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Showing most liked content on 02/13/2016 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    agree, @Atmosphere has to change his forum personality
  2. 2 points
    agreed he is being 2edgy
  3. 2 points
    Not offended, just annoyed at your rudeness on the forums, and trying to flame, and even if you say you are not trying to flame, the way you speak is.
  4. 2 points
    @Grolsche1976 and @PaulieMariano I swear they said somewhere that they haven't implemented controller or wheel driving in. But they have said that the cars are have realistic damage and controls. Meaning that if your fuel tank is damaged, you slowly lose fuel. Same with driving controls; if its raining, the roads are more slippery and your traction to the road is lowered. I am so pumped for this game!
  5. 1 point
    I have no doubt that there will be some form of injury system, but I was thinking, what if there was a system wherein, depending on where and how you are injured, you get a corresponding injury, for example, if you are shot in the leg, and must go to a hospital, where they will put a cast on you, give you some crutches and then you have to stay like that for say 2 in-game weeks (realistic times might be a bit too much, given it is a game). And if you are say, gutshot, and you get to hospital in time, you have to stay in a hospital bed for 1 week (same reason as before). Just a thought, might be too hard to do but it would be great if it was.
  6. 1 point
    Building on what Paulie said here, I feel like we're all just talking away at each other, arguing uselessly, while the devs seem to take no notice. I could easily be wrong, but from what I've seen nobody is reading the suggestions or discussions we have regarding various game mechanics. Of course I'm not saying the devs have to build the game to our every word, but considering we are the ones paying for it, they are making it for our enjoyment, and they've set up forums for the purpose of getting our feedback, you'd think they would join in the conversations and at least look over our ideas. Btw, didn't mean any offence to the devs of the game or mods of the forums, just felt like getting this out there. I could be wrong about all this, so what do you guys think, and the devs / mods themselves?
  7. 1 point
    All the time identityRPG's twitter feed gets questions like "When will the game release, when does beta come out?" as if it wasn't asked the other 5 times that same week. People will ask what are the specs either on forums or on twitter, it's ridiculous. But I'm not here to rant, but it should be simple. At least look around to see if someone already asked that same question and if someone answered.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Or just block him. he's "thick skinned" and insensitive to others feelings. Common respect (showing others you deserve respect) is not with him. He just acts like he knows everything, which he's fucking retarded for acting like that (there's a relevant reason I chose specifically those words). Just calling shit like it is, guys.
  10. 1 point
    I just speak without a filter, it's not my fault he was being ignorant. I just call it like it is. I don't call anyone stupid without there actually being a reason for it. Please tell me how any of his arguments were either, relevant or valid responses. Stop trying to be the hero.
  11. 1 point
    I think that there should be mainly close quarter weapons, and as they get better (glock being easiest) they get harder and require more to craft. I guess its the cops fault if it gets out of hand, but yeah, no snipers (even though I enjoy them the most) and more so close to super inaccurate weapons. Be cool if you could go to school in game and learn how to build weapons better or metallurgy or whatever it is. Or if how much you've used a gun helps you use it better, rather than cops being the only steady shot. Ik this is about types of guns, but there's not much to say more than CQC. And more to talk about with what and how they're going to be impaired/aided in this game. :I I guess, I AGREE!!
  12. 1 point
    @Shimozukachi I see what you mean now . Yeah, it would be addicting to soar through the sky!
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    I'm not starting anything, you're just way too easily offended and assume that I'm trying to start fights. I give proper arguments and decided not to back down, and I have no filter. Stop being such a social justice warrior and grow some thick skin. If you're offended that easily, the internet isn't a good place for you.
  15. 1 point
    Just reading @Atmosphere posts makes me want him to play in my server so i can teach him not to be an annoying little shit. Calm the fuck down atmosphere and trying to start fights.
  16. 1 point
    @Johnny Let me know if you need help with that.
  17. 1 point
    Wouldn't it also be cool if you could, while in a robbery, take the phones off of people and smash them up or something? So then they couldn't text/call the police. And later you have to pay $10 for a new phone or something like that.
  18. 1 point
    @PaulieMariano I used to run a DarkRP as well. The problem I always faced when attempting to run DarkRP, was the RDMing and nobody taking it seriously. But it will be different in Identity... I hope
  19. 1 point
    @PaulieMariano Couldn't agree more! The RP side of this game is what I am most excited for. Its going to be nothing like any other games we have seen in the past. I wish there was more I could do to help the Devs other than fund the project. P.S Is your name and profile picture based on a movie character?
  20. 1 point
    This level of detail, enforcing RP to an awesome degree, is exactly why this game will be legendary
  21. 1 point
    @Johnny Remember though, the Devs are working tirelessly just to get a game released, let alone implementing ideas we have. And even if they did choose to implement what we suggest, they would have to go over the 'science' behind those ideas. Motown and Paratus are working on getting the game to beta. After that, they might take into account our ideas. I understand you (and I included) want your ideas heard, but its just not that easy. They have a set plan on what they will be releasing into the beta, so they just can't add what we want. You make a good point by saying we paid for it, we deserve some say. And you're right, we do. But unless we truly flesh out our ideas, they won't take it seriously. And I don't blame them. As for the Mods, they are here to 'keep the peace' and resolve issues with they forum... that's all. They have a little more say than we do, regarding the game, but even they can't get ideas implemented.
  22. 1 point
    @PaulieMariano If they were to implement that though, it could be detrimental to gameplay as you will probably come across a kid who is RDMing, and you get shot. But, if you were injured during a robbery, I think that would make sense. I hope the medical system the Devs implement is advanced, but not to advanced as it can slow gameplay down a lot. But good ideas, keep it coming!
  23. 1 point
    @Vix, your popularity and intelligence regarding Identity will probably get you in any male gang, simply because you are that resourceful. So don't take any offence, around 90% of these forums are males, if not higher. And that you are regarded the highest on these forums is also a standout. Keep up the good work Vix!
  24. 1 point
    @Johnny There isn't much you can do about him Sir, so really just don't respond to him if you dislike him so much. Mind you, I am not disagreeing with what you said, but people like us (who come onto this forum a lot) need to accept people like him. We can be rude to him, and say hateful things.... or we can be polite and ask him if he could correct grammar, or stop being annoying. What @KevinLangston said is true, don't lose you cool, not that you did, but don't get angry. Its better for everyone if we don't.
  25. 1 point
    I very much doubt that it will be wheel-supported, I could be wrong but it doesn't seem likely
  26. 1 point
    why insulting? you don't even know me. what business of yours is my intelligence? you know what? just watch my same named twitch channel and watch me playing videogames. and now, after many trolls... the truth: i like zombies in videogames. the walking dead is awesome. my favorite game with zombies is red dead redemption undead nightmare. it'S always cool to play another third or first person shooter that's similar to the other except jumping height etc. to not relearn everything. and thanks for raging
  27. 1 point
    I feel disappointed and surprised at the same time that there appeared to be even an inkling of believing from what I said earlier.
  28. 1 point
    Do you actually have something wrong with you? I see you posting stupid shit all over the forums, annoying people, and just overall polluting everything with your cancerous shite. Please don't buy this game. It's nothing like GTA or Saints Row, it's about roleplay, which I can tell you won't be able to do.
  29. 1 point
    This would be cool if you could make private severs just for the apocalypse.
  30. 1 point
    @NutterButter You sure were!
  31. 1 point
    I like the idea of aegis security, I think its quite a powerful firm.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    All good, I will let you know if I learn anything else.
  34. 1 point
    No problem. Just remembered I have something on the topic, so here it is.