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Showing most liked content on 01/09/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Thank you for the warm welcomes @BrianHamilton And @LuckyDuck The marriage feature would be swell indeed! Brian, I would be happy to support your campaign! Perhaps if we’re unsure of our jobs and you’re lacking a cabinet, we could strike a business relationship. With our previous alter egos, I was Jack Santoro and my wife was Gianna (GiGi) Santoro. We roleplayed as we ran a funeral service/graveyard. While that was fun, really it was a front. As we were one of the greatest mob families during that era. My “henchmen” (if you will) would run the illegal businesses as my dear wife and I would run the legal one. If we needed someone taken out of the picture, the graveyard was a great place to make it happen. With that said, I really hope there may be something similar in Identity. I’m a big geek basically. I’ve been role playing since my early teens as I’ve done a lot in online wrestling efeds. Then moved onto chat RPs and then onto role playing in games (as aforementioned). Hopefully we’ll have better internet by the time the game is released as were currently with hughesnet (satellite internet) and the service is extremely shoddy. Where we live there aren’t many providers at the moment but ones expected to come soon to hopefully save us. With that said, I haven’t played any multiplayer games in a couple of years so it’d be great to get back into it with Identity.
  2. 1 point
    Police are always in the middle. On one side is the citizen, who is having the worst day of their life courtesy of the person on the other side, the criminal. The criminal operates with no artificial restrictions on their actions. The idea of honor among criminals is a joke maintained by TV. A criminal is a citizen until they become a criminal, and then they remain a citizen until their action are proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in a court of law in front of 12 skeptical citizens who watch too much television. The police are usually armed worse than criminal. A criminal knows that this is the day they will bring an AK47 to work. If we carry the big heat citizens get pissed. Nothing worse than an elementary school teaching bitching you out in front of your kids when you drop them off at school because your pistol holds four more rounds of ammunition than they think is cool. You have to stand there and take it because it is your job, saying yes ma'am. (In an MMO it will be worse. With at most a 45 minute cool down for the most heinous crimes one criminal can commit ten violent acts a day (if they have no life) and no real reason not to go down shooting up the town square, the server in a few hours can become a wild west show with no business able to operate, no one able to walk the street, and everyone hiding in their apartments waiting for ceasefire that never happens.) So how do we keep the peace and RP at the same time? By doing it like professionals and using radios and record keeping. Patrol officers are the most vulnerable but most essential part of the police force. A patrol officer has a beat that they should walk - if you never get out of your car you miss a lot. The patrol officer is the trained eyes of the rest of the department. They meet with the citizens in their beat, solve minor issues before they become legal issues, and look for people who behavioral patterns indicate they could have issues that may affect the community. It is possible this will be an impossible job. In an MMO server with no real penalties, patrol cops will spend more time dead from ambush by any noob or ganker on the server, but if the patrol system breaks down, effective policing does. (In real life the death of a patrol officer causes police departments to go bananas . Everyone started here, and everyone knows if the bad guys want you bad enough, they will get you and all of your training, experience, and practice will drain out into a gutter in seconds flat. ) At the same time the patrol officer cannot be corrupt. A corrupt patrol officer is part of the problem, not part of the solution. Most officers will look the other way for small offenses, but CDV, DUI, and any form of assault on up will get an officer forever banned from a modern police force. Corrupt police forces exist, but they are nothing more than another gang dressed in uniforms. A police officer has those two advantages I mentioned before to aid them. Any officer who finds themselves in hot water can call on the radio and get a partner. That partner can call and get the squad. The corporal can call and get the district. The sergeants can ask the Lieutenant to request SWAT. When a gang member is in trouble, other gang members generally flee. There is no honor except on TV. When an officer is in trouble it is like a black hole sucking more and more officers to the aid until the bad guys are down and out. And if the bad guys kill me, my friends will never stop until the bad guy pays the full legal price. Plus we have records. Bad guys have no institutional memory, and live in a subjective bubble of slights and misdemeanors. We have records. We do not have to guess if you are a bad actor, we can find out by looking at your file. You can walk down the street and buy a Pepsi and we will not look twice, but if you are holding a smoking gun and have record of shooting at people, we will have a record of it, and that record is often how we catch you. Juries are gullible. they want to believe the poor picked upon bank robber who was only getting change for a five with his shotgun when the heinous police barge in and made a big deal of it. But juries hate looking stupid. A guy who tried to get change for a five with a shotgun ten times will find that they run out of bargaining power. So radios and record keeping are essential to being a police officer, and will be all that keeps us active if the server rapidly degenerates into sarajevo complete with sniper ally.
  3. 1 point
    To be honest It's quit bland. I'd like to see you in the upcoming debate and I'd think it'll help out alot.
  4. 1 point
    Hey guys! My name is Christopher, I’m 31, married with 3 kids. I work as a yard man at a concrete plant and do graphic design on the side. My in-game name will probably be Ryan McIntyre unless my wife dictates otherwise as we’ll probably both play. I’m really hoping there will be some type of relationship feature in-game so we’re able to sort of carry over an alter ego of our real life selves. I haven’t been following too long as I’ve only heard about Identity today (via video on Facebook) but I am super intrigued and also confused as to why I haven’t heard about this sooner! The wife and I have games together since we first met (nearly 10 years ago). We started out with Counter-Strike Source then played a lot of San Andreas: Multiplayer mod (specifically the RP servers) and feel like Identity will basically be exactly what we wanted SAMP to be. A sort of real life role playing simulator. The ability to be a cop or criminal or just a regular everyday citizen is amazing along with the other features I’ve read about makes me super excited!
  5. 1 point
    3 per server. I think he means they will play at the same time on 2 separate accounts. Yes You can Marry anyone you want, if the other person agrees to it. You go to church and get married! You can marry the same "sex/ gender" if you want but remember you cannot have babies/ kids. Other players can RP as your grown up kids/ adults etc. Welcome!
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    The first module will have apartment customization, a phone with a friends list you can interact with, a cinema where you can watch movies, library where and art gallery where you can read/write books as well as displaying your artwork you created in your apartment. Character customization, board games, and a place to go eat wit ha karaoke bar.
  8. 1 point
    Welcome to the community, @Xport7 (Christopher)! As far as I know, you'll be able to have 2 characters per server (unsure if private server owners will be able to adjust this or not) so that's one for you and one for your wife! So, if you want to be Ryan McIntyre then Ryan McIntyre it is! In regards to in-game relationships, having a boyfriend or girlfriend will probably be purely role-play dependant, however, I do believe marriage will be a thing. If it's not then there will at least be churches where you can roleplay it happening and you can live together too. Dependent on Governor laws, LGBTQ+ marriages may also be legalised for same-sex and transgender couples to marry too. Regardless of how long you've been following the game, it's great to have you here anyway. Some people are new, some people are older but in the end all that really matters is that we're a community. I'd even go as far to call it a nice big family (just don't get too close to Uncle Jim at Thanksgiving). I think it's absolutely incredible how you both share a love for gaming and play together and I hope you will both be very happy playing this together. I'd also be very interested in hearing what sort of jobs you and your wife would be employed within on the island. Perhaps you might want to create a family store and sell clothing? Or write books together and get them published in the library. Whatever you both decide to do, I wish you both the best! If you haven't already checked out some of these links, they can be very useful! I'm also running for Governor of Identity Island (temporary name until an official one is issued) so I'll sneakily chuck my campaign website in LINKS: FAQ - Made by Motown FAQ Extended - Made by JamesLuck01 The Hamilton Party - Official Website
  9. 1 point
    More than likely it will be this Sunday and we will open the questions for the debate a few days before the debate!
  10. 1 point
    There will be 'gang locations' and apparently a warehouse will be one of them, not too much details on them regarding what you asked, i tried asking it myself and got an answer i wasn't asking unfortunately but expect to see gang warehouses where you can kinda RP that kinda thing in, different styles of properties so a warehouse might be one of them.
