game place holders shouldn't even been words any of us used to describe it. They should have dedicated time to all of the assets that were going to be used in the video to assure the closest quality to the end product. My biggest problem was that these developers were not as prepared as they should have been and they had months to prepare.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Joe said:

    (insert month and months of work befor theses dates ) 

    Posted August 28, 2017
    "One of our top priorities right now is to give all of you who have been waiting a glimpse of real gameplay in a video. Identity's funding and progress has exploded since we showed you the workings of the housing and apartment systems on YouTube, and now we want you to see vehicles, drug production and weapon systems.

    I can't promise any dates on this video, but it'll be soon. In fact, I expect you to watch this video before you receive the next dev blog. This coming video is sort of a catalyst, and I can't wait to show you what's in store after it."

    Posted October 12, 2017
    "We wanted to give you a glimpse of the game development process and have been streaming on Twitch to show you how it's done. Four hour (or more) long streams have gone live since my last dev blog; keep an eye on Identity's Twitter for future stream announcements. We try to have at least one development stream per week.

    As a fan of Identity, one of the things you're going to enjoy most is the flurry of videos which will be coming soon showing off the social features of the Town Square. For a simple social module, there's a good bit of fun things to do!"

    Posted December 1, 2017
    "With our expanding development team, we're able to focus our efforts in more areas of Identity's development. With vehicle and weapon systems now getting attention, we're once again progressing towards a short but feature packed gameplay video for you guys to check out. "

    Posted December 23, 2017
    With the Town Square development moving along, we're not far off from showing the world real Identity gameplay! Like I said up there, January is going to be a big month. For us in the studio, we're excited to get our hands on a few new technology demos that might have a huge impact on Identity! For our fans, January is going to be the month you see the first true world gameplay video. Not only that, but soon after we're looking to release a Town Square trailer! Keep your eyes out on Identity's Twitter and Facebook.

    (another 4 weeks passes.) 

    February 13th (finally the video) 

    and now here we are after sevearl mentions of a video coming soon with feature packed and whatever else they said i was dispointed in what they shown all i saw personally was a fancy rendered scene in unreal enjine with some custom added GUI for the drugs and flunky animations the car driving it self and what not looked to be like already added place holders to the engine it self they give you for free for the ammount of time they spent making this video and to only show a mintue if that of actual basic gameplay that could of been recorded and done in less then a day to basically spend months working on animations and they where still flunky 
    i suppose we all have high expectations so where giving them a hard time.. but i dont know i honestly see this being another stomping land or emergancyNYC (for thoes who don't know this is what NYC showed off back in the day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EaDOrBzU3g&index=6&list=WL as you can see it looked pretty good and looked like they made progress well fast forward to 2018 and now go look at the game on steam it looked completely nothing like it they had pretty much started from scracth (but its actually making steady progress) but my point remains This is what idenity is doing showing off fancy rendered scenes that i don't will cut in in the final game whatever road block NYC hit so will they of course this game will end in 3 ways be canceled.. be the the worse game ever.. or the best game ever.. we shall wait and see 
    so far im personally not impressed YET

    from what i saw a basic unreal armature could of made the same video in much less time..  but i suppose good luck to the dev's your gonna need it.. iv'e seen unreal fans on youtube make side projects much better and in much less time then this lol.. 

    This is just about how I feel! You explained it really well. You can see all of these dev blogs where the devs have promised this video will be very great and is coming really soon only to see a month goes by and they're making the same statement again "it's coming guys! The video will be soon". Fast forward 5-6 months later and we finally get a freaking screenshot of what? Of a house only to tell us the video is coming soon. lol. Sure enough a whole month passes and still nothing. Finally 2 weeks later we get --->a video<--- that is not even two minutes long! I mean dang, I know creating games take a long times but 6-7 months later after stating the video is coming soon each month just for bad animations and barely 2 minutes of gameplay. Come on devs, you guys are better than that. No one can argue facts and the fact is the devs were not prepared for this video at all and honestly from the looks of it could care less.

  15. 14 minutes ago, Aerotactics said:

    Literally just made an account to reply. Literally just found out about the game today.

    The video told us a lot. Sure, previous videos had better visuals, but that just means that visuals are probably dynamic and can be changed to suit the system. As for animations, I agree they need an update. There is no walk or run animation, theres just sort of "jog." I also felt the driving needs to be tweaked. From what I could tell, the vehicle had too much acceleration, but that could be operator error. 

    Video games take a long time to make, especially for small companies, and especially for games this broad. The first open beta will be rough. If anyone is reading this, you should also consider that projects take twice as long as expected due to obstacles and issues that come up during the process. Including the overview video, a lot of the gameplay already appears finished, but the overview video was more likely a concept video: what the game WILL have, but not what it currently has. Looking forward to realistic animations coming along. Will likely pre-order the game as well.

    Welcome to the forums! lol. That's true about the visuals, but usually game devs run their systems at max graphic settings to impress the viewers. So if they are running it at max the graphics need a lot of work since UE is a beautiful engine. Very true, games like this do take a long time especially for a small team. That's why this game has been in dev. for a few years now (from what I can remember). So having said that I think we all expected a bit more for a game that they said will knock our socks off when they show us this video. And here we are confused and a little disappointed.


    5 minutes ago, Villasenor said:

    We were told that these animations were out of date and some better animations are done or being developed. Vehicle physics are not 100% done according to Motown.


    Yeah so if that's the case they should of really held off until those animations were done to really make a good first impression. That's interesting that he says that when in one of their interviews they said the vehicles were almost done and just needed some tweaks and we would be very impressed with them once we see it.

  16. 3 minutes ago, LuckyDuck said:

    They modelled the Glock on a stream, it was made by them. But could have just used the asset or the gun sounds like that because it wasn't completely finished. Guns won't be used in the TS module and so as long as they fix the cop using the gun in only 1 hand before that module then it is fine as it will not affect anything before Module 2. Anything Gun or Vehicle related will fixed before their respective modules. I do understand your point. I just like to look at the facts on when things need to be done and that is why I on't really say it mattered as they were made purely to put in that video and yet will not be in the 1st Module. The Walking animations will be fixed for the 1st Module itself.

    I really do understand your point too. lol. We both got two different ways of looking at it. Neither of us are wrong or right, but we just got our different outlooks. I totally understand that those things will be fixed in the future, but I believe you would agree with me that they shouldn't have posted a video that had a lot of "place holders" when this video is a huge big deal for the game since it's the first actual gameplay video that show cases new aspects. Regardless if it's going to change in the future they should of really made sure all of the animations in this video would be done to their standards as if they just release the game tomorrow since a lot of people will judge this video whether they want to get it or not. As well as we all been waiting for a video that they delayed due to them wanting to make a great first impression. From my view place holders isn't the best way to make a great first impression. lol. Great discussion!

  17. 23 minutes ago, LuckyDuck said:

    I would only agree to "Walking animations" The driving is not going to be until Module 3 and the Gun stuff was pretty well done and so really don't mater if they were not finished. Foliage looked decent and also won't be in yet either other than a few things is the TS module but not as much as what we see in the video. 

    The animations as you saw were not done as far back as summer because they didn't have the animator that they do have now and I am sure that they will get this done for the next video/ Town Square Trailer.

    Well the driving I thought was really great besides the colliders for the tires where the tires actually went through the ground at one point in the beginning of the video. The gun stuff was actually kinda disappointing. But, before you or anyone else freaks out let me explain. This game is built off of realism. Having that said the officer in first view point is shooting with only one hand which no officer would ever do unless they couldn't use their other hand. Also having shot a glock before that really does not sound like it. Kinda sounds like a cap gun going off. lol. Now besides that another problem I have is  that some of the animations and the gun itself seems to be imported from an asset from the Unreal Engine market. The reason I think this is that I use the very same asset for my game and it behaves and feels the same way. Now let me say again I'm not saying I truly believe this but it did strike a little odd to me. Which raises another question. Did they not even create the animation and weapon themselves and instead bought it off the store? Here's the asset I'm referring to: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/aaa-animated-fps-g18-pistol-pack

  18. 7 hours ago, NanoSpace said:

    Agree with you on most points, but I'm willing to give them leeway on the animations if they are improved in future videos. Most of us don't have any idea what goes on in the background, many things could have happened to cause this to happen and they probably felt pressured to release something sooner rather then later, which is sad to see because these types of things can easily help to sway mainstream appeal for the game away.

