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Everything posted by LuckyDuck

  1. public server police

    Yes, there will be a limit to how many police officers can be "On Duty", but off duty likely no limit.
  2. Realistic Driving Rules?

    The police will enforce it.
  3. Realistic Driving Rules?

    The traffic laws will be the same like real life or somewhere close. If you speed you can get a ticket, if you cut a red light then you can get a ticket. If you drink drive then you can get punished for that etc. It is not GTA where you can drive however. This game is a Real Life Simulator in many ways.
  4. June 5th

    I believe that complaining did make the PR better and it has improved, however we and everyone who has waited and asked many times before for more info and that only does so much. Everyone wants more info to go on. The delays are just part of game development and so complain but it is for the better. Info is better asked for than rather complaining about the delays. I am on the side of getting more info and seeing the game come to life and that seems to be the side of its own. Who else wants more info and just to see the game through so we can play. If you are on the side I am, you don't complain about delays or lack of info but just would like both info and no delays. The devs are doing a great job on the game, it needs more time and so a delay has happened. They are waiting too but they only can give as much as they get in the time it takes their employees to finish things. I hope everyone understands that Everyone who is not complaining wants the game and more info but they see the real reason why they shouldn't complain as it is that which causes us to get stressed more and more. Wait and time will tell but complaining about delays won't stop delays happening as the delays are there to make sure everything is finished.
  5. E3

    E3 this year No. Next year more likely.
  6. public server police

    To become a police officer on public servers, you will need to go to a "school" environment and take a short tutorial before qualifying and once qualified, you go to a police station and sign up. To go on duty you will have to go and get changed into your uniform when in the police station and to go off duty you go back to the police station again and take it off etc.
  7. The devs admitted that they under estimated with when it would be done. That happens. GTA's Red Dead Redemption 2 was supposed to be released this year but it has been delayed till about March or so next year. They have a much bigger team for their game than the identity team has for theirs! I don't understand why it is a big deal that a small team makes mistakes but when a big team delays a game which is a "AAA" title it all makes it ok. Well delays from either team, big or small are just the same.
  8. Vr

    You will be able to use VR in certain areas e.g. the cinema. I am not sure where else but I suspect your house/ apartment too etc.
  9. Poll - When do you think the Module will be out?

    Like @JoelKeys said, you got given a rough date and that is you went on, you and the others who bought the game for the rough date took a risk and didn't wait for an announcement to have a more certain date. Your risk is that of your own doing and you cannot really blame the devs for delays because they don't know if they will come across a problem which will cause a delay. You however believe in the cause and so you took the risk. You have the right to be annoyed but yu just can't blame the devs for the delays without blaming yourself for taking the risk. You can be annoyed about little info.
  10. Beta Access Features?

    Hey @MikaFromDenmark, Beta access is after all 3 modules and the beta will include cars and pretty much will be the closest thing to the full game. However you won't get a "Free" motorbike if that is what you mean. You have to have the pledge that gives that. The first module is due to release soon / a few months and can be read about here: You will likely start off with $100 at the start and if you don't have the apartment pledge then you will have a hotel room for a limited time for free which then after that time period you would have to have made money to pay for the room or live on the street. Hope this helps! Best regards, LuckyDuck.
  11. Why Is identity so delayed?

    Go to their twitch tomorrow at 4pm EST / 9pm GMT to watch their stream. You just missed the one for tonight: The videos of the old streams are there for people who missed them.
  12. Why Is identity so delayed?

    A couple of months is when it will come, but it got delayed because of multiple reasons. e.g. a dev took his time (Was too slow) for assets, they remade the Town Square, re-textured the town square too a few times etc. However like @Frostybeans said lets hope it gets done soon before more people lose hype.
  13. Kids in game

    Just so you know, I just answered what the devs can only do about them and that is have a rating of 18 on the game. I don't care if kids play as long as they don't ruin it for everyone else and same goes with those trolling adults out there, I don't want those immature adults as much as the immature kids ruining this type of game trying to make out it is another GTA. If they can RP, then why not. If they want to learn RP then they can. If they just want to ruin the game for others then they can leave but anyways, I won't be playing on an official server unless @JamesLuck01's white-listed server don't work out. However there is no age limit on his server, you just have to have knowledge/ experience in RP. Kid or not they can join if they hit the requirements. I however think that anyone without a mic should not be able to be a police officer for reasons alone to keep things immersive but no age limit.
  14. public transport

    1. Road tax, no likely not. 2. Insurance for your car yes. 3. You can advertise your business if you hire space on a billboard or maybe just put something in the newspaper about it. 4. Every business will have a phone number contact and I have no clue if they can book your bus' etc. 5. I don't think you will get something like that in-game but it could be a possibility but I am not certain.
  15. Motown's Roasted Coffee - Discontinued for now

    Sorry, I am getting my head mixed up. My mistake.
  16. Just want to say hi

    Hello and Welcome.
  17. Motown's Roasted Coffee - Discontinued for now

    Just so you know the Top right city is not Roseport, infact it is Turtle Beach. Roseport is the Middle city and Ash Hill is the Top Left city in the mountains.
  18. Hello

    Hello and Welcome @silentunion. Have a look at the 2 FAQ's linked in my signature and if you have any unanswered questions just PM me and I will answer to the best of my knowledge. Please enjoy the forums and have a nice day. Best regards, LuckyDuck.
  19. Me & my expectations

    Change that year to 2015 because 2016 is wrong. Also @njayminsim1115 nice self advertisement. Anyways Hello and Welcome to the Identity community @D4rkN3ss Please enjoy your time here on the forum. If you are looking for a lot of information, you should check out the 2 FAQ's which are linked in my signature. The 2 FAQ's are very useful and will save you time. If you have any unanswered questions still that have not been mentioned on this forum I am happy to answer anything. You can contact me via PM or just have a '@' before my name. Have fun and enjoy the rest of the day! Best regards, LuckyDuck.
  20. houses vs apartments

    Ah well that is unfortunate then.
  21. houses vs apartments

    Hey, so no you cannot own multiple houses but yes you can have multiple apartments. I don't know where you found that you can't rent out apartments but I was always sure you would be able to rent them. However I am wrong if you heard otherwise.
  22. Storage Business & Coffee Shops

    No calling "dibs" on anything. If it is something it will be a great addition but anyone can make a business out of it.
  23. Storage Business??!!??

    No you can't call dibs on that. If it is a business then anyone can make that as a business but it would be a great addition to the business'!
  24. How to Acces Town

    That "Claim" button is only for those people with their pledges from kickstarter or the old website to sync the pledge package on the account on this site. N one can play the Town Square yet and will be announced / have people talking about it all over the forum when it happens and so you will know when.
  25. Medical Fields

    There is the paramedics. I doubt they will have dentists. The others are more likely.