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Everything posted by Vix

  1. Gif reaction chain!

    Saw it on another forum and thought it's hilarious. Post a gif that is a response or a reaction to the post above you. Example: And we're going to start with this one:
  2. Death and respawn

    Last bind point- usually your house/apartment.
  3. Getting Drunk/High

    As always, not much detail about how said features work or will work, but they will be in the game.
  4. Because that's pretty much what I've been looking for my almost entire life I come from mainly from MMORPGs but I also played a fair amount of "virtual worlds", like IMVU, Second World, OurWorld and many games I can't remember anymore. I just love making my own character and making a story around it that I can live through, and get other people engaged in... plus I'm really freaking lonely so gaming is my way of making friends don't judge
  5. Biggest Dangers to Identity

    I read "Biggest dancers to Identity" My bad. *slowly backs away*
  6. Generally modding is still a maybe- they're considering it, they've done and probably are still doing some work on it, but not sure if it'll make it to the final product or not.
  7. Mechanic

  8. Mechanic

    No problem ^^ I'm bookmarking their tweets, so when someone asks a question I can just search through the bookmarks~ Searching through twitter is problematic.
  9. Mechanic

    So this is what I got and not sure how fixing cars will look like... But it's possible. ^u^
  10. Major

    Major in what? Do you mean Mayor? o:
  11. Interactive Actions

    I hope it's not clicking on randomly placed dots to place your character in a pose.
  12. I can't wait for Townsquare so we can finally see how the CC looks like.
  13. I hope so! >-< Too little character screenshots, too many houses and buildings!
  14. Apart from trollers and PKs, I'm worried about character creator. Will the characters look good? Can I customize them to the extent of Black Desert? Can I pick whatever shade of purple I want or will I have few limited options? <.<
  15. Photography & Modeling - Art and writter

    Not sure if you can get a functional camera, but I know about billboards! So yeah, you can become a VIP and a celeb and star in photoshoots, maybe even do modeling jobs! (though I think you'd have to buy the clothes to model in and not just get them from the owner. Maybe he'd pay you the money to buy them. Or gift them to you. I guess depends on the store owner!)
  16. Photography & Modeling - Art and writter

    * batman theme song nanananana* Vixie to the... twitter! About photography: So yeah, it's in the plans and you'll be able to frame them. I'd therefore think it'd be possible to also sell them in an art gallery or a furniture store. About writing: So that's a "maybe". It'll definitely be in the game at one point but we don't know if on launch or after it. However, Identity plans to make in-game internet with secret websites and I'd assume you can make your own website or will have your own website, so you could post stories there... But I don't think you'd get paid for it.
  17. Black Desert

    I bought BDO. A bit of regret. @-@ Daum is such a milker. They sell costumes for 30 euro. Like wtf. It's literally the cost of the whole base game lol Talked to Motown about this and he said they're planning to sell customizables at 2-3 euro btw.
  18. Character creation, Hair, & Clothes

    Only hairstyle I want is... GIVE ME PURPLE HAIR DYE! Gonna make my character dress a bit like me- black clothes, heavy sharp eyeliner, purple or dark lipstick and PURRRRRRRRRRRRPLE HAAAAAAAAIR! *vixie's half-face reveal*
  19. Hello from Poland!

    Uh oh. *hides under the box* NO ONE SAY A THING
  20. What would you do?

    I beat up the mage until he begs me for mercy and un-does this whole weird thing. :3 Next: You go to your girlfriend's house after a fight to apologize, but she stops you and says "It's not a good time... You should've a called..." and you hear steps behind her. "Who's that, babe?" - a man only in a nightrobe comes to the door. You go away in anger to your best friend's house to tell him what happened. He stops you mid talking and says "Yeah... It's not the best time..." and the same man as before shows up behind your friend in a different nightrobe! You go to your parents house and your mom opens the door. You tell her you've had a crazy night and need some support, and you hear steps somewhere in the back of the house. "Who's that babe?"- you hear a man's voice and it's like your heart has stopped. The foot steps are becoming louder and... It's just your father! "Oh dad, I thought..." "Guys, I'm ready again!" you hear a familar voice and the same dude in a night robe shows up! You run away. Back at your house you view all the pictures of your now-ex and notice this man in every single one of them, standing in the background. Suddenly, you hear a door bell. You open the door and it's the man! "Listen... The others... They meant nothing! It was about you all along..." he says softly, sensually, a beautiful boquet of flowers in his hands. What will you do?
  21. I think you have X time to pay the "ownership tax", which is low but exists so game registers you as an active player. If the money was just extracted from your bank, a millionaire could own a house for a very long time without logging in at all. I think it would be closer to once a week or once every 2 weeks, but not sure, honestly.
  22. Video Hype (Not coming out this week)

    I hope they'll put a little sneak-peak of Town Square and character customization too! I mean, the module is coming SoonTM, right?
  23. Addiction

    There you go, good sir. :3
  24. Sex

    I think I'd giggle too much if my character jumped under the sheets and the bed started trembling and almost jumping up and down while my character's and her partner's limbs are randomly coming out from under the sheets, hearts raining down on the pillows constantly... I don't really see the need to implement the "blurred out" sex scenes, they'd have to pretty long to roleplay through them or you'd have to constantly repeat them to keep the scene you're voicing going... If they added 3D sex animations the game would quickly turn into a porn-game. And I wouldn't have a life there since I have a feminine voice. I'm all +1 for cuddling in bed animations and generally kissing animations, it should be fairly easy to roleplay sexy scenes when your character are cuddling in bed in their underwear but it'd still look PG. Just not sound PG. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  25. Character creation, Hair, & Clothes

    I want corsets! ♥ And stud bracelets! Basically give me anything gothic-like or punk-like or black and I'll love it. Adding this: