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Showing most liked content on 01/27/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I'd really love to run a small cafe where people can come, hang out, get on the internet and eat food! I'm not sure how eating will work, but I hope this is a viable career.
  2. 1 point
    And I must say, seeing how they have always kept us on the leash with "soon soon". I am very dissapointed by the release date since I have anticipated this game for so long. The reason I made this thread is to ask, is anybody in the same position as I am right now?
  3. 1 point
    Thanks to a suggestion made by @Villasenor, I will be using a new business structure for my company. Anyone who already has a position in the company will need to reapply as I am not sure who is still active etc. The new structure is as follows: CORPORATE CEO (1) - Joel Keys Operations Chief (1) - Villasenor Chief Financial Officer (1) - Andrew811 Human Resources Director (1) - OPEN Hiring Director (1) - OPEN Design & Manufacturing Design & Manufacturing Manager (1) - OPEN Senior Designer (3) - CLOSED Clothing Designer (5) - OPEN Accessories Designer (5) - CLOSED Tailor/Modiste (5) - OPEN Public Relations PR Manager (1) - OPEN Marketing Agent (4) - OPEN Market Researcher (2) - OPEN Public Associates (-) - CLOSED To apply or for more information, private message me with the job you are interested in and a CV if necessary.
  4. 1 point
    But there already is "rewards". Making posts grants you status from Immigrant to Citizen etc etc and having your posts liked grants you status such as Opportunist etc etc. Also another reward for having all your liked posts count for that day, winning that day. Those are the ones that I am aware of anyway.
  5. 1 point
    Could i be able to get a 6 pack as a reward/achievement for going to the gym a lot? like how you can get some random tattoos for doing some stuff in prison it would just be a tiny change but would be cool to see and another reason to go to a gym if it is added.
  6. 1 point
    I was thinking about maybe selling my paintings IRL on and through identity....Like snapping a pic and posting it in my house for display/yardsale (if ever possible), store, online websites in game and hooking up with people who like my painting and would like to purchase it IRL ...it would be like a new ebay LOL or etsy haha all in all even just sharing photos and imgs of art for sharing purposes would be so nice.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Had a little time to play with my Flag Generator program, came up with something which resembles the surrounding states. Style of Alabama, Colors of Georgia (Orange is used because it is so rare in modern flags), and the Sun represents ex igne "born of fire." An alt-history island of this magnitude would probably have volcanic origins.
  9. 1 point
    These were the only ones I found that were (in my opinion) large/old/prestigious enough to be included in the list. Again there's almost a company for every user on the forum. It's not useful to mention all of them.
  10. 1 point
    Yet again we have been lied to. They said the trailer will be out before the end of the year, then they said its gonna be the first thing out next year. 2 weeks into 2018 still nothing. More and more soons, how many soons is the community gonna have to hear. Just be transparent with the community, if you think the answer is something we don't want to hear don't lie just tell the truth. I understand development takes time I am not blaming the developers for that but I am sick and tired of being dragged on by this game I have been waiting for literally years on these empty promises.
  11. 1 point
    Hello everyone, I am here to ask the simple question: is infobroking a legitimate line of work in Identity? I say yes. Infobroking is the art of being that sneaky snake no-one likes, but no-one messes with. They have “dirt” on everybody, from political figures to petty criminals. “Dirt” meaning information that could tarnish their reputation, street cred, or mental well-being. A politician is crooked? Sell that sh*t to his competitor! A crime boss killed your partner? Tell the police everything and hide in a hole for the rest of your life! To me, it all seems like a plausible line of work in identity, especially because the police can’t do anything to you! Unless you get caught stalking, but that isn’t my fault. However, I want to know what the Identity Community has to say about this! Do you agree with me, or do you hate my guts for considering the possibility of infobroking? Please do leave a comment with your honest opinion. Sincerely, Tristan “Murderface” Locke
  12. 1 point
    Fuck yes! It’s realistic, it happens and want it to happen here, it’d work really well
  13. 1 point
    I'm getting that "Fuck this." Sensation.. I'm only gonna live for so many years... And Now the release has been extended to early to mid 2018? After all of this time they don't have a enough content to release something? These Early access and in development pre-order games just feel like shakedowns, scams. Take pledges yet never release anything.. It could go on forever... Just make enough content for a trailer here and there... Some screen shots, models and textures here and there but never actually complete anything... By the time this is released I may completely forget about it.. Let's face it, right now video games are circling the drain again therefore if someone doesn't do something huge to enhance gaming then mainstream gaming will go down.
  14. 1 point
    I feel the same way, they also keep delaying the video that was supposed to be out 5 dev blogs ago when they said "its pretty much done just finishing up a few animations" I wouldnt be as dissapointed if they showed us gameplay but they havent even done that..
  15. 1 point
    But the game looks great, I haven't seen anything else worth playing.. And if it's not Massive multi play role play set in modern or cyberpunk word I don't care. This day in gaming all major games should be at least COOP if they're not MMO... And they should have as much interactivity as possible as well as open world, vehicles... AND SHOULD NOT be nothing but combat, because that shit gets old. Games are rated MA-17+ therefore they shouldn't be nothing but K-T content. YAY!! I have a firearm... Let's shoot stuff... Again and again and again and again...... and.... again and again.. It gets old. Especially when at least half of the potential players 18 and up have used an M16, Hand grenades, and M2 Machine gun, light machine guns, an Mp5 and various other small arms.. After doing it in the world a few times there is nothing grand an mystical about it.. Makes using guns in games as fun as using a car jack or a can opener within a game.. Has a purpose, a tool for the gameplay, but the game should not revolve around, especially now. I just hope they're setting internal deadlines and meeting those deadlines.. In other worlds.. Getting shit done. Because in the real world there is no well we didn't get it done.. If you want to earn an extension you get one if you earn it.. If not sorry bout that, too bad so sad, because when you're done it's done.. And that's how shit gets done..
  16. 1 point
    The full release was set to be 2017 Q4 I just feel cheated with all of these "soon soon"s and release dates that are not going to be kept. I do think the module will be ready by March but the whole game was supposed to be released right about now. I do love the game but I hate being dragged along with fake promises.
  17. 1 point
    Well, i'm really hoping you don't get elected