    I agree with you as well. I'm sure these animations will get better.


    2 hours ago, Whitefeather said:

    It is just a preview of a few features and animations, it's not a preview of the entire game. You cannot be upset about the video when they have been harassed to put one together. Could it have showed more than a handful of features, or have been longer than 2 minutes? Sure. But for what they showed us it looks like it will be just fine. No game is perfect, but they are taking their time with the small company that they are, and are trying to release a game that everyone wants.

    I never said it was a preview of the entire game. @Whitefeather @James_Miller@Narc it's been about 4 months where all of us were expecting some sort of video to come out. This dates back to last summer where they prolonged the video because they have stated numerous times that first impressions means the most to them. Now if that really was the case they wouldn't and shouldn't have placed any place holders especially with animations in this video. Let's remember it's 1 minute and 55 seconds long, with the very basic animations such as jogging, shooting, driving, etc. These are the animations that should have been done months ago. Minding you this game has been being worked on for a very long time. So my biggest problem was the emphasis these developers used to delay this video "wanting to make sure everyone really enjoys this video because 1st impressions means a lot to us" and yet we get a rushed, last minute, video. The first of which to really show us actual gameplay of the world. Delaying things is nothing new to these developers so why put out a "7/10" video with a lot mistakes when they could of taken another two weeks to put out a 10/10 video? A lot of us have been here a lot longer than others and been patiently waiting for a real actual video. In my opinion this video didn't do the game justice. I know this game is gonna be amazing, but putting a video like this out where people can easily see the flaws and how long the devs have been working on this can hurt this game. The excuse of "the devs were pressured to release a video" isn't valid when they delayed the modules and the videos themselves from being released without any problem at all. They care very much about this game which is great, but they should of waited a little longer before releasing it to assure it's perfection.

  19. Before anything let me state this is my opinion, y'all can agree or disagree, but from my viewpoint this is what I got to say:

    I have to admit that I'm really disappointed in this video. The devs have said that this video would be released about two weeks ago. That's after the devs said the video will be coming in days not weeks. But due to problems with animations they had to delay the video. My question is . . . what gosh dang animations costed a 1-2 week delay when the video was only two minutes?! I mean there were not even many animations to begin with, most of which were basic animations. Which raises another question. Why are they just now getting to the animations? And why on earth would they (the devs) show the audience animations that are place holders? They've made numerous statements that they're taking so long with the videos to make sure it's the best quality for us. So after months of waiting we get place holders. I don't know about you but for devs that stressed the point of, we want to be very careful about releasing videos because we care about first impressions and want the best for the gamer, this two minute video is very sad. There are numerous problems with the video that I've seen and y'all have already saw too. Such as the animations, graphics and colliders just naming a few. Don't get me wrong this game still has a lot of potential and I still want to get it! But this video that we all waited for a very long time failed.

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  20. On 6/24/2017 at 10:47 PM, DanVash said:

    @HAWK Is it like Identity? Or is it like Battlefield Hardline where it's just cops and robbers? Can you actually pull people over and ticket them?

    @DanVash Sorry for the late response. Identity is heavily based off of the Arma 3 Life and Altis life servers. So to answer your question, yes.

  21. @DanVash That's pretty cool. You should definitely give arma 3 Altis life or even arma life a try for being a cop. It's  some good preparation until Identity comes out. Yeah I played Need For Speed Hot Pursuit when it was released too. It was a great game.