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Everything posted by IDEN

  1. Desktop thread yo

  2. Langston Family / Dark Ace Mafia

    Your ignorance is overwhelming.
  3. A Mafia Commission

    A guy named "DARKCYBORG310" is spamming his organization everywhere so Johnny told him to fuck off and Andrew is trying to deescalate the situation.
  4. IDENTITY'S Criminal EMPIRE ( I,C,E )

    In this man's defense, I would not want to hand out my financial plans for my criminal organization out also (Only to an extent). That does not give this man an excuse for being the most disrespectful and ignorant person on this forums.
  5.,d.eWE&psig=AFQjCNFAOhJiNVDHDkJ2sSQDgn7lwKiykA&ust=1455571190776883 You should make your own original logo, But I can't judge. Good luck with your organization.
  6. IDENTITY'S Criminal EMPIRE ( I,C,E )

    Not just that but his borderline disrespect is going to leave him in a ditch without a tongue.
  7. Greetings From IDEN

    Hello, my name is Brandon or as you see online "IDEN". I love to game I have been doing so since I was a wee little lad "6 years old". I used to game on consoles but i tried out PC gaming in 2013 and I honestly have not touched a console since. I am from the U.S so when Identity comes out then I will most likely play on the U.S servers. If you want to know more about me then go to my steam profile ( ) or ask me in the comments. I had seen identity when it was on kickstarter and I was pretty impressed (But i had my doubts). I then saw that Timmac uploaded a interview with Motown and Paratus (The Devs of Identity) and so i watched the interview. Right after i watched the interview I pledged 25$ (I may pledge more pretty soon) into their kickstarter and was hyped for the game ever since. If you have doubts about Identity then please watch Timmacs interview. Timmac's Interview:
  8. IDENTITY'S Criminal EMPIRE ( I,C,E )

    Ignorance, That is the only word that can and will define you for now on.
  9. What is your Account ID?

    Number 2036 I guess that's good Under 5,000 club ftw
  10. Please hide/delete

    He created a drug ring in Cuba.
  11. Robbing better

    Identity will be a lot worse than GTA V in the violence part, In GTA V it is a run and gun game but in Identity you can thoroughly make drugs and everything... So if you can't play GTA V without getting in trouble then you should probably drop your idea of playing Identity.
  12. Robbing better

    It doesn't matter about age, it matters about maturity. The Devs of Idenity (Motown and Paratus) said they had a preferred age of 16+ to play the game, but they don't care as long as the people who play are mature and don't break rules.
  13. A Mafia Commission

    The Mafia comes with bloodshed, there is no way around it.