  11. 1 point
    =-= The National Socialist Identity Party =-= =-= "Tá cuileann asal deas" =-= The NSIP is a party dedicated to fighting for myself and the patriotic values of the Isle of Abbott (I will go onto more about this later). The Party is a right wing authoritarian socialist organised political party. =-= Taxes =-= My tax plan is simple but incredibly effective. Citizens earning less than $167,493 per year will be subject to a tax of a generous 80% minimum. Earners over $167,494 will be subject to an immediate 90% minimum tax plus an additional 5% interest if you are a female. This tax may seem a hefty and steep amount but when you discover what it goes to you will be more than happy to hand over the money to us. Exactly half of our tax dollars that we receive will go towards paying bureaucratic Government politicians, leaders and collaborators a well earned salary for our hard work. The 50% of the remaining tax dollars will go towards spending on services for the citizens including tough fisted law enforcement (which I will also go onto explain on later) and free healthcare but for certain demographics. =-= Justice System =-= I believe in a draconian, authoritarian and iron fisted justice system. I fully believe in the termination of individuals who commit anything above minor misdemeanours. This could be through means of firing squads, lethal injections, electric chair, hanging, the list is endless. We could also do a little fun game of letting citizens decide how perpetrators of heinous crimes such as littering are executed. This may seem as only a little ruthless but it is a sure fire way to prevent, deter and stop crime. In order to ensure our justice system is of impeccable standards, our police force will be given unlimited powers and will have no Government oversight and are permitted to deal with criminals in a way they see fit. =-= Drugs =-= Drugs are the menace of the society, drugs kill our fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, great grandfathers, great grandmothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers in law, sisters in law, mothers in law, fathers in law, fathers younger brother, close friends, nanny etc. As a result of this, I deem no other punishment for the consumption of any drug with the same penalty as mass murder. =-= Bribery =-= I only put Bribery as the title because I couldn't think of a better one. If you commit any crime, you can pay the Government for your complete forgiveness and expungement. Remember, it isn't actually Bribery, it's just paying for your sins. Nothing more, nothing less. =-= Gun Laws =-= Guns are very good at keeping peace and order. So much so I have came up with a master plan which is unique to my candidacy, we need to arm everyone with a gun. If everyone has a gun, criminals can't rob or kill anyone because they have a gun! It's really that simple! As a result of this, anyone who is not armed at any point in time will be terminated on the spot without hesitation. =-= Civil Voting =-= Very specific demographics will only be allowed to vote. These will only be working men and women between the ages of 21 and 23 and a half with no disabilities as this may affect their ability to judge. =-= FAQ =-= 1. Why are the taxes so high? A1: See Section 1. 2. Why are the gun laws so loose? A2: See Section E. 3. What is your opinion on LGBTQIABDSGSHAKSJDIUDIOEIDSKDKDKDKSJKAKASKSLALSDLDK39KSMSKMFSAFSFVVCSCASFVSF++++? A3: No thanks. 4. Freedom of Information? A4: I am not at liberty to discuss that. 5. I am not voting for you. A5: Yes you are. 6. What's your opinion on rape? A6: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories. 7. What is leprosy? A7: See @LuciousTimes
  12. 1 point
    Happy Holidays From Asylum! The holidays are upon us, and the team at Asylum begins their short rest! We've been busier than ever, and this coming January is shaping up to be one of our biggest months in a very long time, if not ever. Our expanded team has been working hard on game features beyond the Town Square, and you're finally going to be getting a glimpse of true Identity gameplay very soon in the new year; that's just the start. Keeping it Real Primary systems in Identity such as weapons and vehicles are being developed to operate as realistically as possible. Last week a few of the developers braved the freezing temperatures at a local range to record audio directly from a slew of real firearms in all sorts of conditions. It's very important to us that the weapons in Identity look, sound and react as close to reality as possible. We've even modeled the ballistic physics based on real-world mathematical formulas. Powerful weapons are going to be rare in Identity. Assault weapons, for example, will likely be used in major circumstances. For the most part players will have access to less powerful weaponry; melee, hand guns, hunting rifles, and so on will be the norm. Here it Comes! With the Town Square development moving along, we're not far off from showing the world real Identity gameplay! Like I said up there, January is going to be a big month. For us in the studio, we're excited to get our hands on a few new technology demos that might have a huge impact on Identity! For our fans, January is going to be the month you see the first true world gameplay video. Not only that, but soon after we're looking to release a Town Square trailer! Keep your eyes out on Identity's Twitter and Facebook. The Twitch Clips If you've been following Identity's development closely, you probably already know that developers stream their work live on the Identity Twitch channel every Tuesday and Thursday (except on this coming week due to holidays). We also use that time to answer almost every question that gets asked about Identity's development and gameplay. Now that we've been doing this a while, we've answered a lot of questions. Our awesome community manager, BeachBall, has taken the time to compile a massive list of questions linked to clips where they're answered by a developer. Get comfy and head over to the Twitch Clips Directory forum thread. If you haven't found this already, be prepared to spend a good bit of time listening to all sorts of awesome information. This is the best place to get to know the fine details Identity! -- John VanderZwet
  13. 0 points
    So you want make a game inside a game?! It would be very hard for developers to implement that